Caleb's Woman

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Caleb's Woman Page 5

by Eve Vaughn

  The other man hurried off without a backward glance.

  “Was that rude of me?” Sommer wanted to know.

  “Not at all. I think you handled yourself beautifully, Princess.” He dropped a kiss on her brow.

  From the corner of her eye, Sommer noticed someone fast approaching them. When she turned her head to see who it was, she groaned inwardly. Caleb didn’t look like a man who would be easily deterred this time.

  Chapter Four

  Caleb’s paced the length of the room, his eyes never leaving Sommer. He waited, his patience threatening to snap at any second. For the better part of the party he’d tried to get Sommer alone, and each time he got close to her, she found a way to elude him, using one excuse after the other. If he wasn’t busy chasing her around, he was fending off a very annoying Selena.

  Selena was no doubt a beautiful woman, but for the life of him, he didn’t know what he’d been thinking to get involved with her in the first place. She was the type of woman who refused to take a hint and he’d given her plenty. He simply wasn’t interested but that didn’t deter her pursuit of him. After the third time she’d tried to corner him, he’d lost all semblance of trying to be polite. In no uncertain terms, he’d told her to get lost.

  Finally, the last guest had left and the only people remaining were Sommer and her parents. There was no escaping him now. He walked over to the three of them. Laurel smiled at him. “Caleb, I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight.”

  Caleb nodded. “As much as I could have. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had gotten to spend more time with the guest of honor.” He stared pointedly at Sommer who was doing everything in her power to avoid his gaze.

  Trevor furrowed his brow looking back and forth between Caleb and Sommer. “Am I missing something here?”

  “No, nothing like that, I was just coming over to collect Sommer.” Caleb looked directly at the object of his desire. “Sommer, it’s time to go.”

  This brought her head up sharply. “What are you talking about? I have to stay and clean up. I’d planned on spending the night.”

  Caleb wouldn’t allow Sommer to hide behind her parents this time. “That’s strange because you didn’t mention that earlier. Laurel, didn’t you tell me you’d hired extra help to do the cleanup for this party? And Trevor, I was certain you had mentioned being worried about your daughter driving back to her place so late at night. Problem solved, I’ll take her.” He met her scornful stare and smiled, knowing that she realized he’d called her bluff.

  “That’s a good idea, Caleb, although if she wants to spend the night, that’s fine with us as well,” Laurel offered.

  “Yes, I think I’d rather spend the night here,” Sommer piped up.

  “Did you remember to bring an overnight bag?” Caleb countered.

  “I don’t need one. I have clothes here. Look, I’m tired and I rather stay here. I don’t know why we’re even arguing about this,” Sommer snapped earning her nonplussed looked from her parents.

  Trevor frowned. “Are you two having a disagreement of some sort?”

  “Nothing we can’t settle between us,” Caleb answered smoothly. “Which is why I think it’s a good idea that that the two of us hash out our differences on the way back to Sommer’s place. And since I’m taking her home, neither one of you have to worry about her getting there safely. Sommer, get your things so we can leave.” He injected enough force into his voice to let her know that this discussion was no longer up for debate.

  Her nostrils flared, but wisely, she put up no further protest. Not that it mattered whether she had or not because he had been fully prepared to sling her over his shoulder and carry her out of this house caveman style. Though it wouldn’t have been ideal to make a scene in front of her parents, Caleb was prepared to do whatever it took to finally get some proper alone time with Sommer.

  When Sommer stormed off to gather her belonging Trevor raised a brow. “Care to tell me what that was all about?”

  “Something between Sommer and myself. As I said before, it will be resolved.”

  “Is that so? And what exactly is it that needs to be resolved?” Trevor persisted.

  “With all due respect Trevor, I’d rather not discuss this right now.”

  “Listen, Caleb you may be the Alpha’s son, but that’s my daughter. Anything that concerns her is my business. Don’t make the mistake of thinking I won’t rip you to shreds if you hurt her. And this conversation between the two of us is far from over.” Trevor’s eyes briefly flashed to the amber color of his wolf’s eyes.

