Flawed (Blaze of Glory #2)

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Flawed (Blaze of Glory #2) Page 8

by Cherry Shephard

  “Now, Randy,” Keets says with a laugh as he comes to stand next to me. “Don’t embarrass the poor girl. We can’t all be amazing drink pourers.” He takes the glass from me and expertly refills it, handing it to the man.

  “Ah, shucks,” Randy says with a slightly embarrassed look. “I didn’t mean nothin’ by it. I knew your daddy,” he says to me. “He was a good man. A real good man.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper, my head cast down.

  “Hey,” Keets says, nudging my side with his elbow and waiting until I look up at him. “Don’t sweat it, okay? You’re doing great considering it’s your first night on the job. Here.” He hands me a new glass. “The trick is to tilt it on an angle as you pour it. That way, the head rises to the top and doesn’t take up the full glass.” He demonstrates. “See?” It looks easy enough and I nod, determined to give it another try. This time, I pour a half-decent pint, with just a little bit too much head on the top.

  “Better,” Keets says with a smile and a nod of approval. The rest of the night runs smoothly, and my skills improve until I’m pouring beer like a professional. Randy entertains me with stories of my father and although I’m exhausted, I’m almost sorry when it’s time to close the bar up for the night.

  “That went well,” Keets announces with a grin as he locks the door behind the last customer and moves back over to the bar. Pouring two drinks, he hands me one and I gratefully accept before a thought crosses my mind. I can’t drink.

  “What’s wrong?” Keets asks as I push the drink away.

  “Nothing,” I answer with a small smile. “Just tired, I guess.” I don’t know why I don’t tell him the truth. I guess a part of me thinks he’ll look at me differently if he knows I conceived a child during a one-night stand. I know I won’t be able to keep it a secret for much longer; eventually, I’ll start to show, and questions will be asked.

  Keets drains his glass and stands, taking my hand. “Come on,” he says, leading me into the office. Standing me next to the bed, he kneels before me and lifts one of my feet, sliding off my shoe. I hold onto his shoulder for balance as he removes the second shoe and stands once more, his hands moving to the front of my jeans. Snapping them open, he slides them down my legs and I step out, standing in front of him wearing nothing but a white tank top and white cotton panties. But instead of taking me into his arms like I expect him to, he gently tucks me into bed and kisses my forehead. “Goodnight, beautiful,” he whispers. I watch through hooded eyes as he walks away.

  I lay there for about five minutes before the overwhelming urge to use the bathroom takes over me. Flinging back the blanket, I climb out of the bed and pad my way on bare feet to the bathroom. Opening the door, I freeze as I see Keets standing there. He hasn’t noticed me, and I wonder if I could quickly make my escape before he sees me. My breathing quickens as he keeps his back to me and pulls his shirt off over his head and drops it on the floor. Licking my lips, I allow my eyes the pleasure of travelling slowly down the corded muscles of his back. Tattoos cover most of his upper body, and I let out a strangulated groan when he drops his pants, leaving his bare ass naked to my eyes. I stare, mesmerized, until I’m face to face with his hard cock. My eyes fly up and clash with his amused expression, heat flooding my cheeks. “Would you like to join me?” he asks with a grin. “I-I’m sorry,” I stammer, rushing out of the bathroom and slamming the door closed on his laughter. I rest my head back on the door and close my eyes in shame. My clit still pulses with need and I suppress a groan. Traitorous body. Pushing away from the door I climb back into bed and try to ignore the thought of Keets’ wet, naked body just on the other side of the door. The water turns off and I half close my eyes as the bathroom door opens. He walks through the office wearing a white towel hung low on his hips.

  I watch through my eyelashes as he drops the towel and pulls on a pair of boxers. He folds himself up like a pretzel on the couch, and I stifle my laugh with a cough.

  “Stop laughing at me,” he growls, which causes me to laugh harder.

