Secrets and Lies

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Secrets and Lies Page 13

by N. C. Anderson

  Yet, Selena would have to be the one in command of their relationship; the one who could divert him.

  This time, Selena would have to do the discarding.

  Chapter 8

  At nine the following morning Selena was pouring her second cup of strong coffee, attempting to overcome a lousy nights’ sleep, when the tiny bells over the office door alerted her that someone had entered. She edged closer to the kitchen door and listened to her mother's greeting.

  "I'm Della McRae. Can I help you, ladies?"

  "Della, I'm Karlene Logan, and of course you've already met my sister-in-law, Doctor Rebecca Tames. We would like to visit with Selena Flynn, if she is here."

  "Yes, of course, Mrs. Logan. It's good to see you again, Doctor Tames."

  Selena shuddered. She braced herself and stepped from the kitchen into the office, trying to convince herself that facing two Logans had to be easier than six. “I'm Selena Flynn,” she said as assertively as she could. “What can I do for you?"

  Logan's mother was taller, thinner, than Doctor Rebecca. But both, except for the plain briefcases they carried, looked as if they'd just come from a couturier's salon. Karlene wore a flowing print dress, accented with wrist-length white gloves, and Doctor Rebecca wore a more business-like two-piece suit with a silk blouse trimmed in wide, delicate lace. Perfectly woven and looped with a gold braid to the back of her head, Karlene's long, silver-streaked black hair shone healthily, while Doctor Rebecca's gray curls bounced as she stepped forward and extended her hand.

  "I believe it's more like, what we can do for you,” Rebecca said, grasping Selena's hand firmly. “I've heard many things about you, Mrs. Flynn."

  I just bet you have, Selena thought. If they've come to hand me a ticket to South America, I'm going to scream.

  "What Rebecca has heard,” Karlene Logan said, accepting Selena's hand in greeting, “is nothing, compared to what I know."

  Although their eloquent words sounded friendly, Selena didn't trust them. “I hope what you know isn't all bad,” she said, keeping her tone as light as theirs had been.

  Karlene's laugh was soft, musical. “That depends on who I've been listening to.” She opened her briefcase, extracted several stapled sheets of paper, and handed them to Selena. “The secretary of the Trust sent me here to have you deliver these papers to Patrick immediately. They give him legal permission to start work on the property before closing."

  Selena glanced at the papers. Doctor Brian would never make a request for her to go near Logan. “Have you filed these?"

  "Yes, first thing this morning.” Karlene answered, advancing closer to Selena. Selena looked delightful, she had a wonderful firmness in her handshake, and Karlene could see this was going to be an exciting morning. “Now that I've concluded Trust business, Rebecca and I would like to speak with you about the Real Estate business.” She glanced at Della. “Could we converse in private?"

  "My mother and I are equal partners in this brokerage,” Selena informed her. “We make all our decisions together."

  "I like that idea,” Rebecca broke in. “The more heads we have working on this the better."

  Karlene surveyed the room. Perfect, she thought. Brian Logan, I believe you've met your match. “Do you have a place we can discuss this? I'd rather not talk in the middle of your office."

  Della walked toward the kitchen. “Just follow me, please."

  Selena trailed them into the kitchen and leaned against the counter by the sink. Her heart thumped madly, her nerves jangled, and she couldn't stand it anymore. “If you're here to buy me out, I'm not selling."

  Della almost dropped a coffee cup. “Selena!” she exclaimed. “Let these ladies have their say before jumping all over them."

  "Thank you, Della,” Karlene said politely as she pulled out a chair and sat down, her gaze never leaving Selena. “On the contrary, Selena, we are here because we want to buy in."

  "You what?” Selena walked the two feet to the table and plopped onto her chair, totally confused. “I happen to know your husband wants to see my backside leaving this town."

  Rebecca laughed. “Don't we know it. You have a certain quality that seems to make our Brian a nervous wreck."

  Karlene's silencing gesture merely reduced Rebecca's laughter to a chuckle. “You may as well understand that I know some of what happened between you and Brian years ago—and more recently.” She took a leather-bound checkbook from her briefcase and laid it on the table. “You are interested in my son?"

