The Guppy Prince

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The Guppy Prince Page 16

by C. W. Gray

The rain beat against the windows of the cottage. Rainy season had finally made its way to The Southern Silver Isles. Quick, heavy rainstorms were now the new normal and

  Dover finished his plate of grilled seafood paella and told himself not to lick the plate. He could have seconds.

  Nami sat beside him at the table, working on her own plate. His friend’s baby bump was just starting to show and her appetite could almost rival his own.

  “Then, Prince Tack came by,” Ben said, washing dishes.

  Dover whipped around to face his mate. “What? Prince Tack came by here?”

  Ben nodded. “With like a thousand of your father’s guards.”

  “What did he want?” Dover fought a pout, wishing he hadn’t left Ben alone at home while he and Shawn met Kit and Pearl for a playdate.

  “He said he was just visiting,” Ben said, shrugging. “He saw your waterfall picture and commissioned a piece of his own.”

  “What did he ask for?” Dover handed Ben his plate and smiled when his mate automatically refilled it for him.

  “I’m not telling. It’s a wedding gift for Kit.” Ben gave Otis a piece of shrimp and Chubber danced on the back of the couch until Ben gave him a piece too.

  Dover glared at his human. “Ben, I’m your omega, your mate, and your husband. Tell me what Prince Tack ordered.”

  Ben smirked. “You’ll have to wait, bluetail. It’ll be good for you.”

  Dover gasped and clutched a hand over his heart. “The pain you’ve caused me will follow us to the end of our days.”

  Nami rolled her eyes. “You’ll forget by tonight.”

  Barking at their door interrupted them before Dover could come up with a scathing reply. Romeu’s voice carried through the heavy wood. “Hey, let us in, man. It’s wet out here.”

  Ben opened the door and frowned at Romeu and Jojo. “Why didn’t you just come in?”

  Romeu looked over his shoulder, wary. “Your fucking guard chicken doesn’t like it when I don’t knock.”

  Ben nodded at Rachel. The chicken sat in her covered house on the porch. “Good girl. I’ll make you another tutu, okay?”

  Dover snickered. Ben had taken to dressing Rachel in colorful tutus each morning. It was completely ridiculous, but the chicken seemed to like it.

  Jojo barked again and ran to Otis. She licked his nose and started running around the older dog.

  Jojo had grown quite a bit. She was still puppyish, but she was starting to grow into her paws. “I’m surprised you brought Jojo,” Dover said.

  Romeu scratched his dog’s ears. “I had to sneak her past the kids. She’s supposed to be my dog, damn it, but they keep stealing her to play.”

  “Don’t you mean dam it?” Nami asked, chuckling. “Dam.”

  Romeu gave her an exasperated look. “You and your wife need to watch it with the puns, Nami. Effie made a beaver dam pun yesterday and Joy almost murdered me.”

  Dover ignored their bickering and smiled when Jojo came and laid her head on his lap. She would have made her witch a wonderful familiar. He bet that witch was regretting rejecting her. The puppy had found a happy home, though, and would be well loved for the rest of her life.

  “Want some seafood paella?” Ben asked. “Fergus made it earlier today. Shauna and he take turns making their sweet baby boy lunch.”

  Dover preened. “They love me.”

  Nami scowled. “Mom only makes me breakfast, not lunch. She loves you more.”

  Romeu grabbed a plate. “You two are spoiled.”

  Nami made a face. “We could do that, if we really need to.”

  “Yeah,” Dover said. “We have skills.”

  He even attended every session of court. He was a mature and capable merman, damn it. “Ben, can I have some more bread too?”

  Ben laughed and got him a piece. “You’re not making a good case for yourself, bluetail.”

  Dover sniffed. “We deserve to be spoiled.”

  “Yes,” Nami agreed. She tugged at her purrmaid sweatshirt. “We’re growing babies here, Ben. Respect the wonder, asshole.”

  Romeu sighed. “I did come for a reason, but you all distracted me with food.”

  The baby monitor on the counter lit up and they could hear Shawn whimpering. “Someone’s up from their nap,” Ben said. “I’ll be right back.”

