Scion of Raizel (The Divine Elements Book 3)

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Scion of Raizel (The Divine Elements Book 3) Page 14

by Daman

  Calron muttered as he surveyed the shop and gave Roran a task.


  Roran said excitedly as he went over to a nearby table and picked it up. He was very eager to see the debut of their new shop and to see the items that Calron would soon sell today.

  “Let’s get this rolling.”

  Calron let out a slight smile and proceeded to walk outside the shop.

  The people outside continued to roam around the shops, purchasing what they needed and arguing with the vendors about the prices. The whole district was a cacophony of various noises and yells.


  Roran placed the medium-sized table in front of the shop’s entrance and waited for his brother.

  Calron slowly walked behind the table and placed his hands over the edge. “Make sure that no one tries to approach the table and steal any of the tiles. Also, look out for any suspicious people in the background that make an attempt to probe us and our cultivation levels.”

  He whispered over to Roran in a quiet voice, to which the muscular youth gave a short and serious nod.


  In the next moment, a series of small metallic plates appeared on top of the table, each with a trace of golden lightning glimmering inside it. The tiles were around the size of a toddler’s palm, so they were much smaller than the first original tile that Calron had worked with.

  After making sure that all the tiles that he had prepared last night were now on the table, Calron faced straight ahead and let out a thundering roar.

  “Want to increase your battle strength and speed by more than three times? Want to catch an arrow straight from the air? Want to beat your enemy who is much stronger than you? Then, take one of our God Tiles and fight toe-to-toe against someone with a much higher cultivation than you!”

  Almost the entire district stopped within their tracks when they heard the thundering voice, including the vendors. It was simply because Calron had used his essence to amplify his voice and had simultaneously used the Divine Perception’s subtle powers to bring their attention to him.

  Following the roar, around a fifth of the people resumed their usual activities, but the vast majority of the shoppers and merchants curiously walked over to Calron’s simple and ordinary-looking table.

  “It’s not good to make boastful claims in the market, boy. We all have our businesses to take care of.”

  A slender middle-aged woman reproached Calron once she glanced at the plain metal sheets on the table. The woman had thought that Calron was selling a miraculous pill that could boost the combat ability of a cultivator, but after seeing the metal sheets, she quickly became agitated by the intended “scam”.

  “This lad must be a greenhorn if he was trying to cheat us with those paltry metal pieces.”

  Another pot-bellied man stated in a scornful voice as he started to turn around and walk away.

  “If you don’t believe me, then how about testing one? I will let you pick any volunteer from the group here so you know that I am not setting this up.”

  Calron answered in a calm voice, unfazed by the accusations thrown at him.

  A few more people departed from the gathered group and it seemed like many others were uninterested as well. No one there believed that such a heaven-defying thing could exist, and especially in the hands of a strange boy.

  “You have my interest, young man. Let’s see that product of yours.”

  The slender middle-aged lady who had first spoken, walked in front of the table and held out her hand.

  Interestingly, none of the others objected to the woman taking charge, and they patiently waited to see the results.

  Noticing that the gathered group had accepted the woman to take the lead, Calron’s curiosity was piqued, so he went ahead and placed a God Tile on the woman’s outstretched palm.

  “Just send a bit of your essence into the tile.”

  Calron instructed in an even tone.


  The woman began, but stopped halfway once her pupils went wide and a strange feeling overtook her.

  “Anyone can try attacking her now.”

  Calron smiled at the woman’s startled reaction, and turned to the group as he spoke.

  “Heh, let’s see what tricks this brat is playing on us.”

  A nearby city guard said with disdain while glancing at Calron and moving towards the middle-aged woman. The other guards standing next to him simply chuckled and continued to watch the scene in front of them.

  “Oi… maybe we should stop this…”

  A few people in the gathered group discussed amongst themselves when they saw that the guard was serious about attacking the middle-aged woman.

  “Don’t worry madam, I will go easy on you.”

  The walking guard smirked with amusement, as he bent forwards and charged straight towards woman.

  A few people involuntarily let out gasps of shock and horror as they stared ahead.

  Meanwhile, the middle-aged woman’s head slowly turned to face the incoming guard and a confused expression could be seen on her face.

  What is happening… my body feels weird… why is he moving so slowly?

  The woman pondered while sensing an eerie lightness within her body and gazing at the incoming fist.


  She side-stepped lightly, but to the onlookers it appeared as she dodged the strike in a single, lightning-quick movement.

  “What!? Kuk-”

  The guard cried in astonishment, but immediately let out a groan of pain when the woman retaliated by slapping his face.

  “I think that is enough for now.”

  Calron grinned at the expression on the woman’s and the audience’s face, and stopped the effects of the God Tile through his Divine Perception.

