Caleb's Woman

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Caleb's Woman Page 10

by Eve Vaughn

  The easy grin he’d been sporting fell from his sensual lips. “Is this not a good time?”

  “It’s…that’s not it. I wasn’t expecting you. Come in.” She stood back, opening the door just enough to let him through. “I have company at the moment. Tasha came by. I thought you were still out of town.”

  “My business transaction wrapped up sooner than I thought. I had to see you. I take it you’re not happy to see me?”

  Her heart skipped a beat as she stared into his ice blue eyes. How was she ever going to end things, when the very thought caused her pain. She loved this man so much, but for his own good, she would have to break things off. And with a realization that broke her heart, it would have to be tonight. “It’s not that, Caleb. I’m just surprised, is all. Here, let me take these flowers and put them in some water.” Sommer took the bouquet and was about to turn away from him when he grabbed her and hauled her against his chest.

  His mouth swooped down on hers, hungry and seeking. The flowers were crushed between their bodies as his tongue swept past her slightly parted lips. He molded his stiffness against the junction of her thighs.

  As with every time she was in his arms, Sommer melted, her body heating up at his mere touch. Her pussy tingled with the need to be filled by his cock and her nipples poked against the material of her blouse, straining to break free of their restraints. If the dampness on her thighs was any indication of how this night was going to end, she knew she was in trouble.

  “Ahem,” Tasha cleared her throat loudly, interrupting the moment.

  Sommer broke out of Caleb’s slackened hold, her cheeks warm with embarrassment at being caught in such a compromising position. “Uh, we were just…”

  Tasha shot her a knowing grin. “It’s okay. I have eyes. There’s no need to explain. Look, I need to get going anyway. I’ll leave you, two crazy kids, alone. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Sommer wanted to strangle her. “You can’t leave now, you practically just got here.”

  “It’s okay. I only wanted to stop by and congratulate you on your success. Anyway, there are a few errands I need to run before I get to bed tonight.”

  “Will you be okay to drive? We were drinking.”

  “I’ll be fine. I only had one glass.” She turned her hazel gaze toward Caleb. “Hey, Caleb.”

  “Tasha,” Caleb said coolly with a nod. “I trust you’re doing well.” Sommer always got the impression that Caleb didn’t particularly care for Tasha, although he never said why.

  “If I was doing any better, I’d be twins. Did you have a nice business trip?”

  “It went well. Thank you for asking. Please don’t run off on my account.”

  Tasha shook her head with a regretful smile. “I’m not. I was on my way out shortly anyway. You came in the nick of time. I need to gather my things and I’ll be out of your way.”

  The corners of Caleb's lips tilted slightly in a semblance of a smile. “It was nice seeing you again.”

  Sommer wondered if he really meant it. She and Caleb waited for Tasha to collect her belongings and leave before speaking again. Once the door shut behind her friend, Sommer took a deep breath, her nerves starting to get the better of her.

  He gave her a wolfish grin. “Alone at last.”

  “You don’t like her much, do you?” Sommer blurted the first thing on her mind.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. She’s your friend. I wasn’t aware I was being anything less than cordial to her.”

  “I don’t know what it is, but you seem to disapprove of her for some reason. I’ve always had that feeling, but I really felt it just now.”

  Caleb walked further into the apartment and placed the champagne on the counter. He opened her cabinet and pulled out two glasses. “I think you’re imaging things.”

  “No, I don’t think I am, and the more dismissive you are about it, the more it makes me suspicious.”

  “Are you deliberately trying to pick a fight?”

  “I was only asking a question, which you seem to be evading.”

  “If you must know, maybe it’s because I’m a little jealous.”

  Sommer paused. “Jealous? Of Tasha? What for?”

  “The truth is, I’m jealous of anyone I see you smile at, talk with or open up to. I know you’re telling her things about your life you used to share with me. I’m tired of being shut out every time I ask what’s going on in your life. What happened to the girl who used to tell me everything? I miss us being able to talk about anything.”

  Her heart twisted in her chest to hear his impassioned plea for things to be the way they once were, but dare she tell him what she really felt? Caleb truly sounded as if he cared about her as more than just a casual affair, but surely she was reading more into his words than were actually meant?