  Laurel placed her hand on her mate’s chest. “There’s no need for that. I’m sure the kids will work it out. Let’s not ruin this lovely evening okay?”

  Trevor briefly narrowed his eyes before seeming to calm down. His eyes returned to their normal slate gray color.

  Sommer returned with her purse a few boxes in her hand. “Is everything all right over here?” She glanced at Caleb and her father.

  Trevor smiled indulgently at his daughter. “Just a friendly chat, Princess. I was thanking Caleb for giving you a ride home tonight. It’s really foggy out. And you know how I worry. So are you ready to head out?”

  She eyed him suspiciously before nodding. “Yep, I’m off. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Sommer hugged both of her parents before Caleb took her by the elbow to lead her off.

  Once they were in the car, she remained quiet for a while. She was probably stewing. However, after they were on the road for a few minutes, Sommer exploded. “You had no right to decide when it was time for me to leave! Besides that, I was quite capable of driving home on my own.”

  “Your father didn’t want you driving home so late at night.”

  “My father also thinks I’m a little girl, and you played right along, didn’t you? You know how I feel when they do that to me. How could you?” She slammed her hand against the dash.

  He grinded his teeth, pushing back the twinge of guilt he felt. He knew her parents could go a bit overboard at times, but had she not spent the evening trying to avoid him, things would never have come to this. “You did what you felt you needed to do, and that’s exactly what I’m doing right now.”

  “What you had to do? Are you kidding me? Caleb, because of your underhanded tactics, my parents probably suspect there’s something going on between us.”

  He shrugged, keeping his eyes on the road. “There isn’t at the moment, but that will soon be changed by the end of the night.”

  “You arrogant son of a bitch! Turn around and take me back to my parent’s house.”

  “Stop being so melodramatic, Sommer. The next stop I’m making is your place.”

  She let out a scream, venting her frustration before slumping in her chair.

  Caleb didn’t say anything more, deciding it would be best to let her get used to what was going to happen between them once they reached her apartment. The tension during the remainder of the ride was so thick it could have been cut with a knife.

  When he finally pulled up in front of her building, he barely had time to park before she unbuckled her seatbelt and shot out of the car.

  Sommer was just turning the key to her door with shaky hands by the time Caleb caught up with her.

  With one deft movement, he pushed her aside and unlocked the door. Opening the door, Caleb gestured toward it, palm up. “After you, my lady.”

  She stormed past him, a mutinous expression on her face. Her bottom lip poked out and she looked as if she wanted to commit murder. Slinging her purse on the couch, Sommer around to glare at him. “You can leave now. Your duty is done.”

  Caleb shrugged out of his suit jacket and began to loosen his tie.

  “What are you doing?” she squawked. “I want you to leave now!”

  Tossing his tie aside, he sat down on her love seat and removed his shoes with slow precision, making his intentions very clear.

  “Stop that right now. Caleb, put that back on because you’re not staying.”

>   He unfastened his cufflinks and then unbuttoned his shirt. Not once did he take his eyes away from her.

  Sommer stared at him open-mouthed as though trying to find the right words to say as he continued to undress. Finally, when he was down to his boxers, his fingers on the waistband, she yelled, “Okay! You win. Just, please, not like this.” Her shoulders drooped as she fell back on the couch, her head in her hands.

  Caleb halted, feeling like a Grade A jackass. This wasn’t how he wanted things to be between him and Sommer. He’d envisioned carrying her to the bed like those heroes in the romance books she used to favor. Then he wanted to make sweet love to her until she screamed his name. The last thing he wanted was for Sommer to be frightened of him. His feelings for her ran far too deep to have it any other way. With a sigh, he walked over to where she was and sat next to her.