  "You could say that, Mrs. Logan,” Selena admitted, startled by Karlene Logan's bluntness. Here it comes, she thought. The big pay off.

  "How interested?"

  "I'm not certain that's any of your concern.” She squirmed in her chair uncomfortably. “Nor do I think what I feel about your son has anything to do with our real estate business."

  "True, to a point. However, I need to know if you intend to stick around.” Karlene tapped her gloved fingers softly against the checkbook. “My husband won't offer you money this time, Selena. He expects to ruin your reputation so indisputably it will force you out of business and make it impossible for you to remain in this town."

  "Since I've already heard about his plans,” Selena gazed pointedly at Karlene's checkbook, “does that mean you are planning to offer me money?"

  Karlene tugged at the fingers of one glove until she slid it from her hand, then proceeded to remove the other one. “In a manner of speaking."

  Della placed coffee cups and coffee pot on the table. She sat down and poured the steamy black liquid into the cups, serving them. “I think if we are to discuss business, we do it without beating around the bush, and we leave no questions as to our meaning."

  Karlene placed her gloves on her slender leather purse. “Trust takes time, Della."

  "Agreed. However, trust needs a base to build on, and being honest at the onset is a superb way to start."

  Rebecca spooned sugar into her cup. “I see we all agree with that.” She glanced at Selena, passing the sugar to Karlene. “Well then, Selena, do you plan to stick around?"

  "Come hell or high water."

  "And about my son?” Karlene asked, stirring her coffee slowly, waiting to see how honest Selena could be. She'd obviously hit a nerve. Selena's cheeks were flaming, her sienna eyes, gleaming.

  "I've always loved him, Mrs. Logan,” Selena said quietly. “Although my being born on the wrong side of town was a barricade that I couldn't hurdle at age sixteen, I see things differently now. Today, I see that wall to be paper-thin. I want to smash it down."

  As Karlene nodded, her gray eyes became serious, almost sad, and Selena could hardly wait to hear what the woman might say next.

  She picked up the checkbook, flipping it against her other hand. “Then, if you accept our proposal, we're here to help you."

  Selena hesitated, trying to absorb Karlene's words. “Why?"

  Rebecca reached across the table and patted Karlene's hand. “You might as well tell them at least part of it."

  After laying the book down, Karlene folded her hands tightly under her chin, resting her elbows on the table. “My husband is brilliant in neurology, in surgery. He knows how to invest money and triple it.” She paused. Sudden moisture clouded her vision, and Della pushed a box of tissue toward her.

  Karlene grabbed a tissue and dabbed at her eyes. “I'm sorry. For as much time as I've spent thinking about this, you'd think I would be well past tears.” She sucked in a deep, controlling breath. “When I married Brian, he was handsome, compatible with most people, and we were in love. A tragedy in our lives changed him from a considerate, loving man to a man who devoted himself to his work, to money, to what he thought were discreet affairs, and to his almighty social status.” Karlene lifted her chin, her tears evaporating, her purpose, determined. “I've never been noticeably successful at contradicting Brian, but after thirty-plus years, I've had it. I can no longer accept what he transformed into. So you see, I'm not here to offer a s
elfless proposal. I believe if I help you, I will either cure or kill my marriage."

  Selena remembered Logan's words about boarding school, and wondered if Karlene Logan had made an effort to keep her son home.

  "I also believe I'll be helping Patrick,” Karlene added, placing her hands on the table. “What happens, or doesn't happen, in regard to you and Patrick, is between the two of you. I want Patrick to live his own life."

  She glanced at Rebecca then brought her attention back to Selena. “Although there could be more to it, I believe that Brian believes you are after Patrick for his money, his name. If that were true, you would have taken Brian's generous offer years ago. As I said, Patrick can make his own decisions.” She tapped her long fingernails on the table. “And as far as Brian's allegation that you married Daniel for the rich life, phooey. My friendship with Daniel Flynn goes back a long way. There wasn't a woman born who could have trapped him for money.” She folded her hands. “That's enough background for why we've come here."

