Putting the SeX in Xmas

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Putting the SeX in Xmas Page 4

by Summer Jordan

  “Mom taught me how to fix it for Dad and myself when I was just a kid. She doesn’t like to look at food early in the morning and never eats then.” Kati leant forward. “Do you think you could teach me how to cook other meals?”

  “Like Christmas dinner? In two weeks? If neither you nor I had anything else to do, maybe. Although I’ve never roasted a goose. But we both have to work. And Christmas shop. And decorate and make those damned crackers.” Tara started to take another bite but stopped with her fork in midair. “Wait a minute. How can we make them if you’re at Andrew’s?” She shook her head. “You can’t do it. If we’re going to work together, you need to stay here. It’s time for you to start shopping for stuff to make those party favours.” She shook her head again. “Sorry, babe, but even if he asks, you can’t move in with Andrew until after our big production.”

  * * * *

  Kati didn’t want to believe Tara was right. However, it was true. They had a lot to do, and Kati couldn’t manage it all alone.

  Does anyone know how to cook a Christmas goose? Someone must. But recipes could wait. Fun things first. Surfing the net, Kati found directions for making British crackers.

  “Fourteen steps!” she wailed, gaping at the PC screen. Why did it have to be so hard? She’d thought this would be the neat part.

  She needed eleven craft items, goodies to put inside, plus a glue gun to put the thing together. And toilet tissue tubes. How was she going to collect enough to decorate Andrew’s house? Hang out in a public restroom or unroll a mountain of toilet tissue and rescue the cores? She could make just two crackers, one for him and one for her, but what sort of statement would that make? She wanted spectacular, not piddley.

  And then there was the disclaimer at the bottom of the screen. ‘Some practice is required to make a consistently well-wrapped and nicely formed cracker.’

  Kati laid her head on her folded arms next to her computer. She couldn’t wrap a flat box neatly, let alone a round, cardboard core.

  Andrew’s Gram made her own! She must have started the day after Christmas to finish them in time for the next year. There had to be another way…

  Yeah. On another site, Kati found the finished products. Already made and exquisitely decorated. Wait. Damn. The prizes were already inside. And she wanted to stuff them herself. Andrew wouldn’t be turned on by plastic whistles and rub-on tattoos. She wanted to fill them with raunchy items they could use for sexual pleasure.

  Kati did another search and Bingo! ‘Fill Your Own Crackers. Fully-assembled, filled with the paper crown and motto only -- you add the gift. For people who don’t have time to make their own.’

  That was her. And this ad was much more encouraging. ‘The filling process is easy and yields a perfect finished product.’

  So excited her fingers shook on the keys, she placed an order for a box of six with red and green star wrapping and another with silver stars. Would twelve crackers make a statement? Better get two boxes of each. Now, all she’d have to do would be to add the gifts. Fifty-two dollars plus… Damn the postage. She would have to pay for Fed Ex delivery. Time was of the essence.

  Now…suggestive gifts small enough to put inside the crackers was a challenge. Condoms were an obvious one. However, the quickie male lubricant that was compatible with latex took research. She grew horny just looking at the pictures and reading the descriptions of the items at KinkU.com. Nipple clips? Kati smiled at the invitation to try new things. Oral flavoured gel? Climax enhancer? C-rings? Wow! After Christmas, she and Andrew would have a blast. She e-mailed a rush order.

  She looked at her watch. She’d missed lunch, and it was mid-afternoon. It was a good thing Andrew was spending the evening with his dad.

  Okay, so the meal was the next thing to plan. Tara had said not to do everything the hard way. Concentrate on the star items of the menu. Main course and dessert.

  Fixing a goose sounded fairly easy. Removing the innards from the cavity would be the worst part. Hopefully, she could do it without puking. Soaking the goose in a brine mixture in the refrigerator overnight wasn’t a problem, except she didn’t have a pot big enough. Maybe Tara did. As Kati read about pricking the skin with a large needle so the fat could drain off as it baked, she pictured herself placing a golden, crispy-skinned goose in front of Andrew.

