Portals Of Time

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Portals Of Time Page 4

by Coulter, J. Lee

“Wh-what happened?” She stroked his neck tenderly.

  “I do nae ken...but it was a wonderment ta be sure!” With a gentle kiss he pulled her into his arms. “Ye should rest, Anna. We can sort it out in the morn.”

  She yawned, snuggling closer into his warm embrace.

  “You were right about one thing, Lucian. In this case, it was better to make the ‘unknown’ known. I don’t fear it anymore.”

  He chuckled deeply. “Go ta sleep, wife.”

  He woke to the sound of someone crying out his name in terror. Instantly awake, he realized that it was Arianna as she thrashed about at his side. Taking her into his arms, Lucian gently roused her.

  “Anna...mo gradh, tis a dream ye be having. Wake now and calm your fears.”

  Blinking, Arianna looked about her with bewildered eyes.

  “What happened?”

  “Ye called ta me in your sleep. Ye sounded frightened, lass. Can ye tell me why? What was your dream about?”

  She shook her head as she relaxed against his broad chest. “I never remember much about the details...only the emotions.” She shuddered reflexively. “I felt danger around me and I couldn’t find you anywhere. I had a sense of vulnerability, Lucian. I hate that feeling! Malcolm was there but I didn’t feel any fear of him. Someone else scared me...but I don’t know who it was.”

  He listened attentively to her tale. He knew dreams could be deceptive but Arianna’s should be well heeded. He stroked her hair absently as he considered her words. He knew he was going nowhere but perhaps, in her dream she believed him to be lost. The important part ta remember is that it was someone else that she feared...nae Malcolm. But who could it be? He was about to tell her to rest when he noticed that she had already dozed off. Kissing her brow, he settled back down for the night.

  “Time ta rise, wee wife.”

  “Go away,” she mumbled. Early rising was not her forte.

  He chuckled, then jerked the blankets off of her, exposing her bare skin to the chilled room. Arianna screeched as she made a grab for the warm coverings. He stayed her with his arm then rolled atop her, sharing his warmth.

  “Mmmm, you feel good.” Her eyes opened a crack to peer at him. “I was hoping to catch up on some sleep today.”

  He shook his dark head as he grinned at her.

  “Nae this day, lass. Your bath awaits ye and the sheets must be hung for all the clan ta see that ye came here pure.”

  “What! I thought they had made that up when I read about it! Must you embarrass me?”

  Lucian appeared stricken. What foolishness was this?

  “Tis ta honor ye that I do this! It says much about your chastity and in doing so, our children will never be questioned. Ye should walk with your head held high...nae be shamed!”

  Arianna stared at him, blushing. “Oh. I didn’t realize that’s what it meant. I’m sorry, Lucian. It’s still embarassing though,” she muttered beneath her breath.

  Satisfied, he gave her a quick kiss before rising. He will have to coach her on the way she speaks of things. Some people might question what she had just said about ‘reading’ of such.

  “Be vigilant of your words, my lady. Ye should say that ye have heard of such things...nae read.”

  Red-faced, she nodded. Luckily, there had been no one present at her outburst. She must be more careful. Arianna sighed as she rose from the warm bed to go to her bath.

  Lucian eyed her lithe body appreciatively, watching her stroll across the room. His cock hardened with need but he fought it back down. Twas too soon to assault her again.

  “I will send Agnes ta attend ye, Anna. Do nae dawdle. Your father will arrive this day. He will be anxious ta see ye.”

  She glanced up...stunned!

  “My father?” Her father was alive?

  Chapter Seven

  Dugal MacGregor was a bear of a man. Arianna’s mouth gaped open as he swaggered into the great hall covered in more weapons than clothing. He reminded her of a well-armed tank. Half-way across the room he stopped short and stared back at her.

  Vivid blue eyes matching her own peered intently at her face and then her tattoo.

  “Saints be praised! Me daughter has been returned ta me!” His eyes misted as he approached her cautiously. “Do ye remember me, lass?”

  She shook her head. How could she? Someone had spirited her away when she was only two.

  “H-how can you be so certain that I am your daughter?”