  “Hahaha! This is great! Young man, how much for one of those metal pieces? I’ll buy a bunch from you. I am one of the city’s best merchants, so I will definitely give you a good price.”

  The woman returned back to normal once the effects were gone, and excitedly ran towards Calron while shouting.

  “Pah! What use has a merchant for this heavenly tool? It is better for our Martial Sect to take these. Young master, sell us everything!”

  A macho-looking old man pushed away the people in front of him and made his way towards Calron. A few young cultivators silently followed behind the old man, an eager look in their eyes.

  After that, the crowd burst into a series of animated shouts and they each tried to buy at least one God Tile for themselves.

  “Everyone, calm down! Each enhancing tile that you saw today will be sold for only two gold and sixty silvers, but starting tomorrow the price will be three gold, so hurry up and buy one now. Our Azure Pavilion will be selling many more tiles with other effects, so make sure to come and visit the shop tomorrow!”

  Calron conveyed in a smooth voice, directly all the crowd’s attention onto him.

  “Azure Pavilion? So, that’s the name of this new shop. I wonder what else they’ll sell tomorrow… I better bring my brother along.”

  “I should inform the Lord about this new shop and the mysterious Tiles.”

  Several people made their own plans after hearing Calron’s words, and it was certain that there would be many factions and nobles interested in this new shop.

  No one would realize this at the present, but this day would mark the beginning of the legend that was known as the Azure Pavilion.

  Chapter 32 – Lightning Under The Rain

  “Sir, when will you be selling more of these enhancing tiles? Please give me ten- no, just five, and I’ll pay you double of what you charge them normally!”

  A man dressed in expensive clothes approached Calron in front of the shop and made his request.

  Currently, all the God Tiles on the table were sold and none were remaining. When the crowd had seen that the metal tiles were all gone, several of them surrounded Calron and asked for exclusive deals.

“Sorry friends, but I don’t have any more of the tiles and need to wait until the Azure Pavilion sends me more.”

  Calron shook his head in mock helplessness and finally relieved himself of the gathered crowd, as they all gradually dispersed away until only Calron and Roran remained.

  Calron did not want anyone to know that he personally produces the God Tiles as that could cause many problems for the future, so he decided to act behind the Azure Pavilion and make it seem like he was just its employee.

  “Big brother… I don’t know what to say…”

  Roran mumbled in awe while staring down at the pile of gold squares in his hands. This was only a small amount, as most of the gold was stored in Calron’s spatial bracelet.

  He had sold around thirty-two enhancing tiles and made over eighty gold in an instant. This was a business that would make any merchant drool with envy, but it also had several risks attached with it.

  Calron was a nobody in front of the city’s authoritative powers, so they might try to make a move on him and monopolize the God Tiles. His ruse as acting the employee of the Azure Pavilion might thwart off the city’s factions momentarily until they investigated it, but once they find out that there was no organization in other cities by the name of Azure Pavilion, they would try invade his shop.

  “Hahaha, this is only the beginning, brother. By the way, I am worried about Ellie, so return back to the inn and guard her until I return. There will be several people inquiring about us starting today and eventually it will lead them to the inn where we are staying.”

  Calron turned serious towards the end, as he firmly instructed Roran.

  “Leave it to me, big brother.”

  Roran replied with a confident nod.

  “Also, take some of this gold and give it to Jolt for the inn’s rent and the meals. We’ll need to celebrate today, so tell him to prepare his best kegs for tonight. I need to buy some things for the shop, so I’ll tour around the market.”

  Calron handed Roran a stack of gold squares, and smiled with anticipation for the night. Jolt had helped him a lot during his stay in the city along with his aid in acquiring the shop, so Calron wanted to repay him for his generosity.

  “Don’t be late.”

  Roran flashed a cheerful grin and left back for the Wandering Eagle.

  Now, where can I find some carpenters and painters in the city?

  Calron pondered with a smile as he turned around, and walked into the bustling market in the distance.


  “It’s starting to become late…”

  Calron murmured to himself as he gazed at the darkening sky above.

  “Is this one fine, customer?”

  A young boy asked Calron, holding a large wooden plaque next to him that spanned two meters long. The boy was a cultivator himself, so the carrying the heavy wood was an easy task.

  For hours, Calron had been scouring the market for items that he would need for the shop and in search of them, he lost himself in time and it was now starting to get quite late.

  “The size of this one is perfect, but I prefer the black wood over there.”

  Calron replied by pointing at a meter-long black wood stationed at the back of the shop.

  “Unfortunately, we don’t have more of the coal wood in stock but we can deliver by tomorrow morning if that is alright with the customer?”

  The young boy inquired tentatively, scratching his head in embarrassment.

