Knights of the Boardroom

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Knights of the Boardroom Page 21

by Avery Gale

  “Pet, we’d never ask you to choose—hell, neither of us is willing to step away from you. We’ve managed to find a few loopholes in the law that I’m sure you’ll appreciate. Since marriage is technically a contractual arrangement, I’ve drawn up a contract that binds us all together. You’ll belong to us just as we’ll each belong to you. To satisfy the State of New York, you’ll be Lawton’s wife on paper, but the three of us will know the truth of our lives together.”

  “I don’t want to have a wedding that has you standing to the side while I marry Lawton, it would break my heart.”

  For the first time since she’d known him, Cressi saw a crack in Brodie’s armor as his eyes became glassy with unshed tears. He leaned his forehead against hers and spoke softly, “And just when I didn’t think it was possible for me to love you any more…”

  “Baby, we don’t want that type of wedding either, so we’re eloping—tonight. We need to leave now because we have a limited time to get in the air and the pilot is already performing the pre-flight checks on the jet.”

  Cressi was overwhelmed and finally managed to halt their progress right before they ushered her into the waiting elevator. “Wait. I need to pack. Have you already packed? Oh, do I need my passport? Oh, my head is positively spinning. You want to marry me? Are you sure?”

  She got her answer when Brodie scooped her up in his arms and stepped into the elevator, “We’ve already taken care of everything, pet. And I can’t ever remember being more sure of anything in my life, pet. Besides, we’ve already promised Law’s parents and my dad we’d bring them home something special from our trip—and I’m convinced finally making you their daughter is going to exceed every one of their expectations.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  One Month Later…

  Cressida stood in front of the full-length mirror in their bedroom and wished she was back on one the beaches they’d visited on their honeymoon. Lawton and Brodie had taken her to some of the most luxurious resorts in the world—locales she’d only dreamed of visiting, but it had been Thailand and Bora Bora that had stolen her heart. The private hut they’d stayed in while visiting Bora Bora had been so secluded they’d kept her naked almost the entire time. And the glass floor afforded the three of them hours of entertainment as they looked down on some of the most spectacular undersea life she’d ever seen. Cressida had wondered at all the special treatment they’d received until Lawton had let it slip that he’d purchased the small resort shortly after he’d met her, then had it completely refurbished while he and Brodie waited to claim her heart.

  She’d loved the time they’d spent there and planned to return again as soon as she could talk the men into it. Cressida had tortured her sister with pictures hoping they might persuade her always “on” sister to take a break and steal away for a few days—maybe she’d get lucky and have a couple of Doms join her as well. Cressi had seen the way Carli looked at Tristan and Parker when she didn’t think anyone was watching, and holy hell she’d certainly noticed how the two men looked at Carli. She also knew her tough as nails sister well enough to worry Carli would fight falling in love every step of the way because she didn’t believe in it—or more specifically, she didn’t believe it was in the cards for her.

  Cressi had been so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t heard her husbands step up behind her and meeting their gazes in the mirror was a pleasant surprise. “Pet, what put that contemplative look on your pretty face?” Brodie trailed the backs of his fingers from just under her ear tracing an invisible line down the side of her neck and then along her shoulder. Rotating his wrist, it was then the calloused pads of his finger that followed the outside of her arm all the way down until his hand encircled her wrist. Goose bumps might have been racing over the surface of her skin but the heat that followed his touch seeped all the way to her core.

  “If you are having second thoughts about the party, we can call and cancel.” Cressi would have laughed at the tinge of hope she’d heard in Lawton’s voice if she hadn’t thought it might encourage him.

  “And disappoint all three of my in-laws? Not on your life. They’ve worked hard putting this all together—with very little help from any of us, I might add. And I’m looking forward to showing off my men. You both look amazing.” And amazing was probably the understatement of the decade. Lawton Hill and Brodie Walsh dressed in tuxedoes was almost more than a woman could take. “I’m grateful beyond words for all your parents have done.” Turning to Lawton, she added, “I know your mom was disappointed that she wasn’t at our wedding and I wouldn’t take this from her for anything.”

  Brodie trailed kisses along the top of her shoulder as he spoke, “Then why the reflective mood, baby?”

  “I was just thinking about Carli and how I hope she gives Parker and Tristan a chance, but I’m afraid they will decide she is more trouble than she’s worth—which isn’t true of course, but she is a challenge…that’s a given.” She loved her sister, but they’d had a serious “come to Jesus meeting” about Carli concealing the fact she had paid for Cressi’s education. They hadn’t fully resolved how she was going to repay her sister and now that she was married, it was highly probable she’d have two more people to battle in her determination to pay for her own education. One of the things she’d never been able to understand about wealthy people was their lack of understanding about how important it was for some people to be self-sufficient. She’d been surrounded by wealth her entire life and when those with money threw it in your direction, it was all too often simply a way for them to quietly shove you to the side.

  “And?” She should have known Brodie wouldn’t let it go.

  “Well, she and I still need to have a discussion about the money she spent.”