  Rebecca opened her briefcase. “We would like to invest in your company,” she said. “If possible, we would like to become silent partners."

  "Yes,” Karlene added. “Since Rebecca is a busy doctor, and although I retired a few years ago, I have several interests that take most of my time, we want no obligations for the selling end. However, we can promote the business. If we are successful, we can eventually have franchise offices in several large cities where Rebecca and I have contacts."

  Selena leaned forward, still unable to trust them. From her words, Karlene had recognized her husband's obsessive passion for secretaries long ago. Why would she wait thirty-some years to find a cure? “We are not hurting for money—especially not Doctor Brian's money."

  "You will be,” Karlene assured her. “Brian can be vigorously stubborn when he wants something.” She pointed at the checkbook. “I brought this to show you our sincerity. The investment capital I propose to use is not Brian's—never has been Brian's."

  Della stared at Karlene, then at Rebecca. “You are the ones who sent in the new clients."

  Rebecca smiled, rocking her wrist off-handedly. “Brian made the mistake of telling me some of his plans."

  "Give us a couple of days to parley on this,” Della said. “If you have a contract laid out already, leave it, and we'll go over it."

  Rebecca handed Della several documents. “Take as long as you want reviewing these. But, remember, Brian is a determined, busy man. He's not going to let up."

  "Regardless of your decision,” Karlene interrupted, closing her briefcase and raising to her feet. “We will keep sending you clients.” She slipped on her gloves. “You hired a man named Curt Yoman."

  "He started work this morning,” Selena said, wondering how Karlene could possibly know. “He's showing property right now."

  The two women walked toward the door. “Fire him,” Rebecca advised. “His job is to undermine the integrity of your brokerage. Don't give him a chance to do anything that will damage your reputation."

  "We understand,” Della said, following them across the room. She stopped beside Selena's desk. “Nevertheless, we need two more agents. How will we know if Doctor Brian sent them or not?"

  Karlene opened the outer door. “I know a couple of honest agents. Would you want to interview them?"

  Selena came to a standstill beside Della. “Have them call for an appointment."

  "Tomorrow,” Rebecca said as the door closed behind them.

  "Well, I'll be damned,” Della mumbled.

  "Do we believe it?” Selena brushed her hand through her hair. “I, for one, want to believe it."

  "Karlene Logan wasn't putting on an act, Selena. A woman with her money and class won't lay her personal life out in front of strangers unless she's desperate. I'd say Mrs. Logan is fighting for her life."

  It was a possibility. Confusing as it all seemed, the thought of having Logan's mother as an ally was more than tempting. “Tell me what you think."

  Della swept up the stapled papers from Selena's desk. “I think you should deliver these to Doctor Patrick for his signature.” She handed them to Selena. “While you're gone, I'll read their documents. We can go over them together later."

  * * * *

  Children's voices giggling and talking saturated the air in the clinic when Selena entered. She had to make her way around several mothers with babies in their arms and hanging on their skirts to get to the reception desk.

  Ellie rose from her chair behind the desk. “Why, Selena, you're a little early for therapy."

  "I'm not here for therapy, Ellie. Where is the good doctor hiding?” Selena wanted to see him, and dreaded seeing him. What would he be like now that he'd talked with his father?

  Ellie chuckled. She gestured toward the reception room where most of the noise appeared to be coming from. “If you step around the corner, you'll find him doing what he does best."

  Selena mouthed her thanks, and maneuvered between mothers to peek around the separating wall. Logan sat Indian style in the middle of the red carpet. Selena guessed that the child on his knee was about six months old. Several three and four year olds surrounded him. His interest seemed fastened on the three sitting on the floor in front of him, while the baby worked to climb his chest and reach his ear.

  This was the same man who'd stated emphatically that he didn't have what it took to be a father. This was the same man who'd meant it. Selena shook her head. If he could just see himself.

  "I don't know where you guys learned to cheat,” Logan said. “But I know darned good and well it's my turn."

