The Darkest Joy

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The Darkest Joy Page 2

by Dahlia Rose

  "Are you okay?” The deep timbre of a man's voice reached her ears. She turned as one of her tears fell onto her cheek. She gazed from black leather shoes to dark slacks. A silk shirt covered a wide chest, and when she stared into eyes the color of jade, Bliss felt herself stop breathing. He was one of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen. The man was clean-shaven with a face that had a rugged jaw. He did not smile, but his lips were so kissable Bliss wanted to taste them immediately. Dark hair flowed over the collar of his shirt, but it was his eyes that beckoned her back into their green depths. They were mesmerizing, but still she saw something there, swirling like dark waters in a troubled storm.

  "Are you okay?” he asked again. He raised his hand and wiped the stray tear away with the pad of his thumb.

  Bliss knew she was staring with her mouth hanging open, but she couldn't help it. Say something, you fool! she hissed to herself. “Um, I'm fine ... fine ... Can I help you with something? Do you need to be seen by a doctor?"

  "No, I saw your face. You looked upset. I thought I might help. Shall I take you to dinner?"

  That question caused her mouth to drop open again. “Dinner? Uh, no, thank you. I don't know you for you to take me to dinner, and I'm working.” Hell, I'm tempted to say yes because he is so fine.

  "Then let me introduce myself. I am Caim.” He bowed slightly. “And you are?"

  "I'm ... I'm Bliss Tadeo,” she offered, then laughed, flustered. “Why am I telling you my name? You could be a mass murderer!"

  Bliss caught sight of Amber and a few other nurses standing behind the guy who had introduced himself as Caim. The curiosity was on their faces, and they were obviously ogling. Plus, Amber was shaking her fingers as if she were burned while mouthing the word hot!

  "Perfect joy and praise,” Caim said.

  His comment diverted her attention from the onlookers behind him. “Um, what's that now?” Bliss felt like fiddling with her hair or something to distract her from his eyes. She couldn't do anything. Her hands held the fragile basket with tubes of labeled blood.

  "Bliss Tadeo, your name, it means perfect joy and praise."

  "Oh, I didn't know that.” Bliss couldn't think of anything else to say to that beautiful statement. “You aren't from around here, but I feel as if I've met you before. Do you have family in Merry?"

  He shook his head. “No, I am alone."

  Four words never sounded so desolate in her opinion. “You have no one, I'm sorry.” Bliss saw the frown of the head ER doctor. “Hey, it was nice meeting you, Caim. I have to get back to work. I'll see you around, okay?"

  "Good-bye for now, Bliss.” He made her name sound like a caress, and she could almost sigh as he passed by her and headed for the doors.

  As she moved down the hallway, Amber fell into step next to her. “Okay, who was that mysterious hottie with the killer body? Spill it, woman!"

  Bliss laughed lightly, but the flutter in her stomach told her she was excited just as much as her friend was. “I have no clue who he is. His name is Caim, and he asked me out to dinner."

  "And you said yes, right?"

  "No! I don't even know him!” Bliss said, shocked.

  "Then why did he want to take you out to dinner?” Amber threw her a glance as if her best friend was hiding a secret.

  "Because he saw I was upset over the boy who came into the emergency room. He wiped away my tears with his thumb."

  "Oh! That is so sweet. Can we keep him?” Amber gushed.

  "Down, little pixie chick. I'm sure I will never see him again,” Bliss said with laughter in her voice.

  "Well, shoot, that was the best excitement we had all night.” Amber pouted.

  "Did you not see the two guys with the arrow?"

  "Yeah, but they were assholes, drunk, and so not cute."

  Bliss grinned as they walked into the lab to drop off the blood. “You got that right."

  She walked down the corridor, back to the ER. She stopped in surprise when a black feather floated down to her feet. She picked it up, twirled the quill of it in her hand, and watched how the shiny black of it caught the light. Probably some fool going after geese in the middle of the night. Yet, instead of throwing it away, she tucked it into her pocket, and it ended up in a little glass vase she kept on her desk.

