In the Market for Love

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In the Market for Love Page 16

by Joy Avery

  “I’m headed out soon.” The jovial expression on Alonso’s face morphed into a stern one. “I miss you, Vivian. Like, really miss you. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms. Sweet dreams, baby.”

  She touched the screen, desperate to say I love you and eager to get his response. Instead, she said, “Sweet dreams to you.”

  When Vivian ended the call, her heart smiled. Though he hadn’t said the words, in that moment, in the depths of his dark gaze, the severity of his expression and words, she knew she wasn’t loving alone.

  Chapter 19

  The second his eyes landed on Vivian in her little black dress, Alonso reconsidered date night. The slinky, off-the-shoulder fabric hugged her dangerous curves. The mere thought of ripping her out of it made him hard.

  His admiration didn’t stop at the dress. Her exposed legs did it for him, too. And he definitely approved of the strappy black stilettos she wore. She was coming out of that dress but could leave the shoes on.

  Stepping inside from the porch, he said, “Oh, we are definitely staying in tonight.”

  Vivian held up a manicured finger. “After the week I’ve had, someone is taking me out. I need to decompress. From my delayed flight, from my canceled flight, from my lost luggage, from a crying baby, from the snoring old man who used my shoulder as a pillow and holder for his dentures.”

  She folded her arms across her chest and pouted playfully before turning her back to him and stomping her heel against the hardwood.

  “Okay, okay.” He chuckled. “You deserve to be wined, dined and pampered.” He wrapped his arms around her from behind. “And I can’t wait to get to the pampering part.” He kissed her neck. “All. Night. Long.”

  When he ground against her, she moaned. “Stop teasing me.”

  “Teasing you? I’m not teasing you. This is teasing you.” He slid his hand down the front of her dress and rolled her taut nipple between two fingers. Vivian squirmed under his touch. Looked as if they would be staying in after all. “You like that?” he whispered into her ear.

  Her tone was sultry when she spoke. “Yes.”

  His free hand glided along her rib cage. “I’m starving for you. I want to taste you before we leave. Can I taste you, baby?”



  “Yes, yes,” She did a quick move and was out of his grasp. “Quit that, Alonso Wright.”

  He neared her. “Quit what?”

  Backing away, she said, “You know what.”

  When her back collided with a wall, he rested his forearm against the space above her head and pressed his body against hers. “Kiss me.”

  “No. You’re being a bad boy. I don’t reward bad boys.”

  “You better kiss me, woman, before I wither up and die.”

  Vivian’s beautiful lips curled into a lazy smile. “Are you suggesting my kisses give you life?”

  “I’m not merely suggesting it. It’s a fact.”

  Reaching up, she straightened his tie. A second later, she wrapped the red fabric around her hand and pulled him close. “I certainly don’t want to be responsible for your demise. I kinda like you.”

  And he kinda liked her, too. Alonso crashed his mouth to hers. Like a hungry bear preparing for hibernation, he consumed as much of her through the kiss as he could. Their connection was sweet and gave him the boost of energy he needed.

  He loved and feared this woman. Why he loved her was obvious. She was selfless, kindhearted and adorably independent. He feared her because she had the power to destroy him. She made him vulnerable.

  Vivian pressed her hands into his chest and inched him away, but yanked him back for one more peck. “Let’s go, lover.”

  She slid from between the rock and the hard place he’d put her in and neared the door. His eyes fixed to her swaying ass. If it were possible to die from raw need, his lifeless body would be sprawled across her living room floor. The mortician would have to break his dick to get it down. He shook his head. “Coming, dear.”

  Oh, how he wished that were true.

  * * *

  Vivian loved everything about the Underground Jazz House: the food, the atmosphere, the music. Especially the music. In her opinion, the establishment employed the absolute best musicians in the state. Settling in a booth, Vivian thought about the last time she’d been there, two weeks or so ago.