  "Okay, Doctor Patrick,” said the little redheaded boy next to him. “But you only get to toss the dice once.” The boy had a brace on his leg, and two tiny crutches lay beside him.

  "That's all you ever let me toss them,” Logan said with fake gruffness as he pried the baby's fingers from his ear. “How come you get to try it five times?"

  The boy jabbed his fingers at the Candy Korn game board. “Cause I'm little, and you're always winning."

  A little dark-headed girl with her right arm in a cast poked the boy. “That's not true, I won the last game."

  "Ahh, you don't count. You're just a girl."

  "Whoa,” Logan said, holding his free hand in the air. “You get Tony riled, and I'll quit."

  Ellie came to stand beside Selena. “I hate to break this up, Doctor,” she called out. “But the clock says it's time you got to work."

  With the baby clinging tightly to his white jacket, Logan dragged himself to his feet. “You guys will just have to carry on without me. I'll play the winner next time."

  "You say that all the time,” Tony said, her dark curls bouncing. “But you never just play me."

  "Remind me next week, and it's a date."

  Logan glanced around the room. When he spotted Ellie and Selena, he made his way across the child-filled carpet without stepping on anyone. “Ellie, I don't see Jenny's mother in here.” He handed the giggling baby to Ellie. “See what you can do with this,” he requested. “I think she's sprung a leak."

  Ellie's scowl looked playfully resentful. “You always want to give them up when it's time for the maintenance work."

  Logan's eyes sparkled as his gaze settled on Selena. “That's my job."

  Well, he doesn't look angry, Selena thought, while inspecting his handsome face, the sensual tilt of his mouth—the outrageous glint in his eyes.

  "I think I just spied her mother,” Ellie said as she walked away.

  "You're just the person I wanted to see.” He turned away, moving toward his office. “Come on,” he said over his shoulder.

  Selena didn't have much choice but to follow him. She still had his paperwork clutched in her hands. She caught up with him. “Will you please wait a minute? I just came to get your signature on these papers.” She didn't want their discussion to take place here. They needed plenty of privacy.

  "We'll talk about it in my office.” He opened the door and gesture
d for her to go ahead of him. “I need to tell you about your X rays."

  She'd completely forgotten about them. “What's to tell? They've been viewed by a dozen doctors."

  Logan stopped beside his desk, leaned a hip against it, and held his hand out for the papers she wanted signed. “My uncle Peter knows of a procedure he believes will eliminate the pain you have."

  "Doctor Peter Logan?” she asked, watching him take a pen from his pocket and slash his name across the bottom.

  "He'll be here in a minute, so sit down and relax."

  Selena took the papers from him as he handed them to her. “I just came here to give you these. You now have a signed agreement for you to start work on the property legally. I'll make a copy for our files, and a couple more for you and the Trust."

  A tap on the door startled Selena, and she turned to see Peter Logan enter the room. She recognized the X ray envelope he carried under his arm.

  Logan folded his arms across his chest. “Uncle Pete, have you met Mrs. Flynn?"

  Doctor Peter extended his free hand. “Yes. Mrs. Flynn, how are you?"

  Selena shook his hand. “Fine. What is this all about, Logan?” She hadn't given him permission to hand her X ray's to anyone.

  "If you'll sit down, we'll tell you about it."

  Peter snapped her pictures into the lighted frames across one wall of the office. Her hipbones and spinal column looked like something from a science fiction movie.

  He pointed to each picture and told her what he wanted to do in surgery that might, and the key word to Selena was might improve her ability to walk and relieve the pain.

  When he finished, she folded her hands in her lap and thought about it. “What guarantee do you give me the surgery will change things for the better?"

  Peter didn't hesitate. “None. Every person is different, every person reacts differently to every procedure."

  "Then, what are the chances I would come out feeling worse?” She'd heard the answer to this question a dozen times, yet couldn't resist asking.

  Peter withdrew from the X rays to stand beside Logan's desk. “The same type of answer. There's always the risk of making things worse."


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