  “Ach! Sweet bairn...ye look at me with your maither’s beautiful face...and me own eyes. Ye could be nae other.”

  She turned to Lucian, wide-eyed. “I always thought I was orphaned! It’s strange to find out that I have a family...a father.” Arianna beamed at him and turned back to Dugal. “And my mother...?”

  His face fell.

  “She died three years after ye went missing, lass. After she had given up hope of ever finding ye. Twas a broken heart that claimed her...naught more.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry I brought up a sad memory.”

  “I have had time ta deal with her loss...do nae fash yourself, lassie.” He turned to Lucian. “I am in your debt, me lord. Ye have brought me great joy this day!”

  “Thanks are nae necessary but an apology is owing.” He gave Dugal a curt nod as he continued. “I came across her at me seer’s bidding and since me faither nae longer draws breath, tis me place ta apologize ta ye for doubting your word.”

  “Ye did nae cast doubt on me honor, Lucian Dunbar, but I thank ye for the words just the same.” They clasped arms in new found friendship.

  They sat at the table together as food and drink were served by the clanswomen. Arianna’s stomach rumbled as she watched her husband fill up their trencher with assorted items...most of which she didn’t recognize. She would have fed herself but she knew that it was the husband’s place to feed her. Besides, he knew what it was that he placed in her mouth.

  Dougal watched the young couple avidly, drinking in the sight of his daughter. She has fared well...wherever she has been. His throat tightened with emotion.

  “Tell me, Lucian, do ye still wish ta honor the contract?”

  The Earl was surprised.

  “Did nae the runner tell ye?”

  “Nae. He said ta come at once. That ye had found me daughter, tis all.”

  He grinned. “Well then let me introduce ta ye the new Countess of Dunbar. We wed yester morn.”

  Dougal was a bit disconcerted that they did not wait for his presence, but as Lucian retold the circumstances, he understood the why of it. He nodded in agreement.

  “Aye, twas best ta make haste if Malcolm was sniffing about.”

  “That was me thinking as well.”

  Arianna grew restless sitting there as they talked and wanted to check on Shalizar. He was in a strange place surrounded by people he didn’t know. She worried about him.

  Not knowing the appropriate way to interrupt...she tugged on his sleeve. His attention swung around to her but he didn’t look angry...just annoyed.

  “Yes wife?”

  She took a deep breath then mentally laughed at herself. She had no reason to fear him. He wasn’t the bad guy in her nightmares, after all.

  “I was wondering if you would excuse me while you two chat? I want to check on Shalizar. He’s used to me caring for him daily. I don’t want him upset.”

  He considered her request then gave a curt nod.

  “Very well. But do nae leave the castle walls, Anna. Tis much danger that ye be nae aware of yet.”

  She flashed him a quick smile as she hugged him. He caught her to him and gave her a possessive kiss before releasing her. “Mind your tongue, lass.”

  Nodding, she hurried out, anxious to reunite with her horse.

  Dugal watched as she left the chamber.

  “Is all well with her, Lucian?”

  He cringed inwardly. He knew that MacGregor needed to know the facts of her life but he dreaded speaking the words aloud. Frowning, he turned to Dugal.

>   “Walk with me...and I will tell ye what I ken.”

  Humming softly to herself, Arianna hurried toward the stable. A warm breeze caressed her skin carrying the scent of honeysuckle in various tones. She could hear an assortment of birdsong drifting along with it. One particular bird sounded like it was whinneying...whinneying? Shrieking was more like it, she thought as she picked up her skirts and ran to the stables.

  As her eyes adjusted to the dim light within, her ire rose. There was a man attempting to mount Shalizar! She stomped up to the offender in a fury!

  “What in the hell do you think your doing to my horse?”

  She took a step back when the man swung around to face her, gasping as she felt recognition surge through her. Arianna knew this man...feared him. He was in her dream just last evening.

  “How dare ye speak ta me in that manner wench!” He drew back his arm to strike her but never got the chance. The man bellowed as Shalizar sunk his teeth into his arm. He swung his other fist at the Arab’s muzzle but he released him in time to avoid the blow.