  It was supposed to have been a double date with Vivian, Alonso, Tressa and her fiancé, Cyrus. But at the last minute, Cyrus had called to say he wouldn’t be joining them because of a work emergency. Roth had filled in for Cyrus and the four of them had had an amazing time. Had she not known any better, Vivian would have sworn that when Roth had taken to the stage that night, he’d been serenading Tressa with his saxophone. And had she really not known any better, she’d have sworn sparks had flown between Roth and Tressa.

  Vivian laughed at herself. She’d read too much into it. She simply liked the idea of her best friend dating Alonso’s best friend.

  Vivian took in her surroundings. All the walls in the room were lined with satiny red fabric and washed in soft light. Tables and black leather booths reserved for VIPs were placed throughout the room. A single candle flickered on each table, while scantily lit chandeliers dangled from the ceiling.

  A portly man in a tux sat behind the grand piano on the elevated stage playing a sensual tune, while an attractive woman—early forties if Vivian had to guess—was perched atop the elegant instrument, singing her heart out.

  Vivian leaned in and whispered in Alonso’s ear, “I feel like I’ve gone back in time. I love it here.”

  Alonso draped his arm around her shoulder, pulled her closer to him and placed a delicate kiss on her lips. Resting his forehead against hers, he said, “I need to tell you something. I l—”

  “Alonso Wright?”

  The shift in Alonso’s demeanor was instant, the smile melting from his face. He turned his attention to the towering man who’d approached their table. When Alonso’s jaw tightened, Vivian came to the conclusion that whoever this man was, Alonso wasn’t too thrilled to see him.


  When Alonso offered his hand, Vivian noticed a brief moment of hesitation from this Garth character. Obviously there was some tension between the two men, but they both played cordial. What was the animosity all about?

  A mix between a smirk and scowl spread across Garth’s face when he slid his attention to her. She was a 100 percent sure she hadn’t done anything to the man to warrant such regard.

  “Alonso, aren’t you going to introduce me to this lovely lady?”

  Vivian stuck out her hand before Alonso could respond. Hopefully, the quicker she acquainted herself, the sooner their unwanted visitor would disappear. “Vivian Moore. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Inwardly, she groaned when he pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. To make things worse, the clammy feel of his hand made her want to gag. Gross. Garth held on to her hand far longer than Vivian deemed necessary. Apparently, Alonso thought the same.

  Drily, Alonso gave Garth a prompt to leave. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Garth.”

  Garth flashed a lopsided smile, then finally released her hand. She slid her hand under the table and casually wiped it over the leather seat, hoping it would absorb the bad vibes she’d felt from the man.

  “You do the same,” Garth said to Alonso, then ambled away.

  Alonso eyed Garth until the man disappeared in the darkness.

  In an attempt to lighten the mood, Vivian said, “A friend of yours?” She laughed, but Alonso remained stone-faced.

  “Remember the business associate I told you about?”

  “The one you had to sever ties with?”

Yeah. That was him.”

  Now it made sense. At least Garth had had enough decorum not to show out in a public place. Vivian took Alonso’s hand into hers and squeezed. “Are you okay?” It was clear the encounter had bothered him. If she recalled correctly, the two had worked together for a while. Having to end things had to be difficult for him.

  “I’m good.” One corner of his mouth lifted into a lazy smile.

  Vivian disliked the troubled expression on his face. They were there to have a good time and that Garth jerk had upset their harmony. Placing her hand on his cheek, she said, “Don’t let him ruin our evening.”

  “I’m here with you. The evening could never be ruined.”

  He kissed her in a way that had the lighting not been so dim would have drawn every eye in the place.

  “If you two need some privacy, there’s an empty office in the back.”

  Vivian and Alonso laughed against their joined mouths, then broke their connection to face Alonso’s best friend, Roth. Eyeing Roth, Vivian understood the twinkle that had sparkled in Tressa’s eyes when she and Roth had first met. Like Alonso, Roth was a handsome man. Six-four, skin as rich and smooth as perfectly poured fudge, and sturdy. And also like Alonso, very successful. Why in the hell was he still single?

