How To Love A Crook (Crooked In Love Book 2)

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How To Love A Crook (Crooked In Love Book 2) Page 12

by Linda Verji

  Then he was touching her. Really touching her.

  There were no words to describe the sensations that careened through A.J when he cupped her whole breasts then massaged it. There was no way to explain the heat the scorched through her when he rubbed her nipple then pinched it.

  Oh! A.J opened her mouth to scream but Lee’s lips came over hers, swallowing her scream.

  His hand continued to wreak havoc on her breast. Once he had her jolting and writhing beneath him, he moved his hand to the other breast, giving it the same intoxicating pleasure. Frankly, A.J thought that he was going to break her just by touching her breasts. However, before she could hit that pinnacle, he lifted to sit on his haunches and took off his pullover.

  Goodness! The man was fine.

  His actions left his hair ruffled. Like rumpled strands of dark brown silk, his hair gleamed. An errant lock licked his forehead, the perfect complement to the golden toast color of his face. He didn’t have a mat of hair on his strong chest, which meant she could see the shape and size of each muscle.

  Before she could get her fill of him, he reached for her upper arms then helped her sit up. He grabbed the hem of her tank-top and pulled it upwards. He tossed the top over the couch, sending it sailing to God knows where. Since he’d already shoved her bra above her breasts, she was immediately exposed to him.

  Feeling suddenly shy, she crossed her arms over her breasts. Even with her hands over her titties, it was patently obvious that she was a card-carrying member of the itty-bitty club. Small breasts were a great asset when your job involved climbing buildings, vaulting over walls, among other gymnastic feats. But when you were trying to be sexy in front of a man you wanted to please… well, they left a lot to be desired.

  “No.” Lee shook his head. “I want to see.”

  When she didn’t drop her hands, he grabbed her wrist and pushed them to the side of her body. Finally, she was revealed. She jerked slightly when his hand lifted, not sure what he was about to do.

  Lee chuckled as he lifted two stray braids away from her shoulder and set them behind her shoulders. She arched backwards nervously when he leaned forwards, but he was only reaching for her back. With one flick, he unsnapped her bra. Careful not to touch her, he took the wings of her bra and dragged the fabric to her front before completely pulling it off her body. With one toss, he sent the bra sailing after her top.

  She’d never seen that look in a man’s eye; that dark, wild look that sent need and tension circling through her. Her breasts were nothing to write home about – just two brown orbs that looked like apples covered in chocolate and sharp nipples that were already at attention. But Lee was staring at them like he wanted to eat her up.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured almost to himself as he lifted his hand.

  “Lee,” she gasped when he cupped her naked flesh.

  But Lee was busy. All his attention was on her breasts, squeezing, kneading, caressing, playing with her nipples, pinching. By the time he urged her to lie back on the couch, she was panting and writhing like a mad woman. Abruptly, he pushed both her arms over her head. Then he lowered his head.

  The first touch of his lips on her breast was indescribably delightful. The feel of his tongue dancing over her skin then flicking her nipple sent unimaginable heat ricocheting up and down her body. When she jerked upwards with the pleasure, he lifted his mouth off her and his eyes met hers. Watching her keenly, he flicked his tongue over her nipple again. She whimpered and arched upwards in need. He smiled then flicked again. She jerked upwards, silently begging for more. He chuckled – right before he set his mouth completely over her breast and swallowed her whole.

  The suctioning of his lips sent desire cruising straight to her pussy. It contracted needily, feeling oddly empty. Lee gave the same delightful treatment to her other breast, leaving her whimpering and writhing in need.

  Then it just stopped.

  A.J’s eyes flew open at the sudden halt to the pleasure. She found Lee getting off her then off the couch. Before she could drag him back to her, he bent down, fit his arms beneath her shoulders and knees, and hauled her into his arms. With a little gasp, A.J wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She wasn’t sure how fast he moved but within what seemed like seconds they were in his bedroom.

  Gently, he set her on the bed then came down to lie beside her.

