My Chameleon Loves [Galactic Nuptials 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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My Chameleon Loves [Galactic Nuptials 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Missy Martine

  “You mean you’re guilty of embezzling their money.”

  “No, not really. I figure embezzling means I took it and had some fun spending it.”

  Jeff groaned softly and dropped the pen onto the table. “Then what did you do with the money?”

  “I simply hid it where they’ll never find it.”

  “Dempsey produced records showing you transferred one hundred twenty thousand dollars to your personal account. Where’s the rest of the money?”

  Jeni shrugged. “He’s lying. I never transferred any of it to me. I routed it through several overseas banks and then landed it in a small bank in the Cayman Islands. Not many people could trace it back to where it is now.”

  Jeff’s mouth fell open, a dazed look coming into his eyes. When he spoke, his voice was jittery. “How much money are we talking about?”

  Jeni cleared her throat. “Around thirty million give or take a few thousand.”

  Jeff whistled long and low. “No wonder they’re hell-bent on dropping the charges.”

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “If they drop the charges you’ll be released. They could get their hands on you and try to force the information out of you. This way, if you’re found guilty, your secret goes to prison with you.” He paused, and pulled more papers from his briefcase. “Although I wouldn’t bet they couldn’t find a way to get to you in prison. Why didn’t you tell the police all this, especially if you could prove it?”

  “That’s just it. I can’t prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Besides, I didn’t know who to trust in the police department.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Not long before she disappeared, Linda was at my place for dinner. She told me that every Friday, like clockwork, a pair of cops would show up to see Robert Ellison. Sometimes they’d be in uniform. Other times they’d be in plain clothes. She said there were at least six different ones during the time she’d been there.”

  “So, if he’s got officers on the take then you have no way of knowing which ones are on his payroll. If you’re found innocent, you can probably expect a visit from our local law enforcement.”

  “You make it sound like I’d be better off if I just plead guilty and went to prison.”

  “Not better off, but definitely safer.” He glanced down at his folded hands. “I might have an alternative for you.”

  “What alternative?”

  He cleared his throat gruffly. “I’ve been approached by the State Department with an unofficial offer for you.”

  “The State Department? What they hell do they want with me?”

  “Six months ago, when you were arraigned on charges, there were three representatives from the Arridian government in the courtroom.”

  Jeni shook her head. “I’m not familiar with the Arridian government. Where’s that?”

  “Arridia is a planet in the Fileta Galaxy.”

  “Excuse me? These representatives are from another planet?”

  Jeff nodded. “That’s right.”

  “What the hell were they doing in my courtroom?”

  “They were here as witnesses in the trial of a man accused of kidnapping and abusing his children. They were on their way out when you were brought into the courtroom.”

  Jeni sighed. “What’s all this have to do with me?”

  Jeff took a deep breath. “They’ve approached the State Department with an offer for your hand in marriage.”

  Jeni raised her hand to grab the edge of the table as a heavy weight settled in her stomach. A feeling of dizziness washed over her. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, I’m not kidding. Apparently the oldest brother says you’re their mate.”

  She swallowed weakly. “Their mate?”

  “Uh, yes, there are three brothers.”

  “That’s crazy. What has that got to do with an alternative for me?”

  “I’ve been told that the state prosecutor would be willing to commute your sentence, if you’re found guilty, to time served if you show any interest in becoming mate to the Arridians.”

  “Wait a minute. You’re telling me that if I’m found guilty, they’re gonna ship me off to be some kind of sex slave to aliens from outer space?”

  Jeff winced, pulling at his collar. “No, of course not. They aren’t going to make you do anything. They’re simply giving you the option of going with the Arridians back to their home instead of going to prison.”

  Jeni sank back into her chair and groaned. “I don’t understand any of this.”

  “Have you ever heard of a company called Galactic Nuptials?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “They’re an agency that specializes in finding mates, or wives, for species of the various worlds in the Federation of Planets.”

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  “The State Department is willing to let you sign on as a Galactic bride if you want, in place of a prison sentence.”

  She felt her arms going weak. “Marriage to these guys is supposed to be equivalent to a prison sentence. No thanks.”

  “No, on the contrary. I’ve seen the men, and they’re quite handsome. I was told they treat their mates like princesses. You’d literally become the center of their world and want for nothing.”

  “This is so surreal.”

  “Jeni, you don’t have to make any kind of decision today. Just think about it. If you want, I can make arrangements for you to meet them.”

  “Why is the State Department getting involved?”

  “Apparently they want a trade agreement with the Arridians. They have some type of clean energy on their planet we’re very interested in.”

  “So I’m some sort of prize in a trade agreement.”

  “No, not at all. They’re not going to force you to do anything, Jeni. It’s just another alternative that would benefit you and us if you decide to accept their offer.”

  “Well, I can tell you right now I’m not going to tell Carl how to find his money in the Caymans. That old goat hit on me every chance he got, and I’ll bet my last dollar he knows what happened to Linda. It’ll be snowing in hell before I give him the codes to unlock his kingdom.”

