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Selfish Page 6

by Shantel Tessier

  “I think it’s time you go somewhere else,” the man standing in front of me growls to the man I was about to knee in the balls.

  “Who the hell are you? Her boyfriend?” he snaps back in the guy’s face. “That bitch …”

  I lean to the right to be able to see the jackass. And the man in front of me, the one blocking us, reaches up and grabs the guy’s wife beater and yanks him to him. The already stretched material tears a little at his force. “I’m gonna be the guy who beats your fucking ass if you don’t walk away right now!” His words mean trouble, but his voice is calm. He speaks slowly as if the drunk idiot can’t process what he’s being told. Ball cap man shows no fear to the idiot he’s holding in his fists.

  I smile in satisfaction. Maybe gentlemen are still out there. The guy tries yanking himself out of the other’s hold, but he doesn’t break free. His shirt does tear a little more, though. The man’s face changes from anger to compliance, knowing baseball cap is going to kick his ass. He throws his hands up and smirks again. I want baseball cap guy to punch it off his face. “All right, man. I don’t wanna cause any problems.” Sure, he does. He leans in closer to the guy’s face. “She’s all yours,” he says and then licks his lips. I pull mine back with disgust.

  My protector shoves him as he lets him go. The douche gives me one last look with his bloodshot brown eyes before he starts to walk away. “Learn some manners,” I yell at him as he starts to walk into the crowd. He doesn’t turn around to face me, but he does lift his right hand and flip me the bird.

  “Douche!” People never cease to amaze me. I turn back to face the bar.

  “Sorry about that,” baseball cap guy now beside me says.

  “I was about to take him down.” I’m not much into the damsel-in-distress situations. I lift my hand to get the bartender. He ignores me.

  “A you’re welcome would have sufficed,” he says with laughter.

  I snort. “I didn’t need the help.” I fist my shaking hands down on the bar. I don’t know if it’s the adrenaline or the three shots of tequila catching up with me, but my heart is pounding in my chest, and I’m breathing heavy.

  He lets out a deep laugh, and I finally turn back to face him, planning to tell him to fuck off like the last idiot. But words fail me when I look up at the man. He wears a pair of black aviators shielding his eye from me. But I don’t need to see them to know he’s hot. His defined jaw is covered in a day or two stubble and my first thought is what it would feel like as he runs it against my legs. I lower my eyes to his lips; a slow and sexy smile spreads across them as if he can read my mind. And I pray that he can. “It didn’t look that way.” His deep voice rumbles with laughter.

  Do you ever look at someone and your first thought is fuck? Because that’s what I’m thinking now. Fuck me! All of a sudden, being rescued and carried off by my knight in shining armor doesn’t sound so bad. Only he isn’t wearing any armor; he’s wearing a white tank top. You know the kind I’m talking about; the ones that look like it was once a t-shirt, but he just cut the sleeves off it and half of the side of the shirt is gone. I think muscle shirt is the proper term. His sides and chiseled abs are on display. He can carry me off to anywhere he pleases. “It looked like a woman fighting with her boyfriend,” he declares.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend,” I respond with a stupid smile on my face. And this is the exact reason why. You never know when a hot guy may show up and take you for a ride.

  He nods his head once as his full lips pull back into a smile. His perfect white teeth remind me of a toothpaste commercial. I wonder how he gets them that white? “Good to know.” His voice is deep. And just remembering the way he spoke to that jackass has me wanting him to save me again. Hmm. If he walks away, I might have to pick a fight with someone else.

  “You obviously weren’t paying very much attention.” I hate that I can’t see his eyes. Is he looking at me? My chest? My legs? Can he see that my chest is rising and falling fast as I breathe heavily? Or the goose bumps that now cover my arm because I can’t get the image of his head between my legs out of my mind? Even though he wears a hat, I know he has dark hair; his sideburns give it away, and his stubble is just as dark.

  The sun is setting behind me and I fist my hands down by my side to keep from yanking off his glasses.

  “Thanks, though,” I say because that is the correct thing to say. You know, my mother did raise me with manners, after all.

