The Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke

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The Seduction of Shamus O’Rourke Page 5

by N. J. Walters

  “I’ll go.” Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, he added, “For now.” Reaching into his back pocket, he dug out a business card and tucked it into the pocket of her shirt. His fingers grazed the edge of her breast and her nipple tightened. “If you need me, call anytime day or night.”

  She nodded. Speech was beyond her with him still touching her. He stepped back, turned on his heel, and stalked away. He paused in the doorway and looked back over his shoulder. “You’re not the woman you were, Cyndi. Don’t let the past keep you prisoner.” With those parting words, he left. She heard the front door close quietly behind him.

  She sagged against the kitchen counter. “Oh, lord.” She knew in her heart that she hadn’t seen the last of Shamus O’Rourke. Next time, she’d have better defenses in place, or at least she hoped she would. He was too young for her, and he was an O’Rourke. His family and hers had a history.

  But none of her logical reasoning could stop the frantic beat of her heart. Something about Shamus made her want to lean her head on his shoulder and pour out her troubles. He brought out feelings in her she’d thought long dead, making them surge back to life again. He made her feel like a woman, a woman with sexual wants and needs.

  Whirling around, she opened a cupboard door and took down a ceramic mug. She dug out a box of chamomile tea that she’d brought with her, dumped a teabag into the mug, and poured water from the kettle over it. As it steeped, she stared blindly out the kitchen window.

  She had bigger problems than just Shamus. She still had to decide what to do with the house and the bulk of its contents. Picking up her tea, she took a sip as she tried to organize her thoughts.

  First things first.

  With her mug cradled in her hand, she began to open and close kitchen drawers. She finally found what she was looking for in a drawer close to the phone hung on the wall. Yanking the phone book out, she began to flip the pages, running her finger up and down the pages until she found what she was searching for—Alicia Flint, attorney. That had to be Alan Flint’s daughter.

  Cyndi remembered her well even though Alicia had been two years behind her in school. She’d been a sensible girl, and very smart—both good qualities for a lawyer.

  Picking up the phone, she quickly dialed the number. When the receptionist answered, Cyndi asked to make an appointment. As it happened, Ms. Flint had a cancellation this morning and could see her in an hour. Perfect, Cyndi thought as she hung up. The quicker she could get rid of Harris and Hammond, the better.


  Shamus was still reeling as he pulled away from the mansion on James Lane. He could hardly believe that his Cyndi was really Cynthia James. Well, she had been Cynthia James. Now she was Cyndi Marks, and he knew it was more than a simple name change with her.

  He’d wanted to take her into his arms and hold her, promising her that her past didn’t matter.

  Wouldn’t matter. But he wasn’t stupid. It might not matter to him, but it would to a lot of people.

  Her father might have hurt a lot of folks in this town, but he’d bet his last dollar that Cyndi Marks wouldn’t.

  There was a wounded, almost fragile, quality about her, even though he knew she’d deny it.

  She was a woman who obviously hadn’t had an easy life. She might have grown up in luxury, but he had a feeling her life had been anything but a fairytale.

  Shamus knew himself well. He was thirty years old and had never had this kind of a reaction to a woman before. Something about Cyndi drew him. There was an innate kindness in her that he knew she’d probably deny. She’d learned to guard her emotions well, but she couldn’t hide them from him.

  Call him a fool, but he knew he’d regret it for the rest of his life if he didn’t pursue the attraction he felt toward her. Maybe nothing would come of it, but deep inside, he knew that if they worked at it, they could have something special together.

  But there was no way he wanted to hurt his family either. He took a turn out of town and headed toward his sister’s house. He needed to talk to Burke and Dani and find out exactly what had happened all those years ago. He might have been only sixteen at the time, but he remembered Dani and Burke having problems before they’d gotten married. And, of course, he’d heard the gossip about the scene in the diner. That tale had been on everyone’s lips for months afterwards.