  Lawton and Brodie exchanged a look that she’d seen hundreds of times during the past two years. “Listen, I don’t want you to pay for it. Just because we are married doesn’t mean—”

  “Stop talking, wife.” Lawton rarely took that tone with her, but when he did she’d learned to listen because a failure to do so usually meant enduring one of his creative punishments—and God knows a man who’d designed some of the most successful gaming applications in the world had plenty of practice being creative without practicing those mad skills on her. “We have come up with a plan that I think will work out well for all of us.”

  Brodie’s ghost of a smile let her know the lawyer inside her second husband had been hard at work designing something she wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell arguing against. “Templar Enterprises Group has always had very strict policies against any manager directly supervising a family member. And, since we are unwilling to disregard a policy we have held others to, we’d like you to head up the foundation we’re establishing.”

  “We will discuss this in more detail later, but I assure you, your new salary is going to substantially change any discussion you might have with your sister about money. But, for now, let’s focus how amazing you look.” The dress she’d chosen for the party they were attending was the color of French Vanilla ice cream, the detail work was done in lace, pearls, and Swarovski crystals. The front was cut low enough to showcase her breasts, but not so much that she worried she might see photos of a wardrobe malfunction splattered across the internet tomorrow morning. The back of the drees was cut all the way to the dimples at the top of her ass, and since she practically melted when her men placed their hands on that spot, she was thrilled to know they’d be skin to skin as they moved through the crowd tonight.

  Cressi had picked out the dress, but her men had worked with the designer on the overlay, which she hadn’t seen until today. All of the designs were depictions of various elements of The Knights Club Code of Chivalry, and Cressida had cried like a baby as she’d run her fingers over the intricate designs.

  Lawton stepped back, fingers pinching his chin and looked her up and down carefully, “I think there is something missing, don’t you, Brodie?”

  “Indeed, perhaps a bit o
f bling for our lovely wife?” Bling? Was he kidding? I’m wearing a diamond ring that blinds people on the street when it catches the sunlight and diamond chandelier earrings that are so heavy I’m afraid to turn my head too quickly for fear they might knock me for a loop. Looking between Brodie and Lawton, Cressi started shifting from foot to foot because the devilish looks on the faces meant they had something kinky in mind.

  “Are you wearing anything besides what we laid out for you, baby?” She’d considered trying to get away with wearing a thong and now she was grateful she’d decided against it. “Such a good girl.” He pulled out a small gold ring from a black velvet drawstring bad. It was about the diameter of her pinky and looked like it had another ring nestled inside. When he twisted it, the outer ring rotated slightly causing the inner ring to narrow in circumference. “This is going to add a new dimension to your evening, sweet wife of ours.” He dropped to one knee in front of her and began gathering up her skirt.

  Brodie stepped behind her and held the dress with one hand while banding his arm around her with the other. Just as Lawton’s skilled fingers began seducing her clit out of hiding, Brodie leaned down and spoke against her ear. The sound of his sensual voice combined with the warm brush of air over the sensitive spot below her ear had Cressi’s entire body shuddering in response. “This small gift is going to serve a very large purpose tonight, pet. Every step you take, every breath you take will remind you how much you enjoy having us in your life, love. One of us will always be within touching distance, if it gets to be too much or you just need to come, we’ll take care of you—you need only ask. This is to remind you we’ll always meet your needs, one of the advantages to a relationship as unique as ours is that you’ll always have one of us close by at all times.”

  Cressi felt like her heart might burst with love in that moment. They had known she was worried about tonight because it was going to be their first public appearance since the news of their plans for a ménage marriage dominated the society pages a few weeks ago. Despite the fact tonight’s event was invitation only, there would be over five hundred people in attendance and it didn’t seem likely they would all be supportive. Lawton didn’t leave her languishing in her love for love for them for long and when his teeth pulled gently on her clit, Cressi was blindsided by an orgasm so strong she’d have collapsed if Brodie hadn’t been supporting her. Wave after wave washed over her, almost obliterating the fact Lawton had affixed the ring around her clit leaving it completely exposed.

  Brodie’s chuckle broke through the fog clouding her mind, “Pet, we’re going to enjoy taking you in every hidden place we can find this evening. Your every wish is ours to fulfill, every need ours to meet. Don’t ever forget that you are ours to love and cherish…forever.”


  Standing to the side of the ballroom watching her sister glide around the floor in the arms of one of her new husbands, Carli Walker fought the urge to shake her head in disbelief. Who would have ever thought Cressida would go from being a twenty-five-year-old virgin to marrying two hot men in such a short period of time? Carli had been watching her sister all evening and wondering why she seemed so flushed all the time, perhaps she wasn’t feeling well. She took one-step forward before being halted when a warm hand wrapped around her upper arm. “Where are you going, mon cher?” Tristan Harris’ voice was as close to perfect as any she’d ever heard and the sad truth was she’d had men trying to seduce her for so long she barely remembered what it was like to have one actually carry on a conversation with her.

  “Cressi’s cheeks have been flushed all evening, I’m going to talk to her and make sure she is feeling alright.”