  “Glad I could help. A woman like you could be a little more careful out here all alone.” He’s fishing for information. I’ve played this game enough before to know how it works. Well, might as well give the man that much.

  He reaches up and runs his hand down his face and my knees buckle at the sound of his stubble against his palm. I shift on my feet where I stand and his tongue slowly licks his lips. I suddenly have the urge to kiss him. To grab his shirt like he did to that guy and pull him down to me. Would he kiss me back? Would he toss me on top of the bar and fuck me in front of everyone? Why does that turn me on so much?

  Slow down, Ash. Deep breath. “A woman doesn’t have to have a man,” I decide to say instead of making my move. Let him come to me.

  He smiles as he leans up against the bar, crossing one ankle over the other. Yes, get comfortable. “I didn’t say they did.”

  I look over his black swim trunks and can see his legs are just as muscular as the rest of his body. He reaches his right hand up and I watch, waiting for him to remove his glasses. Instead, he adjusts his hat and the action makes the muscles in his arms bulge. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from moaning.

  “You implied I needed to be careful because I don’t have a man at my side to protect me,” I argue although my body is screaming to touch him.

  “It can’t hurt, can it?” The little wind that we have blows his shirt to the side and I take a quick glimpse at his defined abs. My mouth starts to water just imagining running my tongue along the lines. He laughs as he catches me and I watch them flex from his laughter. He’s toned—fit—but not one of those gym rats who can barely fit through a door. He looks really tall, but then again, I’m only five-foot-four.

  “I guess you just proved that.” I place my right hand out to introduce myself. “Sasha,” I lie. I’m not for giving my real name to men I meet at the bar. The next thing you know, they find you on all the social media sites and you can’t get rid of them.

  “Call me Ry,” he says pushing off the bar and placing his hand in mine. They’re much bigger than I expected but soft for a guy. He certainly doesn’t work outside or in construction. His long fingers curl around my hand and he tightens his grip. I purse my lips to keep from sighing.

  “Well, I appreciate the help, Ry,” I say, trying to not sound winded.

  “It was my pleasure.” He releases my hand, and mine instantly feels cold. He straightens up to his full height and I have to tilt my head back a little to look up at him. Give him a reason to stay!

  “Let me buy you a drink,” I offer. He goes to open his mouth, but I continue. “It’s the least I can do after saving me and all.” Can I look any more desperate? What can I say? He’s the one I want for the night.

  You ever go shopping and see a pair of shoes that you just have to have? Like you will spend every last penny you have on that pair of shoes? That’s how I feel about him. I want him on top of me. Under me. I want to wear him tonight, and I will do whatever it is gonna cost me. Take off your glasses.

  “No, thanks,” he says, and I try to keep my smile up at his rejection. “But I will buy you a drink.” Before I can say anything, he turns to the bartender as he asks me, “What would you like?”

  You! “Tequila. Please.”



  Jaycent and I arrived in Florida a couple of hours ago. We then spent some time at the hotel bar before having dinner. We had just decided to hit the beach about an hour ago because the woman working at the front desk of the resort told us there was a co
ncert down there tonight. I happened to be walking down to the pier when I had heard a woman screaming at a man. I figured it was a couple fighting and was gonna let it go. I’m sure this kind of thing happens out here all the time, but when I saw him putting his hands on her, I had to intervene. I wasn’t raised to stand by when someone was in need of help. Luck would have it they didn’t even know each other.

  Sasha hands me one of the tequila shots that the bartender just handed her, and I lift it up. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers.” She clinks her glass against mine. I stand there and stare down at the beautiful woman, just taking her in. Her light blue eyes are damn near the same color as the ocean behind us. They leave my face and travel down my body for the third time since she’s actually looked at me. They come to my shorts, and she very slowly runs her tongue around the rim of her shot glass to collect the salt. She opens her pink satin lips and tosses back the shot in one swallow. I feel the tension as my cock starts to grow as I picture her licking salt from my cock while on her knees, my hands in her long blond hair and those eyes staring up at me. Begging me to take her. She slams the now empty shot glass down on the bar top, and I offer my untouched glass to her.