  Shamus wasn’t interested in gossip. He wanted the truth. Cyndi didn’t deny what she’d done, but what he needed to discover was why she’d done it. He’d give her a day to settle in before dropping by to talk to her again.

  One way or another, he’d have answers.

  Chapter Five

  Patrick’s sheriff’s cruiser was in the yard when Shamus pulled in behind his sister’s house.

  Good, he wouldn’t have to chase his brother down to find out what he knew. He glanced at his watch and found it hard to believe that it wasn’t quite half past ten yet. So much had happened this morning.

  When he shut off the truck, he hauled out his cell phone to make a quick call. His men would be wondering where he was as he was usually the first on the job site in the morning. They were working on the next phase of the lake development and had three homes at various stages in their construction. He talked to Joe Banks, his foreman, who assured him everything was going according to schedule. Telling Joe that he’d be in later, he snapped his phone closed and climbed out of his truck.

  He strode up the familiar path and up over the few steps to the back door. Not bothering to knock, he let himself into the mudroom just off the kitchen.

  “Shamus, we were beginning to think that you weren’t going to come in.” His sister swiveled in her seat at the kitchen table to greet him.

  Going to her side, he bent down and kissed the top of her head. His sister had raised both he and Patrick and was as much mother as sister to them both. “Sorry about that. I had to give Joe a quick call at the site.”

  “You want something to eat?” Dani patted his arm as she started to rise from her chair.

  “No, I’m fine. I’ll just grab some coffee.” He could feel Patrick’s eyes boring into him as he went to the counter, got a mug down from the cupboard, and poured himself a coffee. He was as comfortable in his sister’s home as he was in his own. “Where’s Burke?” He tried to keep his voice casual, but Dani wasn’t fooled.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Shamus turned, cup in hand and strode back to the table. “Nothing’s wrong. Not really. I just wanted to talk to you all about something.”

  “He’s in his office. I’ll go and get him.” Dani rose from her chair, her expression concerned as she hurried out of the kitchen.

  “This has something to do with that woman you were chasing after this morning, doesn’t it?”

  Patrick turned his mug in his hand, his eyes steady.

  “Yup.” Shamus hauled out a chair and seated himself. Stretching out his legs, he linked his fingers over his chest. This wasn’t going to be easy, so he only wanted to go through it once.

  He’d wait until everyone concerned was here.

  Patrick opened his mouth to speak again, but shut it when Dani came back into the room, her large, protective husband behind her. Burke’s dark eyes narrowed as his gaze went from Shamus and then back to Dani. “What’s wrong?” Burke wasn’t the kind of man to mince words.

  “Nothing’s wrong, per se, but I need to talk to you all about something, or rather, about someone.”

  “A woman?” He could hear the spark of interest in Dani’s voice. His sister was always nagging him to settle down.

  He smiled at her. “Yes, a woman, but it’s not quite that simple.”

  “It never is.” Dani gave her husband a mock frown as he added his opinion.

  “Who is she?” Leave it to his brother, the cop, to ask the most pertinent question.

  “Let me start at the beginning.” He filled them in on coming across the stranded motorist and helping her. He told them about their having breakfast together this morning
. That much was public knowledge. Several people had seen them eating at Jessie’s, and Mike Sampson, at the garage, knew he’d stopped to help her on the road. Shamus had stopped by the garage on his way through town yesterday and told him to expect her. Burke was quiet, while Dani was leaning forward expectantly in her chair.

  “Who is she?” Patrick asked the question again.

  “Her name is Cyndi Marks. But that’s not the important question.”

  “What is the right question?” Shamus could hear the growing concern in his sister’s voice.

  He took another sip of coffee and laid his cup on the table in front of him. “The question to ask is who was she?”

  “Enough.” Burke leaned forward, his hands braced on the table. “Who was she?”

  “Cynthia James.”

  Dani gasped and Burke swore. Patrick didn’t say anything, but his lips thinned and his eyes narrowed.

  His sister recovered first. “What is that woman doing back in town?”

