No Is Not Enough

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No Is Not Enough Page 34

by Naomi Klein

  Oscar Wilde: “A map of the world that does not include Utopia…”

  Oscar Wilde, The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Stories, Plays, Poems and Essays (New York: Harper Collins, 1989), 1089.


  Lessons from Standing Rock: Daring to Dream

  Missouri River: drinking water for 17 million people

  Jan Hasselman, “Why It’s Right to Keep the Brakes on the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline,” Washington Post, November 2, 2016,​opinions/​why-its-right-to-keep-the-brakes-on-the-dakota-access-oil-pipeline/​2016/​11/​02/​aebc5cbe-a118-11e6-8832-23a007c77bb4_story.html?utm_term=.a9d314749d42.

  “Mni Wiconi”—in English, “water is life”

  Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Mni Wiconi—Water Is Life (video), Stand with Standing Rock website, accessed April 19, 2017,​mni-wiconi/.

  Standing Rock: 750 people arrested

  Blake Nicholson, “UN Official: Tribe Not Properly Heard in Pipeline Dispute,”, March 3, 2017,​dynamic/​stories/​U/​US_OIL_PIPELINE_UNITED_NATIONS?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-03-03-13-14-54.

  Two thousand military veterans arrive in Standing Rock

  Ben Klayman, “More than 2,000 Veterans Acting as Human Shields at Standing Rock Protests,” Independent (London), December 1, 2016,​news/​world/​americas/​standing-rock-2000-veterans-human-shield-protests-dakota-pipeline-a7448976.html.

  Veterans: “to serve and protect”

  Louise Boyle, “Exclusive: The Veterans Who’ve Joined Dakota Access Protests to ‘Serve and Protect’ Activists and Have Already Rescued Native Americans’ ‘Stolen’ Canoes,” Daily Mail (London), December 3, 2016,​news/​article-3996166/​The-veterans-ve-joined-Dakota-Access-protests-serve-protect-activists-rescued-Native-Americans-stolen-canoes.html.

  Peaceful Indigenous water protectors brutally attacked

  Julia Carrie Wong and Sam Levin, “Standing Rock Protesters Hold Out against Extraordinary Police Violence,” Guardian, November 29, 2016,​us-news/​2016/​nov/​29/​standing-rock-protest-north-dakota-shutdown-evacuation.

  The network of camps: roughly ten thousand people

  British Broadcasting Corporation, “Dakota Access Pipeline: Is the Standing Rock Movement Defeated?”, February 9, 2017,​news/​world-us-canada-38924160.

  Learning by Living

  LaDonna Brave Bull Allard: “My grandkids can’t believe…”

  Interview with author, December 2016

  Cody Two Bears: “We taught them how to grow food…”

  Author’s reporting, December 2016

  Age of the Protectors

  Wesley Clark Jr.: “Many of us, me particularly…”

  Nadia Prupis, “Native Leaders Formally Forgive Veterans in Emotional Ceremony,” CommonDreams, December 6, 2017,​news/​2016/​12/​06/​native-leaders-formally-forgive-veterans-emotional-ceremony.

  A Path through Anger

  Bismarck: majority-white population

  United States Census Bureau, “QuickFacts: North Dakota,”, accessed April 19, 2017,​quickfacts/​table/​PST045216/​38.

  Winona LaDuke: “This is a moment of extreme corporate rights…”

  Winona LaDuke, “The Beginning Is Near: The Deep North, Evictions and Pipeline Deadlines,” Indian Country News, November 29, 2016,​index.php/​columnists/​winona-laduke/​14339-the-beginning-is-near-the-deep-north-evictions-and-pipeline-deadlines.

  Global Witness: “More than three people were killed a week in 2015…”

  Global Witness, On Dangerous Ground (London: Global Witness, June 2016),​en/​campaigns/​environmental-activists/​dangerous-ground/.

  Roughly $80 million pulled from the banks invested in the DAPL

  Julia Carrie Wong, “Private Investor Divests $34.8m from Firms Tied to Dakota Access Pipeline,” Guardian, March 1, 2017,​us-news/​2017/​mar/​01/​dakota-access-pipeline-storebrand-norway-divest-standing-rock.

  Julia Carrie Wong, “Dakota Access Pipeline: ING Sells Stake in Major Victory for Divestment Push,” Guardian, March 21, 2017,​us-news/​2017/​mar/​21/​dakota-access-pipeline-ing-sells-stake-loan-standing-rock.