  Throwing an arm around her trembling shoulders, he brushed his lips against the side of her head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to come off so crass, but these mixed signals you keep throwing at me aren’t gonna cut it. You say things will change between us if we take this step, but I’m telling you right now they already have. I don’t think there’s any going back. Pretend all you’d like, but you want this to happen too.”

  Sommer lifted her head to stare at him with tear-filled eyes. “I do, Caleb, but—”

  He placed his finger against her lip. “No buts.” Sliding his hands beneath her rear, Caleb scooped her up and transferred her to his lap. “You looked gorgeous tonight, Sommer.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was shaky. She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. His eyes fastened on the brief movement and his semi-erect cock elongated until it strained painfully against his pants. With a low growl, he captured those lips he’d been dying to taste for the entire night. They were soft and pliant beneath his persistence. “Open your mouth for me, darling.”

  Her lips parted with a soft sigh, allowing him enough room to press his tongue forward to sample the sweet cavern of her mouth. Goddamn, she was sweet. It was like ambrosia beneath his taste buds. Everything about her titillated his senses, from her beauty to her intoxicating scent, and the feel of her warm curves pressed so lovingly against him.

  Caleb realized she was skittish and would need to go slow, besides, he wanted to make this night last. With his mouth never breaking contact with hers, he pushed the straps of her dress down her shoulders, loving the way her soft skin felt beneath his fingertips.

  Sommer ripped her mouth away from his, panting. Caleb chased her lips, not prepared to end the intimate connection. She turned her head away. “Wait, let me catch my breath.”

  “I need you, sweetheart.” He nuzzled the side of her neck with his nose, inhaling her perfumed skin. “If I don’t have you soon, I think I might literally go insane.”

  He yanked the bodice of her dress down, revealing her pert well-shaped tits capped with large areolas and blackberry colored nipples that were so hard and ready to be sucked.

  Sommer released what sounded like a melancholy sigh.

  Concern beat within his chest. The last thing he wanted was for her to change her mind when he was so fucking horny. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “They’re so small,” she sighed mournfully.

  Caleb knitted his brows together. “You mean these?” He skimmed his knuckles over one puckered tip, eliciting a shiver from her body.

  She nodded. “Yes. I wish they were a little bigger.”

  He cupped the soft mounds in his palms, grazing his thumbs against her nipples. “I don’t find a thing wrong with them. In fact, they’re perfect. Do you see? They fit in my palms just right. I haven’t been able to get the thought of these beauties out of my head since yesterday, and you have no idea how much I’ve been longing to do this.” Dipping his head, he swirled one pert tip with his tongue.

  She clasped his shoulders and threw back her head. “Oh, Caleb.”

  Taking the nipple fully into his mouth, he sucked, tugging and nipping at it. The purrs coming from her throat were driving him wild. His tail pushed from the small of his back and his fur lay beneath the surface of his skin, threatening to pop out. She turned him on more than any woman he’d ever been with. But then again, Caleb knew it would be this way. He’d dreamt of nothing else in the past ten years. Having her in his arm far surpassed any of his erotic imaginings.

  Though she wouldn’t be the first human he’d ever been with, she’d be the first whom he didn’t have to hide his true self from. With the others, he’d held back, careful not to reveal what he was. Because of that, he could never fully enjoy himself, which was why most of his lovers were Wulfen or vampire fems. Caleb instinctively knew none of those women would compare to Sommer. He had high expectations for their joining and had no doubt his fantasies would be fulfilled.

  She wiggled her rear, grinding into his cock. “Caleb, this feels so good.”

  He released the turgid nub with a pop, a grin splitting his face as he lifted his head. “I can make you feel even better, darling.” Giving her no warning, he stood up with Sommer cradled in his arms.

  She clung to him. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to take you to the bedroom so I can fuck you.”

  Sommer surrendered with the knowledge that protest was futile. Caleb had, after all, proved just how much she wanted him. Why not give him what they both wanted, throw caution to the wind and let him screw her senseless? This would simply be a brief fling, a no-strings-attached affair. It might hurt when he was ready to move on, but at least she would have the memory of the delirious passion she felt in his arms.