  “Come on,” I say with a grin, sliding over and lifting the blanket. “There’s plenty of room for us to share.” I freeze as what I just said sinks in, and my eyes widen as he swings his legs over the side of the couch and sits up, watching me warily.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asks. I lick my suddenly dry lips and mutely nod, watching as he stands and makes his way over to the bed. As he sits down on the edge of the mattress, my breath quickens as I get my first glimpse of his well-defined back. I gasp, though, when I see the jagged, angry scars that crisscross all the way down his tanned back. Most are covered by tattoos, but there’s no way he could cover all of them without becoming a walking canvas.

  “What is it?” he asks, turning to face me as he hears my gasp. The scars are forgotten as I see his bare chest, covered in more tattoos and… fuck me… he has a nipple piercing. How did I not notice that before? I squeeze my thighs together as I feel my clit start to throb with need.

  Keets slides under the blanket and I roll away from him, closing my eyes as I pretend to try and sleep. It takes just a minute, though, before his hand rests on my bare hip, drawing light circles with his fingertips. I shiver and he wraps his arm tightly around my middle section, drawing my back against his warm front. His breath is hot as he kisses the back of my neck lightly before tucking me in to him. His hand runs across my ribs and accidentally? brushes across my strained nipple. I give another shiver and he does it again. This time, there’s no mistaking his intention. I hold my breath and lay perfectly still as his skilled fingers pluck a tune against my swollen nipple, pulling and twisting it until I gasp and roll over in his arms. I see Keets smile in the moonlight and he rests on an elbow above me and uses his free hand to brush a strand of hair away from my eyes. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss against the corner of my lips. I moan as he threads his fingers through my hair and deepens the kiss. My lips open beneath his and his tongue darts inside, lightly dueling with my own. I arch up as his hand sweeps a deliciously slow path across my ribs and back up to my chest, cupping one breast as his thumb strokes the nipple through my tank top. “Keets,” I groan, dragging my mouth away from his.

  “Shh,” he whispers and I feel his fingers brushing the edge of my panties. “I know what you need.” My legs fall open to allow him access, and he wastes no time sliding his hand under the light material, his fingers caressing the full lips of my pussy. He slides a lone finger between the lips and oh-so-lightly rubs an agonizingly slow circle around my clit. “Please,” I beg, clutching his arm as I arch up again. His finger slips inside me and I’m lost to the sensation, so much so that I don’t even notice at first when he pulls my panties down my legs, baring me to his heated gaze. I watch through hooded eyes as he brings his head between my legs, then I feel his tongue lick a long, slow path all the way up my pussy, before sucking lightly on my clit. “You’re so wet,” he says wonderingly, dipping a finger inside me. “Is this for me?”

  “Yes,” I gasp, pushing my hips closer to his mouth as I clutch the sheet in my fists. “It’s all for you.”

  “Say that again,” he demands, his voice a harsh whisper in the darkened room.

  “I’m so wet for you.”

  He attacks my pussy with renewed vigor, suckling hard against my clit. I thread my fingers into his short hair and hold him in position, letting out a string of nonsense. “Oh…oh…oh…” I feel myself getting closer and I cry out, closing my legs around his head. Ripping his mouth away right before I come, he kisses his way back up my body as I whimper in frustration. “Patience,” he chuckles. “We’re only just getting started.”

  Pulling away from me, he moves off the bed and drops his pants, fisting his hard cock. “Come here,” he says quietly, his eyes glittering in the dark. My legs move of their own accord and I shuffle down the bed until I’m sitting on the edge, my face level with his cock. “Take it,” he instructs and I immediately open my
mouth to accept his length. “Fuck yes,” he hisses as I cup his balls and guide his cock into my mouth. “Damn babe, that mouth of yours is fucking talented.”

  I murmur in appreciation as I feel his balls tickle my chin. His hands go to either side of my head to hold it still as he thrusts in and out. A thin sheen of sweat covers his torso and he throws his head back with a guttural growl, pulling quickly from my mouth before he comes. Grabbing my arm, he pulls my tank top off and moves me to my hands and knees, my feet hanging over the edge of the bed. Pulling out a condom from the side table he quickly puts it on. He bends over my back as he presses between my open thighs. “Hold on to the sheet,” he commands, his voice low beside my ear. I do as I’m told, the thick head of his cock pressing against my opening. “Fuck,” I cry out as he sheathes himself to the hilt. I arch my back as he grabs my hip with one hand, the other wrapping firmly around my throat as he pulls me up to thrust inside. “Take it,” he grunts as he releases my throat, only to grab a fistful of my hair. The combination of pleasure and pain sets my already frayed nerves on edge, and I gasp as his hand moves from my hip to the front of my body, between my legs. His index finger and thumb pluck at my sensitive clit, rolling it around until my eyes almost pop out of my head. “Fuck,” I yell, reaching back to grab onto his thigh as he fucks me harder. “Keets, fuck me.”

