Jason's Solution

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Jason's Solution Page 3

by Holla Dean

  Jason spanked her for a few more minutes and then rubbed her ass soothingly. Now he let his hand drop between her soft thighs and he felt the moistness there.

  “You’re wet, babe.”

  “I know,” she sniffled. “I don’t why. Spankings certainly are not sexy.”

  “They are to some people. A lot of people do erotic spankings. Maybe these kind of spankings have a little sexiness to them as well.”

  He laid down beside her and held her while caressing her along the length of her side. His hand skimmed over the swell of her hip and dipped into the valley of her waist. It moved up over her ribs, cupped her full breast and he gently squeezed.

  She had mixed feelings about being spanked and then being made love to. On the one hand she felt like she should be angry with Jason for spanking her; for treating her like a child. On the other hand, she couldn’t deny the coil of desire thrumming through her body, the heat she felt coming off her backside, and the hot wetness between her legs.

  Elle felt Jason’s cock pressing hard against her hip and she wanted him. She wanted him inside her. Rolling him onto his back, she slid down his body and took him into her mouth. With one hand stroking his cock up and down, the other hand rolling his balls in her palm, she sucked and licked his hard shaft until she felt his balls tighten.

  She looked up at his face and saw his eyes were closed. His hands were on her head, his fingers entangled in her hair. She knew he was enjoying what she was doing to him, but she wanted him inside her pussy.

  Elle moved up to straddle his hips and pulled her knees to her chest so she was supporting herself on her feet as she lowered her hips until she was filled with his cock. She moved slowly up and down on him, her hands on his lower ribs, giving her support.

  Jason thrust his hips upward to meet her strokes. He knew this position was hard for her to maintain for long and he put his hands under her hips, helping her slide up and down his shaft.

  When he looked up at her face, she was watching him, her tongue lightly licking her lips. She bit her lower lip and smiled at him. God, he loved her.

  He moved one hand to touch her hard nub and her head rolled backwards as her shoulders bunched up at the sudden orgasm his touch had triggered. That did him in. As her pussy tightened around his cock, he thrust deep into her and let himself go.

  She collapsed on his chest, kissed his nipple, and still panting, said, “I don’t get why sex is so great after you spank me when I hate the spanking.”

  “I don’t either, babe. I wanted the spankings to help you with keeping your days under control, but I have to admit spanking your fine ass is a definite turn on.”

  He smacked her butt playfully and she squealed in delight.

  “Maybe I’ll be a bad girl more often so you’ll spank me and then we’ll make it all better with some hot sex.”

  “Hmmm…,” Jason was drifting off to sleep. “I don’t think a punishment is supposed to be followed by a reward. But just let me know when you want a spanking, I’m happy to oblige. And you don’t even have to be a bad girl, I can do a good girl spanking.”

  “A good girl spanking? What’s that?”

  “It’s what you get for being good. Look it up on the internet.”

  Elle moved off his body, but left her head resting on his shoulder with her arm thrown across his chest. She sighed and fell asleep thinking about the strange effects of being spanked. She felt loved and cared for, safe and protected. It was hard for her to understand, but she wanted to please her husband more than she ever had before.

  Before sleep overtook her, she reminded herself to do a search on good girl spankings.

  Chapter Three

  Their relationship began to subtly change. Elle learned to manage her time more efficiently and was able to keep up with maintaining her household chores, take care of the children, and still have time for herself. She was rarely spanked now and found if too long a period passed without a spanking, things began to slide again. About once or twice a month she’d purposely do something that would get her in trouble. While she still maintained she hated the spankings, she loved the sex that almost always followed.

  And there was something else. Something that she couldn’t explain. It was the feeling that came over her after a spanking. It wasn’t the sex; though she did love that end result. It was the period immediately after the punishment was over. After her spanking, Jason would hold her, rub her sore bottom, whisper soothing words of love, and make her feel cared for. After doing some internet research, she learned it was called aftercare.

  Jason’s voice was always so comforting as he held her in his arms and told her that everything was all right, that he loved her, and all was forgiven. She felt so protected and safe, so loved.

  The fact that aftercare inevitably transitioned into sex was a side benefit. Admittedly, it was a great side benefit, but it helped her feel that she was forgiven for messing up and that Jason loved her.

  She had looked up good girl spankings on the internet and decided she wanted one. At her first opportunity, she did something she would have never thought she’d be capable of. One evening, after the boys were in bed, she joined him on the sofa to watch TV.

  Elle wasn’t comfortable asking for a spanking of any kind; punishment, erotic, or good girl. Jason obviously knew what a good girl spanking was, he was the one who told her to look it up. She wondered why he hadn’t given her one yet and suspected he was waiting for her to approach him. Punishment spankings were not something she wanted. She did try to avoid them, though occasionally she’d purposely messed up to get a spanking so she wouldn’t slip back into her old ways.

  Erotic spankings were a whole other thing. They were light spankings to get them hot and horny before sex. Sometimes Jason would stop in the middle of lovemaking, flip her onto her stomach, and give her ass a few smacks before continuing. Once, he took her from behind, doggy style. Just before they both came, he slapped her butt sharply several times, and it increased the intensity of her orgasm. Yes, erotic spankings were wonderful.