  Burke reached out and wrapped his arm around Dani, pulling her from her chair and into his lap. “We knew this was a possibility when her father died. I warned you it could happen.”

  “But she’s been gone for so long…” Dani’s voice trailed off. Suddenly her head snapped up.

  “You stay away from her.”

  Shamus was shocked. He’d never seen his sister react this way to anyone. Dani was usually softhearted and forgiving, always urging others to give people a second chance in life.

  Apparently, Cynthia James was the one person who wasn’t included in this.

  “That’s what she said too.”

  He could see that he’d shocked his sister, but she recovered quickly. “Then for once in her life, she’s talking sense. You should listen to her.”

  “What happened?”

  Burke shook his head. “It was a long time ago, Shamus. We’ve put it behind us.”

  Shamus tilted his head to one side. It wasn’t like his brother-in-law to avoid a subject just because it wasn’t pleasant. “Doesn’t sound like you have put it behind you.”

  “Leave well enough alone.” There was anger in Patrick’s voice as he stood and began to pace. “That woman hurt our sister. Isn’t that sufficient reason?”

  Shamus studied his brother. “It might be, except the person you’re all talking about is not the person I met.”

  “She uses her feminine wiles to get what she wants. She always has, never stopping to think how it might affect anyone else.” Dani slid off her husband’s lap and came over to stand beside him. “Don’t be fooled by her long, blond hair and her model-thin body.”

  Shamus laughed. “Her hair is short and brown, her body is very well-rounded, and I haven’t seen her wear any makeup yet. Not quite a femme fatale.”

  Dani frowned. “That doesn’t sound like Cynthia James.”

  “That’s because it’s not,” he continued patiently. “The person here is Cyndi Marks.”

  “A name change doesn’t mean anything.” Patrick stopped pacing and leaned against the counter.

  “I think it does. At least it does to her.”

  “I doubt she’ll be here long.” Burke leaned back in his chair. “As soon as her father’s estate is settled, she’ll probably just sell the house and go back to wherever it was she came from.”

  Shamus slowly shook his head. “I’m not so sure.”

  “Money and power is all that matters to Cynthia,” Burke countered. “Cyrus James spent his entire life hoarding both. The apple can’t fall that far from the tree.”

  “I keep telling you all that Cyndi is different.” Dani shot her husband a worried frown.

  Shamus ignored it and continued. “She told me that she tried to break you two up years ago and that she lied about being pregnant.”

  Burke sighed. “Dani and I were having problems.” He sent a sad glance toward his wife. “It was my fault. I was having doubts about us and played right into Cynthia James’s plans.”

  Shamus nodded, but said nothing.

  “She phoned and hired me to come and clean their house.” His sister picked up the story. “I knew they had a maid, but she said the maid was too busy. When I was still cleaning her room, Cynthia came in and made sure I knew that Burke was taking her to the New Years’ party at the country club. She also let me know she had plans for her and Burke for after the party.” Her voice trembled and she stopped. “She hurt me, Shamus. Intentionally. It was premeditated and cruel.”

  “I came home and found Dani. She was devastated.” Shamus swiveled in his seat to face Patrick. He could imagine how his brother must have felt and now better understood his brother’s animosity toward Cynthia.

  “I came to my senses and left the party and Cynthia.” Burke stood and dragged his wife into his arms. “I went to Peach Street and pleaded with Dani to take me back.” His big hand stroked over his wife’s hair. “Luckily, she took pity on me. My life wouldn’t have been the same if she hadn’t.”

  Dani wrapped her arms around Burke, holding him tight. Their love was a tangible thing and Shamus glanced away to give them a moment of privacy. He knew it wasn’t an easy thing he was asking of his family. He was dredging up a lot of old, painful memories.

  “We got engaged, and then Cynthia pulled her infamous stunt at the diner, accusing me of getting her pregnant. Since I’d never slept with her, never even touched her, that wasn’t even a possibility.”