  * * * *

  Zintssar watched Kernz squirm on the hard courtroom bench. “Do you think it’ll finally be over today?” They’d been observing their mate’s trial since it started. She had continued to declare her innocence, even though they’d brought in several witnesses to prove she’d used her skills to transfer the money. So far, no one could tell where the money had gone.

  Kernz sighed and stretched out his long legs under the seat in front of him. “I hope so. I’m tired of sitting in this room every day. It’s not healthy.”

  “Did you hear anything from Xortz?” His youngest brother had asked to return to Arridia. He’d always been different, and just a few weeks ago he’d announced his desire to enter their Kakatiz. It was a type of religious order and considered a great blessing on the family of the ones that were called. Xortz had not felt the mate pull to Jenilyn as Zintssar and Kernz did. Their father had been disappointed, but accepting of his life decision.

  “I got a communiqué late last night. He’s settled in and says he’s happier than he’s ever been in his life.” Kernz laid his hand on Zintssar’s arm. “This was necessary for Xortz, Zintssar. He had to follow his own path.”

  “I know, but I don’t have to like it. I’d always envisioned us sharing our mate and raising lots of children.”

  Kernz chuckled. “Well, you and I will just have to produce enough to make up for his loss.”

  “All rise.”

  Zintssar came to his feet and watched the door for Jenilyn’s arrival. His breath caught when the door opened and she shuffled in. Her arms were shackled in little metal bracelets that were attached to a chain around her waist. I can’t wait to get you alone, flower. You will never have to suffer such indignities again.

  “Everyone be seated.”

/>   Zintssar glanced to the front and saw the judge had taken his seat.

  “Your Honor.” The prosecutor, Elliot Reynolds, stood. “The owners of Gracely Investments have informed me they wish to drop the charges pending against Ms. Montgomery.”

  Jenilyn’s attorney quickly stood. “I object, Your Honor. I’ve been given no such notice.”

  The judge frowned. “Really, Mr. Landers. Do you need to be informed prior to the charges being dropped?”

  “It depends on why the charges are dropped, Your Honor.”

  Elliott cleared his throat. “They feel this trial has been a farce and is costing the tax payers more than the money that’s actually missing. They’re willing to let things drop in exchange for a promise from Ms. Montgomery to stay away from their office in the future.”

  Zintssar tensed when Jenilyn stood. Her voice was soft and lyrical like the birds on Arridia.

  “Your Honor, wait.”

  The judge pounded his gavel several times. “Ms. Montgomery, you are represented by counsel and should be discussing everything with him.”

  “Your Honor, I agree with not wanting to waste the tax payer’s money. I can fix that by changing my plea to guilty.”

  The loud buzz of lowered voices burst out all over the courtroom as Zintssar leaned toward Kernz. “She’s lying. She’s not guilty.”

  Kernz frowned. “What would be the purpose of lying about her guilt?”

  “I don’t know, but she’s afraid of something. I can smell her fear from here.”

  The judge banged his gavel again. “I want to see attorneys and the defendant in my chambers immediately.” He stood and turned toward the door.

  “All rise.”

  Zintssar stood and watched his mate follow her attorney to the judge’s chambers.

  Kernz leaned over to whisper. “Maybe one of us should shift and get in there so we know what’s going on.”

  Zintssar growled softly. “We can’t. In order for us to get permission to stay here for the trial, I had to promise father we wouldn’t shift while we are here. He doesn’t want the leaders of this world to find out what we can do.”

  Kernz groaned. “What good is being Arridian if we can’t use our greatest gift to secure our mate?”

  “Patience, Brother. I promise we will not leave this planet without our mate by our side.”

  * * * *

  Jeni stood in front of the judge’s desk, trembling. I can’t let them drop the charges against me. If they release me I’m as good as dead. There’s no way to protect myself. She watched as the judge shuffled the papers on his desk. After a moment she heard the click of the door closing.

  The judge glanced up and settled back in his chair with an exaggerated casualness. “All right, young lady. What is this all about?”

  Jeni looked at Elliot Reynolds and swallowed hard. She clasped her hands together trying not to shake. “I’m tired of all the lies, Judge. I just wanna plead guilty and be sentenced.”

  The judge tilted his head and frowned. “You understand you have the right to remain silent. You should really talk this over with your attorney, Ms. Montgomery.”

  Jeni nodded. “I have discussed it with him, and he understands my change of plea.”

  The judge peered at the district attorney over his glasses. “Do you have any objections, Mr. Reynolds?”

  “Absolutely not, Judge. I’m happy to accept the defendant’s new plea.”

  “Very well. I’ll accept the guilty plea. Ms. Montgomery, if you’re willing to allocate with full disclosure, I’ll consider giving you a lesser sentence.”

  She swallowed hard. “I’m sorry, judge, but that’s not possible.”

  The judge sighed. “Very well. I’m afraid you’ll be getting the maximum sentence. Let’s go back inside and make it official.”

  Jeni blinked back tears and followed her attorney back into the courtroom.

  * * * *

  Zintssar came to his feet when Jenilyn walked through the door behind her attorney. The tears gathering in her eyes made him want to rush over and comfort her in his arms.