  Cuddled up at Jason’s side, she ran her hand over the top of his thigh.

  “I’ve been a very good girl this week. Don’t you think so?”

  He smiled at her and said, “You certainly have. You got everything done on your list and you’ve had a very good attitude all week. Actually, for the past couple of weeks.”

  Jason kissed her temple and hugged her closer.

  “Soooo…um…there’s no real good reason for me to be spanked, is there?”

  Something clicked in Jason’s brain and he now remembered telling her to look up good girl spankings. He knew Elle would never come to him and outright ask to be spanked. But he thought she was giving out a few hints.

  “I can’t think of a single thing,” he answered. “But, even good girls need to be spanked. Do you need a good girl spanking?”

  Elle blushed and lowered her eyes. “I don’t know, I’ve never had one.”

  Jason turned off the television, took her hand, and led her to the bedroom.

  “Get undressed.” His voice was commanding and she obeyed.

  He undressed as well and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “Over my knee. Now.”

  Her belly was doing major flip flops as she lowered herself across his knee.

  Jason began by running his hand over the back of her thighs and over her creamy cheeks. His left hand held her by the waist, tucked in close to his body.

  “Mmm…your ass is gorgeous. I love watching it turn pink while I spank you.”

  He spanked her lightly, giving equal attention to both cheeks.

  “I love how the color becomes deeper and deeper the longer I spank your ass.”

  Elle moaned. It felt so good; completely different than the spankings she got when she messed up. Even though he was working up to spanking her as hard as he did when she was being punished, it was different.

  “You know how much I love you, Elle. No matter what you d
o, I’ll always love you. Even when you make me madder than hell, I love you more than anything.”

  “I love you, Jason. I love you so much.”

  He spanked her for a long time, telling her what a good girl she’d been, how much he loved her, and how he was going to make her explode once he’d reddened her pretty ass to just the right deep shade of rose.

  And then he did just that.

  Settling her down on the bed, he got on his knees between her legs and kissed the soft insides of her thighs, making her tremble.

  He moved up higher, spreading her legs further apart. With his fingers, he parted her soft, damp petals and licked the length of her sex until he reached her clit. Taking it in his mouth, he sucked lightly on it while slipping two fingers into her wet pussy.

  Her hips bucked, begging for more. He added a third finger, found and stroked the flat spot at the top of her pussy, making her back arch upwards.

  Jason slowed, moving his mouth from her clit to kiss her swollen vulva. He didn’t want her to come too quickly. When he felt her breathing slow down a bit, he began again. After taking her almost to the top, then retreating before climbing back up again, he finally let her fall over the edge.

  Her cry of ecstasy had to be muffled by the pillow she grabbed to her mouth so as not to wake the children.

  By this time, Jason’s cock was a hard, throbbing, turgid rod and he raised up over her to sink his shaft into her dripping pussy even before the shudders from her orgasm had ceased.

  Plunging hard into her, he drove her right back up that peak and made her come again as exploded inside her.

  Hearts pounding, breath coming in quick, short gasps, neither one could speak, and they drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  She began to follow Jason’s lead. When they talked about things that required a final decision, she deferred to Jason. He always asked her opinion on things and often went with her suggestion. But if they differed on how to handle anything, Elle would step back and it became Jason’s final decision.

  Jason slowly began to add rules. He wanted Elle and the children as safe as possible. That meant Elle was not to speed when driving, and no cell phone use while driving unless she was using a hands-free device. He wanted the front door to the house to remain locked when he was at work and Elle was home with the children. Safety rules were all spankable offenses. No warnings were given.

  If Elle received a speeding ticket, she was spanked. Even if she didn’t get a ticket, if she had been speeding, Jason expected her to confess and take her punishment.

  Those rules didn’t bother Elle. She wanted her children safe and was more than willing to do whatever Jason wanted in that regard. She didn’t speed and she didn’t get tickets so it was not an issue.

  There was one instance of a parking ticket and Elle wasn’t sure if that was going to earn her a spanking. She confessed, knowing the hot sex afterwards would make up for suffering through a spanking. But Jason didn’t spank her for the parking ticket. He didn’t consider it to be a safety issue. Instead he made a new rule and said that Elle would be spanked if she received more than five parking tickets in one year.

  Other rules were put into place. Elle was not one to swear overly much, but if she was frustrated with something, she could let loose a few choice expletives. Jason didn’t mind the occasional use of profanity, but not in front of the children. There would be no warnings for swearing if it was done when the kids were present. She would be spanked that night after the boys were put to bed.

  The final rule Jason implemented was one of respect. Elle could be very sarcastic. She often made snarky remarks and said off color things.

  One evening, after a particularly hard day with the boys fighting and misbehaving, as she got up to get them ready for bed, Jason asked, “While you’re up, could you get me a beer?”

  Elle’s answer was a sarcastic, “Sure, since apparently you’ve suddenly become a paraplegic and can’t get off your ass to help yourself.”

