Dylan and Taylor (Soul Mates 101 Series)

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Dylan and Taylor (Soul Mates 101 Series) Page 21

by Scarlet Wolfe

  I sit next to him, tapping my foot and chewing on my bottom lip while we wait. I’m already aware that it’s going to be a long few days. Vincent walks through some doors with his arms around Tory. Damn, I can’t stand seeing how sad she looks after how happy she was the other day.

  She comes walking toward me, looking right into my eyes, so I stand to greet her. She wraps her arms around my waist, catching me completely off guard. I glance up and see Dylan and Vincent going through the double doors, so I put my arm around her, and cup the back of her head with my other hand, pulling her tight against me.

  She rests her head on my chest, and I close my eyes, noticing how her little body fits nicely against mine. Shit. Why is she having this effect on me? I don’t know how long we stand there, but I snap out of the trance I’m in and see all the guys and girls staring at me. The dudes all have smirks on their faces.

  I’m embarrassed, so I let her go and point to the chair next to me. She sits down and curls her legs up before she lays her head on my shoulder. She’s too dang cute.

  One’s Heart Stands Still


  Vincent and I walk into Taylor’s room. I instantly break down. As soon as I see her hooked to all the machines and hear the different noises, the reality of how sick she is sinks in. “Dylan, they’re going to move her to intensive care soon. Brenda and I will go out, so you can have a few minutes alone with her.”

  After pulling a chair right up to her bed, I sit and squeeze her hand. “Sunshine, I’m really sorry for what I’ve put you through. Please wake up and get better, so I can make it up to you. I love you so much.” Guilt consumes me when I think about how fragile Taylor is emotionally.

  I knew this from the abandonment issues she has over her parents and Sam and from the way people have rejected her over the years because of who her dad is. Yet I left her alone, suffering in heartache for days. I beat myself up for not seeing that something like this could happen.

  After sitting with her for close to an hour, the nurses come to move Taylor to her room. I have to go out to the waiting room while they get her situated. It’s after nine o’clock when our friends leave to get something to eat, taking Tory and Nate with them. I refuse to go. While everyone is gone, Vincent, Brenda and I get directed to the waiting room for intensive care.


  I stare at Tory as I eat my dinner. She’s at the other end of the table but across from me. I see how tired she is, but she’s still beautiful.

  “You better watch it there little buddy,” Matt says to me.

  I hurry and shift my eyes to him. “What are you talking about?”

  “I see you checking her out. Those women have super hero powers. They’ll suck you in fast. You’re too young, so you better watch it.”

  “Leave him alone, Matt,” Brett says.

  I gaze back down at Tory. “I think their powers are pretty obvious to the eyes.”

  “It’s not just their gorgeous looks, and you’ve been warned.”

  “Matt, is this really the time?” Brett asks, sounding really pissed.

  “I’m just trying to lighten the mood a little. You need to get off my back.”

  Those two are like brothers. What’s going on between them? “Don’t worry. I have no intentions of tying myself down to one girl. That’s years away.”

  “Yeah, that’s what we all thought about ourselves until they came along,” Cody says, nodding toward the girls.

  “Matt wants to act like I ruined his life when I got with Hannah, but don’t let him fool you. He loves one of those girls,” Brett says.

  “God, please can we not do this again? Let it go, Brett. I don’t love her, and I’m not telling her I do. She’s still around, isn’t she?”

  Wow, there is some tension between the two of them.


  Taylor gets moved, and we’re allowed to go in and see her. While visiting, a doctor comes in to speak with us. He tells us her brain function appears good, but they won’t know with certainty if there’s brain damage until she wakes up, and that’s if she wakes up.

  Vincent pats my shoulder as he and Brenda cry. I can’t take any more of their tears, so I decide to go back into the waiting room. Our friends are back from eating, and I immediately notice that Tory is asleep with her head against Nate’s shoulder.

  I walk over to them. Seeing Tory with Nate reminds me of better times between Taylor and me. “She’s one funny girl,” I say.