  Then he was back at her breasts. His fingers worried her nipple as he sealed his lips to hers. This kiss was deep, aggressive, filled with desire. His hand smoothed away from her breasts, down her torso and to the button of jeans. Flick. Zip. He dipped his hand beneath the denim and her panties to cup her pussy.

  “Aaaaah!” She moaned into his mouth as his hand moved lower.

  She was already wet but when he worried her clit with his finger, she felt fresh wetness spurt through her. His fingers were like those of a master magician. They did magical things to her special button, leaving her twisting and spreading her legs like a wanton nymph. When he dipped one finger into her pussy, she bucked against the foreign invasion.

  “Jeez, you’re tight,” Lee whispered against her temple as he slowly pushed his long finger deeper in. “When was your last time?”

  Did she have to answer that question? Right now? When it felt like a volcano was about to erupt in her body? Whimpering, she arched upwards to meet that errant finger. Immediately pleasure, hot and sweet, seared through her. It was too damn much. She turned to her side to avoid his finger, but Lee followed her. He curved his body against her back as he pushed that finger in again then pulled out.

  In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Ah!

  She moaned in protest when he took that finger out of her. Roughly, he turned her so she was lying on her back. Kneeling between her thighs, he yanked her jeans down her hips, taking her lacy, white panties along with them and tossed them to the floor.

  Now she was completely naked. Instinctively, A.J closed her legs. But Lee would have none of that. He placed one kiss on her knee, another kiss on the other knee, then set his hands on her still stiff knees and parted them. His eyes were dark with unrestrained passion as he took her in.

  Equal measure of embarrassment and need raced through A.J. His intense stare left her feeling too exposed, too mortified. She wanted to close her legs and cover herself. But she couldn’t. Her legs refused to come together and her pussy kept contracting and tightening as if she wanted him to look and to… to… to do more.

  Lee crawled backwards until his head was between her spread thighs then he kissed her. First it was her inner thighs then it was the top of her mound. By the time his lips got to her petals, she was dancing on the edge of a knife-like need. When his tongue swept in between her lips, wild pleasure seared through her.

  But it was when he flicked then circled his tongue over her throbbing nerve that the real rollercoaster ride began. Dizzy with the sensations careening through her, A.J set her hands on his head. To push him away. To keep him there.

  Lee was an expert at this. The way his tongue worked her clit in slow, erotic figure-eights. The way he swept his tongue up and down her slit collecting the beads of her pleasure. The way he brought his fingers into the game so he could saw in and out of her pussy while his tongue wreaked havoc on her sensitive nub.

  “Ah… Lee… yesss,” A.J hissed as the trembles started.

  The blood already raging within her increased its speed. It seemed like every part of her was rushing towards something sweet, something hot, towards him. Her lower stomach felt weirdly tight, like she wanted to pee but didn’t want to either. Her inner muscles contracted over Lee’s finger as the rest of her body began to jerk. If she’d been thinking straight, perhaps she would’ve made her movements more elegant, but it was hard to think straight when it felt like a train was running over your body.

  Stars. Sparks. Fireworks.

  The pleasure that roared through A.J was like nothing she’d ever experience before. It broke her into pieces, tore her apart and left her wailing Lee’s
name. Her vision was almost black as she let herself go, wild and fierce. It almost felt like she’d moved out of her body into a place where only Lee’s touch existed. With a keening cry, she tumbled into her release.

  LEE LOVED HER untutored reactions to his touch and her inelegant writhing as she reveled in her release. If it was any other woman, he would’ve assumed that she was pretending a lack of sexual experience. But this was A.J. It wasn’t in her to pretend to be something she wasn’t. As he crawled up her body with his fingers still deep inside her, he couldn’t help wondering exactly how much experience she had.

  If he had to take a guess, it would be one man, two at the most, and probably a while ago. She was way too tight to have been near any man recently. Even though he had only one finger inside her, she was gripping him so tightly that he was afraid he’d hurt her when he entered her. Casting his worry aside, he bent his head for a taste of her breasts before coming up to her mouth.

