School, Sex and Secrets II (School, Sex and Secrets #2)

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School, Sex and Secrets II (School, Sex and Secrets #2) Page 16

by Sheila Michelle

  “I hate to say this, but I think he had everything to do with their deaths. And the nerve of that motherfucker to go up to Natalie’s family at the end of the walk and hug her mom?! That was as cruel and as bold as it fuckin’ gets, man!”

  Brad nodded. “Yeah, it is. I thought Marie was gonna kill him for real when he did that! You see how Vanessa and Ava had to hold her back.”

  “And I don’t blame her at all,” Marc replied.

  “Well, since I’ve been so stressed about everything that’s been going on, I was thinking about having a party,” Brad said.

  “Sounds good, man. I think we all need to get a little loose,” Marc replied.

  Brad looked at him and grinned. “I was thinking about really loose, man.”

  Marc looked at him. “Really, man? So what kind of party do you have in mind?”

  “A BF3P party.”

  “A BF3P party? What the fuck is that?”

  “A Best Friends Forever Fantasy Party,” Brad replied with a big grin.

  Marc looked shocked but chuckled at the same time. “A Best Friends Forever Fantasy Party?! Now I’ve heard of everything!”

  Brad laughed. “So, of course, I was thinking of just you and me, and Vanessa and Ava since they’re best friends and we’re best friends, and we’ll live out our sexual fantasies with them.”

  Marc looked at him. “I’m all down for living out my sexual fantasies because I never have enough of them! So you’re gonna do Vanessa and I’m gonna do Ava all in the same room in front of each other?”

  “Exactly, man,” Brad said with a big grin.

  “Damn! This sounds hot! My dick is already getting hard! Do you think Vanessa will do this?!”

  Brad laughed. “I don’t know; I haven’t talked to her about it. But after a few drinks, I’m sure she will.”

  “Well, don’t get her too drunk now!”

  Brad laughed again. “I know — I’m not going to. And I was also thinking of not just sticking to one girl.”

  Marc gave him a very serious look. “Brad, you’re gonna let me do Vanessa, man?”

  Brad looked at him. “If she wants to do it with you, man.”

  Marc gasped! “Damn, man! I didn’t think you would let any man touch her, at least willingly!”

  “For just this one night it’ll be okay. I just don’t want any kissing on the mouth, okay?”

  “Okay, that’s fine. Damn, man! I can’t believe this! You’re gonna let me do her right in front of you?!”

  “I’m gonna be doing Ava in front of you if Vanessa lets me. I have to admit that I’ve been curious about her since you said you’ve done her pretty good.”

  “She is good, man. Make sure she gives you head because the times that she’s done it to me it was off the fuckin’ chain!”

  “Damn! That’s right! You did tell me that! I guess I’ll have her do it to me, then. Yeah, I want us to all do this in my bed so we can be close to each other. I wanna look at Ava and, of course, I don’t care if you look at Vanessa while I’m doing her. I’ll do Vanessa first, of course, and you’ll be with Ava first just to have them feel comfortable — especially Vanessa. And then when they’re ready, we’ll switch.”

  “So you want them to be half dressed or what?”

  “I want them both completely naked — just like I want us to be. We both have nice bodies and they do, too, so there’s no need for all of us to hide from one another.”

  “You need to tell them right now that you wanna do this, man! This is making me horny as hell! I’m about to bust a fuckin’ nut thinking about it! Damn!”

  Brad laughed, and then got out his phone and put it on speaker so Marc could hear.


  I picked up my phone to see who it was that was calling me — it was Brad. “Hey, baby. What’s up?”

  “Hey, beautiful. I wanna have a party with just me, you, Marc, and Ava next Saturday since my parents will be out-of-town.”

  “Sounds great, honey. I think that’ll be nice to have just the four us. We can watch movies and listen to music or do whatever.”

  Brad looked at Marc and grinned. “Well, baby, I was thinking about a different type of party.”

  “And what type of party would that be?” I asked.