  Nate glances down at her. “I don’t mind if it makes her feel better. I still feel guilty.”

  “Please don’t. This isn’t your fault. I’m just glad you’re here with us.” I tell everyone what the doctor said and tell them they should go home. They all refuse until around midnight when I finally talk them into it.

  “I’m not leaving,” Nate says.

  “That’s fine. You can keep Tory company.”

  Nate wakes her up, so they can move to a couch that will be more comfortable. I go back into Taylor’s room to sit with her. We’re not supposed to be visiting at this hour, but Vincent makes it clear to the staff that we will be in her room all night. I don’t know if it’s because of who he is, or if it’s because he’s so intimidating, but they don’t argue with him. It’s going to be a long night.

  You Want Me to What?


  I feel a tap on my shoulder and open my eyes. Vincent Page is standing right in front of me. I glance down and realize that Tory’s head is in my lap. Shit! I’m dead.

  “Vincent, I’m sorry, I was sleeping and didn’t know she laid her head down.”

  He chuckles. “I know how my little girl is.” He holds a set of keys out in front of me. “Here, nervous boy, take Tory home for me. I don’t want her out by herself this late, and I need you to get my other baby home before it gets stolen in the parking lot. You all can come back tomorrow morning after you shower, and please bring back the Hummer.”

  “I don’t know about all that, sir—”

  “I told you to call me Vincent. You’re Dylan’s brother, so I trust you. Her mom and I can’t leave tonight.”

  “Uh ... OK, sure.” I lightly shake Tory by her shoulder.

  “Tory, wake up. I’m gonna take you home.” She sits up and looks around as if she’s completely disoriented. She finally gets up and hugs her dad before we leave the waiting room. I’m a freakin’ nervous wreck. I can’t believe Vincent Page’s daughter had her head in my lap when he was standing right in front of me.

  “Your family is not like any I’ve ever known, Tory. I can’t believe your dad is just sending me home with you in the middle of the night. You’re not even eighteen yet.”

  “I’m close enough, and I’ve been staying by myself off and on for years now. I haven’t exactly had the most responsible parents.”

  “I’m going to grab a bag out of my truck. Your dad basically ordered me to shower at your house.” Tory follows me to my old Ford pickup and waits by the door.

  “I’m so glad there aren’t any paparazzi here. I did not feel like dealing with them,” she says.

  “Yeah, I want no part of that. OK, where’s your dad’s car?”

  “I don’t know. I rode with my mom.” She looks around. “Push the button on the key fob.”

  I push the button and hear a beeping sound coming from behind me. I turn around and as soon as my eyes meet the car I start yelling. “Tory, that’s a fucking Lamborghini Aventador. I can’t drive that!”

  “So-rry,” she says with an attitude. “I’m sure my dad had no intentions of bringing it to the hospital. He’s never let me touch it, so I’m not driving it.”

  “This is not happening. I can’t go back in there. Instead of nervous boy, he’ll be calling me wuss boy.” I pace around a few times in front of the Lamborghini with my hands in my hair.

  “What’s your problem? Get in the car and take us home. I’m exhausted.”

  “You don’t get it, Tory. This car is almost half a million dollars! If I wreck this
thing, I’m a dead guy.”

  “You’re not going to wreck. We don’t have that far to go, and there’s no traffic this late. Get in the damn car.”

  I open the door, and watching it go up in the air is cooler than shit. This car is black, sleek, and I want one. After getting in, I spend at least ten minutes figuring out exactly how to operate the thing.

  “OK, this is getting comical, Nate.”

  “Tory, can you just try to see this from my perspective for a minute? I’m taking Vincent Page’s under age daughter home at two in the morning in his Lamborghini. I hardly know you, yet I’m told to sleep there with you and bring you back safely in the morning in his Hummer. No fucking pressure at all!”

  She starts giggling. “You’re extra cute when you’re nervous.” She places her hand on my thigh as she leans over and kisses my cheek.

