Here's My Heart

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Here's My Heart Page 8

by Maxene Novak

  When we wrapped it all up, the crowd cheered for more. I only half expected that to happen, but our spot marked the peak of the evening and the last two bands behind us were to close the night around the time people would likely start leaving. So, of course, we gave them two more songs. We did “Feels Like Hate” the acoustic version everyone went nuts for and wrapped up the encore with “This is the Time (Ballast).”

  Our merch table was slammed when we made our way there. I've done shows for festivals and little meet and greets at local venues, but this was massive. I'm still reeling from the camera flashes from pictures and my fingers are stained from signing so many autographs.

  I even got to sign some woman's boob. It was great! I've signed a guy’s butt before, but it's special when a woman says: “Would you be offended if I asked you to sign my boob?”

  Me: “Not at all! I'd be honored! Please, let me sign your boob!”

  Of course, Chad asked if he could take a picture of the moment, to which the woman enthusiastically obliged. I will admit, she had a nice pair. I signed more body parts at this event than I ever have. It was interesting. Nothing really over the top.

  Lisa, my boss, came by and had the whole band sign her t-shirts, then her arm. She made Adam draw our logo on her chest while we talked with everyone else that came by. We eventually sold out of everything and had to shut down the table.

  When Dorian finally makes his way back to us, his hair is disheveled and he’s pouring sweat, but he gives us an excited roar and grapples me in a tight hug. He still smells like cologne. He can't even be a normal man and have body odor but then again it makes hugging him less gross.

  “That was awesome!” he says, shaking hands with everyone else. “I can't believe you haven't been picked by someone yet!”

  “Has anyone ever seen a manager do a stage dive before?” I ask and he looks at me in surprise.

  “That is your manager?!” a lady beside me gushes, taking a picture.

  “Yep,” I reply, giving him a smile.

  “I am?” he asks quietly and for a moment I'm nervous that he changed his mind.

  “If you still want it,” I reply.

  He grins and pulls me close, leaving his arm hanging around my neck.

  “You won't regret it,” he whispers in my ear, leaving a quick kiss on my cheek. “Come on guys! Let's get a picture with all of us!”

  The guys all squeeze in around me and Dorian while Adam hands his phone off to someone to take the picture. In a bright flash of lights, the picture is taken and before I know it our phones are going off from being tagged on social media.

  “I'd say tonight was a huge success,” Dorian says, clasping his hands together. “Don't you think?”

  “Yeah!” Chad chips in excitedly. “We should have an after-party!”

  “Yes!” Bryan and Kyle cheer in unison.

  “We might want to celebrate after our meeting with Century,” Adam says. “We don't want to get our hopes up and then not get signed.”

  “Adam,” Dorian scolds, “that's no way to be. You've got to be positive and you should celebrate your victories. For some they come few and far between.”

  “Alright then,” Adam sighs. “After-party it is.”

  “You heard him!” Chad calls out.

  “Meet up at Reggie’s!” Lisa chimes in. “Free shots for the band!”

  Thank you, I mouth to Lisa.

  Adam's parents would have freaked out if he had a party at the house. Lisa gives me a wave and disappears into the crowd. I figure it's going to be packed but it should be alright. It's not like Lisa can't run the bar. She knows what she's doing.

  We get our gear back in the van and drive back to Adam's place so we can quickly get unpacked then over to Reggie’s. I don't really feel like getting wasted. I just want to have a couple of beers and chill somewhere in a dark corner. I'm kind of exhausted.

  It's been a roller coaster ride since we had our date. Up all night and day practicing and writing. I can't wait to blow off some steam and get some rest, but I'll have an energy drink when we get to the bar.

  “Today was such an awesome day,” Adam comments as we grab cases of equipment to haul inside.

  “Yeah, it really was. I was wrong about Dorian. He's good.”

  “I'm glad you guys talked,” he says sheepishly. “He's a great guy.”

  I release a breath and just take a seat on the curb.

  “You alright?” he asks in concern.

  “Yeah. Just tired. It's been a wild couple of days.”

