My Chameleon Loves [Galactic Nuptials 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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My Chameleon Loves [Galactic Nuptials 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 9

by Missy Martine

  “Zin!” Jeni’s legs spread farther apart, her hands twining in his hair. “I wanna feel your mouth, Zin. Please, let me feel you mouth.”

  Zin blew warm air into her pussy and then extended his tongue and lapped slowly. Jeni went wild, thrashing her head back and forth as he explored her silky folds with his tongue and fingers. He laved her most intimate places, stroking down her slit and back up, stopping to nibble on her clit. He teased the little button until she cried out, her knees tightening around his shoulders.

  Zin moved up her body, dropping his hands to cup her bottom and haul her up against his erection. Quickly he brought her legs up to grip around his waist. “Keep your legs there, flower.” When he had the soft cheeks of her ass in his hands, he ran his thumb over her tight hole. He brushed lightly over the sphincter, causing her to gasp and jerk in his arms. “Relax, love. I would never hurt you. Some day we will want to take you here.” He pushed delicately at her opening, watching her face for signs of distress.

  “Oh, God. It hurts and feels good at the same time.”

  Zin dipped his finger between her thighs coating it in her honey cream. He used that finger to push until it slipped past the outer muscle into the heat of her forbidden hole. “Someday this will be my cock here, flower.” Without warning he rested his weight on his bent arms and pressed the tip of his cock against her slick opening. He flexed his hips and sheathed himself to the hilt inside her pussy with one stroke. She arched toward him, aiding his descent, her legs tightening around his waist as her head fell back against the pillows. His shaft slid into her with ease, her channel wet and welcoming as he stretched her walls.

  “Yes, Zin.” Jeni gripped his arms and seemed to push toward something.

  He continued thrusting into her, pushing deeply and grinding his hips against her clit and then retreating. Suddenly, she convulsed under him, straining as he pumped hard within her. She cried out, her body shaking from the pleasure. The feel of her body convulsing around his cock sent Zin spiraling into his own release. His body seized, and he growled, pleasure rocking him. This woman was his life, his soul, his reason for living. He would not lose her. Growling, he pulled her close and cuddled next to her side.

  * * * *

  Jeni snuggled closer to Zin, trying to get control of her breathing. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like when the three of them were together. She’d had feelings of desire for them from the beginning, but now the feelings went deeper. “Zin, I don’t understand us.”

  He ran his large hand over her hair and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “What do you mean, little flower?”

  “I’ve never been in love before, so it’s hard to know if what I’m feeling is love or not, but I have strong feelings for both you and Kernz. With my people, that’s not normal. Most relationships, or marriages, are one man and one woman. What we’re contemplating is considered improper.”

  Zin pulled her closer and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “My people are different, Jeni. Our family units always consist of the adult brothers and one female. It started that way because we have such a shortage of women. There is only one female birth to every one hundred male births every year. We were slowly dying out as a race when we decided to look off-world for our true mates. Before that, we assumed we didn’t have mates if she couldn’t be found on Arridia. Now, we know different. No one will look at you strangely, or treat you bad, if you become our bonded mate.” He turned her face up and kissed her lips. “You will always be our Laan Asawa whether you let us bond you to us or not. Nothing can change the fact you’re our fated mate.”

  “What does it mean for you to bond yourself to me?”

  “It’s a special ceremony we perform with the three of us together. It requires us to have sex, the three of us at the same time. During the sexual exchange, part of our souls will bond to you, inside you, adhering to your soul. It’s painless, and afterward you’ll be able to feel our emotions the same as we can feel yours. You won’t be able to read our minds, but you’ll know if we’re safe and happy. I can’t tell you more about the process unless you decide to let us go through with it. Like so many parts of our culture we don’t want to let just everyone know. There is a danger that you will have to be aware of. Once we bond it’s for life. It’ can’t be undone and if one of us should die, it will be difficult for the others to go on living. There will be a vast emptiness inside them that yearns to be filled.”

  “What about children? Will I even be able to give you children?”