  * * * *

  Caim was standing outside when Bliss got out of work. He stood still as can be under the streetlight, while the cool night wind buffeted the long dark coat he wore. He felt her presence as soon as the doors of the hospital slid open and she stepped outside. She was like a cooling balm on his soul, or on what little of it he tried to retain.

  "Caim?” Her soft voice reached out to him, caressing him. He didn't expect her to touch him, but when her hand lay softly on his shoulder, he closed his eyes in pleasure.

  "What are you still doing out here? It's after midnight."

  "I was waiting for you,” Caim replied. He looked at her, and when the lamplight touched her mocha skin, he remembered everything about her features from times past.

  "Do I have to get my mace?"

  Caim felt anxiety at her words. “You never had to fear me."

  "I was just teasing, Caim,” Bliss said with a small laugh. “I'm going to my car. Will you walk with me?"

  He nodded and took her small hand in his. It felt as if a buzz of electricity went along his arm as they touched. The slight hitch in her breath when their fingers twined let him know that she felt the connection too.

  Bliss laughed nervously. “I seem to be at a loss for words."

  "You do not have to say a thing. I enjoy your presence."

  "You don't even know me."

  "I would like to know you, if that is possible.” Caim let his thumb glide along the smooth skin of her hand as they walked.

  "Um, I am letting a strange man walk me to my car in the middle of the night. My mom would call me stupid right now. But I think I would like if you got to know me."

  "I am very glad to hear that.” Caim felt elation at her words. It was a small step to happiness, a small step toward humanity. “What shall we do? It is your choice. Wherever you want to go, I will take you there."

  "How about Rome?” Bliss looked up at him with a smile on her face.

  If she kept looking up at him with those big, beautiful eyes, he would bring the stars to her. He lost his thoughts for a minute, all the careful planning he had put into revealing himself to her. He pulled her into his arms, and her small hands rested on his chest.

  "Then Rome it is. Hold on."

  "Caim, Caim!” she said breathlessly, a laugh in her voice. “I was just teasing. Coffee is fine. We can go for coffee!"

  "Coffee ... You want to go for coffee?"

  "Yes, coffee is fine. The way you held on to me, for a moment there, I thought you were going to whisk me off magically,” Bliss said. She stepped out of his arms and looked up at him with her hand on her hips and a big smile on her face. To Caim, she was a sight to behold.

  "Coffee it is then,” he said as they resumed their walk. Soon, they stood next to the little blue sports car.

  "I'll meet you out at the diner on East D Street. Do you know where it is?” Bliss asked. She slid into the seat and started the car.

  "Do not worry, Bliss. I will find it,” Caim replied. “May I ask you a question?"

  "Since we are going to get to know each other, yes, you may."

  "Would magic be something so hard to believe?"

  "In a perfect world, I'd believe in magic in a heartbeat,” Bliss answered. “I'll see you at the diner in a half an hour."

  She pulled out of the parking space, and Caim watched the headlights of her car fade over the hill on the pitch-black highway. There was honesty in her voice when she answered the question. He closed his eyes and phased out of the parking lot. He was tuned in to Bliss like a radio to a station's frequency. Caim did not have to know where the diner was to find her. She was like his soul's addiction from the time he met her. If she had asked for espres
so in the lava pit of hell, he would have met her there and set up the table.

  * * * *

  Merry Go Round Diner was a local piece of history in the small town. The landmark had stood for over eighty years, from the town's conception, and still was a hub for people to meet. The neon sign that looked like a child's play toy blinked, a beacon in the night sky directing Bliss into its parking lot.

  She pulled past the doorway, and her eyes widened when she saw Caim sitting by the window in one of the booths. How did he get here so quickly? She locked her car after she stepped out and then headed to the warmth of the diner. The bell over the door jingled in welcome as she stepped across the threshold. The smells of grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken fingers, and the soup of the day made her stomach rumble. She had only had a quick sandwich for dinner in between the mayhem of the ER and decided that the smells were too good to pass up.

