Dylan and Taylor (Soul Mates 101 Series)

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Dylan and Taylor (Soul Mates 101 Series) Page 19

by Scarlet Wolfe

  I don’t go to my classes on Monday, and I stop texting Dylan. Instead, I drink Red Bulls and eat junk food until I’m throwing up. The lack of sleep, the stress and my diet are wreaking havoc on my thin body. I take complete ownership for what happened, and I hope that I can convince Dylan not to give up on us.


  I get ready for school Monday morning and find Dylan sitting up and asleep on the couch. I hate to wake him, but I have to be sure he doesn’t drive today. “Bro, I have to go to school. Do you need to call work, or do you have classes?”

  His eyes fly right open, and it’s obvious he hasn’t had real sleep. “I need to call Bob and take a couple of days off work.”

  “Don’t try to drive today. We’ll work something out when I get home.”

  Dylan rubs his hands over his face as he gets up and stumbles to the kitchen. I’m about to go out the door when he walks back into the family room.

  “I miss her.”

  I turn around and look at him. “I know. We need to get you home tonight.”


  I can’t believe how bad Dylan looks when I get home from school. He can hardly put a sentence together. I talk to my mom, and we work out a plan.

  “Dylan, we have to get you home. I’ve never seen you like this. You’re missing her to the point of making yourself ill, so I imagine she’s just as sick. Coming here hasn’t given you any peace, dude. I’m calling Cody.”

  “Cody, this is Nate.”

  “Hey, little brother, how’s Dylan doing?”

  “He’s in bad shape. He refuses to sleep. I wanted to let you know that I’m driving him home in his truck, and then my folks are paying for me to rent a car tomorrow to drive back, so we’ll be there in a few hours.”

  “You can stay here, and I appreciate you bringing him back. I’m partly to blame for this, so sorry.”

  “I look forward to skipping school for a day, and I want to meet the chick that holds my brother’s fucking soul. I need to see if he should forgive her. This shit has to stop, so I need you to get her address for me.”

  “Sure, but be prepared, I hear she’s acting just as cuckoo.”


  I drive Dylan back to Nashville. He does the same head bobbing shit he’s been doing for two days. I stop at the drug store when we get into town and buy some over the counter sleep medicine. I’m at a loss as to what else to do for him. I have to direct him out of the truck and to the house.

  “How did I get home?” he mutters.

  “I drove you.”

  Cody opens the door. “I’m glad you’re back, man. You look like hell.”

  “Yeah, thanks to you,” Dylan says bitterly.

  “Would you get him some water?” I ask.

  After Cody hands the glass to Dylan, I hand him the pills. “Here, take these, and go to bed. You have to sleep.”

  He takes them without argument and walks to his room.

  “I wanted to give him the extra push, so he’ll stop fighting it. Did you get Taylor’s address for me?”

  “Hannah said it’ll be easier to tell you how to get there over the phone.” Cody digs his cell out and starts dialing numbers.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I have to look out for Dylan. I take down the directions from Hannah. It’s strange talking to her on the phone since I haven’t met her and especially since she’s the daughter of Lorna Ray Mason.

  Driving to Taylor’s, I grow more nervous the closer I get. There’s a guard who makes me wait while he calls her home. He finally lets me through the gate, and I’m wondering what the hell I was thinking coming here on my own. Why didn’t I bring Cody with me?

  I’m blown away by the size. This is a mansion, and I understand why Dylan would be having trouble adjusting. After ringing the doorbell, I wait in total panic. The door opens and sweet Jesus, the most beautiful girl is standing in front of me.

  “Hi, um … I’m Dylan’s brother, Nate. Is Taylor here?”

  She studies me as she twirls her finger in her long, golden blonde hair. “I totally see the resemblance, but you’re way cuter.”

  Damn, she’s hot.

  “I’m Tory, come on in, and I’ll take you up to her room, but I’ll warn you, she’s a basket case and really looks like hell right now.”

