Miriam's Secret

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Miriam's Secret Page 27

by Jerry S. Eicher

  Chapter Forty-Two

  The dreamy September sky filled the schoolhouse windows, as Miriam settled in behind her teacher’s desk. Outside, the last of the children’s voices lingered in the afternoon air. She’d waved goodbye to the last buggies moments ago. How she adored each and every one of her little scholars! She loved her school-teaching job—all of it. But she loved Wayne even more. They had planned a special afternoon together. Uncle William must have felt generous because he gave Wayne extra time off. Still, Miriam shouldn’t be too surprised. Uncle William approved fully of her relationship with Wayne Yutzy. She figured Wayne only had to mention what his intention was—a special, late-summer afternoon stroll with Miriam down by the creek—to obtain Uncle William’s full cooperation.

  How Wayne came up with such a romantic notion, she had no idea. Likely he was up to something. In fact, she was sure he was, and she didn’t have to think too hard to imagine what. Miriam’s heart beat faster at the thought. Would Wayne ask her to be his frau this afternoon? It still seemed a little early in their relationship, but, on the other hand, it felt like they’d known each other forever.

  Miriam’s chair squeaked as she reached for pen and paper. There was still time to finish her lesson plan for tomorrow. Wayne said he’d be here by four-thirty, and that was still an hour and a half away. If she hurried, she might even have time to write Mamm and Shirley the letters she owed them. In her last letter, Shirley hadn’t said anything about Jonas Beachy. Miriam guessed that Shirley didn’t wish to write more about the matter. Still, she hoped Shirley was keeping her resolution to stay away from the young man.

  Miriam sighed. She definitely needed to write Shirley today, perhaps after her time with Wayne, even if that went late. Wayne had been invited to the Byler home for supper after their afternoon stroll. That had been Aunt Fannie’s idea after Miriam had shared the afternoon plans with her. Likely Aunt Fannie had gotten her head together with Uncle William and coordinated the event. Miriam wondered if they knew what Wayne’s plans were for this afternoon. If he was going to propose, would he have shared it with her uncle and aunt?

  That wasn’t likely. Uncle William and Aunt Fannie were probably guessing the same as she was. And they might all be wrong for all she knew. Her relationship with Wayne was still in its infancy when compared to most community courtships. Hope was a tricky thing. It could soar easily when one was in love. And right now her hope was soaring…maybe she’d finally get kissed by the man she loved! Miriam allowed a smile to creep across her face. If a kiss was forthcoming, maybe she would detail the experience for Shirley. That shocking thought caused Miriam to blush. She would do no such thing! A kiss from Wayne was private and intimate and between just the two of them. And it would remain so.

  Miriam forced herself to focus on her lesson plans for over an hour. When she glanced at the clock, she’d finished planning and decided to begin a letter to Shirley. She opened her tablet to a fresh page and began.

  Dear Shirley,

  Greetings of love, dear sister. I hope this finds you well and in good spirits. I’m sitting here enthroned in my swivel chair at the schoolhouse. It’s after four o’clock, and the children have been gone for a while. I feel lonesome for them already, even though I’ll see them tomorrow. I wonder how I’ll feel when the school term is complete. Likely I’ll weep buckets of tears, although I’ll try to hide them on the last day of school. How quickly the little munchkins have thrown their heart strings around mine.

  You didn’t mention Jonas in your last letter, so I hope you haven’t been seeing him…or spoken with him, for that matter. Keeping in touch with him is not for the best, Shirley. You know that. I want to encourage you to go down the right path. There’s so much of your life and mine that lies before us. We don’t want to spoil it with bad choices. Stay strong, Shirley. Safety and happiness are found on the straight and narrow way. That certainly has been true for Wayne and me.

  Miriam tapped her pen on the desk as her thoughts drifted. Had she said too much? Surely her sister would understand where she was coming from. But still this was probably enough heavy advice for now. Breezy news would be best for the rest of the letter. She’d add that later. Miriam slipped the tablet into her book bag and grabbed her lunch bucket. She’d wait outside on the lawn for Wayne.

  Miriam had just locked the door when Wayne’s buggy appeared in the distance. He was right on time. But then Wayne usually was. He was close to perfect—at least in her eyes. Miriam ran the short distance to the road, arriving just as Wayne drove up.

  He pulled on the lines and leaned out of the buggy. “Whoa, there! What a welcome!”

  Miriam hopped in on the other side of the buggy. “Only what you deserve for being on time. I knew you would be, so don’t get all swelled up about it.”

  Wayne grinned as he turned the buggy around. “Nice afternoon. Just what I ordered, you know.”

  “You are swelled up,” Miriam said with a fake glare.

  He laughed. “I think the Lord is on my side today.”

  Wayne is up to something special. She was sure of it. And now she’d overreacted and he’d think she’d guessed something. She believed a man should be allowed his secrets until he chose to reveal them.

  Wayne didn’t seem to notice or be fazed. “Our creeks around here aren’t anything glamorous, but it’s all Oklahoma has to offer.”

  Miriam wanted to slip her arm around his, but she didn’t. It wasn’t time yet, but hopefully that would be soon. Instead she glanced at his face. “I’m just happy to spend time with you.”

  Wayne’s grin returned. “The same goes for me with you.”