  “Of course, flower. I had a long talk with that Dr. Jtsar from Galactic Nuptials. There are pills you can take that will make your body accepting of our seed. You would carry the fetus for approximately eleven months and then produce a healthy baby.”

  “Eleven months, huh? Well, that might be a deal breaker.” Jeni smirked and then laughed at his expression. “I’m only kidding, Zin. Human pregnancies are only nine months. Would our baby be human or Arridian?”

  He let his hand smooth over her hair. “Our DNA is dominant, love. Any children we have will be Arridian.”

  She smiled. “Okay, that’s good. Now what are we gonna do about Rich and Danny?

  He pulled her closer and rested his chin on her head. “Well, I was all ready to tell you when you met me at the door and seduced me.”

  Jeni laughed and punched him lightly in the stomach. “Not fair. Kernz told me you’d be jumping me the next time you got me alone once you realized he’d been with me first.”

  His arms tightened. “It didn’t matter who went first, flower. It only matters that we both have started the bond that will bring us closer.”

  “Okay, now what about Rich and Danny?”

  “We’ve devised a plan to keep you away from them.”

  Jeni rose up on her elbow and gazed into his eyes. “Okay, so spill.”

  Zin frowned. “I don’t…”

  Jeni laughed. “It means for you to tell me your plan.”

  He nodded and smiled. “When the suns rise in the morning Rmantk and the others from Arridia will create a diversion that will occupy Rich and Danny. At that time Kernz and I will take you out the window in my bedroom and go cross country on foot.”

  Jeni listened as he explained all about Chaim’s cabin. “And you think we’ll be safe there?”

  “Yes, I do. It’s only one more day until the shuttle arrives and departs. We only have to avoid them until then. Rmantk will make sure they’re on the shuttle when it leaves.

  Jeni shook her head and groaned. “You’re underestimating them, Zin. If they really work for Carl, they’ll be desperate to get their hands on me. They’ll pretty much know that they’ll pay a huge price if they come back empty-handed.”

  “What price do they pay?”

  “It’s an expression. It means Carl will be very unhappy if they don’t bring me back and he’s liable to make them pay dearly, like with their lives.”

  “It doesn’t’ matter. Once they’re off this planet, there’s nothing they can do to you.”

  “That’s my point. It’s not gonna be easy to get them to leave without me.”

  “You must trust me, flower. We will protect you with our very lives if necessary. Rmantk and his men are trained for just this purpose.”

  Jeni frowned. “What does that mean?”

  Zin lowered his eyes and seemed to study his hands. After a moment he raised his gaze to Jeni. We’ve not told you everything about us, my Laan Asawa.”

  She tried to move away, but Zin held her firmly. “Then, maybe it’s time you told me everything.”

  Zin nodded. “I agree, but I ask that you lie here with me while I talk. It’s important for me to have you near.”

  Jeni took a deep breath and settled back on her side, keeping her eyes on Zin. “Okay, I’m all ears.”

  Zin laid back and pulled her close. “First, we won’t be staying here on Kilara. As soon as Rich and Danny leave on the shuttle we’ll board our own transport and make our way to Arridia.”
  “Why are we leaving? Do you wanna take me home to meet your family?”

  “We were never going to stay here, flower. Arridia was only recently awarded a spot on this planet from the Federation. Our father sent us to check out the conditions to make sure it was safe for some of our people to settle here.”

  “Why would your father want you to check it out if you aren’t the ones chosen to make a home here?”

  Zin glanced down, his fingers pulling at the blanket spread across their bed. “We’re not just ordinary citizens of Arridia, my flower. Our father is the supreme ruler.”

  Jeni sat up and moved toward the foot of the bed. She perched on her knees, her arms crossed over her chest. “Your father is like the king and that makes you like a prince?”

  Zin sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. “Yes. In fact, Rmantk is used to calling me Prince Zin. Someday I’ll take my father’s place as supreme ruler of our world.”

  Jeni blinked twice and tried to organize her thoughts. “What about Kernz?”