  “What did you just say?” Jason asked in disbelief.

  Realizing she’d been a little over the top, Elle apologized.

  “I’m sorry, Jason. It’s just been a tough day with the boys.”

  “New rule. You will treat me with respect and speak respectfully to me. Get that sarcasm under control and watch your tone.”

  “I hardly think it needs to be a rule. I said I was sorry.”

  “And I said it’s a new rule. Three warnings and then it’s a spanking. Warnings will start fresh each week on Monday.”

  “Yes, Sir! Whatever you say, Sir!

  “Watch it, Elle. That’s your first warning this week.”

  She rolled her eyes as she left to see how the boys were doing getting ready for bed.

  “Eye rolling is disrespectful, Elle!” Jason called out to her. “I’ll let it slide this time, but keep it in mind.”

  His voice had that stern quality to it which told her he was serious. He meant business and her ass would be warmed up if she didn’t heed his words.

  The use of the title ‘Sir’ came into play during punishments. Jason did not require it, but Elle felt it was a sign of respect and showed her submission and acceptance of the punishment.

  Since Elle didn’t really have a submissive nature, she felt by calling Jason ‘Sir’ when she was punished told him that in this area she would submit to him. She submitted to the spankings, and she submitted to him being the head of their household and making the final decisions if they disagreed on how to handle any particular problems that arose.

  The first time she used the title of ‘Sir’ was at the end of the week Jason had put the rule of respect in place. She had been warned three times.

  “That’s the third warning. You know what that means, don’t you?” He asked her.

  She sighed, made a snarky noise, and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know.”

  “Keep up the attitude and it’ll be worse than it has to be.”

  Elle left the room on the pretense of cleaning up the bathroom after the boys took their bath. She knew if she stayed in the same room with Jason she’d say something she shouldn’t and her ass would be feeling the coming spanking for the next day or two. Better to just leave the room and cool down.

  Later, at bedtime, Elle came out of their bathroom and saw Jason sitting on the bed. She went to stand by him, knowing what was coming and that she wasn’t getting out of it.

  Jason took her hand and asked, “You know why you’re being punished tonight, don’t you?”

  Her head was down, her hanging hair obscuring her face. She nodded and said, “Yes, Sir. I was disrespectful.”

  Elle had never called him ‘Sir’ other than in a sarcastic manner. He wondered if that was what she was doing now. If so, he needed to address it.

  “Are you being sarcastic with the ‘Sir’ bit?”

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide at the idea that he misunderstood her use of the title.

  “No, Sir. I meant it respectfully. To make up for the sarcastic way I said it a few nights ago.”

  He believed her. “You don’t have to call me ‘Sir,’ you know.”

  “I know, I want to. I want you to know that I do respect you, even if I don’t always sound like it or show it.”

  “All right, then. Take your panties off, and get over my knee.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She did as he asked and he spread his legs a little bit, sitting at a slight angle so her torso was supported by the bed and her legs hung down, putting her ass in perfect position.

  “We’re going to try something a little different tonight.” He informed her as he gently rubbed her round cheeks.

  “We are? What?”

  “I bought a leather strap to use for your spanking.”

  She reared up in surprise, but his arm held her in place. “Don’t worry, we’ll take it slow. We won’t do more than you can handle.”

  “Why? Why a strap? What’s wrong with using just your hand? It’s worked fine so far.” Eve
n though her tummy and pussy seemed to be doing flips, she wasn’t sure she liked this new idea at all.

  “I’ll use my hand to warm you up. But I think a strap may have a bit more of an effect.”

  “Jason, please, I don’t want to.” She protested even as a tremor of excitement ran through her.

  “Elle. Don’t you trust me?”

  “I do, but I’m afraid.” Her voice trembled and he continued to rub her soothingly.

  “It’ll be okay, Elle. You’ll see.” He calmed her down and began to spank lightly with his hand, covering her entire bottom and the very top of her thighs.

  She relaxed into his lap and told herself he had never really hurt her. Yes, the spanks could be sharp and stinging, sometimes her bottom felt slightly sore the next day, but he never truly hurt her.

  The spanks became harder and a little sharper. He paused frequently and rubbed her reddened cheeks. After several minutes, he stopped and picked up the leather strap that was lying next to him on the bed. He touched her ass with it, letting her feel the cool leather on her skin.

  She couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips as she realized what was touching her and what was coming next. She gave a little whimper and Jason soothed her.

  “Shh…it’s going to be all right. Trust me.”

  He tapped her bottom lightly with the strap until he felt her relaxing again. Slowly, he increased the intensity, giving both of them a chance to get accustomed to the feel of the strap. It wasn’t long before the leather that had previously felt cool on her skin became very warm.

  “Ow! Jason, that’s enough!”

  He gave her a harder smack.

  “Who is in charge of this spanking?”

  Another smack landed on her ass.

  “You are, but it hurts!”

  “I know; it’s meant to hurt. Tell me again why you’re being spanked.”

  WHACK! The strap came down again.

  “Ow! Because I was disrespectful! Please stop, I’m sorry!”


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