  Romeu watched him run up the stairs, then turned back to Nami and Dover. “I’m not waiting. Anyway, my buddy in the guard told me your father finally sentenced Eades and the others.”

  Dover nodded. “I know. I was there.”

  Nami threw a shrimp at him and he caught it, popping it in his mouth. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked.

  Dover flushed. “Honestly, I forgot. When I came in the house after the sentencing, Ben was taking off his wet shirt and his nipple rings were calling my name.”

  Romeu shuddered. “TMI, man. TMI.”

  Nami grinned. “Eloise got her nipples pierced too. It’s so hot.”

  “Isn’t it?” Dover said, excited. “Once they’re healed up, you can tug on them with your teeth –”

  “Enough,” Romeu said. “Back to the sentencing. Please.”

  Dover shrugged. “Fine, but you’re missing out. Anyway, Father had them each investigated and found some disturbing things. Lord Eades and his wife were accepting bribes from several countries to convince Father to sign trade agreements that cheated the kingdom out of money. More importantly, they were working with several others to discredit the royal family. Eades actually thought he would end up king.

  “Damn,” Nami said. “Joy was right, wasn’t she?”

  Romeu nodded, eyes hard. His wife had been Lord and Lady Eades’ personal servant and had overheard a lot of shit.

  “Father, stripped them of their titles and fortune and banished all of them,” Dover said. “Talia wanted to execute Eades, but Father decided to be merciful.”

  Nami grinned. “How merciful was he? No merfolk colony will take them in. They’re penniless and alone in a world that will know they committed treason.”

  “I hope that’s the end of it,” Romeu said, looking worried. “Eades is a manipulative bastard. Joy says he always has backup plans and I’m worried he’ll rally King Ren’s economic rivals. There are several countries that would love to get a hold of our resources and pearl farms.”

  “Kai and Talia are keeping an eye on them,” Dover said. “That’s all we can do right now.”

  Ben came down the stairs, a sleepy Shawn in his arms. “This little guy is hungry.”

  “Benny boy,” a voice came from the sink. “Are you there, darling?”

  Romeu’s eyes grew big and he looked at Dover and Nami.

  Ben grinned and moved to look into the dishwater. “Hey, Johanna. How’s it going.”

  Dover jumped up and rushed over to look around Ben’s arm. The Sea Witch’s face shimmered in the water. They really need cell phones.

  “As well as can be, darling. I see Shawn and Dover are with you.”

  “Hi, Queen Johanna,” Dover said, waving before he refilled his plate.

  “It’s Sea Witch, your highness,” she said. “I am very much not a queen.”

  “How’s Marlowe?” Ben asked.

  Johanna tsked. “He’s as grumpy and moody, as usual. He did like the gift you left him.”

  Dover leaned over and kissed Ben’s shoulder. His mate had made a glass piece for the younger Sea Witch and left it for him on the strip of island where they had found Shawn.

  “Good,” Been said, smiling. “You know you two are welcome to visit, right? King Ren gave his permission.”

  Very reluctantly, Dover thought, hiding his smile.

  “We’ll be by soon enough,” Johanna said with a mysterious smile. “I discovered who Shawn’s parents were. Would you like to know?”

  Ben shook his head. “They gave up any right they had to him when they left him on the island.”

  She nodded, looking satisfied. “I thought you might say that. I called beca
use there’s some water sprites that need help. Their queen is injured and lying low in the pool on Shawn’s island. I simply don’t have time to go to her, but I know how much you care for them, Ben.”

  Dover’s heart melted when his mate nodded eagerly. “What can I do?”

  “I need you to come to the surface of The Deep. Marlowe will bring you some potions I made. Give the water sprite queen one of the light blue potions and she’ll recover.”

  “Romeu,” Ben yelled.

  “I’m right here, man,” Romeu said, shaking his head. “No need to yell. We going on the plane?”

  “Yeah. My boat will fit in it, right?”

  Otis barked, sensing he was about to go on an adventure too.

  Romeu nodded. “I’ll call Eloise. She can help load Bendover.”