  He reached out, slowly curling his fingers around her arm and pulling it down to lace their fingers together. “It’s the oldest son that assumes the throne. Kernz and Xortz will always be known as royal princes. Once we bind ourselves to you as true mates, we’ll travel to my home world and take up residence in the royal palace.”

  Jeni ran her fingers through her hair, her gaze darting around the room. Her mind seemed to be frozen, her thoughts unable to form. She’d gone from convicted felon on parole to future queen in a matter of seconds. I must be dreaming because things like this just don’t happen to girls like me. “What…I mean I…Why…” She couldn’t seem to make herself form a coherent sentence. Then she thought about what he’d just said. “What exactly do you mean by bind yourself to me? Is that where you bind our souls?”

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “Okay, tell me more about how we bind ourselves.”

  Zin played idly with her fingers. “Like I explained before, for our souls to bind, we must complete a ceremony. Basically, you accept us physically at the same time.”

  Jeni felt her cheeks heat. “You’re both gonna make love to me at the same time. One of you will…”

  “The details are not to be discussed prior to the ceremony. I promise you that nothing we do will cause you harm. It’s a ceremony meant to combine our souls into one family unit, and to leave a little piece of ourselves in your heart forever. It’s what you would term showing you our eternal love and devotion.”

  “When are we gonna do this ceremony?”

  Zin sat up and grabbed both of her arms. “Does this mean you’re willing to go through the ceremony with us?

  She studied his hopeful face for a moment. She already knew that she was happier with them than she’d ever been in her life. I don’t wanna go back to Earth and live without them. Then she remembered the terms of her release. “Before I answer that I have to ask you a question. Actually, I need to ask both you and Kernz a question.”

  “Wait a minute.” Zin closed his eyes, his brow furrowed. After a moment he opened them and smiled. “He’s on his way, flower.”

  She gave a bark of laughter. “Are you telepathic?”

  Zin shrugged. “All family units can mind speak to each other but not outsiders.”

  Jeni bit her lip and studied his eyes. “Does that mean if I become your mate, I’ll be able to hear you, too?”

  He nodded and smiled. “Yes, you’ll be able to hear us and speak to us that way once the ceremony’s complete. You’ll even feel our emotions, but you’ll never be able to really read our minds.” His gaze turned toward the door when it opened.

  Kernz walked in, rubbing his eyes, his hair sticking up in every direction. “What’s so important you had to drag me out of bed? I thought you said we’re leaving at sunrise.”

  “Shut up, Brother. I have asked Jeni if she’s willing to take part in a binding ceremony, and she says she needs to ask us something before she can give an answer.”

  Kernz’s eyes brightened and a smile widened across his face. He walked over and lay down beside her on the bed. “That’s definitely worth waking up for. What is it, love?”

  “You both know they gave me the choice of coming here with you or going to prison. You’re also aware that if I choose to go back, I’m to be put in prison anyway.” She looked down at her hands and took a shaky breath. “I wanna be with you more than you’ll ever know. But, if I agree, and we go through with this binding ceremony, will you believe it’s what I want, or will you always wonder if I did it to keep out of jail? I swear to you that I have feelings for both of you. I’m not such a bad person that I’d lead you on just to make my life easier.”

  Zin pulled her until she lay on top of his body while Kernz scooted closer and laid his arm across her back. “Never once did I think you would make a choice based on what was easier for you. Remember, flower, I can read your emotions, and I would know if you were lying to us. If you agree to become our bonded mate, we’ll know it’s because of what’s in your heart and no other reason.” He ran his finger down the side of her face. “So, will you join with us in a ceremony to bind our souls after the shuttle leaves day after tomorrow?”

  Jeni looked at Zin and then turned her attention to Kernz. Both men’s eyes were bright with a suspicious wetness. She felt a type of floaty feeling, and then a sense of calm washed over her. She took a deep breath and smiled. “Yes, I would be honored to be your bonded mate.”

  Zin’s arm closed around her like a vise, his heartbeat pounding in her ear. She raised her head, and his lips covered hers. Their tongues danced together until Kernz pulled her away, sliding her onto the bed between them. His lips met hers, nibbling at her lip until she took the initiative and plunged her tongue into his mouth.