  “Hi, Roth,” Vivian said.

  Roth leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek.

  “Watch it now,” Alonso said, standing to greet Roth.

  The two grabbed each other in a manly embrace. They reminded her so much of her and Tressa. Inseparable.

  Roth pointed over his shoulder. “I’m about to head out for a while, but Dolly will take good care of you two.”

  “You’re not performing tonight?” asked Alonso.

  “Nah. I have something to take care of.”

  Alonso eyed him curiously. Then, as if a light flicked on, he smiled. “All right. Well, be safe.”

  Considering the stern warning, Alonso must have assumed whatever Roth was getting into had something to do with a woman. When Roth ambled away, Alonso slid back in the booth.

  “You think Roth has a date?” she asked.

  Alonso shrugged. “Who knows?”

  Vivian laughed to herself. “Men and their bro code.”

  As if she could sense eyes on her, Vivian scanned the room. In the distance, Garth stood, arms folded across his chest, staring directly at them. Even with the absence of quality lighting, the scowl on his face was pronounced. Something about the display made her shiver.

  Alonso rubbed her arm. “Are you cold?”

  Vivian faced Alonso briefly. When she tossed another glance in the direction she’d spied Garth, the man was gone. Eyeing Alonso again, she smiled. “Just a chill. I’m fine.”

  She snuggled close to Alonso and rested her head on his shoulder. Instead of focusing on Garth—a man that, after only knowing him a matter of minutes, she did not like—she placed all of her focus on the man she loved.

  However, she just couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling Garth’s presence had given her.

  Chapter 20

  Alonso wanted to focus on simply enjoying his time with Vivian, but seeing Garth had shifted his entire mood. As hard as he’d tried, he hadn’t quite been able to get back to his happy place. The man was going to be trouble. Alonso could feel it in his bones.

  Pulling into Vivian’s driveway, he popped the gearshift into Park and just sat there.

  Vivian smoothed a hand down his arm. “I enjoyed tonight.”

  He captured her hand and kissed her palm. “So did I.”

  “You seem distracted.”

  A forced smile lit his expression. “I’m here. And when we get inside I’ll show just how here I am.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  “You should know by now how good I am at fulfilling them.” He smirked, then exited the vehicle.

  On the walk to the passenger’s side, he gave himself a pep talk. Get yourself together, Wright. When Vivian swung her leg out, the glimpse of thigh he got soothed him. Walking a few steps ahead of him, he took pleasure in the view. The sway of her hips pushed everything to the back burner. Oh, he had plans for her body.

  Vivian stopped. “Huh.”

  His eyes crawled up her frame. “What?”

  “Nothing. It’s just...I thought I left the lights on.”

  His attention slid to the darkened windows. So did he. He rested his hands on her waist and inched her back. “Hang back a second.”


  Taking her keys, he climbed the stairs, unlocked the door and slowly inched it open. He swore he sensed movement but chalked it up to his mind playing tricks on him. His hand searched the wall for the light switch. Finding it, he flicked it on and jolted from the sight in front of him.

  “Surprise!” Vivian said from behind him.

  Amused and confused, he chuckled. He scrutinized the colorfully decorated room. A rainbow array of balloons bobbed all around the space. Streamers were draped from one corner of the room to the other, the colors coordinating with the balloons.

  Vivian stood next to him. “It’s your birthday party.”

  “My birthday party? You’re a few months too late, or early, depending on how you look at it.”

  “I know, but you shouldn’t have to wait any longer for a birthday party.”

  Before he could respond, the sounds of a saxophone radiated from the kitchen. A second later, Roth entered the room, performing the birthday song. Behind him, Tressa carried a birthday cake with one single candle stuck in the center.