  “I don’t think I belong in her bedroom. Can you ask her to come down here?”

  She smirks. “Sure, just follow me. You can wait in the family room.”

  I’m sitting in this mansion, feeling really out of place. I’m barely an adult, so why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, because my dumbass brother can’t sleep without a chick in his bed. I’ve decided from the last couple of days that love is a nightmare, and there’s no way in hell I’m going to want just one girl by his age.

  Little Brother, Big Advice


  I’m on the floor, staring at the ceiling when Tory barges in my room. “Don’t freak, but Dylan’s brother is here and wants to speak with you. He’s in the family room.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask anxiously.

  “How the hell do I know? He’s hotter than Dylan and looks my age, so find out if he’s single.”

  “Get out!” I can’t believe she’s expecting anything from me right now. I run to the bathroom and try frantically to make myself look presentable. It’s hopeless, so I head downstairs with my stomach in knots.

  I walk into the room and fight back tears. He looks so much like his brother. His eyes are brown instead of green, and his hair is shorter, but it’s dark brown, too, and his features are so similar. It makes me miss Dylan more. He stands up immediately and wipes his palms on his jeans.

  “Hi, I’m Taylor.”

  “Hi, Nate, Dylan’s younger brother.”

  “Where’s Dylan? Is he OK?” I ask.

  “He’s in bed at his house. I had to drive him up here. He’s barely slept. No offense, I mean, I’ve seen a gorgeous photo of you, but right now it appears that you haven’t slept, either.” He glances away and appears very nervous.

  “I can’t sleep without Dylan next to me.”

  “I wanted you to know he’s back home and safe. I gave him some sleeping pills. I knew he wouldn’t be able to fight it then.”

  “I’m glad he’s back. I miss him. I guess he didn’t send you then.”

  “No, but he misses you, too, and I can see that he really loves you. I guess I wanted to hear for myself how you feel about him. I don’t want to ever see him this hurt again.”

  I start crying. I feel so much guilt for what I’ve done.

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t cry. I can’t promise, but I think he’ll forgive you with time. I’m hopin’ it’s sooner rather than later.

  “I know Dylan puts on a tough front, but that’s not who he really is. He needs to know he can trust you if he’s going to take on all this.” He glances around the house. “My brother’s the most honest person I know.”

  “Dylan has shown me his soft side, and I really regret keeping things from him. I promise I won’t ever go behind his back again. He has a special talent, so I was just trying to help him. I can’t put into words how much I love him. How are you getting back?”

  “I’m renting a car tomorrow.”

  “The guys will be at school or work, so I can take you to get it.”

  “I really doubt Dylan will go to his classes, so he can take me after he’s had some sleep.”

  “OK.” I’m disappointed. I was hoping that would be a way to see him. “Will you please tell Dylan I miss him and desperately want to apologize in person?”

  “Sure, I’ll tell him.”

  My dad walks into the room. I’ve been avoiding him since I don’t know if he’d be upset at Dylan over all this.

  “Who’s this you’re talkin’ with, Taylor?”

  “This is Dylan’s younger brother, Nate.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Vincent.”

  “It’s um, um, it’s great to meet you, sir,” Nate says nervou
sly as he shakes Dad’s hand.

  “Call me Vincent. What’s going on, darlin’?”

  “Um … can I talk to you about it later? I need to show Nate out.”

  “Sure, it was nice meetin’ ya.”

  “Same here, um ... Vincent.”

  I lead Nate to the front door, and when I turn around, I see his eyes are still huge from meeting Dad. I grab him and hug him hard. He hugs me back, and it makes me feel like Dylan’s a little bit closer.

  “Thank you for coming to see me.”

  “I’ll be sure to give him your message and try to talk some sense into him, but he needs to sleep first.”

  Tory comes barreling around the corner and walks right up to Nate. “Not so fast. Nate, do you go to Vandy?”

  “I start in the fall.”

  Tory’s eyes light up bright. “I’ll be a freshman, too, so maybe we can hang out.”