  Preparing Christmas Pudding was something else. Rubbing tired eyes, she continued to read. There were so many ingredients, it would take her forever to shop. They sounded similar to what she supposed went into a fruit cake. She hoped it would be tastier. And she’d never have guessed a pudding could be boiled. It was deemed an important part of a Brit’s Christmas dinner, so she supposed it would be worth the trouble. The best part of the recipe was the brandy, and one could even top it with brandy butter. They could taste one another’s lips after eating it and then…

  It was 6:00, and Kati’s butt ached from sitting all day, but she had everything planned. Now, Tara couldn’t forbid her to move in with Andrew if he asked. She’d pick up some mistletoe, and they’d buy a tree and get ready for their first Christmas together.

  * * * *

  Andrew was sitting at the desk in his office, tallying up his inventory of pharmaceuticals, when he heard a rap on the locked door. He wasn’t open for business but, when he saw Bob, he hurried to let him in.

  “Since when do you work on Saturday?” Bob took a chair on the other side of the desk. Without waiting for an answer, he went on. “How was the home-cooked meal?”

  “Good enough that I stayed overnight if that’s what you want to know. And before you ask, that was excellent.”

  “So when are you two moving in together?” Bob asked, a Cheshire cat smile on his face. “You know that’s the next step, don’t you?”

  “I know nothing of the kind. Since when are you an expert on courtship? Married for three years, divorced for five. I’d say that’s poor credentials.”

  “I’m trying to learn from my mistakes. A woman I cared deeply about wanted to cohabitate. I proposed marriage and suggested we live apart until after the ceremony. She said marriage is an antiquated custom. I guess I’m a fuddy-duddy, but I held out, and she walked away.”

  Andrew tipped back in his office chair. “Living together would be a great way to get to know one another better. A good test for marrying, after a couple of years, maybe.

  “I asked her to spend the night with me tomorrow.” He smiled, feeling somewhat sheepish. “I was feeling mellow after a hot fuck at night and waking up to another in the morning. I could get used to that. Maybe I should see how she feels about it. We have exciting sex. And unlike most women, she hasn’t said ‘I love you’. It’s an awkward moment when they blurt that out, especially when you’re in the middle of a fantastic screw.”

  “Is that all you have together, Andrew? If you don’t enjoy one another’s company outside of bed, you’ll end up in divorce court.”

  “I didn’t say that was all. Kati and I do have a lot of good times together.” That was the truth, but Andrew didn’t consider ordinary stuff the kind of thing Bob or any other guy wanted to hear about. He leant forward. “So how’s your love life now, Bob? Have you gotten over the heartbreak?”

  “Yep, but I’m lonely. I loved being married. It was my other half that didn’t. Christmas alone is going to suck.” He stood up. “Gotta get over to Bright’s and don my happy outfit. It does cheer me, playing Santa.” He walked to the door then turned back. “What are you buying Kati for Christmas?”

  “I thought I’d get her a couple more settings of Spode Christmas china. She only has two. And I might buy her some serving pieces. Women seem to like that brand and pattern.”

  Bob shook his head. “Women prefer jewellery and perfume or fancy lingerie. They hate getting things for the house. And if you want some really good advice, I’ll bet she’d be ecstatic if you gave her a diamond ring. You’ve got a lot to learn, pal.” Chuckling, Bob shut the door behind him.

  Andrew picked up his pen to go back to
work, but his mind was reeling. He’d never felt about anyone the way he did about Kati. But an engagement? He’d never considered moving that fast. Was he ready to have a woman move in with him? Not just any woman, but Kati.

  And would she go for it if he asked? If she did, what if they didn’t get along? How did you ask a woman to leave? It was pretty scary to think about. Sharing your space and whatever… A diamond would be a lovely gift, but Andrew wasn’t ready to propose marriage.

  His hand shook, and he laid down the pen again. Could you give your lover a ring without making any promises?

  Chapter Four

  As Kati prepared for an afternoon and evening—whoops, overnight—with Andrew, she felt incredibly happy. This morning, she’d unpacked her Spode Christmas china and set the table with it. A light snow was falling outside her windows, and that added to her exhilaration. Softly singing I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas, she folded clothes into her blue leather overnight bag. Her sexiest unmentionables, some casual togs for whatever, and a work outfit for Monday. Chuckling, she added some items such as edible underwear, cosmetics and feminine care.