  “We don't have to go to the party,” he puts his arm around my neck.

  “No, it's fine.” I shrug. “I need to get used to it from the way Dorian talks.”

  “It's going to be crazy if we go big,” he says with a smile on his face. “I'm sorry if I'm pushing you too hard.”

  “I think it's just lack of sleep,” I laugh. “You're supposed to push me. We push each other. It's called motivating. It's all going to pay off.”

  “You think so?” he asks, leaning closer.

  “Definitely,” I reply, resting my head on his shoulder for a moment.

  He laces his fingers with mine as I take a deep breath.

  “Right, let's do this.” I hoist myself up. “Come on, we have a party to get to.”

  I pull him up and he leans in, giving me a brief kiss while we're alone.

  “You were amazing tonight,” he whispers against my lips.

  “You weren't so bad yourself,” I reply, kissing him quickly. “I'm surprised you have any energy at all.”

  “Drummer's Stamina,” he flexes his muscles for emphasis.

  “Why don't you use those guns and carry in some of this stuff?” Chad says, brushing by us.

  I poke Adam in the stomach mid flex but Chad gives him a solid thump in the belly, making him wheeze. I roll my eyes and grab a couple cases to bring inside.

  “Boys, try to play nice,” I chastise as they scuffle on the sidewalk.

  “Sure thing, Ms. Pierce!” Chad comments innocently while he has Adam in a chokehold.

  Once we're all unpacked, we climb in the van and head to Reggie’s. On our way there, Adam's phone starts ringing.

  “It's Dorian,” he says and answers it. “Hey, what's up? Yeah, we're on our way, just had to unpack. Yeah, sure.”

  He presses something on his phone and suddenly I hear Dorian on speakerphone. It sounds like Reggie’s is packed tight.

  “They're going to shut this place down tonight!” Dorian's voice says loudly. “There are so many people here!”

  “Are you drinking without us?” Adam asks,

  “They just keep pouring shots!” Dorian laughs. “Hang on, they want me to do another one.”

  “Oh, good God.” Adam shakes his head. “Don't get sloshed before we get there!”

  “Please, I'm just getting started!” he says as cheers erupt in the background. “Oh, I've got to go, they challenged me for karaoke—if I don't do it I have to drink. Get here before they drown me!”

  With a click, the call is ended and we laugh.

  “Dude, our manager is awesome!” Chad says, getting obviously pumped. “Hurry up, Nova! He'll be belly up by the time we get there!”

  “I'm going as fast as I legally can!” I reply, waiting on the light to change. “Red light? You remember what those are?”

  When we reach Reggie’s we have to park two blocks away. It's packed. It's almost like a block party. I hope there are no repercussions for Lisa. We get to the door and it's pretty much wide open. I don't even think they have someone at the door for this.

  “My band!” Dorian exclaims, putting an unstable arm around my and Adam's shoulders.

  “Dorian, you are so drunk,” Adam says, stifling a laugh.

  “I did the karaoke, but they made me drink anyway,” he says, laughing hysterically. “What pricks!”

  He nearly falls over from laughing so hard. At one point, he's wheezing and I get a little concerned. We manage to get him inside
the bar and onto a seat in the corner. He sits down and smiles at me lazily.

  “It's a good night,” he sighs, still half chuckling. “I haven't laughed so hard in years.”

  “I'll bet that feels nice. You're much more handsome when you smile.”

  “I know,” he replies, leaning back in his seat. “I am pretentious at times but I do try to be at my best. I need nights like this more often.”

  “Drunken stupors?” I arch an eyebrow.

  “Comfortable,” he tucks his hair behind his ear and points towards the bar. “Go on! Get some drinks,” he orders. “You need to be on my level!”

  Adam grins and heads off to the bar, but I opt to stay with Dorian.

  “Whew!” he wipes sweat from his brow. “I think I need to slow down.”

  “What about being on your level?” I tease.

  “I can ride this all night long,” he says suggestively in my ear.