  She pressed kisses against the side of his neck as he strode toward the bedroom, holding her effortlessly as if she weighed no more than a bag of feathers. The sheer strength emanating from his tight, sculpted frame made her tremble.

  Once Caleb made it to his destination, he placed Sommer gently on her feet. The cocktail dress she’d taken such care in selecting for the party was a mess, the front stretched beyond repair.

  “God, you have no idea how much I want you, Sommer.” His words were a husky caress that sent jolts of titillating sensation up her spine.

  “If its half as much I want you, then I have an idea,” she chuckled.

  With a forceful tug, he ripped her dress off her body in an act of savagery that took her breath away. Sommer giggled nervously. “Slow down, Caleb, there’s no rush.”

  Grabbing her hand, he placed it on the large erection tenting his pants. “Care to repeat that, sweetheart? As long as I’ve waited for this, I can’t have you fast enough.”

  “You’re so big.” Licking her lips, she wrapped her fingers around the stiff rod through the silky material of his black boxers.

  Caleb jerked away from her grip. “Don’t,” he groaned.

  She pulled her hand back as if she’d been scalded, a bit hurt that he didn’t want her touch.

  He shook his head. “I didn’t mean I didn’t like it, just…if you keep touching me that way, I may not be able to control myself and I want our first time together to be special.”

  Her heart did a somersault. Just being with him, having his arms around her was enough to make things right for her. Sommer placed her hand against his square jaw. “As long as it’s with you, it will be.”

  Caleb framed her face with his hands and gave her a fierce hungry kiss. When he finally broke it, they were both gasping for breath. “If you keep talking like that, you’re going to turn me into a rutting maniac.” Bending over slightly, he scooped her into his arms and carried Sommer the short distance to the bed before placing her on the center. Then he stepped back, his gaze sliding along the length of her body, not missing a single detail.

  Feeling self-conscious by the intensity of his stare, Sommer crossed her arms over her breasts.

  “Don’t. Don’t ever cover yourself from me. You have no need to ever be ashamed of your body.” His voice was a husky plea, full of desire.

willed herself to keep her arms at her side. “Are you just going to stand there or will you join me? I hope you don’t expect me to stay on this big cold lonely bed by myself,” Sommer teased.

  Sommer trembled in anticipation. Part of her burned with need, while the other half was nervous. There was no going back now. Running the tip of her tongue over her dry lips, she watched as Caleb inserted his thumbs into his waistband and slid them down lean hips.

  He was magnificent, all sinewy muscled perfection. A thick mat of hair covered his taut torso, but it wasn’t a turn-off, in fact, it only underlined his utter masculinity.

  And his cock…

  Dear sweet Lord, he was long and thick. From what she’d felt earlier, Sommer knew he was packing, but that thing was a monster. A gasp escaped her lips as he drew near, his dick bobbing with each step he took.

  He paused when his thighs hit the edge of the bed. “I smell your fear, despite that brave look on your face. Tell me what’s wrong, sweetheart.”

  “You’re huge. How the hell are you going to get that thing inside of me?” she squeaked.

  Caleb threw back his head and released a loud deep laugh before crawling on the bed beside her and planting a kiss on her forehead. “You’re adorable, do you know that?”

  “No, I’m just a woman concerned about being split in two.”

  He planted his hand on her belly and dragged it down until he reached her panties. With one quick tug, he tore away her panties. Then he wedged his hands between her thighs. “Open your legs, Sommer.”

  She hesitated for a brief moment.

  His ice blue eyes locked with hers. “Trust me, sweetheart.”

  Obeying his command, she parted her thighs, welcoming his caress. A wave of searing heat rippled along her body when his thumb grazed her slick folds. “Caleb,” she sighed his name.

  “Do you see, darling? You’re already nice and wet for me, ready to take me, but I’ll make you even wetter, baby.” A devilish smile split his face, promising her many delights to come.


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