  “I was thinking about all of us getting together and just relieving some of the stress that we’ve all been experiencing because of all of this shit that’s been going on.”

  “Okay, then what do you have in mind?”

  “I was thinking about all of us having sex with one another . . .”

  “BRAD!” I shouted in shock, “Are you fuckin’ serious?!”

  Marc covered his mouth while he laughed.

  Brad looked at him and grinned. “C’mon, baby — no one has to know about this. This’ll be a secret between the four of us.”

  “Oh, my God, Brad! What the hell made you think of something like this?!”

  “I don’t know. I just wanna do something that I’ve never done before,” he replied sheepishly.

  I sighed deeply. “So, you’re talking about me and you, and Marc and Ava, having butt-naked sex in front of each other?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m talking about, baby. We’re all adults,” he said as he looked at Marc.

  Marc sat on the couch as he also grinned.

  I shook my head. “Yeah, we’re all adults, but that doesn’t mean — damn, Brad! Where do you come up with stuff like this?”

  “I do a lot of thinking, Vanessa. So are you down for it, baby?”

  I let out another deep sigh. “I guess so. Wait till I tell Ava about this! She is gonna love this!”

  “Well, I’ll let you tell her about it now if you want. I’ll talk to you more about it, okay?”

  “Okay. I’m gonna call her right now.”

  “Talk to you later tonight. Bye, baby.”

  “Bye, honey,” I said, and then hung up. I immediately called Ava, but I couldn’t tell her what I had to tell her over the phone so I told her come over. Ten minutes later, she walked through the door of my bedroom. “Shut the door,” I told her.

  “What’s up?” she said, as she shut the door.

  “Ava, you’re not gonna believe what Brad wants to do next Saturday.”

  “What is it?” she asked, as she sat on my bed with me.

  “He wants to have a sex party.”

  She shrieked! “Vanessa! No way! What did you say?!”

  “I said that I’ll have to ask you about it.”

  “You know you don’t have to ask me! Fuck yeah, I want to!”

  “Ava!” I said with a grin.

  “What?!” she chuckled.

  “You wanna be completely naked in front of two boys?! One who happens to be my boyfriend while having sex with his best friend?”

  “Come on, Vanessa, it sounds like fun! I’ve never done anything like this before! I’m sure no one is gonna be filming it.”

  I sighed since I was still unsure if I wanted to do it. “Well, Brad knows he better not. I want all phones turned off and left downstairs, and I’m casing Brad’s room for video cameras before this happens, but of course, I’m not gonna tell him that.”

  She laughed. “Do what you need to do, V.! Oh, my God! Do you think? You know . . .”

  I looked at her. “What, Ava?”

  “Well . . . that we’ll switch partners?”

  I let out a deep sigh. “Is that what you wanna do?”

  She gave me a serious look as put her hands on mine. “Vanessa, if you don’t want me doing anything with Brad I’ll understand, and I mean it.”

  I looked at her. I really didn’t know if I honestly wanted her to, let alone seeing her doing anything sexual with him right in front of me. “Well, like every girl, you’ve always wanted to know what it would be like to have sex with Brad.”

  She looked at me and then looked away, and then at me again. “Of course I do — but he is your boyfriend. I don’t wanna put a strain on your relationship
with him if I do this. I mean, Marc and I are single and I know we’re gonna have fun with each other because we always do. Do you wanna do it with Marc?”

  I looked at her. After that sex conversation I had with him over the phone, I admit that I haven’t been able to get having sex with him for real off my mind. “Yeah, but I don’t know if Brad will let me.”

  “Vanessa, seriously, I don’t think Brad would’ve suggested us getting together to do this if we stick to the same partners, I mean, what would be the point? You know?”

  I nodded. “I’m gonna be talking to him more about it tonight. I’ll let him know that it’s okay that the two of you have sex. After all, it’s something that you wanna do and if we both agree to it then it’s okay. It’ll be all out in the open and we’ll all be having fun. I guess I’m willing to try most things at least once.”