  His voice is so deep and throaty, sending warm tremors all over my body.

  “So can you if you want,” he continues, gently nipping my earlobe.

  “Okay!” I say, catching his hand moving slowly up my thigh, “Dorian, I think you've had enough.”

  “Did my attention offend you?” he asks, seemingly bored. “Well, that's no fun.”

  “It's totally unprofessional and rude. Us flirting and bickering is different. That's fun—this is going too far.”

  “I'm sorry!” he apologizes, holding up his hands. “I am but a humble vessel. Your will be done. It won't happen again… unless you ask.”

  He gives me a coy wink and I relax. He's back to being the catty Dorian I like. Drunk Dorian is way too gropey but in a really hot way. It's mildly discomforting.

  “Fine,” I sigh and sit back down.

  Adam comes back to the table with a tray full of drinks. I grab a beer and start sipping. I need to unwind. Dorian grabs a glass of water and smiles at me. He's listening to me? Since when?! I did tell him he's had enough.

  It's unexpectedly kind of sweet. I mean. I'm not his keeper, but he realized I was uncomfortable and that maybe he is too drunk. Maybe this is him trying to be more considerate.

  “So?” Adam asks, handing me a shot. “You going to do this with me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Celebrating victories,” Adam toasts, and slams down his shot.

  I do the same and quickly grab my beer to chase it. What the hell? If I'm here I might as well enjoy myself. I grab another shot and knock it back.

  “Alright!” Dorian cheers, drumming on the table. “Now it's a party.”

  We don't really do anything exciting. Occasional strangers and fans come up asking for pictures or a signature. Some come up offering drinks and idle conversation, but soon enough people are calling for us to sing.

  Of course we obliged. We did more covers tonight than any other and then did some acoustic songs we'd never performed before. It wasn't about doing our music. It was about celebrating music in general. Other people would get on stage and join us.

  Dorian kind of disappeared for a little bit, fading in and out of the crowd every now and then. Eventually, I was drunk and literally everyone was poking jabs at me on stage, but I kept slinging them back at Adam, who kept air drumming in between songs.

  We're all lit, but it's a nice energy circulating around it all. As more and more people came and went on stage, I find myself getting lost in the crowd as I dance to the heavy rock music. Soon enough I'm joined by Adam as I become more and more aware of Dorian walking around us in slow circles.

  He seems to be focused on me mostly but he includes Adam. It looks like he's recording us on his phone. He's still shirtless from earlier and his hair is now tied back in a loose ponytail. I smirk and motion for him to join us on the dance floor.

  His eyes darken as he approaches me almost as a predator does its prey. He walks like a panther closing in for the kill. It excites me, the way he looks in my eyes as if he could just take me if he wanted to. I can't deny—when his hands brush against my body—I want him to.

  Adam's hands circle around my waist, pulling me close to him. His lips land on my neck making my blood run hotter. I need to cool down. I should go outside but I know he'll follow me. No, there's nothing wrong with this. We're dating—sort of. Maybe it will take my mind off of…

  Dorian watches with a coy smile on his lips. I look at his body, a sheen of sweat covers him as desire flares in my blood. He comes closer and whispers in Adam's ear. Adam nods and takes my hand. He pulls me off the dance floor and outside.

  The change in temperature makes me feel off balance. Definitely got a buzz going. Dorian leads us down the street and jumps in the back of a cab, pulling us in behind him. He gives the driver an address and tosses some money to him.

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “His place, I guess,” Adam replies.

  “You're going to love it,” Dorian remarks.

  “What about the guys?” I look back toward the bar.

  “I paid a cab for them hours ago,” he says. “They went to Chad's for the night.”

  “Oh,” I reply, sitting back down. “Good. Do you think the van will be…?”

  “The van will be fine,” Dorian reassures me, grabbing my hand. “Just relax. The night's not over yet.”

  I do as I'm told and about a half hour later we come to a stop at a huge building.

  “Whoa,” I say, stumbling as I look up at the building. “What floor are you on?”

  “You'll see,” Dorian states, punching in a code.