  She’d just finished dressing when the doorbell rang. Andrew stood there, rubbing his hands together against the cold. His cheeks were red, and he looked adorable in a brown leather jacket and khakis, his breath making tiny clouds in the chilly air.

  “I’m ready,” Kati said, handing him her bag while she grabbed up her purse.

  They rushed from the warm apartment building to his van. He’d left it running with the heater on, so it was a cosy ride downtown.

  Holding gloved hands, powdery snow beneath their feet and with Christmas carols pouring forth from speakers outside the stores, Katy felt exhilarated. Charity volunteers rang bells beside manned kettles. Kati stuffed a couple of bills inside one.

  “I hate shopping, even for people I love,” Andrew complained, dragging his feet as they entered Bright’s. “I never know what to buy.”

  His mood, unfortunately, didn’t equal hers, but she was determined to make this expedition fun. Kati knew the store well and thought she could make short work of finding the right things.

  “What’s your Gram’s favourite colour?” Kati asked as they passed by a fragrance counter with enchanting aromas. She didn’t think Andrew would know what scents his grandmother preferred.

  “Rose,” Andrew said. “Deep pink.”

  “Do you think she’d like this?” Kati asked, stopping by a display of cashmere sweaters.

  “It’s the right colour but…” He wandered away and came back with a cardigan the same colour but with embroidered roses cascading down the front. “She also loves Calvin Klein’s Eternity,” he said, backtracking and dragging Kati along.

  Next, he found a smoking jacket for Grampa—something she would have never thought of but Andrew deemed perfect. He picked up a box of Godiva Chocolates and one of cigars on their way to Customer Service for gift-wrapping. It was Kati’s suggestion, and Andrew called it a wonderful one as they left the store.

  “Now, we can go to dinner,” he said, beaming. “And then, home together.”

  * * * *

  They were both smiling as they were seated in a corner booth at a cosy pub she chose. The words, home together, held a special ring that warmed Kati’s heart.

  “You could have picked any restaurant in the city,” Andrew said, moving close so his thigh touched hers.

  “And on a Sunday evening this close to Christmas, we’d have waited an hour or two for a table. Besides, I’m a plebeian at heart. Give me a cheeseburger, onion rings and a cold beer, and I’m in heaven. Plus, they’re playing Christmas music.”

  Andrew chuckled. ”Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer?”

  Kati smiled. “You are amazing when it comes to choosing gifts.”

  “I surprised myself,” he said modestly.

  “Andrew,” she began, crossing her fingers and hoping this went well. “Could we…I mean, are you…going to put up a Christmas tree at home?”

  He shrugged. “I guess. But I don’t have any decorations. I don’t usually—”

  “I have some. If I’m going to celebrate with you, I won’t need them. No sense in putting up trees at both our homes. Right?” She held her breath.

  “Okay. But I know you love Christmas, and I don’t want yours to be a disappointment. You can do anything you like at my house to decorate. And I’ll lend a helping hand.”

  Kati’s heart fluttered. It would be almost like they were an actual couple. Tara thought living together was good enough when you found someone to love, but ever since Kati had been a little girl, she had dreamt of being a bride. And a wife and mother.

  “And Kati,” Andrew added. “Figure out what you want to do on Christmas, and we’ll do it, just as long as we can eat dinner at home.”

  * * * *

  Andrew set Kati’s suitcase on the stairway to carry up when they went to bed. And when he turned around and saw her standing in the shadows, blonde hair framing her delicate features, he felt like a groom on his wedding night. It could have been their first time to sleep together, the way he felt.

  He opened his arms, and she came into them. She looked like an angel in a fuzzy, white sweater and slim skirt. She’d taken off her black knee boots and red coat, and her cheeks were still flushed from the cold. Or was it excitement?

  “Let’s not wait,” he whispered in her ear. “I want you in my bed, naked.”

  One arm around her waist, suitcase in the other hand, he drew her up the stairs.