  I want to be aggravated at her for not seeing the seriousness in all this, but she’s turning me on. Sex in Vincent Page’s Lamborghini with his underage daughter would send me straight to hell, but the thought is definitely there. I drive ten miles under the speed limit until we get on the interstate.

  I start feeling more comfortable, so I can’t resist gunning it. We go from sixty to a hundred in a few seconds. I let up on the accelerator. “God, this is a fucking dream come true, and I can’t even enjoy it because I’m afraid I’m going to hurt the damn thing.”

  Tory giggles again.

  “I’m glad you’re getting your entertainment.”

  “Sorry, but you’re cute driving this thing.”

  I’m beyond relieved when I push the garage door button and realize I have plenty of room to pull in. There are other vehicles inside, but I’m too concerned with making sure everything is exactly the way it originally was in the Lamborghini to check them out. As soon as I walk into the house off the garage, Tory turns around and stands inches from my face.

  “I’m really worried about Taylor and don’t want to be alone. Will you sleep in my room with me?” Her beautiful light brown eyes stare up at me with so much sadness.

  “No way, Tory. What if your parents decided to come home?”

  “They’re not coming home, and you know it. Please.” She takes hold of one of my hands.

  “Fine, Tory, I’ll sleep in your room.” This family is exhausting me. We get upstairs, and I’m just shaking my head. “All this is your bedroom?”

  “Yes, and the bathroom is in there.” She points toward a door. I change into some athletic shorts in the restroom before I sit in a chair in her room and try to soak in my surroundings. I’m overwhelmed by all that’s happening and now understand why my brother has been behaving so erratic.

  I hear Tory crying in the restroom, and nervous is an understatement for how I’m feeling when she comes out. Only wearing a pair of very short shorts, and a thin, snug tank top, she walks up and stands in front of me again.

  “Are you OK?” I ask, trying to swallow the lump that’s formed in my throat.

  “I’m scared she’ll die.”

  “You can’t think that way.” I wipe tears away from her cheeks. I hate seeing her sad.

  “Will you please sleep in my bed?”

  “This couch over here looks just fine for me to sleep on.”

  “Please, Nate? I’m not trying to get you to mess around or anything. I’m sad and scared.”

  I run a hand through my hair and bite on my lip as I recall Vincent telling me that he could trust me, but then I’m embarrassed over how I acted with the car. I don’t want her thinking I’m a coward.

  I’ve had sex, but I’ve never slept with a girl in bed all night. I don’t think her parents will come home, so why not make the day even more exciting? “OK, fine, but I hope you know you’re asking me to risk my life? If your dad comes home, he’ll surely kill me.”

  She leans up and kisses my cheek before she gets into her bed and rolls away from me. I look at her perfect, little ass facing me and start breathing hard. She acts like I live here, so I walk over and turn off the light and manage to find my way back to the bed before climbing in.

  I’m on my back for about five seconds before she’s reaching back and grabbing my arm, signaling me to roll toward her. I let out a big sigh and do it. She circles my arm over her waist and scoots back against me.

  Really? Shit, how am I going to do this without coming in my shorts? I immediately shift my lower body away from her. “I’m a guy, Tory. You can’t get that close to me.”

  “Sorry,” she says as she yawns and falls asleep. I’m glad I’m able to make her feel safer and less lonely.


  Luckily, I wake up at seven-thirty on my own, probably because I’m totally stressed. Tory’s warm body feels really damn good against my skin, and I can’t help but let thoughts of what I’d like to do to her body run through my mind. I feel my hard-on forming, so I get out of bed and take my stuff into her bathroom to shower. I still can’t get over how large it is.

  When I come out, Tory’s on top of the covers, sleeping on her stomach. Seeing her sexy body sprawled out has me wanting to climb on top of her. I walk over and gently rub her arm. “Tory, wake up. You need to get a shower so we can get back to the hospital.”

  She gets out of bed without a word and walks into the bathroom. I immediately get my phone out and text Dylan.


  I’m shocked when Vincent tells me he sent Nate home with Tory. I know Nate will be a wreck over it, and he’ll probably be cussing me later. He’s such a responsible kid, so he gets really nervous when he’s put in tempting situations.