  “That’d be cool.” He winks at her before he goes out the door.

  It barely shuts before Tory starts. “He’s so handsome. When you and Dylan work things out, you need to get him back up here to see me.”

  Mom peaks around the foyer. “I just let a UPS truck through the gate. He has a package for you, Taylor.”

  I open the door. “I have a delivery for Taylor Page.” The guy is holding a large box. I sign for it, and tears spring from my eyes.

  “What is it?” Tory asks.

  “This is the guitar Dylan’s been saving for. I ordered it for him before our fight. Could you please ask Dad to sign it, and tell him I’ll have to talk to him later?”

  “Sure, Taylor, but you have to get some sleep. You’re going to end up in the hospital.”

  “Nate said he gave Dylan sleeping pills. I think I should find something to help me sleep.”


  The ring of my phone wakes me. I don’t recognize the number. “This is Dylan.”

  “Hi, my name is Cat, and I’m the assistant to Vincent Page. He wanted me to call you and invite you to meet with him at a recording studio. He told me to tell you that he wants to hear what you sound like without the shitty band you were playing with. Sorry, his words, not mine. He said to work out a good time with you.”

  “Umm ... wow, this is unexpected. I need a little time to think about it. Can I give you a call back?”

  “OK, but I wouldn’t wait long if I were you. This is not something Vincent normally does.”

  “I’ll be sure to let you know.” I hang up the phone and look around. How the hell did I get home? There’s a knock at my door before Nate walks in.

  “Hey, feel better?”

  “Yeah, did you drive me up here?”

  “Damn, you don’t remember?”

  “I remember being in the truck, but that’s it.”

  “We got here about six last night. I slept in Brett’s old room. I thought I heard you talking.”

  “I just got another surprise, and Taylor’s probably behind this one, too.”

  “What is it?”

  “Vincent Page’s assistant just called saying he wants to hear me play at a recording studio.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  “I told her I have to think about it.”

  “Are you an idiot?”

  “I can’t very well work with him if I’m not with Taylor.” Nate becomes quiet and nervous. I can always tell when he’s nervous or guilty. He chews on the corner of his bottom lip.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Come out here. I need to talk to you about something.”

  I sit on the couch and hear the tap of his foot. “What did you do?” I ask anxiously.

  “I went to meet Taylor last night.”

  “So you’re doing shit behind my back, too?”

  “You wouldn’t remember if I had asked you first. Listen to me. I needed to meet her. I needed to decide for myself if you should forgive her, and I wanted to tell her that you were back in town and safe. I figured if you were in this bad of shape, then she would be worse.”

  “Is she OK?” Damn, I miss her, and I’m dying to know.

  “No, she’s not. She looked like shit and was really tore up. She appeared to have slept less than you.”

  “Shit, I hate this.” I bury my face in my hands.

  “You need to forgive her. I know it’s your decision, and you have to do what you feel is best, but I think you need to give her a chance to show you she can do better. She told me to tell you that she misses you and wants to apologize in person. I think she’s great, and she loves you a lot.”

  I feel the pulverizing pain in my chest, but I can’t give in to her. “This is what she does, Nate. She sucks you in with her pitiful looks and charm.”

  “Oh, like someone else I know who uses charm to get what they want? She wasn’t trying to manipulate me. She was a broken mess, dude. I met her sister, Tory. She’s hot and was already flirting with me.

  “Then I met Vincent which was so cool. I didn’t think I was going to be able to speak. He asked what I was doing there, so I’m wondering if he doesn’t know what happened.”

  “Taylor won’t want him to know. She’ll worry that he’ll take it out on me.”

  “I’m telling you one last time. You need to forgive your friends, get Taylor back, and meet Vincent at that recording studio. Did you ever think that maybe you’re mad at her because she did what you haven’t had the courage to do? She was just trying to help. You need to consider that.”

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do, but thanks for taking care of me when I couldn’t take care of myself.”