  “Don’t call it that,” Ben said, scowling.

  Romeu grinned. “Sorry, but Eloise said that it’s your couple name. She painted it on your boat, so now it’s a thing. Move on already.”

  Johanna listened to them plan, a satisfied smile on her face.

  Dover propped his chin on his hand and eyed the woman. If Marlowe can swim to the surface with the potions, why can’t he give one to the water sprite queen? He looked at Ben’s excited face. His mate would love to help the sprites.

  “I’m glad I can count on you,” Johanna said. “I’ll speak with you in a few days, darling. Good luck.” Her image disappeared.

  “Ben, do you get bored at the house all day?” Dover asked. Johanna looked far too satisfied with herself for Dover’s peace of mind.

  Ben froze, giving Dover a guilty look. “I don’t get bored exactly, I just don’t feel like I contribute to the kingdom. You’re the guppy prince and have responsibilities. I’m just me.”

  Nami burped. “Dude, you’re an artist. Plus, you watch Shawn most of the time. Why do you have to be all overachieving and shit?”

  Romeu gave her a dark look. “Don’t ruin our quest, Nami. Eloise is on her way. We’re off to save the water sprite queen and you can’t stop us.”

  Dover and Nami exchanged an amused look.

  Dover patted Ben’s cheek. “Have a good time and stay safe. Shawn and I will be here when you get back.” He foresaw a lot of quests for Ben and his friends. Johanna would keep his mate busy.

  Ben leaned his forehead against Dover’s. “Love you, bluetail.”

  Excerpt of The Not so Little Merman

  I hope you enjoyed the world of The Silver Isles. Book Two is titled The not so Little Merman and will follow Prince Tack and Prince Kit’s story. Read below for an unedited excerpt from The not so Little Merman – book two in The Silver Isles:

  * * *

  “I don’t want to live in the Northern Silver Isles,” Kit said, banging his head on the table. “I actually like our parents now, and you and Kai are here.”

  For months now, the Northern King had been in negotiations with Kit’s father to create a marriage contract between Kit and Prince Tack.

  His brother, Dover, watched him from his spot on the couch, his hands propped up on his large, pregnant belly. “Father won’t force you to marry him, Kit. You know that. Talk to him and tell him you’re not going to do it. Prince Tack is nice and all, but with the curse, you’ll never have a physical relationship.”

  Dover gave him a sad look and held up his empty bowl.

  Kit took his plate and refilled it with clam chowder. “Preggo hunger is a real thing, Dover. I’ll take care of you.”

  When Kit had been pregnant with Pearl, he’d been hungry all the time. He’d always loved food and had the belly to prove it. Pregnancy hadn’t exactly helped him lose that extra thirty pound his mother insisted he needed to work on.

  Dover started in on the new bowl. His dog, Otis, hovered next to the couch, hoping for a bite. “One of the others will probably step up. Lorelai really wants to be a queen.”

  His stupid sister didn’t even like the prince. She just wanted to be chosen over all their other sisters and brothers.

  Kit sighed. “No. Prince Tack told Father he will only marry me. I think it’s because I have Pearl. He knows I’m fertile.”

  Dover swallowed a bite and eyed his brother. “But you can’t have sex.”

  “I’ll be artificially inseminated,” Kit said, shrugging. Prince Tack’s curse ensured he couldn’t touch any other living person without causing them unbearable pain. That didn’t mean science couldn’t work around the curse to make sure Tack’s bloodline continued.

  “No, I mean you’ll never be able to have sex with your husband,” Dover said. “What kind of marriage is that?”

  Kit gave him a flat look. “Sex is just one aspect of a relationship, Dover, and it doesn’t have to be the most important one. I can deal with that. I’m used to going without.”

  Honestly, the idea of having someone of his own, sex or no sex, appealed to him. He didn’t see Prince Tack agreeing to cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie, though.

  “Is it the artificial insemination?” Dover frowned. “It seems so cold.”

  “No,” Kit said, propping his chin on his fist. “It’s just one way to get pregnant and I’ll admit I like the idea of more babies. Pearl will be a good big sister.”