  “That is fine, I’ll take it.”

  Calron chuckled at the boy’s nervousness. It seemed likely that today was the first day that the boy was put in charge of the shop and was trying his best.

  “That’s great! We’ll take fifty silver for the deposit now and you can pay the rest after the wood has been delivered.”

  The boy stated with enthusiasm, as he began noting down Calron’s purchase onto a sheet of paper next to him.

  “Thanks for the hard work, kid. I’ll be waiting for the delivery tomorrow.”

  Calron smiled at the boy, and left the shop after giving the Azure Pavilion’s address for the delivery.

  *pat* *pat*

  A few drops of water splashed on the ground in front of Calron, causing him to glance at the approaching grey clouds above.

  “Looks like it will rain soon.”

  Calron walked faster, but eventually decided to run when he saw the rain pouring down in a frenzy.


  Calron cursed out loud in the middle of an empty alley, realizing that in his haste he had forgotten the directions back to the inn and was now stranded in a place he had never been before.

  “I think I came from that way.”

  Calron decided to back-track his movements until he reached a spot that he recognized.


  Calron’s eyes widened in shock, sensing a bloodthirsty bolt of lightning heading his way. If it wasn’t for his extraordinary ability to detect lightning essence in the air, then even as a lightning cultivator, Calron would not have been able to sense it so fast.


  A thick spear made of golden lightning struck the air where Calron’s head was a moment ago, and instead pierced the ground, creating a massive crater.

  Thin flashes of lightning surrounded the crater until the golden spear slowly eroded away.

  “So, you’re a lightning cultivator as well… this is interesting.”

  A gravely voice sounded out from above Calron, as a burly figure of a man descended from the air and crashed onto the ground in front of him.

  Streaks of grey invaded Calron’s eyes and gradually the world turned to grey and white.


  The sound of rain hitting the ground echoed in the area, as two soaked figures faced off against each other.

  Chapter 33 – Clash Against The Raizel Clan

  “Care to tell me your name?”

  Calron asked in a calm voice, droplets of rain dripping down his hair.

  “You don’t need to know, kid. Just stay silent and I’ll quickly take care of you without inflicting much pain.”

  The bulky man growled with a quick grin, his pale blue eyes shimmering with violence.

  The large man wore a black sleeveless martial artist’s robe, but with his bulging muscles the clothing seemed a bit too tight on him. He was very ordinary looking, neither handsome nor ugly with his square-shaped jaw and his skin resembling the texture of a grainy rock.

  “Who sent you?”

  Calron inquired, his voice still unfazed by the enemy in front of him.

  “Give it up, your questions are pointless.”

  The brutish man stated, as thick bolts of lightning flashed all around his body and he bent forwards in preparation to charge at Calron.

  Calron remained standing still and watched the attacker in a tranquil pose. His eyes gradually returned back to their azure color, but the darkness of the night prevented the large man to notice this change.


  A gigantic golden scimitar abruptly appeared behind Calron and sliced towards his midsection.


  The brute man let out a confused sound when he realized that his scimitar had only struck empty air and not flesh like he had expected. Crackles of golden lightning bounced on top of the blade, exuding a dangerous aura.

  “I’ll ask again, who sent you?”

  Calron’s cold voice echoed right next to the brute man, startling him and causing his hands to tremble as he held the scimitar.

  “This is impossible!”

  The large man roared and swiftly pierced his weapon towards Calron.

  What in the heavens is going on!? This boy has a greater speed than even me! However, his element is clearly of the lightning attribute, so he shouldn’t have this agility unless…

  The man kept slashing his broadsword at Calron, while Calron effortlessly dodged every strike.

  On the outside, it simply looked like two human-shape
d lightning bolts darting all over the alley.

  Throughout this whole time, Calron had not attacked once and continued to evade the incoming attacks. He already had an idea as to who this person was, but refrained himself until he confirmed his conjecture.

  “Haah haaah…”

  The bulky man finally ceased his relentless barrage and panted with exhaustion. Maintaining the massive lightning scimitar had drained almost all of his essence, and yet the boy did not even have a scratch on him. It would be humiliating if the clan found out that he couldn’t even deal with a boy at the first rank of Vajra stage.

  “Why has the Raizel clan decided to attack me?”

  A trace of sadness was hidden in Calron’s voice, as he gazed at the tired figure of the brute man.

  “So you finally figured that out? Tell me one thing, kid, are you really a lightning cultivator? I have never seen a human with the lightning element as powerful as you.”

  The large man’s attitude towards Calron changed after seeing that the boy was truly talented. It was a pity that the young master wanted him dead.

  “I am indeed a lightning cultivator. I’ve answered your question, so please answer mine as well.”


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