  “I’m sure you’re going to get your chance to get me out of some messes once I move up here in August.”

  “I don’t doubt that.”

  “Right now, you need to take me to get a rental car. I have to get back home.”

  Broken Dreams


  Tuesday comes, and I’m feeling sluggish from the sleeping pills I took last night. I found them in my parents’ medicine cabinet. They did cause me to sleep off and on, so I feel a little more rested. I signed the lease on the apartment the day Dylan left me, so I’m going to go ahead and move in.

  Certain that I’m not going to be able to concentrate at school, I skip my classes again and pack up essentials I’ll need at the apartment. I go on a shopping spree to take my mind off Dylan. I buy furniture and things for my kitchen. I pick out a huge bed that the furniture store has in stock and pay them double to deliver it this afternoon.

  I ponder why I’m bothering since I probably won’t sleep in it, but I’m clinging to the hope that Dylan will end up in it with me. Picking out the bed pushes me over the edge, so I sit in the shopping center parking lot and cry until I can’t resist texting him.

  Me: I miss you, Dylan. It was nice to meet Nate. He reminds me of you. I wish you would believe that I’m sorry.

  Dylan: I know you’re sorry. The problem is, I don’t know if I can trust that you won’t do it again. Just like today, I’m sure you’re behind your dad’s assistant calling me, so it shows me that nothing has changed.

  Me: I swear, Dylan! I don’t know anything about that! My dad told me the night you performed that he was going to get in touch with you, and he hasn’t mentioned it to me since. I swear I had nothing to do with that. Please let me show you I can change. I had no way to know you would get that upset, but now I know, so I won’t make the same mistake.

  Dylan: I don’t know if I can deal with all of this, Taylor.

  Me: I love you, Dylan, and I’m sorry. I’ll tell you as many times as you need to hear it. I guess I never should’ve let you in. I was obviously wrong to believe you wouldn’t treat me different because of who my father is. I’m beginning to wonder if you love me at all since you can walk away this easily.


  Taylor accuses me of not loving her in her text. It infuriates me. I can’t even respond. How could she think I don’t love her? I’m outta my mind missing her, but I need time to think.

>   There’s a knock on my door. “Man, will you please talk to me?” Cody asks.

  I open my door. “What?”

  “I’m sorry I went behind your back and told Taylor about you performing. She asked us at the cabin to tell her the next time you were playing. I thought it would be a great thing for Vincent to hear you, but I’ve known you long enough to know we should’ve told you ahead of time.”

  “Actually, you had no right to tell her period.”

  Cody drops his head. “You can’t hold this against Taylor. You’ve only been dating a month, and you’re expecting her to know how you’d react. Austin and I are to blame, not her.”

  “I had made it very clear to her to back off about my music. We had a talk about it on the way home from the cabin.” He’s really making me angry. I knew they’d all take up for her.

  “Besides how Brett was at the hospital with Hannah, I’ve never seen anyone so upset in all my life. It was as if you died when you drove away from her that night. Brett thought they were going to have to take her to the hospital at one point.

  “You’re the most honest person I know, Dylan, but you could use a lesson on forgiveness.” Cody walks away, and I’m left feeling like shit.


  I sit at the shopping center for an hour, staring at my phone. I keep thinking any minute Dylan will text me back that he does love me, but it never happens. I finally go back to my apartment. My friends send me text messages throughout the day to see if I’m OK, and I lie.

  The evening drags on as I move from room to room. I’m on the floor, staring at the ceiling and reminiscing of all my time with Dylan. I end up in the fetal position, feeling more alone than I did before I ever let him into my heart. Why did I ever take down my wall? Everyone I love lets me down.

  My apartment is in a gated community, but I’m still afraid to be here by myself, so it only adds to my insomnia. It has two huge bedrooms and baths, and the only piece of furniture in it is the king size bed that came this afternoon. I refuse to get in it by myself. Maybe the first time will be with Dylan. At three in the morning, I take more sleeping pills and pray that Dylan calls me.


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