Crazy Maybe

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Crazy Maybe Page 24

by Justice, A. D.

  “I will gladly submit to any type of drug test – urine, blood, hair – you name it. I have nothing to hide and I’ve done nothing wrong. Every one of you can take it to your own independent lab as long as they conduct the tests live, on camera, and no one interferes. I’ve been set up and falsely accused. I want it shown to the world now,” Shane declares with gritted teeth.

  Well, hot damn, I think we have a fighter here.

  “I should have offered this the first day this ridiculous accusation was leveled against me, but I couldn’t think straight. I wanted to believe that it was a simple mix-up at the lab and would be corrected immediately. It’s important that my fans realize that none of this is true,” Shane stops and looks directly into the closest camera, “I’m asking you to believe in me.”

  With that, Mack announces that’s the only statement that Shane will make and, unless they’re taking samples to the lab, he will answer no further questions. Several reporters jump at the chance to be the ones to either clear him or condemn him.

  Shane willingly takes them to the locker room with him and the ringside doctor performs the blood draws himself. Mack’s lawyer steps in with paperwork for the reporters to sign and a boxing commission representative arranges for each specimen to have an official escort.

  I move to the far corner to work on the speed bag alone and clear my head. Mack raised Shane and Andi – he taught them both how to stand up for themselves. Watching Shane actually helped me get past this feeling that Andi needed protecting during her interview. She’s strong, she’s independent, and she’s opinionated – and I wouldn’t change a thing about her.

  Brandon was right – a love like this only comes along once in a lifetime. And I am damn lucky to have found her when I wasn’t even looking. Now there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. If I could get my hands on Rhoades, she would never have to worry about him again. He’s a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve to live for what he put Andi and those little girls through. His day is coming.

  Three hours later, I’m exhausted from my extensive workout, which included sparring in the ring with another boxer for several rounds. When we climb through the ropes, I look up at the clock and realize I haven’t heard from Andi all day. Immediately, I feel my heart beat against the inside of my chest at the thought something has happened to her. I reach for my phone inside my gym bag and it starts ringing. Andi’s beautiful, smiling faces lights up my screen.

  “Hey baby, I was just about to call you,” I try to hide the fact that I was worried about her.

  She laughs. She knows me too well.

  “I’m fine, honey. The talk show recording went way longer than expected and turned out even better than I could hope. I go back tomorrow to view the edited version and make sure I approve of what they cut out,” her enthusiasm is contagious as she tells me about her day.

  “Good – I’m glad to hear that. Now I don’t have to kick Lindsay’s ass for being mean to you,” I joke with her.

  “OH – and let me tell you the best part!” I think she’s about to start squealing like a girl now.

  “What’s the best part?”

  “Travis Malone was there! You know, the lead singer of Sound Bar! He was there for the taping of a different show but he listened to my whole story. He came forward and told his story of how he was physically abused as a child. He’s agreed to do public service announcements with me about abuse. AND – he wants to leave his record label and sign with me!”

  Yep, she’s a squealing girl now. A squealing girl who sounds like a groupie for the handsome lead singer of one of the hottest bands out right now. Isn’t that just fucking perfect?

  This is Andi you’re talking about. I hear Brandon’s voice admonishing me in my head. I may check myself in the damn psychiatric hospital.

  “Well, why wouldn’t he want to sign with you? You’re awesome, babe!” I play off my insecurities well.

  Her voice lowers and she suddenly becomes very serious. “You know you have nothing to worry about. Right, Luke?”

  “Of course I know that,” I lie. Like a damn dog.

  “I love you, Luke. I’m marrying you. And there’s not another man alive who could take me from you. Ever.”

  She always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.

  “I love you, too, baby. Meet me at home so I can show you how much.”

  “That’s an offer I can never refuse!”

  We say our goodbyes and I start heading to the door. I have to remember to tell her about Shane’s interview earlier so no one catches her off guard. Just as I’m about to leave the gym, the new promo for Andi’s interview plays. Her beautiful face fills the flat-screen on the wall. She has a serious, determined look on her face and they’re playing a small clip of Andi talking about being put in foster care. Lindsay’s voice fills the air as she invites viewers to watch her show Friday for the full story, including Andi’s claim of political corruption.

  Shit is about to hit the fan. I can smell it coming a mile away. All I know is I will protect Andi with my life. Jackson Rhoades is in for one hell of a fight if he thinks he’s getting anywhere near Andi. I’m the only one who’s getting close to her and I’m almost home now.

  And there’s my life, waiting for me on the front porch, grinning like a little girl. At first, I think it’s because she’s happy to see me but she bursts my bubble as soon as I get out of the truck. She rushes to me, hugs me and says, “I can’t believe Travis wants to sign with me!” She dances around, doing a victory dance like a school girl whose major crush finally just looked at her, and giggles. I mean, she literally giggles over this guy.

  I clear my throat.

  She smiles. “Sorry. I just never thought someone already so big would ask to work with me!”

  I pull her in my arms and when I feel her body meld with mine, my insecurities are gone. She meant what she said – she is mine and I trust her with my heart and my soul. “I’m proud of you, baby. That is really awesome,” I kiss her and wrap both arms firmly around her midsection, pulling her even closer and backing her up against my truck.