  She eyes it skeptically as she looks at my tequila shot still raised. I push it toward her in offering. “I owe you a drink,” she reminds me as if I don’t remember she almost got her ass kicked by a man five minutes ago.

  “I’m being a gentleman.” Really, I just wanna watch her lick the salt off it with that tongue of hers and then watch her swallow it as I imagine it’s my cock. Nothing gentlemanly about that, but it sounded good.

  She takes it from me, but her eyes narrow at me a little bit. “Just so you know, two shots won’t get me in bed with you.”

  So sex with me is already on her mind? I try to hide my smile but fail miserably. “Is that a challenge?” What would she do if I kissed her right now?

  She smiles, one that makes her blue eyes shine brighter and two little dimples appear on her cheeks. She looks young but old enough for me, if that makes any sense. “You don’t want to challenge me,” she says with a laugh.

  Oh, but I do! “Well, just so I know what I’m dealing with here”—I place my forearm on the bar and lean over onto it—“how many shots would it take if someone were interested?” Not like she needs the alcohol. I see the way she is looking at me. I would bet my life that I could fuck her sober.

  She throws her head back and laughs as if I just told her the funniest joke she’s ever heard. Since her hypnotizing eyes are no longer staring into mine, I take the opportunity to quickly look at her body. She has a tight white tank top on and a pair of daisy duke shorts. Two thin bright pink straps come up from underneath her top and wrap around her neck. Her blue jean shorts sit extremely low on her hips, and I wonder if she has bikini bottoms on underneath them.

  “I could drink you under the table.”

  My eyes snap back up to hers. Before I can remember what question I asked her. She slides the rim of the shot glass against her lips while she twists it in her hand before she downs it like the previous one.

  Right! Our challenge. Drinking until she finds me attractive enough to go back up to my room with me. “We’ll see about that,” I say as I gesture to the bartender for another round.

  “And by the way …” She takes the back of her hand and wipes what’s left of the tequila from her lips. Fuck, I wish I could have done that with my tongue. “That was my fifth.”

  “Shot of tequila?” I ask surprised. Not sure why, though. That was the second one I saw her take in a matter of seconds.

  She nods. “So you have some catching up to do.”

  I just give her a cocky smile as I look her up and down. She doesn’t sway on her feet, and her eyes aren’t hooded like most after drinking five shots of tequila. That tells me one thing; this woman can handle her liquor, which would surprise me, considering how small she is in size. “Want to make a wager?” Let’s make this a little more interesting.

  She cocks a dark eyebrow and pushes her right hip out. She’s adorable and feisty. So different from the New York women I’m used to. The ones who only sip expensive wine with their noses up in the air. They can’t laugh or even smile due to the Botox injected into their faces. “Absolutely,” she says, lifting her chin. “I already know what I’m gonna have you do when I win.”

  Hopefully, it’s you. I chuckle but am not surprised one bit. The bartender puts down the two shots I had ordered, and I tell him to bring me a couple more. I look back over at her. “What if you’re lying?” I ask. “I mean, five shots? What if you’re just trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me?” I tease. We both already know this is going to lead to my room upstairs with her clothes on my floor and her mouth around my cock. Just the thought of that has my dick twitching with impatience.

  She leans forward, pressing her chest against mine. The back of my neck heats up from her closeness. “It would be fair since that is what you’re trying to do to me,” she states.

  For a second, I’m confused by what she said. I raise my hands in surrender. “I know we’re making a bet, but if it came down to it and you were too drunk to walk, I assure you that I would make sure you got back to my room and you would be safe. I would not take advantage of you.” No matter what the situation is.

  To my surprise, she grabs my shirt and pulls me towards her, my sunglasses almost falling off my face. Leaning up on her tiptoes, she places her lips by my ear. The smell of strawberries hits my nose and I grab her exposed skin right above her shorts. She smiles when she feels how hard I am for her. “That’s too bad.” They tighten as her breath hits my ear and her voice drops to a seductive tone. One I imagine her having as she undresses for me. “That’s exactly the type of guy I’m looking for tonight.”

