Dear Killian: a shorty story (Love Letters Book 1)

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Dear Killian: a shorty story (Love Letters Book 1) Page 4

by KL Donn

  What’s a guy to do but give her what she wants?

  “I got you Jersey girl,” whispering into her ear, I pick up the pace of my thrusts, ensuring I hit her secret spot every time. Her breath hitches and she mewls with every touch.

  “Oh Killian,” her breathy moans in my ear fuel me on.

  Soon enough my control has snapped and my hips are like pistons as I pummel her warm cunt. The smell of sex is pungent in the air as my hands roam her body, and my lips kiss and suck on her neck. Her nails dig into my sides when I hit her sweet spot repeatedly.

  “I’m going to come Killian,” she cries, her voice rising.

  “Come for me,” I encourage her.

  Her body tenses, her eyes close, warmth floods my cock as she screams out her pleasure. The desire rippling through her body has me nearing explosion as she continues coming in my arms. The sight of her, the feel of her while she loses control is a heady feeling I can’t contain and I feel the tell tale tingling in my spine as my body races to the finish line.

  “Let go Killian,” she leans forward to whisper in my ear, sucking the lobe into her mouth and I do exactly as she asks. I empty my seed into her supple body.

  Her hands skillfully massage my tense back as I groan through my release. I can feel my semen splash inside of her in long jets of fluid. By the time I’m finished I’ve released so much inside of Jersey that it’s gushing out around us.

  “God damn,” I mutter again. At a complete loss of words for what we’ve shared. Pulling back from her I see blood smeared on my cock and instantly feel bad for being the cause. My eyes dart up to her face to apologize. When I see the happy smile on her lips, and stars in her eyes, I know I don’t need to.

  “That was wonderful,” she whispers as I lay down beside her. We’re both oblivious to the fact it’s the middle of the day, and we’re laying nude on top of her blankets, covered in sweat and smelling of sex.

  “It was everything,” I tell her.

  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I was right, the first time she wrote me, I knew she was different. I knew she would be mine.

  She’ll always be mine.



  3 years later.

  I’m watching my now two-year-old son, Jared, playing in the front yard while my beautiful wife is at work when the mail comes along. Seeing a letter addressed to Capt. K. St. James, I’m worried. I haven’t seen that title in almost three years.

  Sitting on the porch where I can still watch Jared on his jungle gym, I tear through the envelope as surprise and overwhelming love erupt through me.

  Dearest Captain Killian St. James,

  There once was a girl, she was happy if not a bit lonely. Doing a favor for her father she wrote a man. Turns out he was just as lonely as she.

  Through time, space, and distance they connected in a way no two people ever should. They talked, they laughed, they shared the good and the bad.

  They fell in love.

  This crazy girl from some small town found what she’d never known she was looking for.




  You and me Killian, till the end, and beyond, I love you. Thank you for not ever breaking a promise, for loving me and my neurotic ways. For not laughing when I broke that mixer the one time. For taking care of me when I’ve been ill.

  For giving me Jared, the light of our lives.

  Thank you Killian for loving me.

  Yours forever,

  Jersey girl.

  “Christ woman,” my eyes are fucking misty.

  To say I’m humbled by my wife would be an understatement. She was a huge surprise after we finally met, after I let her out of bed for more than food and a shower.

  She has a sense of humor unlike anyone I’ve ever met. She’s never afraid to try new things, and she stands up to me. Even when she watches my former unit back down, she holds her fucking ground. Though I think that has more to do with her wanting a spanking than anything else.

  Jersey is my everything.

  Looking at our son, I know I’ll do anything for the love of my life.



  2 years later.

  When we decided to have babies nobody ever told me how intense and painful labor was going to be. In fact, when we had Jared I probably would have laughed in their faces. Jared was the perfect pregnancy, the perfect baby, the perfect delivery.

  It was fast, smooth, and hardly any pain at all.

  I thought I had it easy.

  I was so damn wrong.

  Standing over Alyssa, our brand new perfect baby girl I don’t regret a thing. Thirty-six hours of intense labor, screaming, cursing, and crying and I don’t remember a single bit of it. For this perfect angel, I would do it all over again.

  Wrapping the small blanket around her more securely, my fingers graze an envelope. Pulling it out, I walk back to my bed and open it. Knowing immediately who it’s from.

  Jersey girl,

  I don’t know if there’s any way for me to show the proper amount of gratitude for you, for everything you’ve given me, but I’ll give it a shot.

  You are the stars, the moon, and the sun in my life. You are everything that is good in my world and I wouldn’t change a thing (even all the name calling during labor).

  Forever and a day baby, you are mine.

  I can’t imagine a life without you, without your spontaneous letters, carrying on a tradition I will forever cherish.

  Thank you for Jared and Alyssa, the two most beautiful children on the planet. For your crazy ideas, and happy sighs. For waking up to me every morning and loving me long into the night.

  Thank you for being mine Jersey girl.