  He opens the door and we follow him inside. It's luxurious, the staff looking at us like we're insane. Probably because Dorian is still shirtless, but he gives them a confident nod and presses the door to the elevator.

  We climb inside and he presses the button for the floor. Twelfth floor. We're going up high. When the elevator stops, we follow him to his room and it's huge. It must be some kind of luxury suite or something. It's fancy.

  “Come on in,” Dorian welcomes ostentatiously, locking the door behind him. “Make yourselves comfortable.”

  Adam walks into the small bathroom to the left and shuts the door. Dorian walks over to a cabinet and opens it, revealing a large glass bottle. He grabs three glasses and closes the cabinet. He sits the glasses down on the table and pours some of the liquid in the cups.

  “Don't worry,” he says, handing me a cup. “It's just whiskey.”

  “Is it roofied?” I ask sarcastically and he takes a long swig out of the bottle.

  “Feel better?” he wipes his mouth.

  “Much,” I grin at him.

  He shakes his head, but I can tell he's laughing.

  “So, nice place,” I compliment while looking around.

  “I do like to live in style,” he replies, placing the glass bottle on the dining table. “I have expensive taste.”

  “They pay you this well?”

  “No, they just pay for it,” he says eloquently. “Pay isn't bad at all, however, I am quite pleased.”

  “Good deal,” I take the cup he offers me. “Thank you.”

  He smiles and bows his head politely. So charming.

  “Excuse me,” he comments, looking down at himself. “A good host probably shouldn't walk around shirtless.”

  “Depends. What kind of event are you hosting?”

  “Hm,” he steps inside my personal space, “we'll see.”

  He presses his hips into mine as his fingers brush my hair out of my face. My mouth goes dry as I feel something hard press against my hip bone.

  “I'm going to get cleaned up,” he says and walks into another room.

  I arch my eyebrows as Adam walks out of the bathroom.

  “Where's Dorian?” he asks, taking a seat on the couch.

  “Getting washed up. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel great actually.” He takes off his jacket. “Not drunk, but not sober either.”

  “I know what you mean,” I agree, sitting down besi
de him.

  He turns to me and wiggles his eyebrows at me. “We're alone,” he leans closer as I quickly down my drink and place it on the coffee table.

  “But not for long,” I whisper.

  “I don't care,” he replies quietly and kisses me.

  It's always magical when we do this. His tongue feels like Pop Rocks when it collides with mine, sending exciting little sparks exploding in my mouth. I can taste the liquor on his breath, reminding me that we have been drinking and should probably stop, but I don't want to.

  I don't want to plan this stuff. I want to feel it and get caught up in the moment. He pulls me onto his lap, holding me firmly against his waist.

  “Getting the party started without me?” Dorian asks from the doorway.

  I fly off of Adam's lap as if he's on fire.

  “I'm sorry!”

  “Please, you shouldn't be,” Dorian replies as he buttons up a long, loose-fitting white shirt. “I wasn't hating the view.”

  Adam laughs as my face turns red.

  “Dorian,” Adam responds between giggles, “she's going to take you seriously.”

  “The night's still young,” he quickly swallows the whiskey he'd poured earlier.

  “So, what are we doing here?” Adam says, turning to Dorian as he walks into the living room.

  “A more intimate setting seemed warranted,” he gives me a seductive smile. “By all means—don't let me stop you.”

  He sits down on the couch opposite us and pours us another drink. His hair is wet and stringy in his face. I can feel his eyes all over me but I also see him deflect to Adam for brief moments as we talk.

  Adam has that look in his eye again. The one he gets when he talks to Dorian. I see it when he talks to me too but it's strange to see it reflected at someone other than me. He's so handsome when he smiles. He seems lighter now, as if Dorian taking things over was the best thing in the world.

  He's in tattered jeans tonight and a black Straight Line Stitch band shirt. He fidgets with his ears a bit, playing with his earrings. His emerald eyes settle on me, making my heart skip. I reach over and run my fingers through his choppy brown hair, making him blush.


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