The Adventures of Robohooker

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The Adventures of Robohooker Page 1

by Sally Hollister


  By Sally Hollister

  Published by

  © 2012 Sally Hollister

  The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

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  As the first Robohooker or artificial hooker I have been instructed to keep a log of my training and experiences so that my knowledge may be used to inform future Robohookers. We have been invented so that human women will no longer have to demean themselves by having to offer their bodies for monetary reward. Our existence will also lessen the effect of sexually transmitted diseases. Despite this many human sex workers have complained that we will be taking bread from their mouths, but the government has promised to retrain these women and offer them jobs as librarians’ assistants, a very worthwhile and fulfilling career.

  My training as a Robohooker began recently. My tutor is Fifi Fontainbleu, although this is not her real name. Her real name is Martha Talbot, but it is usual to adopt an appropriate alias when one takes up hookering as a profession. She tells me a hooker’s name should imply sexuality as well as be memorable, hence the alliteration. I am to be known as Andi Allure, which may be attributable to the fact that I am an android and my name was selected by my creator, Professor Jim Frankenstone, and he is not very creative, though undoubtedly a scientific genius. I am currently still a virgin but Professor Frankenstone has insisted on being the first to have sex fun with me once I am trained as a slut. As he is the head of the lab where I was created, no one has argued with him.

  Ms Fontainbleu is a small blonde woman in her early 40s and to see her one would not believe that she had once sucked off 28 men in an afternoon though, as she says, that was when she was in her prime. She will train me in hookering in the small classroom that has been set up in the giant Robohooker lab complex.

  My base programming is already in place as I am derived from International Robotic Corporation’s domestic maid android, model KZ88, though I am immeasurably more attractive. I have long red hair, a pretty face, a big bust, narrow waist and long legs. These attributes are thought to be highly desired by the human males I will be servicing. Much of the specialised programming required for domestic service has been removed from my databanks to allow space for my hooker programming. This means that I am unable to boil an egg, but Fifi tells me this is not a major problem as she have never been expected to cook for her clients at any time in her 25 years of hookering. She is an accomplished hooker and was Strumpet of the Year in 2002 as well as placing third in the Miss Trollop competition of 2005. Professor Frankenstone tells me she is the ideal tutor to give me the on-the-job training I will need to supplement my pre-programming on human sexuality.

  Her first lesson began with the words, “You must have only one goal in your work, Andi, to make men spunk. Getting that hot jizz out of a man’s balls must be the be-all and end-all of your existence as a hooker.”

  This accorded with my programming. My function was to give men a climax, but I was still a little confused.

  “But I understand that men are capable of giving themselves an orgasm by manual manipulation. Why would they pay me to give them one instead?”

  “Because the ones you give them are much better than they ones they get when they jerk themselves off, you silly.”

  “In what way are they better? Are all climaxes not the same and only vary in intensity?”

  “It’s just a given that sex with other people is better than sex with yourself.”

  “But an individual would know what particularly pleases them, whereas another party might not.”

  “You’re just going to have to take my word on this one, Andi. Men would rather have sex with you than jerk off, just accept that.”

  I had no further argument as I found humans to be confusing creatures, lacking in logic, so I merely nodded in acceptance of her dictum.

  “Now,” she continued, “You have four basic ways of getting a man to spunk. Manually, orally, vaginally and anally.”

  “Hand job, blow job, pussy and ass, in the colloquial,” I said.

  “Very good,” Fifi congratulated. “And which do you think will be the most popular item you can offer?”

  I did not have the information in my databanks which meant I had to evaluate. It seemed that as the vagina was the orifice best designed for intercourse, it would be the most desirable, which is the answer I gave to my tutor.

  “Wrong, wrong, wrong. Oral and anal for you, because you’re special, Andi.”

  “How so? I am made to simulate a normal human female.”

  “But you don’t breathe so you won’t choke when you’re sucking a guy off and you don’t shit so there’s no chance of you getting poo on a guy’s pecker. Plus, you can vary the tightness of all your sphincters, so that ass is going to get a lot of pounding.”

  “Is the tightness of the ass an important feature?”

  “Oh, yes indeed, that’s its major attraction. Well, that and the fact that butt fucking is extra naughty.”

  “Naughty? Is that important too?”

  “Very important. Naughtiness is the basis of a lot of sexuality. Men love being naughty.”

  “Naughtiness means badly behaved and so I do not see the connection with sexuality.”

  “Works fine if you put the bad behaviour onto the concept of morality,” Fifi explained.

  “I understand. You are a very good teacher, Fifi, and I think I will learn a lot from you.”

  The phone rang and Ms Fontainbleu answered it. I heard her say, “No, Jimmy, you can’t fuck her yet. Because I’ve only just started training her is why.”