  Love always,


  I have to wipe the tears from my eyes quickly so they don’t drop on the letter and ruin it. I’ve kept every single one from the first to the last. Nothing will make me ever get rid of them.

  This man is my everything, my entire world outside of our children.

  Without Killian my world would still be shrouded in grey.

  Kissing the envelope as I close it, I whisper simply, “Thank you Killian.” Knowing through time and space, beyond any distance he feels it deep in his soul.

  The End


  Thank you new readers and old for keeping with me through everything! You’ll never know how much it means to me! You keep me going when I doubt myself the most.

  About the Author

  Like y’all don’t know about me already! Wait, you don’t? We let me tell you!

  I am forever 29 years old (For real my birthday says I was 30 last year, but I refuse) I have been with my amazing husband for 13 years and together we have 4 stunning children! (Biased I know!) For the last 9 years I have been a stay at home mom to care for them and now that they’re all older I can finally do something for me.

  That something is most definitely writing! I love creating stories and sharing them with the world! I don’t get to read as often as I used to but you better believe my TBR list is longer then me! I absolutely love to hear from my fans so please feel free to contact me at anyone of these places:

  You can also sign up for my newsletter to experience my outrageousness in another way!

  And of course join my amazing reader group!



  [email protected]

  Also by KL DONN

  The Possessed Series

  Bullied – Book 0.5

  OWNED by Dominic – Book 1

  One Dance for Case – Book 2

  From the Ashes – Book 2.5

  Lost & Found – Book 3

  Tattooed & Alone for Christmas (Part One)

  The Protectors Series

  Keeley’s Fight

  Emily’s Protectors

  Kennedy’s Re

  Hogan Brothers series is coming Spring 2017!

  Adair Empire Novella series coming Summer 2017!

  More books in the Love Letters short story series coming all year long!

  One Chance excerpt

  (Unedited and subject to change)

  A curtain on the top floor of the east wing fluttered as Lennox turned the ignition off. And she just knew it was her mother. She could almost feel the animosity being shot at her.

  “I had fun,” Lennox finally told her, pulling her from thoughts of what was to come.

  Mentally shaking her head, she plastered a smile on her face, telling him, “It was really nice. Those wild flowers were beautiful too.”

  “We could do it again,” he suggested taking her off guard.

  “I think I would like that,” she told him, smiling.

  “Good. I’ll be back day after tomorrow.” The shock on her face was mirrored back at her as he climbed from the vehicle and she saw her reflection in the window.

  As he opened her door, she squeaked out, “So soon?”

  “Can’t let you think too hard about me not coming back, now can I.” It wasn’t a question. She would doubt he’d want to come back after everything she’d told him.

  “Is this… Are we…” she didn’t know how to ask.

  “Dating?” he finished for her. Nodding her head, he told her, “No.” Disappointment slammed her like a ton of bricks. “Dating is for kids. We’re in a relationship Sophia.”

  “Relationship.” She repeated again. “I thought that came after the dating?” she had no idea about any of those things. She was such a novice.

  “For some, sure. I’m too old for that shit Soph. I know what I want. And what I want you’re not ready for, so compromising is what I’ll have to do.”

  “This is a compromise?”

  “Yup,” it was hard not to laugh at his smug smile.

  Shrugging her shoulder, she could try and go with it, “Okay.”

  Walking up the steps to her front door, his hand on her back, she felt cherished. A feeling she could definitely get used to.

  “Thursday six o’clock, be ready Soph.” He told her as he leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek. His lips left an imprint as he pulled away.

  “What will we do?” she wanted to know how she should dress. She loved wearing frilly dresses, but she had a feeling she wouldn’t always be able to with him.

  “Dinner and a movie maybe,” he told her. “Goodnight sweet Sophia,” he brought her hand to his mouth for one last kiss before opening the door for her to go inside. As it shut she had the most amazing feeling of anticipation she’d ever felt before.

  Never in her life had she looked forward to another day. Never had she wanted the night to end sooner than it did. Never had she wanted to stay out all night if only to keep the euphoric feeling.

  All too soon everything came crashing down as her mother’s footsteps and snarled words entered the room, “I told you to stay away from him,” she snarled from behind Sophia’s stance by the door.

  Lost & Found


  Hungover from a night of too much drinking to drown away his pain, Nick Kelly winced as he heard a car door slam in the early morning light. The sound was like a small bomb going off in his head. Even breathing hurt.

  He knew who it was, of course. Ace Mitchell. His brother from another mother. They were cousins and grew up together. Raised more like siblings until they found different directions in life. Being two years older than the other man, Nick felt like he was a little more cemented in knowing his place in life. Being Sheriff in Golden, British Columbia was the only thing he’d ever wanted. The law was his life; he lived and breathed authority.

  Ace had always been slightly wilder. He craved action and adventure, to be bigger than he felt staying local. While Nick understood, he’d been sad to see his cousin leave. As teenagers, they’d been inseparable. Entering young adulthood, they’d learned the carnal pleasures of sharing a woman.