  Caim sat unmoving in the booth, his dark clothing and coat standing in stark contrast against the red imitation leather that covered where he sat. His eyes met and kept on her face from the time she came into the diner, but his lips never cracked a smile. His eyes were so deep she could drown in them. There was so much turmoil behind them, she could tell. What could have happened to him that he didn't smile?

  "Hi. I can't believe you got here before me.” Bliss smiled warmly as she slid into the seat across from him.

  "I move quickly,” Caim replied.

  "You must have a pretty fast car."

  "Something like that."

  The one waitress working came over when she saw the two of them seated. She spoke to Bliss, but her eyes were on Caim. “Hey, Bliss, had the late shift tonight, huh?"

  Bliss smiled. “Hi, Sandy, yeah, you know how it is."

  "Who's your friend?” Sandy asked.

  Of course, buxom Sandy would be interested in Caim and his good looks. She probably would like him to be another notch in her bedpost, Bliss thought sourly.

  "This is my friend Caim.” That was all the information Bliss was willing to give her.

  When the waitress realized no more information would be forthcoming, she sighed and asked, “What can I get for you tonight?"

  "I'll have the soup and a chicken fingers plate and sweet iced tea,” Bliss answered politely.

  "How about you, handsome?” Sandy asked. Bliss wanted to slap the sappy smile off her face.

  "I'm fine, thank you,” he replied. His eyes never left Bliss's face.

  "Okay then.” Sandy flounced away with a pout on her face.

  Serves her right! Bliss thought with triumph. Caim never took his eyes off her face. Bliss felt like he was searching for something in her or about her from looking at her features. She had the urge to fidget under his scrutinizing gaze.

  "Is something wrong?” she finally asked.

  "Nothing, why do you ask?” The deep timbre of his voice sent a thrill along her spine.

  "You keep staring at me, that's why I am asking."

  "You are completely beautiful. I cannot keep my eyes off of you."

  "Oh.” Bliss felt breathless. His simple compliment made her tingle all over.

  Sandy picked just then to come back with the soup. This time her smile was stiff, and she put the bowl down in front of Bliss. “Your chicken fingers will be done shortly,” she said crisply and walked away.

  "She's not too happy,” Bliss mumbled before she took a sip of her soup.

  "Do you care if she is happy or not?” Caim asked.

  Bliss laughed before she took a sip of her soup. “Nope, not really. She is a total bitch sometimes. She is just pissed you wouldn't give her a second glance."

  "Ah, it's a female thing,” Caim said knowingly.

  "Something like that."

  "What does it taste like?” he asked after a few seconds of silence.

  "What, my soup?” She glanced up in surprise. At his nod, she extended a spoonful for him to sample. “Here, try it. It's creamy chicken noodle."

  "No, I can't."

  Bliss could have sworn she saw apprehension cross his face. “Oh, you're a vegetarian."

  "Something like that,” Caim responded before he asked softly, “Explain it to me ... please?"

  There was something in his voice so endearing that she couldn't help but do as he requested. “It's rich, creamy, and smooth. When it touches your tongue, you taste the flavor of the spices—oregano, paprika, and maybe a hint of sage—and the chicken. It warms my insides, and I really did not eat today, so pardon me if I slurp,” she said, teasing him, and was rewarded with a smile.

  Sandy came back with her chicken fingers and set them down without a word. Bliss knew that when she told Amber tomorrow, her friend would die laughing. As she ate, Caim asked her to explain the taste of the honey mustard and her food. For some reason, instead of thinking him weird, she found herself complying and loving how he closed his eyes when she spoke. He asked her a lot of questions about her life and answered few about himself. By the time the meal was over, she felt as if he knew her life story, but she knew little about him. He walked her out to the car and stood by the door while she fished her keys out of her purse. She looked up at his tall figure and his deep, soulful eyes. Bliss became breathless, and the night was suddenly not as cool as she thought.

  "Uh, good night, Caim. Thank you for watching me eat,” she said, teasing him.

  "Good night, Bliss. Does this count as a first date?"

  Bliss laughed. “Do you always say the first thing that comes to your mind?"