  She smiled at me and then hugged me. “Oh, my God, Vanessa! I can’t tell you how much this means to me! My fantasy about having sex with Brad is gonna come true!”

  “And my curiosity about what it’s like to have sex with my boyfriend’s best friend will come true as well,” I said with a smile. “Well, let me call Brad back and tell him that we agreed to do this.”

  “This is gonna be off the fuckin’ chain, Vanessa! We have to look so fuckin’ sexy and smell really good!”

  “For which one?”

  “Both of them!”

  “That’s true!” I said with a laugh.

  Later on that night after telling Brad that Ava and I approved of doing this as well as switching partners next Saturday night, I stared up at my ceiling while laying in my bed. My phone suddenly rang; I looked at it and saw that it was Marc. “Hey, Marc. What’s up?” I said, even though I knew why he was calling.

  “Hey, Vanessa. I’m just calling you to ask you are you sure you wanna have sex with me on Saturday? Even though Brad said that it was okay?”

  I sighed softly. “Yes, it’s fine, Marc. I mean, think about it, we don’t have to hide it and I think it would be better to do it this way instead of doing it in secret and Brad not knowing about it, you know?”

  “I agree, Vanessa. I just wanna let you know that I’ll do everything I can to make you feel comfortable, okay?”

  I smiled. “I know you will, Marc.”

  “Damn, I can’t believe that this is really gonna happen between us and in front of Brad and Ava.”

  “I know — I can’t believe it, either. I mean, how did Brad come up with this? Did he tell you?”

  “He just said he wanted to have a party with the four of us since we’re all best friends. He called it a BF3P party.”

  “A BF3P party? What the hell is that?”

  “A Best Friends Forever Fantasy Party . . . F3 stands for the three F’s.”

  I grinned. “Got it — never heard of that. But was there anything that Brad told you that we couldn’t do?”

  “He told me he didn’t want me to kiss you on the mouth, but anywhere else is fine.”

  I nodded. “Marc, I can’t lie to you, I am gonna be a little uncomfortable doing this, even though we talked about it on the phone.”

  “Well, you know that talking about it on the phone is nothing compared to actually doing it, and we both know which one we’d rather be doing.”

  I grinned. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “Damn, Vanessa, I can’t believe this is gonna happen for real; I just can’t fuckin’ believe it!”

  “Neither can I,” I said. But I didn’t wanna tell him that I really wasn’t sure if I wanted this to happen.

  We sat in silence for a second.

  “Can I ask you something?” he asked.

  “What is it?”

  “Do you mind giving me head?”

  I paused. “No, not at all.”

  “Okay, because Brad said that it was okay that you did.”

  I grinned. “Oh, he said that? Well, okay.”

  “But, of course, I’m not gonna force you to do it.”

  “It’s okay, Marc. I’ll do it to you.”

  “Damn, baby, I’m gonna do everything that we talked about that night; I’m gonna make that dream that you had of the two of us come true.”

  “I heard you do it good from behind so I’m looking forward to seeing how it feels.”

  “That’s my sex specialty — I’m a great back-hitter!”

  I laughed. “And I want you to hit this ass hard!”

  “Oh! Damn, baby! I think I’m gonna cum with you just saying that! I’m gonna fuck you from behind, from the front, from the side, every fuckin’ way, baby — you can count on it! Every sex fantasy that you can think of I’m gonna fulfill it for you because after all, that’s the name of the party!” he said as he breathed heavy.

  I started to breathe heavy since he was now turning me on. “You’re turning me on, Marc.”

  “Glad to hear it because I’ve been turned on since I heard your voice.”

  I smiled. I could tell that he was really looking forward to doing this with me . . . and now I was just as much looking forward to doing it with him.

  Meanwhile, Ava got on the phone and called Brad.

  “Hey, Ava. What’s up, girl?” Brad said.

  “Hey, Brad. I just wanna talk about what’s gonna go down between us on Saturday.”