  There was a pause as she listened to one I supposed to be Professor Frankenstone, then, “Of course she has to be trained, she’s a goddam virgin, she doesn’t know anything. Yes her training will involve fucking, that’s what she’s designed for. I know you want to fuck her first, but only once she’s trained. It’s Catch-22 , baby.”

  She suddenly slammed the phone down. “Damn! He’s pulled rank on me.”

  I was unfamiliar with the term. “What do you mean, Fifi?”

  “He’s the boss and what he says, goes. And what he says is he wants to fuck you before anybody else has laid a finger on you.”

  “Is this a bad thing? All my body parts have been thoroughly tested and are fully functional.”

  “Oh, physically you’re fine, honey, but selling pussy isn’t just a matter of you lying on your back.”

  “I have been pre-programmed with the basics and I am sure I am capable of giving Professor Frankenstone good sex fun.”

  “I’m certain you could, but that’s not my problem. I take pride in my work and girls trained by me should be the best hookers in the world, even artificial ones. Damn that man’s ego. It
would serve him right if you gave him the lousiest screw he ever had.”

  “But I am not programmed to do sex fun badly. Satisfying my clients is high on my list of priorities.”

  “Yes, sweetie, but we must give Jimmy Frankenstone bad sex for interfering in your training, do you understand that? We have to bring the arrogant bastard down a peg or two.”

  She sat back in her chair and stroked her chin, seemingly deep in thought. I knew that it would be rude to interrupt this display of human creative thought, so I stayed silent.

  Finally, she said, “Can you have an orgasm, Andi?”

  “I am programmed to respond to certain stimuli and regard them as pleasant,” I explained, “Enough of these and I reach a peak of pleasure and that could be regarded as an orgasm.”

  “And can you fake it?”

  “I do not understand.”

  “If a man’s attentions were not adequate to arouse you, could you pretend to have an orgasm?”

  “Undoubtedly, I know all the symptoms. The noises, the physical movements, it would be simple.”

  “I think that might do it, put Jimmy Frankenstone in his place, if you gave him a very obvious faked orgasm. Then he might see the value of proper slut training. Or then again, he’s so dim he’d probably think it was a genuine come. Maybe something more physical is required.”


  Ms Fontainbleu was a very devious woman as I was about to discover. She gave me detailed instructions in how to behave and then had me dress down for my encounter with my creator. My hair was tied back, my make-up washed off and my body was covered in a workman’s shapeless overalls. She also had me do 10,000 sit ups, after asking me how long my energy cells could last, though she never explained the purpose of this.

  The effect made the Professor jump up from behind his desk when I appeared in his office. A man in his 50s and overweight, the effect was not impressive.

  “Oh, Fifi’s little joke, to have you look like a sack of potatoes, huh? Well, it doesn’t bother me none, I know the goodies that lie under those overalls.”

  “Hi, honey,” I said, dropping my normal voice into ‘extra husky’ mode.

  “Oh yeah, hi, Andi. Good to see you.”

  “Understand you want to have a little fun.”

  “Yes indeed, enjoy the fruits of my labours.”

  “What you got in mind?”

  “Well, what have you got, sweet thing?” he said, smiling smugly as he sat back in his swivel chair.

  “Hand job, blow job, pussy and ass,” I rhymed off.

  “Oh yeah, well I think I’d like a little of all of that.”

  “Hand jobs are 20 dollars, blow jobs 50 dollars, pussy sex 100 and anal is 150. That is to completion of course, but if you’d like the first three as foreplay and then come in my ass I can let you have that for a package deal of 200 dollars.”

  He grinned. “Oh, come on, Andi, we don’t need that shit. It’s me, Jim Frankenstone, your creator, surely I’m entitled to a freebie?”

  “That conflicts with my programming. According to my owners, the International Robotics Corporation (I.R.C.), I am not allowed to give sex fun away for free. If you don’t pay, you don’t play.”

  “I wrote that program, goddammit!”

  “I know you did, professor, which is why I’m surprised that you question me about it. My function is to provide a profit for the Corporation.”

  “That money goes to charity, to retraining human hookers, we are not pimps!”

  “Only after manufacturing and research and development costs have been recouped, which it is estimated will take 25 years.”

  “Whose side are you on?”

  “I do not have a side, I am an android.”

  He put his feet up on his desk in a show of confidence. “What if I was to say I don’t have any cash on me?”

  “I would berate you for wasting my time.”

  “Couldn’t you offer me credit? Or take a card payment?”

  “I am strictly cash only, though future models may have this facility available. Perhaps you would like to wait till one of those becomes available.”

  “They won’t be online for another five years and I’m horny now.”

  “Perhaps you should give yourself manual relief to avoid causing yourself psychological damage then,” I offered.

  He smiled and thumbed the intercom on his table. “Mrs Kelly, bring me two hundred dollars from petty cash.” He said it with a triumphant look towards me, but I was not impressed. I had not even started to implement Fifi’s strategy to take him down a peg or two.