  “Come on babe,” he pants, his fingers moving faster across my clit. “Come for me.”

  I fall apart at his words, calling out his name as I clench around his cock. He thrusts once…twice… three times, then he’s giving a hoarse shout and slumping heavily across my back.

  We lay like that for what seems like hours, but is really only a few minutes. He stands and discards the condom as I crawl back up and into the bed. I’m suddenly cold, and not really sure how to feel about what just happened. There’s no question that it was amazing, my pussy is still throbbing, but nothing has really changed.

  The mattress dips as he slides in next to me, his arm going around my waist to pull me close. “Goodnight, beautiful,” he whispers against my hair.

  I don’t answer, mainly because I’m attempting to choke back the tears that threaten to overwhelm me. It’s been so long since someone was so kind to me, and I don’t really know how to take it. But as his breathing evens and I know he’s fallen asleep, I allow myself to feel safe and secure. I know that when my pregnancy comes out, it will change everything. In the meantime, I’m determined to enjoy what little time I have with this beast of a man, before he finds out my secret and never wants to speak to me again.


  My stomach rumbles as I wake to the smell of sizzling bacon. Following my nose, I find Natalie in the kitchen of the bar wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts and a pair of pink panties as she dances to the radio and flips bacon in a pan. Her hair is wet as though she’s just showered, and my cock stirs at the thought of her, naked and wet. I lean against the doorframe and watch her ass wriggling in those tiny briefs, allowing a quick moment of appreciation. “You know, I think you’re violating at least three different health codes.” I laugh and she shrieks, while spinning to face me.

  “Don’t scare me like that!” She laughs once she’s caught her breath. “Are you hungry?”

  “Starving,” I admit, rubbing my stomach as I pout for the full effect. She eyes me strangely then bursts out laughing again before turning around, sliding the bacon onto two plates. Quickly frying a few eggs, she places them on the plates with some buttered toast and carries them out into the main bar area. I follow her like a lost little puppy, hypnotized by the way her ass moves in those panties.

  Taking a seat at one of the round tables, she sets our plates down and looks up at me expectantly. “Aren’t you going to join me?” She smiles, and I shake my head as I sit opposite her and pull my plate closer. “Where’s Zeke?”

  “He called this morning to say he’s going to be staying with a friend until Stone and Shan get back,” she answers around a mouth full of toast. I nod pensively, still unsure of how to handle the situation. Zeke isn’t my son, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about him as if he were. At least you know he’s safe. Shaking my head slightly, I I pick up my fork and stab aggressively at a piece of bacon.

  “You know,” I say between mouthfuls, “I’ve never had breakfast with a girl in her underwear before.”

  She glances down at herself and shrugs. “I was comfortable.”

  “Oh, I’m not complaining beautiful. I wouldn’t mind waking up to a sight like that every morning.”

  The words fall from my mouth before I have the chance to catch them. I watch helplessly as her face slowly changes from shock to an obviously faked, mild indifference.

  “Well,” she laughs, spearing a piece of bacon with her fork, “maybe one day, you’ll get to have that.”

  A sharp jolt of awareness shoots through my heart as I realize that I will never get to have that. I had it once, with Liz. How dare I try and recreate that happiness now with another woman? Liz and I will be reunited in less than three weeks; my last moments can’t be spent with another woman, especially one who makes me smile and laugh the way Natalie does. Abruptly, I push my plate away and stand, almost knocking my chair over in the process.

  She pauses with the fork halfway to her mouth, which is wide open in shock. “Are you okay?” she asks, concern marring her pretty features.