  “Lucas Woods,” she says in the sternest voice she can muster under the circumstances.

  “Yes, my love?” I ask, as I lift one of her legs and pull it up to my waist before lifting the other one to my other side.

  “We’re in the garage,” she says as I move my lips and tongue down her neck. Nipping, licking and sucking her soft skin. Her words argue but her head leans to one side, giving me better access to her slender, sensuous neck.

  “Yes, we’re in the garage,” I answer as my hands slowly push her shirt up and over her head.

  “And the door is open,” she says on an exhale, as my mouth covers her breast. She’s still wearing her bra and the damn thing is in the way. My hands rub around her sides, slightly tickling her and giving her goose bumps at the same time, as they find the bra snap on her back. I release her breasts and they bounce in happy response to being freed. I suck one nipple into my mouth and Andi moans in appreciation.

  “The door is open, yes,” I respond as I slide my tongue from one breast to the other, giving the other nipple adequate attention and hearing a similar moan from Andi. I slide one hand down her torso, lightly rubbing her supple skin along her breast bone, to her navel and lower still to the wetness waiting for me between her legs. I slip my hand into her skirt and under her panties, hovering just over her nub to tease and build her anticipation.

  It works.

  “Mmmmm, Luke,” she urges me on with the urgency in her voice.

  “Yes, baby?”

  She pulls my hair and I have to refrain from laughing at her tactics.

  “My impatient little vixen,” and before she has a chance to respond with another hair pulling taunt, I slide my fingers over the bundle of nerves and into her core. She’s already soaked and waiting for me. I slide one finger in and out slowly, tortuously, building her desire more and more.

  This earns me a harder hair yanking
. “Luke,” she warns me and there’s no doubt what she means.

  I can’t hold back my laugh this time. I plunge two fingers deep inside her, quickly withdrawing them and pushing them back in repeatedly. Andi fists my shirt in her hand, scraping her nails against the skin on my back as she does it, as she begins to reach her first orgasm. Just before she screams out, I cover her mouth with mine and her scream drowns in my kiss.

  I push her skirt up from the bottom and tear her panties off her body. She looks surprised at the sound of tearing cloth but she’s even more turned on than she was a second ago. I free myself from my gym shorts and push myself deep into her. She’s leaned up against my truck but she uses the leverage of both my legs and the truck to help push herself down as I thrust up.

  The possibility of being seen doesn’t faze me right now. All I can think of is this beautiful, naked woman who is thoroughly loving grinding on me right now. This wonderful creature who will be my wife very soon if I have any say so in it. The mixture of desire, love and near climax look on her face pushes me to drive into her harder and harder. Her breasts bounce up and down in front of me as she leans her head back against my truck. We come together with her shouting and me grunting loudly.

  I don’t put her down. Instead, I carry her to the door, up the stairs and to the shower. Where I continue my assault on her body and senses in every conceivable way. Then to the bedroom, still wet from the shower and smelling of her body wash. But we don’t make it to the bed. I’ve awakened a nympho, she stops me and pushes me against the door to take me in her mouth. Her tongue feels so hot, wet and velvety against my shaft I can hardly contain myself.

  I lift her and back her up against the door, parting her legs with mine as I bend my knees. I straighten my legs and thrust up into her over and over again. I pull out and turn her around, taking her from behind and moving in her while I hold her hips. Thirty minutes later, we’re both fully sated and completely dehydrated, lying limp and lifeless in the bed.

  “When are you marrying me, Andi?” I whisper to her.

  She doesn’t answer and I look at her, concerned at her quietness, only to realize she’s fallen asleep in my arms.



  The promos running for the past week have really taken a toll on me. It freaks me out when people instantly recognize me and ask me to give them the scoop because they can’t wait for the show to air. I have to respectfully decline due to legal issues with appearing on the show, but I can honestly say I’m happy to be bound by the law this time. Most people accept that answer and keep going but there have been a few who have promised to not tell a soul. Yeah, right.

  I’ve received several hang up calls on my home phone and a few unknown callers on my cell who refused to say anything. Luke has called them – or I should say him - every name in the book to try to goad him into responding. No luck in that but the calls keep coming. I know the bastard wants me to be afraid but I refuse to give in. I can handle whatever he does to me but when he messes with those I love…..that’s a different story. But I’m holding strong.

  We made our rounds to our friends and family to share the good news about Luke proposing to me in person. I was surprised to find out he had asked Pop for permission when he was at the gym. When Pop said yes, Luke immediately went and bought my ring.

  I still can’t believe this is really happening – I’m about to start my own family, even if it’s a family of two for now. Luke’s parents were thrilled. His sister, Alicia, wants to throw my wedding shower and my girlfriends can’t wait to throw my bachelorette party.

  Brandon was a little more subdued at the news but he said if this is what I want and what will make me happy, he is all for it. Luke had an odd look on his face and I have to admit I felt a little uncomfortable. I love Brandon like a brother and I get the feeling he’s trying to protect me from facing the problems Luke and I had before. I certainly can’t blame him for that – I don’t ever want to go through that again.