  She gasped in surprise when he pulled her back against his granite hard chest, “Love, I’d wager Cressida’s Masters have gifted their new bride with something designed to torture her with pleasure. Even taking a breath probably pushes her close to release. Have you noticed that one of her husbands is within reach at all times? They have made themselves available to her all evening and if you’ve been paying attention, you’ve noted they have each disappeared with her several times over the past couple of hours. Care to wager what they’ve been up to?” Carli felt her entire body flush with arousal and even she knew her heart was beating faster with each breath she took.

  He spun her around and they were close enough that she had to tilt her head back in order to see his face. “I hadn’t noticed them leaving, but I had seen they were staying close by her side. I was hoping to talk to her about—well, about a little problem I had recently,” she didn’t get to finish her sentence before she was suddenly being hustled across the room. When she looked up to see Parker Daniels in front of her, she tried unsuccessfully to pull out of Tristan’s hold. She knew too well how any conversation with Parker would end. “He doesn’t even like me, why would you herd me over here like a naughty child?”

  Tristan stopped so quickly Carli stumbled, but he caught her pulling her up close in a move so smooth most people wouldn’t have even noticed her own lack of grace. “Tell me why you don’t think Parker likes you—when I know for a fact that isn’t true.” Even though they were standing at the edge of the polished marble dance floor Carli was grateful she and Tristan were partially hidden by the shadows formed under a large wooden arbor.

  “Are you serious? The man only talks to me when he’s mad about something I’ve done to screw up his security plan. He barely tolerates me. Hell, I didn’t even know he could smile until I saw him laying the charm on my sister. I swear he only deals with me to keep her happy. It isn’t like he’s going to give a rat’s ass that Dale Roberts sent me roses last week.”

  She was just getting really into her rant when she felt a heated chest press against her back. “There are so many lies in that dribble I’m not even sure where to start. Let’s go, we need to have a chat.” Parker and Tristan each took one of her hands as they led her from the room. The last thing she saw was her sister standing to the side grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  Excerpt from Missionary Position

  Masters of the Prairie Winds Club book seven

  By Avery Gale

  By the time Peter and Fischer escorted her to where their friends were already celebrating, Lara was about ready to faint. She hated being in trouble—she always had. But hearing Tobi’s and Gracie’s giggling had provided the perfect distraction, she felt herself relax as she took what felt like her first deep breath since she’d stepped between her two Masters several minutes earlier. The men had stepped to the side shaking their heads as if women were the most confusing creatures on the planet, and Lara was more than happy to join her friends. By the time Tobi and Gracie had finished recounting Lilly’s outrageous behavior, Lara had been laughing so hard she’d had to retrieve a napkin from the bar to dry her eyes.

  She’d never lived in one place long enough to form any real friendships while growing up, so she’d been completely unprepared for all the shifting social dynamics of the world of teenage girls when she’d started pubic school as a freshman. It wasn’t until she’d met the two women standing beside her that Lara had really started to understand the joy of being surrounded by good friends.

  Tobi and Gracie winced when Lara told them what had taken place on the other side of the room. “Oh, girlfriend, you are in for it.” Unconsciously rubbing her ass, Tobi shook her head, “I know from experience that cell phones are a cardinal sin…and just FYI, the same is true of iPads, anything with a camera is gonna get your ass in a pickle…or strapped to a spanking bench. Hell hath no fury like a Dom with a legitimate complaint.”

  “Yeah, not the brightest crayon in the box this one,” Gracie added, using her thumb to indicate Tobi,” she thought she could cut through the club with her iPad on, but even though she was working on an order for the Forum shops, Master Micah’s cameras don’t miss anything.”

  “Yep, the rat-fink sent the video clip to both Kyle and Kent. Damn those Doms stick together like glue. Anyway, I’d already lost my cell ph
one for a month, and damned if they didn’t take my iPad for two months.” The gleam in Tobi’s eyes told Lara there was more to the story, so she just waited. “But I got even with them. I went shopping with Lilly.” Evidently Lara’s puzzled expression was enough to prompt another round of giggles.

  Gracie leaned close and whispered, “When Lilly found out what her sons had done, she intentionally misplaced her phone about five minutes into their shopping trip. They were gone all day and no one could contact them.”

  “Of course, we’d forgotten about our bracelets.” Lara knew the three women had specially designed jewelry with small tracking devices as an added layer of security. Tobi sighed and shook her head. “Boy I’m telling you, when the four of them stalked through Jezebel, everybody, and I do mean every single person in that restaurant, stopped what they were doing and watched the show.” Tobi shuddered and Lara found herself dying to hear the rest of the story, but something about the way Kyle West had just looked at her from across the room set off all her internal alarms. Tobi and Gracie both followed her gaze, and Lara heard Tobi’s whispered, “Oh no, I wonder what’s happened. I know that look…and it never heralds good news.”

  Lara watched as the men conversed among themselves. Several pulled out their phones and spoke animatedly, their gazes flickering in her direction. But it was Peter’s and Fischer’s expressions that worried her the most, their eyes held something between worry and sympathy, and it was the most terrifying thing she’d ever seen. Lara felt Tobi and Gracie flank her, their arms going around her protectively as she started trembling so hard she wondered if she would shake apart.


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