  "Yes, I do,” he replied.

  "I don't know. I guess as far as first dates go, this was not a bad one.” Bliss smiled up at him.

  "Do I get to kiss you then?” His voice was soft and smooth, like molasses on biscuits.

  "I think I want you to.” Bliss couldn't deny it. From the time she had seen him in the hallway of the ER, she had thought about his mouth on hers. As she worked, his green eyes had haunted her thoughts.

  He moved in closer, his presence filling the space around her. He smelled like something she couldn't quite distinguish, but it was sexy as hell. She closed her eyes and inhaled when his arms went around her. Bliss held her breath as his lips descended to hers. When they touched, she was lost. A tiny moan escaped when he rubbed his lips gently across hers. The friction made her want more. She needed to feel more of him. As if he sensed her thoughts, Caim complied, and soon the kiss had taken on a life of its own. She opened her mouth under his, and his tongue slipped inside. This time, it was he who moaned as he sampled her taste. Bliss could only hold on to the material of his shirt as they kissed. She felt like if she let go, she would crumple to the asphalt, boneless and weak. He finally raised his head, and she slowly opened her eyes to his jade stare.

  "Thank you,” he whispered. His fingers trailed down her cheeks and across her lips. “I'll see you again soon."

  Bliss watched as he walked away, the hem of his coat ruffled slightly by the breeze. Wow, she thought, getting into her car. That was all her mind could muster.

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  Chapter Three

  The bell over the door of the diner gave a cheerful jingle to announce someone had entered. Sandy looked up from her magazine, and her jaw dropped in astonishment. There stood a man as gorgeous as a McHottie from her favorite television show or a model from those sexy men's magazines. His blond hair seemed to catch the dull fluorescent light of the diner, and his teeth, when he smiled, made her want to lick them. Damn, this is the night for hot guys. Bliss thinks she caught a hot one. She should see this big boy, Sandy thought as she fluffed her bleached blonde hair.

  "Well how are you tonight?” The sugary sweet tone of Sandy's Southern drawl would put most people's teeth on edge.

  The man instead smiled even brighter. “I am absolutely fabulous now I found this place."

  "You had a long trip?” Sandy asked as he slid into the seat by the counter. “Coffee?"

  "You could say that I had a long trip.” He grinned and
winked. “Oh, coffee would be perfect."

  Jesus H. Malloy, he rolls his rs, Sandy thought as she poured him a cup. If he knew how wet his voice was making me ... She blushed at where her mind was going.

  "So what brings you to little ol’ Merry?” Sandy cooed.

  "Oh, I came here with a friend. You might have seen him, dark hair, green eyes, and a long black coat.” The man gave her a cocky grin. “It's kind of his trademark, that coat."

  "Oh yeah, I saw him. He was in here a little while ago with Bliss."

  "Hmm, Bliss you say. Who is this?” The man took a sip of his coffee casually.

  "Oh, she's a little thing that works over at the hospital, thinks she is high-and-mighty because she works there,” Sandy said airily. She leaned on the counter and whispered conspiratorially, “But if you ask me, she ain't that much."

  "I see. Do they come in here often?” He smiled and winked.

  "Bliss is in here all the time, but this is the first time I ever saw her in here or with him. I don't think she's ever had a man,” Sandy announced. “The girl wouldn't know what to do with one."

  "But you do?” the man asked smoothly.

  Sandy felt a curl of desire inside her. “You should stick around and find out."

  "Maybe I will do just that.” The man looked at her. His startling blue eyes seemed to see deep inside her soul. “Has anyone ever told you that you should be a model?"

  "Really?” Sandy giggled prettily. “Well, you know, I used to be in those kiddie pageants, and I was Miss Teen Queen eighty-three."

  "And no more? I would think you had some nationals under your belt. Like Miss Universe or something along those lines."

  Finally someone who sees my potential! Sandy licked her lips and put her hands on her hips. His questions about Bliss and her new beau were all but forgotten. “Why the questions about my modeling career? I don't even know your name."


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