  He’d never get used to her taste, or the lushness of her lips. There was something about A.J’s kisses that left him craving for more instead of satiated. He wasn’t sure what he loved more; her taste or her eager response to his touch. Though she’d come just seconds ago, her hips arched upwards to meet the slow strokes of his finger inside her pussy.

  Lifting his lips from hers, he whispered, “Does that feel good?”

  She moaned her answer.

  This is how he liked her; so caught up in pleasure, so caught up in him, that she couldn’t even complete a sentence. Smiling, he came back for a deep, passionate kiss. The kiss had the expected effect. The latent desire that had been cooling its heels deep inside him while he pleasured her reared its head. His already rock-hard cock jerked beneath his pants, begging to be uncaged.

  When he tried to end the kiss, A.J moaned in protest and curved her hand over the back of his head to keep him sealed to her. He soothed her with soft, drugging kisses that tapered off into pecks. When she finally released him, he moved away from her and lifted to his knees. With speed he didn’t even know he was capable of, he unbuttoned then unzipped his jeans. Quickly, he chucked them off taking his boxer briefs along with them. He only paused to grab a rubber from the nightstand drawer before coming back to A.J.

  She welcomed him by sitting up and wrapping her slender arms around his neck before sealing their lips together again. Their lips and tongues melded in a dance as old as time.

  The kiss sent indescribable need rocketing through Lee. He really needed to get this show on the road. Somehow, he managed to wrap up while still kissing A.J. Once he was done, her cupped the back of her head for one last powerful kiss before urging her to lie back down on his bed.

  Despite the panicked need thrumming through him, he had to take a second to look at her as she lay sprawled before him. There was no doubt that A.J was a beautiful woman. Every inch of her was sleek, toned and trim. The amber glow of the bedside lamp shone on her dark, smooth skin giving it a golden-chocolatey hue. Her beautiful brown eyes were shadowed with both desire and nervousness as she looked up at him.

  She looked so vulnerable like he’d never seen her look before. And he loved it. He loved her vulnerability just as much as he loved her strength. He loved that she was opening up to him even more, sharing not just her body but parts of her past that he thought she’d keep hidden forever.

  Frankly, he was amazed and thankful that she’d chosen to give him a glimmer into her painful past. He could only imagine how much she’d been through. Even now, he still couldn’t imagine what it felt like to grow up in a family like hers. A family where a father could adopt another child just to make another child jealous. A family where the father had no qualms setting goons after his own daughter.

  Though A.J acted like it was business as usual, Lee suspected that she was more affected than she let on. And it left him feeling like he just wanted to hold her and tell her that her future wouldn’t be as dark. It made him want to make up for all the awful things that had happened. It made him want to protect her.

  Feeling protective, he lowered his head to kiss her. In that kiss, he put in all his feelings. With his kiss he told her how much he wanted to be the man who chased her demons away. She melted into his kiss, her arms coming up to surround his neck. Carefully, Lee lowered his body until he was over her with his lower body fitted between her legs.

  He loved how her body felt against his. Her breath whispering against his lips, her pert breasts pressed tightly against his rock-hard chest, her hips cradling him, and her hot pussy dancing along the length of his cock. Watching her, he rocked ever so slightly, dragging his cock along that valley between her swollen lips. Fresh desire spurted through her gaze seconds before her eyes fluttered close. Her breathing quickened with each teasing rock he gave her.

  “Open your eyes,” he demanded. He wanted to see that desire, wanted to see if it was as intense as the need scorching a path through his body. She obeyed his command.

  There it is. He smiled when he saw the dark arousal that shadowed her hooded eyes. He bent down for a brief kiss before lifting up again so he could fit his shaft to her entrance. A.J closed her eyes when he started to push. Immediately, he noticed the intense tightness that welcomed him. At first, he ignored it – or more accurately, reveled in it. However, when he pushed a little more, he came up against a barrier.

  What the hell? Shock shot through him as his startled eyes flew to meet her now open eyes. The pain in her eyes was as real as that barrier.