  Vincent, Brenda and I never leave Taylor’s side. We sleep on and off throughout the night, but there’s no change when I wake up for good. She still looks lifeless as I stroke her hair and hold her hand.

  I replay everything in my mind that I’ll say to her when she wakes up, and I hope she’ll forgive me for what I put her through. My phone buzzes, and I see it’s a text from Nate.

  Nate: I’m freakin’ out, Dylan! I know you have real problems compared to mine, but I had to drive a car home last night that’s worth like the cost of three homes! Then Tory lured me into her bed. I swear I haven’t even kissed her, so don’t punch me when I get there. I was terrified Vincent would come home and take my life.

  Me: You made me laugh, bro. She’s more like her sister than I realized. Bring me a coffee.

  Fifteen Minutes of Fame


  I’m sitting on the couch in Tory’s room when she comes out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her. “Tory! Are you just trying to make my life difficult?”

  “Sorry. I’m not used to having to take clothes with me to the bathroom.” She continues to go through drawers in her dresser with one hand while trying to hold her towel up with the other. Water drips from her long, golden hair, and I feel my erection. I swear my dad would whip my ass if he knew all that’s happened since I left home yesterday.

  She takes forever to get ready, so by the time I figure out how to drive the Hummer out of the garage and stop to get coffee, it’s almost ten when we get to the hospital. There are paparazzi everywhere.

  “Shit, I knew they would find out,” Tory says, groaning.

  “What do we do?” They immediately spot us.

  “We just have to walk through them. Don’t tell them anything.”

  I take hold of Tory’s hand as we walk toward the doors. Cameras are shoved near our face, and one of the camera men start yelling.

  “Tory Page, is it true your sister overdosed? What’s her condition?” Another reporter interrupts and asks questions. “Tory, is Vincent Page in the hospital, and sir, what is your name? Are you Tory’s boyfriend?”

  From all the people swarming us, Tory gets pushed. I feel a surge of anger and an obligation to protect her as I glare at the man who shoved her. “Get the hell away from her now, and leave her family alone.” When we get inside the elevator, I blow out a nervous breath. “Do you have to deal with that all the time?�

  “No. We’ve kept a low profile here in Nashville, but thanks to Taylor that won’t be the case anymore. You shouldn’t have said anything to them. You’re going to be all over the television now.”

  “I’m sorry, but it pissed me off when that guy pushed you. I was afraid you were going to get hurt.”

  “Thanks for looking out for me, but I hate what you’re going to have to deal with. You’re about to get more than fifteen minutes of fame.”

  As I get off the elevator, I think about our friends and hope they’re not here yet. I have enough to deal with and don’t need shit from the guys, but no, all of them are here, and now they’re staring at Tory and me.

  I’m sure they’re trying to figure out why we’re coming in together. “Tory, why don’t you go back and see your sister, and tell Dylan to come out here and drink his coffee.”

  I sit down next to Cody. “You need to do some explaining, little brother.”

  “I just told off a camera man outside, so Tory says I’m going to be on TV. I didn’t ask for all this when I came up here, and you won’t believe what happened at two o’clock this morning.”

  “I’d believe anything out of this bunch. We’ve had a lot of surprises over the last nine months,” Cody says.

  All the guys are waiting to hear my story. The girls are sitting across from us, so I try to speak quietly.

  “Vincent told me at two this morning to take Tory home, sleep at the house with her, and then bring her back here this morning in his Hummer. He also made me drive his Lamborghini home.”

  Cody’s eyes widen. “Damn, you got to drive the thing? We rode in it yesterday, but I was too upset over Taylor to pay attention.”

  “You lucky shit,” Austin says.

  “I thought I was going to piss myself when I had to drive out of here in that thing. He would’ve killed me if I had crashed it. He called it his other baby.”

  Matt shakes his head. “You just turned eighteen and got to take Vincent Pages attractive, under age daughter home in his Lamborghini. I bet you were in her bed, too. I see you didn’t take my warning, little man.”


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