  Zin chuckled. “Okay, my family. Let’s turn the light out and try to get a couple of hours of sleep. Tomorrow will be a long, exhausting day while we remain hidden.”

  Kernz ended their kiss and gazed into her eyes. “Soon, my little love. Soon you’ll be ours.”

  * * * *

  Rmantk gave the signal for his men to move forward. He’d made the decision for everyone to remain in human form. These humans knew nothing of their race, and he wanted to keep it that way. Since Prince Zin did not want them killed, there was no reason to give them anything to talk about when they went home. Slowly he moved through the bushes, blending with the darkness even in his natural form. The suns were just beginning to rise, and he planned on provoking the humans into a fight and then incapacitating them. He’d deliver them to the shuttle himself and make sure they were on their way tomorrow.

  He got to the edge of the clearing and watched as Quenk moved to the rear entrance. Looking around, he spotted Tenik in position. Taking a deep breath to clear his thoughts, he signaled for his men to move forward.

  Silently, Rmantk crept up to the cottage’s front door and eased it open. He could just make out the sounds of Quenk coming in the back. Tenik filed in behind Rmantk, and all three men fanned out toward the two separate bedrooms. Rmantk sent Tenik and Quenk to the smaller room and he headed toward the master bedroom. He knew Rich had taken the room for himself, and he wanted a piece of the loud-mouthed man for himself.

  Slowly, he reached for the doorknob and eased it open. He peered inside and focused on the shadowy bulk in the middle of the mattress. Moving silently, he crept forward to stand at the foot of the bed. Grinning, he raised his foot and kicked the footboard hard. “Get up you filthy Earth scum.” When there was no response, he grabbed the covers and yanked them off the bed. “Damnation! They’re not here.”

  Tenik ran into the room with Quenk right behind him. “The other bedroom is empty as well. Their scents are weak. They’ve been gone for some time. Where do you think they are?”

  Rmantk growled. “They’re probably trying to find a way into the main house to grab the Princess. We’ve got to find them before they find her, and before that shuttle leave
s tomorrow. Let’s get moving.”

  “Wait,” Quenk said. “Should one of us inform the Prince?”

  Rmantk thought for a moment. They’re only simple Earthers. There’s no way they can get the best of any of my men. The Prince is in no real danger. They can certainly best the human men. “No. I know the Prince left the main house about an hour ago, and we’d know if they had encountered any problems. Let’s see if we can find them on our own and get things settled without bothering them. Zin told me he plans on completing their bonding ceremony before we head home, and we certainly don’t want to interrupt that. Let’s move out.”

  Chapter 7

  Jeni glanced around the small cabin. “It’s not very big.”

  Kernz laughed. “I thought you Earth people believed size doesn’t matter.”

  She slapped him on the arm. “Well it matters if it’s the size of the bed and there are three of us.”

  Zin opened the back door and peered outside. “Come take a look at what I found.”

  Jeni followed Zin outside and stopped when she heard the soft roar of water pattering against rock. She followed him down the trail and gasped when she rounded the bend. A white frothy cascade of water fell from the rocky outcroppings into a small plunge pool. She immediately headed up the hill while Zin and Kernz pulled off their clothes and headed toward the water.

  “Come swim with us, flower.” Zin smiled and beckoned her to come back.

  Jeni waved and continued to climb. “In a minute. I wanna look around.” She reached the top of the incline and looked down from her rocky perch. Mist billowed out in soft clouds around the sun-baked rocks. The scent of sweet flowers filled the water-saturated air. “This place is beautiful. Why would anyone ever wanna leave?”

  Zin waved as he treaded water below, his mouth moving but his words lost in the sounds of rushing water. The breeze played with her hair, brushing it against her shoulders. She turned to look at Kernz. He pushed his fists into the lush grass and lifted himself free of the rippling pool. Water ran off his shoulders and tracked down his back as he dropped onto the bed of green, his chest heaving with adrenaline. She started when Zin took her hand. She’d not seen him exit the pool. Silently, he pulled her down the hill toward the shoreline littered with weeds and green grass.


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