  Lee instinctively pulled out of her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  ‘Tell-” A.J cleared her throat. “Tell you what?”

  As if she didn’t know. His voice tinged with disbelief, Lee said, “That you’re a virgin.”

  A.J didn’t answer for a long while. Then she shrugged. “Because it didn’t matter.”

  “It matters to me.” He tried to move completely away from her but she grabbed his upper arms to keep him hovering over her.

  “Don’t go.” Her voice lowered to a whisper, “Please.”

  What man could deny a woman when she was looking at him with such pleading eyes? Lee certainly wasn’t that man. He lowered his body back over hers and she immediately wrapped her arms and legs around him as if to keep him from even thinking of leaving again.

  Frowning, he asked, “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  It would’ve been a lie to say that he wasn’t intimidated by the thought of being her first. He’d never been anyone’s first. He couldn’t help wondering if he was even capable of making this good for her. What if he bungled it up and ruined her first memory of sex?

  A.J arched upwards and sealed her lips with his, putting an end to his panicked thoughts. When she pulled back for a breath, it was to beg, “Please.”

  Being her first was one thing, but making her beg for it was just wrong. Lee shoved his fear aside and bent down for one last kiss before he lined himself with her entrance once more.

  “It might be a little painful,” he warned.

  She shrugged. “That’s okay.”

  If this situation wasn’t so nerve-wracking, it would’ve been funny. She was the one who was supposed to be nervous, not him.

  His eyes locked on hers, Lee pushed in slowly. Immediate pain flickered in the depths of A.J’s eyes but she was wrapped up so tightly around him he couldn’t pull out even if he wanted to. With a firm stab, he broke that barrier.

  Damn! She was so tight. The feel of her glove-like walls constricting around the top of his cock was so intense, so overwhelming that he had to close his eyes. When he opened his eyes, it was to find A.J with her eyes closed and her face contorted in obvious pain.

  He whispered, “Maybe we should-”

  “No,” she cut him off as her eyes flew open. Her legs tightening around his flanks, she suggested, “Just do it quickly and it will be over.”

  Well, what was a man to do but follow her order? With a whispered, ‘sorry’, he forced more of himself i
nto her.

  “Ahh!” A.J whimpered as her pussy stretched around him.

  He halted. “Are you okay?”

  “Just a minute.” She pulled in a shaky breath. “Just wait a minute.”

  He gave her more than a minute. It was only after she relaxed around him and gave him the okay that he fit the last couple of inches of his shaft within her. Then he was completely in. For a while, he just stared at her, reveling in the feeling of being part of her, one with her. This must be what if felt like to be in heaven.

  When A.J opened her eyes, the pain there had dimmed a bit and Lee could see hints of desire begin to seep in. He cupped the back of her head and pressed his forehead to hers as he slowly withdrew then carefully pushed back in. Slowly he pulled back. Carefully he stroked back in. In. Out. In. Out.

  Lazily, leisurely, he fucked her, measuring his strokes to keep from overwhelming her. Soon, she started to respond, tilting her hips upwards to receive his long strokes. Even though all he wanted to do was go hard, he kept a tight leash on himself.

  Not that A.J was helping him keep his cool.

  Her hands roved his body and his back as if to urge him to give her more, as if to tell him that she could take it. Watching her to make sure he wasn’t hurting her, he increased the strength of his strokes. His thrusts got a little harder, a little stronger, a little longer. But no more pain marred her expression. Only desire and arousal was left there. As far as he could tell, it was okay to let go now.

  And he did.

  He shoved his arms beneath her knees and pushed her legs almost to her shoulders so he could go deeper. Fuck! That felt amazing. Her walls constricted around him with breathtaking force. And when she whimpered in obvious pleasure, he couldn’t stop himself from jack-hammering into her. Faster his strokes got.

  Faster. Faster. Faster.

  He was boiling, burning in his own desire. Only the thought of A.J beneath him stopped him from tipping over. Not before her. With quick deep strokes, he drove her onwards into the abyss. His groans mingled with her sexy little whimpers. When she started to tremble with her release, he let go completely.


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