  “Be seated.”

  The judge banged his gavel once. “Let the record show the defendant, Jenilyn Montgomery, has changed her plea to guilty for the charge of embezzlement. She is to remain in custody with a sentencing hearing Friday at 10:00 a.m. Court dismissed.”

  Zintssar turned to Kernz, barely able to smother his growl. “This is absurd. She’s not guilty and yet they’re going to take her plea that she is. What kind of justice system does this primitive culture have?”

  Kernz sighed. “At least we should be able to take her home now. They assured us they would offer her the chance to come with us instead of going to one of their prisons. Surely we are more appealing.”

  Zintssar laughed. “I would hope so, but let’s pay a visit to the district attorney to make sure.”

  * * * *

  Jeni grimaced when the bailiff locked her handcuff onto the metal ring of the table in the conference room. She looked around the room and felt her heart rate speed up. The judge, the district attorney, her own attorney, and five strangers filled the small room.

  Jeff put his hand on Jeni’s shoulder. “Gentlemen, for those of you who don’t know, my name is Jeffrey Landers and this is my client, Jenilyn Montgomery. Jeni, you’re already acquainted with Judge Martin and our DA Elliot Reynolds.” He pointed to a tall man with brown hair and green eyes. “This is Tarooka Meekers. He’s the owner of Galactic Nuptials.”

  Tarooka took her free hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles. “It’s a very great pleasure, Ms. Montgomery.”

  Jeff pointed to another tall, extremely intimidating man. This one had blond hair and blue eyes. “This is Minov Laroche. He’s the legal advisor for all the Galactic Nuptials offices.” Mr. Laroche merely nodded. “And this is Dr. Xavier Jtsar.”

  Jeni studied the third man. He had very short brown hair, with brown eyes and a slender build. “What kind of doctor?”

  Jeff looked at a paper on the desk and frowned. “He’s from the planet Calata and is responsible for determining the health of the people that sign up to be mates for Galactic Nuptials.”

  “I haven’t agreed to be anybody’s mate, yet.”

  One of the two men yet to be introduced stepped forward. “LLorsarrtfooalt mnzort kllarnz forzllemt.”

  Jeni stared at the handsome man. His dark-brown hair framed a strong face. He was well over six feet tall with olive-colored skin and brown eyes. The man looked to be one solid muscle. She decided to ignore the strange urge she had to cuddle up to his massive chest. “What the hell did he just say?”

  Jeff cleared his throat. “That’s what Dr. Jtsar is here for. You can’t make an informed decision about their offer without talking to these men.”

  “These are my supposed bridegrooms?”

  “Yes.” Jeff motioned to the one who spoke. “The taller of the two men is Zintssar. He’s also the oldest. They call him Zin. His brother is Kernztssar, also known as Kernz.”

  Jeni studied the younger brother. He was almost a carbon copy of Zin except for being several inches shorter. “You told me there were three brothers. Where’s the other one?”

  Jeff nodded. “There is a third brother but it’s my understanding he’s entered a religious order and would not be part of a mating if you choose to go forward.”

  Jeni sighed heavily. “How am I supposed to talk to them if I can’t understand them?”

  Jeff patted her shoulder. “That’s where Dr. Jtsar comes in. He’s here to inject a universal translator behind your ear.”

  Jeni held her breath for a moment and then felt it rushing out. “You want me to let him inject me with something?”

  Chapter 2

  Jeff picked up Jeni’s hand and rubbed her finger on the skin behind his ear. “Do you feel that little lump?”

  “Yeah, what the hell is it?”

  “It’s a small device that’s injected up under the skin. It doesn’t hurt, an
d you can’t see it. Once it’s injected, you’ll be able to understand everything they say, or any other being in the Federation of Planets.”

  Jeni studied the small bump closer. “Did you understand what he said just a minute ago?”

  Jeff blushed and cleared his throat. “Yes. He said, ‘Do not be afraid, my flower. You were meant to be with us.’”

  Judge Martin moved closer. “I think we’d all be happier if we dispensed with the personal translations. Ms. Montgomery, I must stress that this decision is yours and yours alone. Against my better judgment, you’re being offered an alternative to the ten years I’d planned on sentencing you. These men have indicated to our government that you’re their fated mate and they want to take you to their home on the farming planet Kilara.”

  Tarooka waved his fingers at the judge. “Tell her about your conditions.”

  Jeni frowned. “What conditions?”

  “I was getting to that.” Judge Martin pulled out a chair and sat next to Jeni. “Normally, a Galactic Nuptial’s bride is given three months to make up her mind whether she likes her new circumstances or not. If she’s unhappy she merely comes back to Earth, keeps her sign-on money, and gets on with her life.” He moved closer and shook his finger in Jeni’s face. “You, young lady, will not be given such a choice. First, there will be no sign-on bonus offered to you. If you’re not happy after the ninety-day trial period you can return to Earth and finish serving your original sentence for the charge of embezzlement. If you leave with these gentlemen you will be closely watched to make sure you don’t leave Kilara without their consent.”


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