  His secretary brought through the cash and once she’d left he spread it out on his desk. “There’s the money. Now get that sack off.”

  He had, of course, seen many parts of me while I was under construction, but as far as I knew had never viewed me once I was fully assembled. Now, he whistled as I removed the overalls which covered me. I did this, of course, after I’d gathered up my payment.

  “Would you like me to dance for you?”

  “Hell no, if you shake that stuff I’ll come in my pants.”

  “I could give you that FOC.”

  “Hot dog, I sure did a good job on you, baby.”

  “You find me desirable then?”

  “Yes, indeed. You are the perfection I always planned.”

  “I am glad that I please you. Is it not necessary for you too to disrobe so we can enjoy sex fun?”

  “In a minute, just let me feast my eyes first.”

  I cupped my breasts and squeezed on my nipples making them stand hard and erect. “Oh, don’t tease me,” I simpered, “I’m dying to see your marvellous cock.”

  His eyes widened. “What makes you think my cock’s anything special?”

  “Ms Fontainbleu taught me how to judge the size of a man’s appendage just by looking at him.”

  “But you can’t even see my feet.”

  “No, it is your strong jaw line, your firmness of gaze, your handsome nose. All dead giveaways according to Ms Fontainbleu.”

  “Really? Didn’t know that. Good move of mine, hiring her, don’t find that kind of stuff in text books.”

  He stood up and came over to me, taking up my titty manipulating duties. “Say, why don’t you undress me, that might be fun.”

  I was perfectly capable of undressing myself, but doing the same for others proved to be more difficult than I imagined and was not merely a reversal of self-undressing procedures. I was so frustrated with the Professor’s shirt buttons that I inadvertently tore a couple off.

  “Hey, easy, my Gladys will kill me if I come home with ripped clothes.”

  “I’m sorry, Professor, perhaps it would be better if you undressed yourself. As you know I am ten times stronger than the average human male and would hate to further damage your clothing.”

  “Yeah,” he said, “No point in getting Gladys sore at me, especially as she’s warned me about fooling with the merchandise.”

  “Is that how you think of me, as merchandise?”

  “Well, I may have created you, Andi, but I don’t think of you as a daughter.”

  “Good, it would not be appropriate for what we are about to do.”

  He pulled of his pants and dropped his shorts. I could hardly see his penis beneath his overhanging belly but I allowed my eyes to fly open.

  “Wow! What a cock!”

  “You think so?”

  “It’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen.” This was true as I’d never actually seen a human penis before. I reached forward and grasped it, fulfilling the manual part of our transaction. It was semi-erect, no doubt aroused at the sight of seeing me naked. As I stroked his cock up to a full erection he said, “I sure would like to fuck those titties, Gladys don’t have any.”

  “That will be another 25 dollars.”

  “I’ll have Mrs Kelly get it.”

  “In advance.”

  “You’re a hard woman, Andi.”

  “You decided on my tensi
le strength, Professor Frankenstone.”

  “Oh to hell with it, blow me instead. Gladys got a mouth, but she don’t use it, except to nag me.”

  “It does not seem as if your marriage is a happy one, Professor,” I said as I sank to my knees.

  “It’s an old one, Andi, and they tend to get boring. Now, suck my schlong like a good Robohooker.”

  I took the head of his cock into my mouth and said, “Mm, tastes good.”

  “Play with my balls too.”

  I fondled his testes which made his cock stiffen even further. He grabbed my head and started thrusting his member into my mouth. It was difficult as his stomach kept bouncing off my forehead and nudging me away.

  “It would be easier if you lay down on the couch, Professor,” I suggested.

  He obeyed me but said, “Call me Jim, honey. This is hardly a formal occasion and I’m not the Professor now, just a horny man.”

  He spread out on the couch and I knelt between his legs to continue my ministrations.

  “Stick your finger up my ass, babe,” my client requested.

  “Anal stimulation will be another 25 dollars, Jim.”

  “Damn! I can’t ask Mrs Kelly to come in here with my cock in your mouth.”

  “Massaging your prostate would bring our encounter to a conclusion and I thought you wished to have full intercourse.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I wanna fuck you. Fuck that sweet virgin pussy.”

  “And ass, you have paid for buggery.”

  “Shit, yeah, I’m gonna come in that beautiful ass of yours,” he hissed.

  “I’m looking forward to having your massive and marvellous cock fucking me. Please let me know when you are ready to move on.”

  “Jeeze, you suck cock good, Andi. Maybe I should just come in your mouth.”

  “I am not programmed to give refunds, Jim,” I informed him. “And I am also looking forward to a fine fucking from a handsome and virile man such as yourself.”

  My compliments led to him pushing me away and jumping up. He pushed me onto my back onto the couch so that my legs flew open.


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