  Tokata Iron Eyes: “Like I have my future back”

  Naomi Klein, “The Lesson from Standing Rock: Organizing and Resistance Can Win,” Nation, December 4, 2016,​article/​the-lesson-from-standing-rock-organizing-and-resistance-can-win/.


  Red Lines

  United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people: “free, prior and informed consent”

  United Nations, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (New York: United Nations, March 2008),​esa/​socdev/​unpfii/​documents/​DRIPS_en.pdf.

  In It Together

  Bianca Mugyenyi: “The refugee flows we’re seeing now are just a glimpse…”

  Marienna Pope-Weidemann, “2016: Time to Take the Leap,” New Internationalist, February 5, 2016,​features/​web-exclusive/​2016/​02/​05/​take-the-leap-manifesto/.

  Energy Reparations

  Roughly half of Germany’s renewable energy facilities are community controlled

  Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything (Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf Canada, 2014), 131.

  Denmark in 2000: 85 percent of wind turbines owned by small players

  International Renewable Energy Agency, “Denmark: 30 Years of Policies for Wind Energy”, accessed April 19, 2017,​DocumentDownloads/​Publications/​GWEC_Denmark.pdf.

  Denmark exports surplus to Germany and Sweden in summer

  Arthur Nelsen, “Wind Power Generates 140% of Denmark’s Electricity Demand,” Guardian, July 10, 2015,​environment/​2015/​jul/​10/​denmark-wind-windfarm-power-exceed-electricity-demand.

  Yes, We Can Afford to Save Ourselves

  $775 billion globally: fossil fuel subsidies

  “No Time to Waste: The Urgent Need for Transparency in Fossil Fuel Subsidies,” Oil Change International, May 15, 2012,​content/​uploads/​2012/​05/​1TFSFIN.pdf.

  $650 billion globally: from financial transaction tax

  European Parliament Resolution, “Innovative Financing at a Global and European Level,” March 8, 2011,​en/​publication-detail/​-/​publication/​b53f9efd-c767-11e1-b84a-01aa75ed71a1/​language-en.

  $45 billion globally: one percent billionaire’s tax

  United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, World Economic and Social Survey 2012: In Search of New Development Finance (New York: United Nations, 2012), 44.

  $450 billion annually: from $50 tax per metric ton of CO2 in developed countries

  “Mobilizing Climate Science: A Paper Prepared at the Request of G20 Finance Ministers,” World Bank Group, October 6, 2011, p.15,​external/​np/​g20/​pdf/​110411c.pdf.

  $325 billion: from cutting top ten military spenders globally by 25 percent

  Calculations based on numbers from:

  Sam Perlo-Freeman, Elisabeth Sköns, Carina Solmirano, and Helén Wilandh, “Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2012,” Stockholm International Peace Research Institute fact sheet, April 2013,​files/​FS/​SIPRIFS1304.pdf.

  Yes to the Yes

  Yann Martel: “be shouted in every square by every town crier this country has”

  Yann Martel, personal correspondence with author.

  Exploding the Box


  “Leap Manifesto Gets Poor M
arks for Timing and Content, Otherwise Fine,” Editorial, Globe and Mail (Toronto), September 15, 2015,​opinion/​editorials/​leap-manifesto-gets-poor-marks-for-timing-and-content-otherwise-fine/​article26373885/.

  “National suicide”

  Conrad Black, “Conrad Black: Few Will Support Naomi Klein’s Revolution, Thankfully Sparing Us from National Suicide,” National Post (Toronto), September 19, 2015,​full-comment/​conrad-black-few-will-support-naomi-kleins-revolution-thankfully-sparing-us-from-national-suicide.

  National poll on Leap: majority of Liberals, NDPs, Greens; 20 percent of Conservatives

  EKOS Politics, “Wise Crowds and the Future,”, April 26, 2016,​index.php/​2016/​04/​wise-crowds-and-the-future/.

  Utopia—Back by Popular Demand

  Alicia Garza: “whether it be Occupy Wall Street…”

  “Inauguration 2017 Special Coverage w/ Angela Davis, Naomi Klein, Ralph Nader & More,” transcript of live video coverage, Democracy Now!, January 20, 2017,​live/​inauguration_2017_live_coverage.