  “Nicky!” Ace called to him, making him wince again as Roxie, his Husky/Pitbull mix, began her barking from the floor. Knowing his cousin, if he weren’t up soon, the big burly bastard would start pounding on the bedroom door.

  “I’m coming!” Fuck, his voice cracked like some twelve-year-old punk hitting puberty. Harsh laughter met his words as Ace entered his room.

  “What the fuck, man?” The fucker was bent over, almost in tears.

  “Fuck off,” Nick grumbled, getting up scratching his rock-hard abs. Naked as the day he was born, he shoved Ace out of the way, heading for the bathroom to take a piss.

  “Who shit in your corn flakes already?” His cousin followed in his footsteps, waiting outside the door.

  “It was a rough fucking night.” Taking a piss with morning wood had him wishing he’d brought the chick home that had been all over him. Too bad her attitude sucked.

  “Whatever, dude. Get your shit and let’s go.” Ace walked away calling Roxie to his heels.

  He’d missed this man, but some days, he wished he’d never asked him to come home. He’d been a pain in Nick’s ass for the last three months. Christmas had just passed, and his father was doing better, but Ace seemed settled in his spare room with no plans to leave.

  Dressing in his sheriff’s uniform—jeans and a tan button-up—he pinned on his star before slipping his feet into his boots and grabbing a heavy coat. They were supposed to get upwards of two feet of snow before nightfall. So he and Ace were making sure there were no hikers, skiers, or snowmobilers on the trails.

  Most days he loved his job. Others, where he had to tell people common sense things, he wished he could just leave them to their fate.

  “I say, at least, seven folks still in the mountains,” Ace commented as Nick shut the door behind him.

  “Nine,” he countered.

  “Care to wager?” There was a gleam in Ace’s eyes that he didn’t trust.

  “Such as?”

  Triumph lit the other man’s face. “No more boozing until we find her.”


  The her he was referring to was non-existent at the moment.

  While Nick wasn’t a drunk, he liked a cold one on his front porch after a long day’s work of dealing with idiots.

  They had waited for what seemed like forever to find the woman to complete them, and if he were honest, he didn’t think they would in Golden. Their hometown was surrounded by mountains with a population of less than four thousand people, more than half of which he’d grown up with. He wasn’t interested in the women he grew up with. He wanted someone who he would have the pleasure of learning their entire life’s story, and her, his.

  “And what makes you think we’ll find her anytime soon?” He felt himself caving in. At thirty-four years old, he was ready to settle down, pop out a couple of kids, and go to bed with a warm, willing body every night.

  “I can feel it.” Ace clapped his hands together, rubbing them as if he knew something.

  “What you feel is the storm about to eat your balls alive if we don’t hurry the hell up.” Opening the back door of his SUV for Roxie to jump in, they both climbed in the front.

  “There’s a buzzing in the air. Something’s happening soon,” Ace insisted.

  Nick was still reticent. “You been in the States too long? Those American girls fry your brain?”

  “Nah, man,” he answered back, glancing out the window as they drove towards Kicking Horse River.

  Looking at Ace, Nick could see a touch of envy flash across his face. “What’s that look about?” He wanted to know what happened in Maryland that seemed to bring on this touch of melancholy.

  “Nothing, man.”

  “That wasn’t nothing. You went down there to help some girl, right? Did you fall for her and someone else get her? What?”

  “Nothing like that.”

  “Fucking talk to me, dude. What the hell is going through your head?” He was getting pissed now. Something was
up his cousin’s ass.

  Releasing a deep sigh, he finally answered. “I’m sick of being alone. I ain’t got anything waiting for me back in Texas, and it feels like I ain’t got nothing here neither.”

  Nick was quiet after that. Ace had no family other than him and his dad; it was just the three of them left. Being the only children on either side, they had no siblings, and it was a huge reason as to why they were so close. Nick’s mom died of a brain aneurysm when he was twenty, and Ace’s parents died in a plane crash when he was sixteen, leaving him to live with Nick and his parents.

  It hadn’t been easy, but they’d grown closer, taking their first woman together. As far as Nick knew, they had only ever shared women, never being with one by themselves. He knew that type of relationship dynamic worked for them, needing that bond of having a warm, supple body between them.

  “Have you been with anyone?” Nick asked. He tried years ago, after Ace left, but found he couldn’t go through with it. Anxiety took hold, and he felt like a pussy. But it was what it was.

  They pulled into the ravine just as Ace replied, “Tried to once, bitch went fucking stalker crazy.”

  “Crazy how?” His interest was piqued.

  “Two fucking dates, man. Two! I tell her it’s not gonna work and I gotta go away for work, and she gets fucking clingy.” Shaking his head, they climbed out of the SUV and grabbed their gear from the back. “So instead of being all sane-like, she moves her shit into my place! Who does that? Crazy fucking stalkers, that’s who.”

  The sheer confusion in his cousin’s voice had Nick bowling over with laughter. “That’s what you get for trying without me, man. I told you we couldn’t.”

  “Like you haven’t,” Ace shot back.


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