  “Yeah,” I say a little uncertainly. “I just remembered I have some stuff to do. Will you be okay on your own for the day?”

  “Of course,” she replies, looking a little offended that I would ever think she wouldn’t be okay. “Go do what you need to do. I’ll just tidy up the office a bit and maybe go into town to do some shopping.”

  I nod, not really hearing her. “Okay,” I say, hurrying into the office to pull my clothes and boots on. Grabbing the keys to my truck, I rush out of the bar without looking in Natalie’s direction, well aware that she’s still sitting there in my t-shirt and those damn pink panties.

  I drive for what seems like hours, but is really only a few minutes down the road. Pulling up outside my house, I shut the engine off and just sit for a while, my head dropped back against the seat. How could I have been so blind? I almost let a beautiful girl get in the way of what needs to be done. I have a purpose, something I need to see through to the end. I can’t keep allowing myself to be distracted by a pair of blue eyes and long legs. Liz is my goal. The baby is my goal.

  “Fuck!” I yell, smacking my hand against the steering wheel then rubbing my hands over my face. Climbing out of the truck, I enter my house and grab a beer from the fridge. I know it’s not the answer—shit, my best friend Stone just got over an alcohol addiction – but right now, this is what I need. Popping open the can, I bring it to my lips and take a long swallow, grimacing at the bitter taste as it worms its way down my throat. It’s funny, you know, I’ve worked in a bar for the past six months, and I never could get used to the taste of beer. I drink it because it’s cheap, but my drink of choice will always be whiskey. Taking the can into the living room, I place it on a coaster on the glass top coffee table as I sit on the plush burgundy couch. My eyes catch a photo that hangs on the wall, and I pick up my can of beer and give it a brief salute. It’s a photo of the boys and me at the old Ten House back in New York, a whole other lifetime ago. Could it really have only been fourteen years? It seems like so much longer, but I suppose time is irrelevant when you’re living in Hell. My eyes drift over to the photo hanging next to it. My hands begin to shake and I almost drop the can of beer I’m still holding. Liz’s smile beams back at me like a one thousand mega watt light, piercing through the darkness in my soul for one brief moment. Then the tears start. You’d think it’d get easier with time, not harder, but now it just feels like a fucking freight train is running straight through my chest. Tell my parents…

  I double over on the couch, dropping the half empty can on to the carpet. It hurts so damn much to breathe; if I didn’t know any bette
r I’d swear I am having a heart attack. It’s not a heart attack… but my heart is breaking all over again.

  “Oh Liz, Liz, why did you have to be so strong?” I sob, tears streaming down my face. I make no effort to wipe them away as I stare at her photo. “I could have found a way to save you, there had to be a way. I never should have left, I’m so sorry. Please, please forgive me. Tell me what I have to do to escape this never ending nightmare.” I gasp as I sit back on the couch, taking my glasses off and rubbing my hands all over my face. In the background I hear the faint sound of my cell phone ringing, but I ignore it as I stand up and go to get another beer from the fridge. Popping it open I take a long swig and wipe at my mouth with the back of my hand. I’m nothing but a big old mess of tears and snot, and I don’t really give a flying fuck. She’s gone, and like the bastard I am, I’ve been so wrapped up chasing a bit of skirt that I forgot where my loyalty lies. With her. It’s time to stop dreaming about what can never be; it’s time to face my destiny and stop fighting the inevitable. I have a debt to pay.

  Death could come for me right now and I would welcome it, instead it mocks me from afar, taunting me. Seducing me into its web of beautiful nothingness. Well, not for much longer.

  I’m coming for you, you bastard!


  “Hey, Lance!” I shout over the music and people in the bar. He looks up from the young blonde he’s flirting with and flashes me a grin, leaning to whisper something in the girl’s ear that makes her blush. Straightening up, he walks over to me. “What’s up?”

  “Have you seen Keets today?”

  Lance shakes his head. “No,” he says slowly. “I just assumed he’d be here.”

  I hate to admit it, but I’m getting worried. He took off this morning like a bullet from a gun, and I have no idea where he is or what he’s doing. “Will you be okay here for an hour?” I ask, smiling when Lance nods.


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