  Arianna forgot her fear as rage filled her pores! How dare he try to hurt Shalizar! Infuriated, she picked up the nearest bucket and repeatedly beat him in the head with it while Shalizar stood back laughing at him...at least that’s how he appeared as he bared his teeth and curled his lips.

  An arm of steel wrapped about her waist and lifted her from the ground. She swung the pail without thought as she kicked his shin. Her steed reared up in a threatening gesture, his hooves thrashing the air.

  “Hold wife! What goes on here?”

  Lowering the bucket, she slowly turned her head to see who held her...and cringed.

  “I didn’t hear you come in, Lucian. Sorry that I hit you...and kicked you.”

  “Twas naught.” He replied through gritted teeth. His head was throbbing and he was sure that his shin had been bruised. She was stronger than she appeared. “Now answer me.”

  “This man was trying to steal Shalizar!”

  The man rose from the stable floor wiping blood from his face. “The bloody beast bit me!”

  “Only because you tried to hit me! And then you tried to hurt him as well!” She turned accusing eyes on him. “Did you think that I didn’t notice the knife you held when you turned on him? I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand back and let you butcher my horse! My best friend!”

  Tears began to fall as the shock of the assault seeped into her. Lucian hugged her trembling body tightly to him as he considered their tale. His green eyes narrowed on a glint of metal in the straw. Arianna spoke true.

  Lucian’s powerful body stiffened in anger as he glared at the man...deciding his fate.

  “Who are ye? I do nae recall your face around here. Why were ye trying ta take her steed?”

  Dark eyes challenged him as he met his stare. “Me name is Angus MacGregor. I rode in with me faither. As for the nag...I admired him and thought ta ride him...naught more!” He spit blood from his mouth, feeling a tooth shift. “Damn wench! Ye loosened a tooth!”

  “Hold your tongue afore I remove it! Ye will nae speak ta me wife in such manner!” Lucian was at the end of his patience this morn and would like nothing better than to beat some sense into this man.

  “Your wife? That means that she is...my...sister. Jesu!” Their eyes connected in unison as realization hit them both.

  This pig is my brother? Well ain’t that just dandy! Brother or not...he still tried to take my horse and I won’t soon forget that! I suppose I have to be nice to him, too. Hmmmff! Not in my lifetime!

  Angus scowled at her as if he had read her mind.

  “My apologies...Sister. I was nae aware of who ye be. I will take my leave, my lord.” He gave a cursory bow to them both and left.

  Arianna hurried into the stall to inspect Shalizar for injuries. Reassuring herself that he was well, she began saddling him.

  “What are ye doing, lass?”

  She glanced at him.

  “I’m saddling my horse...what did you think I was doing?”

  “Ye can nae leave the walls...I have told ye this.”

  “I know. But surely your castle is large enough for me to exercise him without leaving it!”

  “Aye, tis that.” He arched his dark brow. “Very well. I would go with ye but I have business ta attend. Remember what I said and...avoid your brother for awhile till he cools off.” Lucian’s green eyes sparkled with mirth as he envisioned her beating Angus.

  The sights in the bailey fascinated her as she wove her mount through an array of villagers going about their daily chores. She had never dreamed that she would ever see an authentic working castle. When she happened upon the smithy she had to stop and admire his work.

  Arianna found him inside pounding out a new blade on his anvil. He didn’t look up as she approached to get a closer look.

  “You do nice work.”

  He glanced up in surprise. He had thought he was alone.

  “Thank ye, mistress.”

  “May I?” She asked, indicating the unfinished sword.

  His brow arched in question but he nodded agreement. “Tis verra heavy, m’lady. Be cautious with it.”

  Picking up the sword, she agreed with his assessment. It must weigh at least twenty pounds...maybe more. If Lucian’s is this heavy then he must tire quickly in battle. Well, that just won’t do! Handing the weapon back to him, she thanked him.

  “What is your name?”

  “I be Fergus Dunbar, m’lady.”