  “Then, what is it, Kit?” Dover asked. “This marriage will ease the tension between our kingdoms, and we’ve all been fully prepared to make a political marriage. If I hadn’t heard the mating call, I would have expected it too.”

  Kit had known he would be married off one day, but after he participated in the heat swarm and got pregnant with Pearl, his mother had given up on marrying him off. Until the fucking Northern prince insisted on marrying him.

  “I’ve heard stories,” Kit said, shuddering. “The Northern Silver Isles are supposed to be a horrible, cold place full of unhappy, impoverished people. They’re basically pirates, Dover, and I hear King Nerio and Prince Tack horde any treasure they find.”

  How could Pearl and he possibly be happy in such a place?

  Dover tilted his head. “Aren’t pirates supposed to be sexy?”

  Kit rolled his eyes. “They murder and rape people and have scurvy. Not. Sexy.”

  Dover laughed. “Okay, good point. I think you’re wrong about them, Kit. They seemed nice enough when I met them.”

  Kit was quiet for a moment. He thought about the negotiations. “Prince Tack agreed to let me stay here until I conceived,” he admitted. “I didn’t expect that.”

  He hadn’t expected the prince to compromise, period.

  “I don’t know what to tell you, Kit.” Dover handed him his empty bowl. “This is a decision you have to make.”

  Other m/m romance books by C.W. Gray

  The Blue Solace Series – science fiction/fantasy, mpreg

  The Mercenary’s Mate –

  The General’s Mate –

  The Soldier’s Mate –

  The Lieutenant’s Mate –

  The Engineer’s Mate –

  The Captain’s Mate –

  The Rebel’s Mate – Coming Soon

  Fire’s Mate – Coming Soon

  The Hobson Hills Omegas – non-shifter, mpreg, omegaverse

  Falling for the Omega –

  Snow Kisses for My Omega –

  Romancing the Omega –

  Healing the Omega –

  A Pint for my Omega –

  Unraveling the Omega –

  The Alpha’s Christmas Wish – Coming December 2019

  Hobson Hills Shorts – short stories from the world of Hobson Hills Omegas

  The Beta’s Love Song –

  Bennett’s Dream –

  Justin’s Journey –

’s Gift –

  Hobson Hills Shorts: Volume One –

  Holiday Omegas Shorts – holiday short stories from the world of The Silver Isles – paranormal, mpreg

  Cauldron Cake Pops and a Witch’s Kiss –

  Sugar Cookies and a Witch’s Love – Coming December, 2019

  Candy Hearts and a Witch’s Ring – Coming in February, 2020

  The Silver Isles – paranormal, mermen, mpreg

  The Guppy Prince

  The Not so Little Merman – Coming Soon

  The Sea Witch – Coming Soon

  If you would like to keep up with releases, please like and follow me on Instagram (@c.w._gray) or Facebook (@cwgrayauthor), join C.W. Gray’s Reading Nook on Facebook, or visit my website at

  Excerpt from book one, The Blue Solace

  The Mercenary’s Mate – Book One in the Blue Solace Series

  * * *

  Silverlight System, Planet Vextonar

  “Next up is a real gem, gentle folks!” The auctioneer leered toward the large crowd at the bottom of the stage. He was a Betonize-human hybrid, sharp teeth a glaring white. “This little girl’s part Prime and part Lower. Don’t see that on Vextonar too often.”

  The crowd’s boisterous laughter and cheering filled the room. Eight people had already been auctioned off, and the day was still young. Leti Ando gritted his teeth and awkwardly shuffled his feet. The bulky cast on his lower leg made him slower than normal, and there were too many strangers here, too much movement. He wanted to be in his rooms, reading the new Old-Earth journal he’d gotten his hands on.

  Draif shot him a sympathetic look. Leti’s best friend was no less uncomfortable in the auction house but had insisted on coming with him. “You knew it’d be like this, Master,” Draif whispered.

  Leti glared at his friend, his black eye and busted lip protesting the expression. “I hate it when you call me that.”


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