  He grinned. “We really don’t need to talk about it, Ava.”

  “But I want to, Brad. I mean, I’m gonna kind of feel uncomfortable doing this with you since Vanessa is your girlfriend — I didn’t wanna admit that at first.”

  He smiled. “I’ll take care of you, okay?”

  She closed her eyes as she was lying down on her bed. “How are you gonna take care of me, Brad?”

  He smiled since he knew that she wanted him to talk dirty to her. “Do you like that hot spot of yours licked?”

  She started to breathe heavy as she touched her hot spot. “Fuck yeah, I do! Vanessa said that you do it the best.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I do it pretty good.”

  “You like good head?”


  “Because I do that good, baby.”

  He smiled. “And I really look forward to having it done.”

  “I’m excited about us doing this, Brad, I guess I don’t have to tell you that.”

  He nodded as he smiled. “I can tell you are. We’re gonna have fun, baby, okay?”

  “I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to it.”

  “So am I. But do me a favor, baby?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t tell Vanessa about this conversation we’re having, okay?”

  She nodded. “Okay, I won’t. Wow. I can’t believe my fantasy is gonna come true about having sex with you. Vanessa does not have to let me do this with you, or you let her do this with Marc.”

  He smiled. “It’s cool, baby. I want us to all have fun when we get together. I want us to do everything that we dreamed about doing with each other, in other words, I want us all to live out our fantasies with each other, that’s why I named the party what I named it. I know that I’ve always wanted to see what it would be like to have sex with my girlfriend’s best friend and now I’m going to. We’re gonna have a lot of fun, and I know that Vanessa and Marc are as well. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m gonna get going now, baby. I’ll see you at school on Monday.”

  “Okay, Brad.”

  “Good night, baby.”

  “Good night, Brad,” she said, and then hung up the phone as she smiled big.


  Tonight was the night and we arrived at Brad’s house earlier than expected since Ava was so excited to get this little BF3P party started.

  “Vanessa, I just wanna say that I can’t believe I’m gonna live out my fantasy tonight with Brad,” she said with a big smile, as we walked up to the front of the house.

  “I know, honey. You’ve been excited this whole week and I’ve been, too — as well as nervous, actually.”

; “Vanessa, there’s nothing to be nervous about; we’re all gonna enjoy ourselves tonight. We’re gonna be having sex with two of the hottest guys at school and if I may say, they’re gonna be having sex with two of the hottest girls at school!”

  I looked at her and smiled as we approached the front door. I nervously rang the doorbell.

  When Brad opened the door, Marc was standing in it with him; he stared at Ava as Marc stared at me. “Ladies! C’mon in!” he said with a big smile.

  We walked in with smiles on our faces since we knew already that this was gonna be a night to remember. We all went to the recreation room where very explicit rap songs were blasting throughout the room and there were party platters of all kinds of different foods. I looked over at all the alcohol that was sitting out as well.

  Brad looked at me with a grin. “So, who needs to get a little loose first?”

  “I’m okay,” I replied with a smile, “I’ll just take a soda.”

  Marc smiled at me as he stood with a small glass of hard liquor in his hands. I was hoping that he wouldn’t get too drunk.

  “I’ll take a dirty martini,” Ava said with a grin.

  We all laughed.

  Brad grinned as he got the stuff out to make it. “How dirty do you want it?”

  “Make it as filthy as you can!” Ava said with a laugh.

  Once again, we all laughed.

  “You got it!” Brad said as he laughed.

  After we got our drinks, we all sat on the couch and watched TV. I sat cuddled up to Brad as Marc couldn’t take his eyes off of me as Ava laid on the couch with her head propped up on Marc’s left thigh. As we all passively watched TV, we made small talk with each other about what went on at school for the week but none of us really gave a fuck about that in reality because nothing out of the ordinary happened. We all knew that we wanted to start living out our fantasies with each other, but no one was making the first move.

  Another hour went by and we were still talking in circles as Brad and Marc started playing video games as Ava and I watched.


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