  His room was at the end of the hall, and they walked in silence. He set her case inside the closet, and they unmade the bed together. Then, he undressed Kati. Slowly, a piece at a time, stopping to admire each part of her body that he exposed. Her soft, white sweater went first, exposing a satin bra with heart-shaped lace insets that framed her rosy aureoles. He brushed his finger across one, and both nipples peaked. Kati was always sensitive to his touch, and he liked that.

  He reached around her waist and undid the back fastener of her skirt, letting it slide to the floor. The sound of it slithering over her satiny skin sent his pulse into overdrive. Beneath that garment, she wore a sheer, red thong with a tiny mistletoe appliqué in a strategic place that called for a kiss. This decorative touch came as a surprise in contrast to her virginal, snowy bra. The sight of her golden mound barely hidden caused his cock to swell with desire. He planted his lips against the green sprig, longing to tongue behind it.

  Standing, he pulled her close, her breasts hard against his chest. Her firm ass cheeks were fully exposed, and he grasped them. God, they are nice.

  Andrew traced the narrow strip of material that nestled in her crack, and his penis strained at the cloth of his pants. Growing more eager by the second, he unfastened her bra and dropped it to the floor. He hooked his thumbs in the meagre garment that covered her pussy and worked it down over her hips. His hands shook, and his lips quivered, aching for a taste of her. Soon, he would plant them on her most sensitive parts.

  She watched, seemingly mesmerized, trembling at his touch. She licked her lips and looked at him expectantly.

  With Kati standing completely naked before him, he nodded. “Every inch of you is exquisite.”

  She smiled. “My turn,” she said, gently tugging on his necktie.

  Her touch was feathery as she removed his shirt, sending goose bumps up and down his arms. His cock ached with desire, but he remained quite still as she lowered his trousers then his shorts. Such delicious torture.

  “You have a beautiful body,” she said, brushing his nipples with a kiss. “Fantastic,” she added as she knelt to taste his throbbing dick.

  He loved the swirl of her tongue as she licked every inch of it. His indrawn breath sounded loudly in the quiet room. His balls tightened, and he doubled his fists to keep his eager fingers from entwining in her hair, pressing his rod into her delving mouth. He longed to bury it inside the warm recess and shoot his cum down her lovely throat.

>   She softly squeezed his balls while sucking his penis. Lord, it feels good. He was beside himself with desire. It took all his control not to collapse and fuck her senseless.

  Andrew closed his eyes in bliss while burying his fingers in her silky hair. He was drunk with passion. The fragrance she wore wafted towards him, and he inhaled greedily. She smelled like musk and some sort of exotic flower.

  Kati increased the pressure of her suckling, and his knees grew weak. He’d like to go on like this forever, but his penis begged for release. He wanted it all, this unimaginable taunting of his senses. And the breathtaking rush of an orgasm. This one might be the most powerful he’d ever experienced. He was so high on passion.

  “I-I can’t take much more, darling. I don’t want to come without you.” He wanted to carry her over the top at the same time she did him.

  She held onto the head of his penis until he pulled it from between her lips. Fitting his hands under her arms, he helped her to her feet. She was panting, and her slender frame shook.

  “You need this as much as I do,” he said.

  Frantic with need, his and hers, Andrew pulled Kati onto the bed and buried his throbbing rod inside her sweet pussy. She was wet and hot, and her hands were all over him. Grasping, kneading and demanding.

  “Oh God,” he moaned. “I forgot the rubber.” He withdrew, and she whimpered. He didn’t want to waste a moment either, but this was important. He fumbled one out of the nightstand and put it on with Kati watching. Maybe it was a good thing, because it bought them time, slowing their pace. But as soon as he knelt over her, they were both wild again. He couldn’t get enough of this woman.

  Their tongues tangled slickly. Her breasts were hot against his chest. She dug her fingers into the cheeks of his ass. He clasped hers, holding her as close as he could to increase the penetration of his dick in her pussy. She cried out and wriggled against it, taking all she could get. Andrew’s heart pounded, and his pulse raced. Frenzy built between them, and he felt as if his balls were going to burst.


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