  He was occupied with his plan, Miriam told herself as they drove in silence. Wayne would ask her to be his frau this afternoon. She was sure of it now.

  “Whoa!” Wayne called out as they approached the small creek. Miriam waited while Wayne tied up his horse before she climbed down. He flashed her a bright smile, but then he looked away at once. A serious look lay just beneath the surface, and she liked that. Wayne wasn’t taking their future together lightly. This was an important time, and he was taking the necessary steps like a man should—with honor and sincerity.

  Wayne’s hand briefly touched Miriam’s arm as they climbed down the gently sloping bank of the stream. An easy flow of water filled the bed. Upstream a fish flipped out of the water with a small splash.

  “Not much in the way of fish around here.” Wayne’s laugh was nervous.

  “Is that why you didn’t bring your fishing pole?” Miriam teased.

  Wayne shifted on his feet.

  She shouldn’t try that tack today, Miriam decided. She wasn’t gut at teases.

  Wayne became serious. “I’ve not known you for that long, Miriam.” He glanced at her. “What has it been—a few months or so?”

  “Just since the middle of July,” Miriam whispered. Wayne just wanted her to reassure him, she thought. Perhaps she should wrap her arms around his neck right now and give him a big hug. But she’d wait. Wayne needed to say what he had to say in his own time. The hugs could come later.

  “It’s like I’ve always known you.” Wayne’s smile was thin. “I hope you don’t think I’ve been too forward—that I’ve rushed things between us. It’s just that…” Wayne stopped and gazed at the water in the creek bed.

  “You’ve been none of those things, Wayne.” Miriam reached over to touch his arm. “I think I’ve loved you since we climbed out of Mr. Whitehorse’s car.”

  “Really?” Relief filled his voice. “I think I felt the same way. Do you think…” He paused again.

  “I think so.” Miriam met his gaze. “I think so with all my heart.”

  He took a deep breath. “Then you will be…you feel what I do?”

  Miriam moved closer. “Yah, I do, Wayne.”

  His fingers found hers. “Then you agree to be my frau…sometime in the near future? Maybe next fall already?”

  “Yah!” She whispered the words. “You know I will!”<
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  He touched her face. “The wonder of you, Miriam. How am I so blessed?”

  Miriam reached for Wayne with both hands, and he responded in kind. Her face burned like fire as Wayne’s lips touched hers for the first time. Her mind was a blur of emotion. Wayne’s presence overwhelmed her as his fingers pressed softly on her neck.

  “Miriam…” He pulled back.

  She trembled and didn’t answer.

  He pulled her close again and lingered long.

  She would soon not be able to breathe, Miriam realized, but she didn’t care. Each moment of this should be enjoyed to the fullest and remembered forever.

  “Come,” Wayne said moments later, with his hand under her arm. “There’s a fallen log we can sit on downstream a bit.”

  Miriam followed him and then sat beside Wayne with their fingers entwined. When she could breathe again, Miriam whispered. “Just hold me tight, Wayne. I don’t want this moment to ever stop.”

  He nodded. “May the Lord continue to guide and keep us as we plan our life together.”

  “I will always love you, Wayne.” She hugged him. “I love you for loving me just the way I am.”

  Wayne’s face filled with a wide smile. “That was the easiest and best thing I’ve ever done. Believe me! And it will always be so.”

  She leaned against his shoulder as tears stung her eyes.

  Discussion Questions

  1. Does Miriam’s care of Amos Bland differ from how an Englisha person would care for him? If yes, what are the differences?

  2. How well did Miriam handle the news that Ivan Mast had taken Laura Swartz home from the hymn singing?

  3. How would you describe Shirley’s weakness as she struggles to keep her promises and best intentions? Is there hope for her improvement?

  4. When Ivan approached Miriam after discovering she’d inherited a farm, what would you have told him if you were in Miriam’s shoes? What would the results have been?

  5. Do you think Jonas has Shirley’s best interests in mind? Why do you think he wants to continue his relationship with Shirley?

  6. What caused Rose to trust Miriam and how she cared for Amos? Why did Rose never ascribe ulterior motives to Miriam even though others did?

  7. Is the obsession Miriam’s daett has about money healthy for himself? For his family?

  8. Does moving away from problems in an effort to start anew usually work? Why or why not?

  9. How does the birth of baby Jonathon affect Miriam and Shirley? If a tragedy had occurred during his birth, do you think that would have changed the choices the girls made? If yes, how?

  10. Do you trust Wayne Yutzy? Why or why not?

  11. Was Miriam wise to tell Wayne about her two million dollars so soon in their relationship? If not, when would be the best time to share such information?

  12. Do you think Wayne and Miriam are a gut match for each other? Why or why not?

  More Books by Jerry Eicher

  Watch for more books in Jerry Eicher’s The Land of Promise series!

  A Blessing for Miriam (Book 2)

  Miriam and the Stranger (Book 3)

  About the Author

  Jerry Eicher’s Amish fiction has sold more than 700,000 books. After a traditional Amish childhood, Jerry taught for two terms in Amish and Mennonite schools in Ohio and Illinois. Since then he’s been involved in church renewal, preaching, and teaching Bible studies. Jerry lives with his wife, Tina, and their four children in Virginia.

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