  I clamp my jaw shut to prevent myself from moaning and looking like an idiot. Women like her—the ones who can express what they want and how they want it—are the biggest turn-on to a man. I imagine her lying on my bed while she tells me what to do with her step-by-step … when, all of a sudden, she pulls back, ripping herself from my hold and turns to walk away.

  I quickly reach out and grab her arm, pulling her back to me. She gasps as I push her back up against the bar, pinning her in. My hands go to her narrow hips. Her blue eyes look up at me, heavy with want. Her chest rises and falls quickly from breathing heavy. A smile tugs at her lips. I lean my face down to hers and whisper, “Darling, tonight I can be anything you want me to be!”

  “I want you to be mine!” she says without pause.

  Without another word, I reach around her and toss back one of the tequila shots. And then the other. “About that bet …”

  “Forget it!” She places her hands inside my shirt. She runs them up and over my abs, and they tighten on instinct. Slowly make their way up my chest. My eyes stare into hers, and she lets out a sigh of pure pleasure. “I’m ready to go whenever you are,” she says before her nails scrape my skin, setting it on fire as she pulls them downward. I throw some money down from my pocket and grab her hand, ready to start my night with her.


  A moan escapes my lips before I can even open my heavy eyes. My muscles ache and my skin still tingles. I allowed the man from the bar to take me back to his room last night. And man, was it the best decision I have made in a while. He was correct. He was exactly what I wanted, and that was nowhere close to a gentleman. And not only was he amazing, but he was also able to perform several times! Can you say winning?

  You can call me a slut, a whore, or easy. I just don’t care! The fact of the matter is that we are animals. And we’re built to be attracted to others. Smell, sight, and taste—they make us do wild and crazy things. Now, I don’t always pick a guy out at the bar and allow him to take me home, but yes, it has happened before. But this guy takes the cake!

  With a sigh of total satisfaction, I roll over onto my other side. Opening my eyes slowly, I see him sleeping beside me. Yes, I slept over. I
didn’t have enough strength to even get out of bed, let alone make it to my hotel room. But thankfully, he is staying in the same hotel as Becca and I.

  He lies on his back with one arm above his head and the other on his hard, smooth chest. And I have the instant urge to go again. Which is crazy because we’ve only been asleep for a couple of hours. But my pussy tightens, reminding me just how fucking great he felt. The way his hands held me possessively. The way he bit my neck and my body shivered. The way he fucked me like he couldn’t get enough. God, my breath comes quicker with need.

  I could just get up, get dressed, and walk out of his door. Never having to see him again. Save us both the trouble of the awkward morning after—this was just a fuck. You don’t have to pretend you want my number, and I don’t want yours. Don’t get me wrong. A guy like this—one who is hot and knows how to fuck—is hard to find, but I’m sure he lives far, far away from Seattle. Plus, I’m moving to New York in a week, so what are the odds of ever seeing him again? But that’s also what makes it sweeter. I will never see him again!

  Making up my mind, I slowly push the thick, fluffy white down comforter and loose white sheet to the foot of the bed. I sit and take in his naked body. His large smooth chest rises up and then falls as he breathes deeply. His right hand rests on it. And his cock lies limp between his muscular thighs. My mouth instantly starts to water.

  Not wanting to wait any longer, I reach over and take it in my hand. When he doesn’t make a single move, I get up and straddle his legs. With my free hand, I take my tangled hair that falls in front of my eyes and flip it over to one side to get it out of the way.

  Slowly, I stroke him with my left hand. It takes a couple of minutes, but it starts to harden as his hips begin to move along with it. A little moan escapes his lips as his stomach flexes while he shifts his body. My hand picks up its pace.

  “Good morning,” I whisper as I lick my lips. He moans again, but his eyes remain closed. Wanting to get this show on the road, I lower my head. Wrapping my lips around the head of his cock, I continue to slowly run my hand up and down his shaft. His hips thrust upward, letting me know that he wants me to take more.


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