  Now that I think about it, Luke has been acting strange this week. Like, secretive strange. He’s been on the computer with his serious look – brows furrowed, chewing on the end of his pen, and huffing and puffing like he’s frustrated. Definitely not the signs of a man who’s secretly watching porn. I know he’ll tell me what he’s up to when he’s ready but I still have a hard time shaking my old abandonment issues.

  To get my mind on something else, I’ve spent time prepping for the song I’m singing this weekend. With everything going on, it seems frivolous to still compete in a karaoke contest. I mean, there’s really no prize to win other than bragging rights, and I don’t believe in bragging. But I’m secretly hoping the bastard is there again because this song is for him. Even if he isn’t, I have a feeling there will be plenty of people there to record my performance, especially after my interview airs Friday.

  I’m actually looking forward to this one.

  After all this bad publicity, the CEO of MaxMorgan Music called me and we talked for over an hour about everything that’s happened. He was about to terminate my contract work with them but he heard about my conversation with Travis Malone through unofficial channels and quickly reconsidered. I thought that was so very considerate of him. I was vague and noncommittal about my intentions in my responses to him, regardless of how many times he tried to pin me down.

  “Hey baby, whatcha doing?” I ask Luke as I walk in the den. He shuffles some papers, quickly puts them away and stands to meet me. He draws me into his arms and kisses me senseless.

  “Waiting for you, of course,” he replies slyly with his sexy grin. “How about I take you out to eat tonight. There’s a new Mexican restaurant close to the gym that’s really good.”

  “Hmmm, sounds good. What have you been working on in here?” So the curiosity got the best of me. Sue me.

  He pulls back and looks at me for a second and I could tell he was weighing his options. Use my tactic of dodge and deflect? Straight up lie? Cave and tell the truth?

  Dodge and deflect, it is.

  “Boring stuff. I’ll tell you about it later,” he replies and cuts his eyes to my left. One sign of lying. But, why would he lie?

  I try to keep my emotions neutral and give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it’s a surprise for me and I’m about to ruin it. So I pull up my big girl panties and deal with it. He wouldn’t be here with me if he wasn’t happy with me. I refrain from saying or doing anything stupid and we have a great Mexican dinner.

  Somehow we both felt relaxed and happy tonight, even knowing the impending storm that is brewing just outside. But tonight, we’re just a happy couple enjoying an evening together.

  It’s finally Friday morning and I slept absolutely none last night, and it wasn’t all Luke’s fault this time. It was some of his fault, but mostly it was knowing the interview will air first thing this morning and then all hell will break loose. I got up early to shower and prepare to face the day. Now I’m sitting at my kitchen table and my Keurig just provided my morning cup of heaven.

  Luke bought Panera Bread bagels and cream cheese yesterday and, out of sheer anxiety, I slather a cinnamon crunch bagel with honey walnut cream cheese and devour it in record time. No longer able to wait, I turn on the television and watch for the interview. The promos have increased in length to give a little more information to entice the audience to watch.

  And, it’s time. Luke and I sit glued to the show and neither of us speak during the whole hour long interview. Throughout the show, the camera pans to the audience and shows some people crying, some shocked, and of course, some in complete disbelief. At the end of the show, Lindsay added a few minutes to say a few words of her own. She spoke words of support and belief in me, even knowing that there will be severe backlash from certain influential circles.

  When the show ends, Luke turns to me and pulls me into his lap. Planting kisses all over my face and neck, he whispers words of love and encouragement to support me. “I’m so proud of you, Andi
. You gave a great interview. The audience loved you and even Lindsay Blair was on your side.”

  I nod and he continues.

  “You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You’re strong, independent, loving, and giving. You’re unbelievably kind and thoughtful of others and everyone you meet loves you. You’re extremely sexy and beautiful. I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you – in every way imaginable. You’ve consumed me and spoiled me and made it impossible for me to even consider living without you. Whatever happens, I’m with you. I won’t leave you.”

  He knows my weakness. He knows my fear. Even after all these years of making it on my own, the fear of losing those I love is still very real. He knows this even though I’ve never even said it. Yet, he always reassures me that he will never leave me. Words are not enough to describe how much I love him. Feelings are even grossly inadequate to describe the depth my love. It’s all-consuming, scary, exhilarating and comforting all at once. He’s become my life and I would do anything for him.

  I gently rub the stubble along his jawline and lean in to kiss him. I turn to face him, straddling his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. I feel his strong arms wrap around me, pulling me tight to him. I feel his erection growing between my legs and I squeeze my legs around him, pulling myself down towards him more. His hands glide up my legs, skimming my hips until his fingers find the hem of my shirt.

  Just as he slowly starts to pull it up, the phone rings. We both freeze, still nose to nose but staring intently into the others’ eyes. All the hang ups instantly flash in my mind but somehow I don’t think this call will be a hang up. I think this call is the declaration of the coming all-out war. Jackson will make good on his threats to Luke and his family. I know they’re in danger now because of me.

  Luke’s arms wrap back around me and he holds me tightly. “I. Won’t. Leave. You. Andi. Even if you tell me to go.”


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