  She peered at his face as beads of sweat ran down his cheeks, disappearing into a thick red beard. His brown eyes held a kindness in them that she was certain she could trust. Reaching a decision she called to Shalizar, beckoning him to enter the lean-to.

  “Who do you make this sword for, Fergus?”

  “Nae one, m’lady. It will be sent ta the armory when tis finished.”

  Arianna smiled. “Good! Then it is available to me. I want to show you something then you can tell me if it will work.” Walking to her steed she lifted his hoof pointing to the shoe. “Can you mix this metal with the iron in the sword?”

  Fergus studied the shoe closely. He had never seen such a fine metal before. Rubbing his whiskers, he straightened.

  “Aye, m’lady. I have never seen a metal that I could nae tame! But why would ye wish it?”

  “I want to give a gift to my new husband and this is the only thing that is mine alone. I only wish that I had a gem for the hilt. Still, it will give him an advantage over his enemies if his sword weighs less! Will you make it for me? I promise that I will find a way to pay you for it.”

  “Nae, m’lady! I will take nae coin from ye! Twould be my pleasure ta be of service ta ye, Countess.”

  She was determined to pay him but she knew better than to argue with a Scot. That could be sorted out later. Acquiescing for the moment, she smiled up at him.

  “How long do you think it will take to finish?”

  Fergus scratched his beard as he pondered the question.

  “If all goes well, it should nae be more than a sennight...once I have the shoes. I will need ta reshod your mount, as well.”

  “That would be wonderful! I will be back after we’ve had our morning exercise. You can do his shoes then.”

  Fergus shook his head as he watched her leave. She was explaining to her horse why his shoes were being changed. It just proves my point that all women are daft! Chuckling under his breath, he returned to the forge to begin crafting new footwear for the horse.

  Chapter Eight

  Lucian and Dougal rode side-by-side as they approached the crofter’s hut that housed Mavis. Several of his men swiftly crossed themselves to ward off evil. They feared her above all else...thinking she was a witch.

  He brought Arianna’s father to Mavis hoping she could help him understand what had happened to his daughter. He had attempted to do just that but Dugal wouldn’t believe him.

  Cackling greeted them as they neared the darkened doorway. Dugal ra
ised a questioning brow as he quickly glanced at the young earl.

  “Did nae believe ye did he, m’laird?” came the old crone’s voice from the darkness.

  “Nae Mavis...he did nae.”

  “Then enter, m’lairds. He will believe when ye depart.”

  Dugal’s face was ashen when they exited the hut a few hours later. He kept shaking his head as he muttered under his breath. It was too fantastic to believe and yet he could not refute the witch. He saw the proof with his own eyes.

  Turning to Lucian on the journey back, he asked, “Ye ken the auld hag ta speak true? There is nae trickery involved?”

  Lucian glanced about them before answering to ascertain they would not be overheard. Satisfied, he nodded.

  “Listen ta her speech, Dugal, and watch her mannerisms. Aye. I believe it. And the stories that she told me of where she had been! Anna could nae have concocted such tales. Jesu! She has seen the end of the world! Twas a miracle that she returned ta us when she did.”

  He mulled over Lucian’s words. “Aye. I did think her speech a bit off but I kenned it was because she had been raised in a different country...nae a different century!”

  “Regardless...we must keep this betwixt ourselves. Nae even Angus must ken. Twould put her in grave danger.”

  Dugal nodded agreement as they rode silently the rest of the way back to the keep.

  That eve, Lucian watched Angus across the hall as he shot looks of hatred at his sister. It appeared that he was going to have to talk to the man. Arianna fidgeted at his side, gaining his attention.

  “Are ye tired, wife?”

  “Tired? I suppose I am but not in the way you mean. I am tired of Angus’ dark looks.”

  He grinned. “Well ye can nae blame him. After all, he has spent his day fielding mirths about how he was beaten by a lass! Tis hard on a man’s pride.”

  She laughed. “I never thought about that...but you’re right. I suppose I should apologize to him.” She sighed.

  “Nay...let him stew. It will nae wound him overlong...if he be any kind of man at all. He will eventually dismiss it as a trivial event.”

  “Trivial! I beat him fair and square!”


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