  Vision for Black Lives: “We reject false solutions…”

  The Movement for Black Lives, “Platform,” The Movement for Black Lives website, accessed April 19, 2017,​platform/.

  Atlantic: “rivals even political-party platforms in thoroughness”

  Vann R. Newkirk II, “The Permanence of Black Lives Matter,” Atlantic, August 3, 2016,​politics/​archive/​2016/​08/​movement-black-lives-platform/​494309/.

  Coalition: “In the context of Trump’s presidency…”

  “Beyond the Moment Launch’s April 4th in More than 50 Cities Nationwide!” Beyond the, April 4, 2017,​2017/​04/​beyond-moment-launchs-april-4th-50-cities-nationwide/.

  Reverend William Barber: “You have to build a movement, not a moment…”

  Rev. J. Mark Worth, “The Case for Hope” (sermon, Harvard Unitarian Universalist Church, Harvard, MA, March 19, 2017),​services/​the-case-for-hope/.

  Conclusion—The Caring Majority within Reach

  Jean-Claude Servais: “The hour calls for optimism…”

  Author’s translation. Original text (French): (international website on anarchist posters),​article4573.html?lang=fr.

  The Choice

  Michelle Obama: “When they go low, we go high”

  National Public Radio, “READ: Michelle Obama’s Speech at 2016 Democratic National Convention,”, July 26, 2016,​2016/​07/​26/​487431756/​michelle-obamas-prepared-remarks-for-democratic-national-convention.

  Reverse Shock

  Rev. William Barber: “to be the moral defibrillators…”

  Rev. J. Mark Worth, “The Case for Hope” (sermon, Harvard Unitarian Universalist Church, Harvard, MA, March 19, 2017),​services/​the-case-for-hope/.


  Amazing people helped make this book on an absurdly tight timeline. Louise Dennys, Executive Publisher of Penguin Random House Canada, gave her brilliant mind and life over to this project, improving the text in countless ways. Johann Hari insisted I write it before I was convinced, recording long conversations to show me the material was there and sharpening multiple drafts. Derrick O’Keefe turned his life upside down to edit, research and shepherd us along. Sharon Riley provided excellent research and careful fact checking, with indispensable help from Christine Shearer, Allie Tempus, Kate Aronoff and Rajiv Sicora. Jackie Joiner, as always, played orchestra conductor as only she can.

  Louise and I are delighted to work with two excellent editors: Helen Conford at Penguin Random House UK and Anthony Arnove at Haymarket Books in the US; he is also representing the book internationally. The impossible schedule required miracles from each of them and from all the publishing teams, especially Rick Meier and Deirdre Molina, and the indefatigable Knopf Canada production group, Brittany Larkin and Terra Page, John Sweet, and Creative Director, Scott Richardson. I am grateful to The Intercept, The Nation and The Guardian, where portions of this text first appeared. Michelle Alexander, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor and Eve Ensler read early drafts providing invaluable feedback.

  My husband, Avi Lewis, helped think through so many aspects of this argument, and gave me the gift of time and space to immerse myself completely. Thanks also to Michael, Bonnie and Seth Klein; to Michele Landsberg and Stephen Lewis; Sol Guy, Seth MacFarlane, Kyo Maclear, Brit Marling, Katie McKenna, Bianca Mugyenyi, Betsy Reed, Anthony Rogers-Wright, Juliana Saehrig, Katharine Viner and Ofelia Whitely. I am sustained, supported and inspired by the incredible Leap team and by the sixty people who drafted the original document. We are still reeling from the loss of our great collaborator, Arthur Manuel. My deepest thanks are for patient little Toma, who missed his mom over these last months, but feels strongly that, “Donald Trump is too rude to be president.”

  NAOMI KLEIN is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist, documentary filmmaker and author of the international bestsellers No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism and This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate. She is a senior correspondent for The Intercept and her writing appears widely in such publications as The New York Times, Le Monde, The Guardian and The Nation, where she is a contributing editor. Klein is a member of the board of directors for climate-action group and one of the organizers behind Canada’s Leap Manifesto. In November 2016 she was awarded Australia’s prestigious Sydney Peace Prize for, according to the prize jury, “inspiring us to stand up locally, nationally and internationally to demand a new agenda for sharing the planet that respects human rights and equality.”

  Her books have been translated into more than thirty languages.




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