  Something inside Shamus relaxed. He’d been afraid that Burke had slept with Cynthia even though his gut had told him otherwise. It would have just been too weird if he and his brother-inlaw had pursued the same woman, even if there was fourteen years in the difference.

  “She came to see me before she left town.” His head snapped back to his sister. Apparently, the story wasn’t quite finished yet. “She looked pale and I could tell she’d been crying. She was all hunched in on herself.”

  “What did she say?” Shamus needed to know.

  Dani frowned as if she were having a hard time trying to recall the exact details. “She said she was sorry for all the problems she’d caused.” She paused and thought for another few seconds. “She also said something about looking for a way to solve her problems but that this wasn’t the answer. Then she said we wouldn’t have to worry about her again. That’s pretty much all I remember, Shamus. It was a long time ago and I just wanted to forget it.”

  “I understand and I’m sorry for putting you through this.”

  “Then you see why you have to stay away from her.” He could hear the hope in Dani’s voice. “She’s nothing but trouble, and I don’t trust her.”

  “What I see,” Shamus chose his words carefully, “is that a woman made a mistake years ago, apologized for it, and then stayed away for fourteen years. Now she’s back and she’s not the same person.”

  Patrick stalked over to the table and slammed his hand down on top of it. “Why are you doing this?”

  Shamus calmly faced his irate brother, turning his question back at him. “Why are you doing this? Cyndi obviously is a different person now. Are you the same person you were fourteen years ago? Heck, you’re not even the same person you were two years ago, Patrick. Life changes everyone.”

  “That’s not a fair comparison and you know it,” Patrick charged.

  “Sure it is. The shooting and returning home changed you for the better. You met Shannon, got married, and now your life is totally different. You’re not as cynical and aloof as you used to be. I’d say that what happened here all those years ago changed Cynthia James.”

  “But you can’t be sure.” Burke’s voice was flat, his words ringing with finality.

  “No,” Shamus agreed. “I can’t be. Not unless I spend time with Cyndi.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t. That woman and her father deliberately hurt a lot of people in this town.” His sister rarely asked him for anything and he hated to hurt her like this, but this was too important to him to let it go.

  “You might get
your wish. Cyndi has said that she doesn’t want to see me, doesn’t want to cause problems between me and my family.”

  Dani frowned and rubbed her forehead. “That certainly doesn’t sound like her.” Sighing, she leaned against her husband. “I still don’t like it.”

  Shamus decided it was time to bring this conversation to an end. He’d gotten what he came for. There was no need to drag it out. “Maybe you’re right and she’ll be gone in a few days.”

  Dani visibly relaxed, but he noted that Burke and Patrick didn’t look convinced. He ignored their pointed glares. He’d do what he felt he needed to do. He’d supported his family through thick and thin even when he didn’t always agree with them. He expected the same in return.

  Except he didn’t think he was going to get it. And that hurt. After all these years, they should trust him and his decisions even if they didn’t trust Cyndi.

  He changed the subject, going over some project questions with Burke and asking Dani about his nephew, Shane. Patrick he ignored. He knew that this wasn’t over between himself and his older brother. Not by a long shot.


  Cyndi pulled open the decorative, oak door with a stained glass window and walked inside the small lobby. Alicia Flint’s office was located on the second floor of an office complex. The building was actually an old, stone structure that had been a dry goods store back at the turn of the century. It had closed in the late nineteen-seventies and her father had bought it for a song in the early eighties, converting it to an office building. Technically, it was her building now and all these people paid rent to her. It boggled her mind.

  An older woman smiled at her as she entered. “May I help you?”

  Cyndi nodded. “I have a ten-thirty appointment. My name is Cyndi Marks.”

  The woman glanced briefly at her appointment book. Cyndi noticed the framed pictures on the woman’s desk and the colorful plants scattered around it. There was no stuffiness here.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee or tea? Ms. Flint is on a call at the moment, but she shouldn’t be more than a few minutes.”


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