  Alonso’s cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. He glanced over at Vivian, who appeared to be enjoying the moment just as much as he was. This woman was amazing.

  When Roth finished, Alonso and Vivian applauded.

  “So this is why you had to run off?” Alonso said, clapping Roth on the shoulder. He faced Tressa. “Did you bake this?” Vivian had told him Tressa was a heck of a baker and taught cooking classes in her free time.

  “Absolutely. Do you think my BFF would have gotten you some meager store-bought cake?”

  “No, she would not,” Vivian answered.

  Alonso wrapped his arms around Vivian and rocked her from side to side. “You’re amazing.”

  Vivian beamed. “I know, right.”

  Staring into Vivian’s eyes, everyone else in the room disappeared. He said nothing, did nothing, just stared at her, their energy more powerful than it’d ever been.

  “Okay. I think our job here is done. We’re going to get out of here and let you two have some privacy. It looks like you’re going to need it,” Tressa said. “We’ll let ourselves out.”

  Their departures drew Alonso and Vivian’s attention away from each other.

  “Thank you guys for everything. I owe you both,” Vivian said.

  “So do I,” Alonso added.

  “Seeing you two so happy is payment enough,” Roth said, giving Alonso a pound.

  Tressa agreed, taking Vivian in a warm hug. Tressa whispered something in Vivian’s ears, but Alonso couldn’t make out what it was. Whatever the woman had said made Vivian grin from ear to ear.

  The second Roth and Tressa exited and the door clicked closed, Alonso pulled Vivian into his arms and kissed her with urgent need. Pulling away, he eyed her intently, firmly. “You caught my eye the first time I saw you. I never imagined you’d captured my heart. I freaking love you, woman.”

  Vivian’s cheeks mushroomed. “Oh, yeah?”


  “Well, I freaking love you, too, man.”

  Vivian cradled his head in her hands and scrutinized him, her eyes roaming over every inch of his face. When a tear rolled down her cheek, it hit him like a fist to the chest. “What’s wrong?”

She smiled, more tears streaming down her face. “I never wanted to fall in love with you. Heck, I never even wanted to like you. But you made it impossible not to like you. Made it impossible not to love you.”

  He slid the pad of his thumb across her cheek. “You should know by now that you never stood a chance.”

  Vivian’s expression turned stern. “Loving you scares me, Alonso. The way I love you scares me. I dated a man for two years and never came close to feeling for him what I feel for you. And I don’t know why you affect me this way, but you do.”

  “You’re not the only one rattled. I’ll be the first to tell you I’ve never been lucky with love. But I feel pretty damn fortunate to have you. Love is a risk. One I’m taking full speed ahead, because I prefer to risk it all with you than without you.”

  He scooped her into his arms and headed toward the bedroom. The need to make love to her was overwhelming. Inside, they wasted no time getting undressed. After a sensual tussle for power, he gave in and allowed Vivian to take control.

  On his back, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her warm kisses trailing down his body. When she took him into her mouth, he sucked in a sharp breath, then released it in a throaty moan.

  Vivian’s head bobbed up and down, taking him in and out of her mouth with a slow, steady rhythm. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he moved his hands to her tempo. “It feels too good. You have to stop before I explode.”

  The words fell on deaf ears, because Vivian continued her magnificent torture. He visualized trees, imagined riding a roller coaster—something he hated—forced his mind to go blank. Nothing helped. He was coming.

  His fingers splayed in an attempt to not snatch out locks of her hair. She gripped him tight and stroked him fast. Then it happened. He called her damn name. “Vi...vian. Oh, shit!” He roared as his seed spilled over her hands, the pressure of the release causing warm spurts to land on his stomach.

  It only took the thought of driving himself deep inside of Vivian to get him hard again within seconds. In a swift motion, he had her pinned to the mattress. Using his knees, he spread her legs apart and positioned himself between them. Like a heat-guided missile, he found her core without difficulty.


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