  The time had come. She’d have to end things now. As much as it would break her heart to do so, Sommer realized it would hurt far more if she prolonged this emotional torture.

  With a sigh, she walked further into the living room and gestured to her couch. “Caleb, please have a sit.”

  He frowned but did as he was told. “From the tone of your voice, I’m not sure if I’ll like what you have to say.”

  Sommer shrugged. “I don’t know if you will or not, but I think it needs to be said and I believe it’s an eventuality between the two of us.”

  “I see.” He leaned back, spanning the top of the sofa with his long arms. “By all mean, share.”

  The words stuck in her throat. This would be harder than she thought. Sommer had practiced this scene in her mind over and over again, but she didn’t count on being mesmerized by the bright blue eyes, a rugged face and lips that curled in the corners, promising nothing but pure sin. His very nearness was doing things to the inner workings of her body that they didn’t teach you in health class during Sex Ed. Her pussy was moist from her carnal imaginings, dampening her thighs and making her squirm.

  Though his passive expression gave nothing away, she could tell by the way Caleb tilted his nose in the air that he smelled her essence. It was one of the drawbacks to having a Wulfen lover. They would always be able to sense one’s arousal.

  She pressed her thighs tightly together in hopes of staving off the heat burning within her core. Turning her back to him, she blurted out the words that had been hovering on her tongue for the past few minutes. “Caleb, I think we should stop seeing each other.”

  Silence greeted her rushed statement. Sommer peeked over her shoulder to gauge Caleb’s reaction.

  He sat as still as a statue, not moving a muscle, except the one twitching in his jaw. When he still didn’t speak, she turned to face him. “Aren’t you going to say something?”

  “What do you expect me to say?” he asked tight-lipped.

  There was absolutely no way she could reveal her true feelings without completely humiliating herself. To reveal how much more she felt for him than he did for her would make things more awkward than they already were. She knew he’d still be in her life simply for the mere fact their parents were friends, but perhaps if he didn’t know the truth, they might find their way to having some semblance of the friendship they once had. “I don’t know, maybe that you agree. This thing has run its course, hasn’t it?” She moistened her suddenly dry lips. “I mean, this thing we have has lasted longer than your usual relationships, hasn’t it?”

  Caleb remained silent.

  “I mean, surely you’ve grown tired of me, and…frankly, this is getting a little boring for me as well. Don’t get me wrong, I love—loved what we did together, but now that business is beginning to pick up for me and Uncle Seth is throwing more pack responsibilities your way, we’re both going to be too caught up to in our own lives to make time for each other anymore. I-I hope we can still be friends. Maybe things will be a little uneasy between us at first, but--”

  “Shut up, Sommer.” He moved so quickly, she didn’t see him coming.

e she could so much as gasp his name, he’d crossed the room and hauled her against his rock hard chest, his ice blue eyes flashing fire. “Care to repeat that, Sommer?”

  She couldn’t let him intimidate her. Unable to meet his gaze, Sommer looked at her feet. “I’m sorry, Caleb, but I think it’s for the best. You have your life to get on with and I have mine. We can’t do this anymore. Besides, my—my parents are getting suspicious about the two of us, and I can’t keep putting off their questions.”

  His eyes narrowed. “So, you’re breaking this off because you’re worried about what your folks would say, or is it really because you’re bored with this as you so delicately put it?”

  Sommer tried to pull away from him, but his fingers tightened on her shoulders, digging into her flesh. His nostrils flared and she could tell he was pissed. She honestly didn’t think he’d take it this way. As a matter of fact, she was sure he’d be relieved that she was ending things to save him the trouble.

  “I’m not sure why you’re so upset, Caleb. You’re the one who’s into casual affairs. I’m simply playing by your rules. As for my parents, I think it would be kind of awkward explaining to them about us when there really is no us.”

  “I see. You’ve got this all figured out, don’t you? Now that you’ve had your say, do I get mine?”

  “I-I’m not sure what’s left to say.”

  “I’m not sure if there are any words to describe what’s going through my mind right now, but if you’re feeling bored about our sex life, then I guess there’s something I should do to rectify that.”

  She stiffened, recognizing that determined gleam in his eyes. It was the same looked he’d given Sommer at her shop when he’d first made her aware of his lust for her. Shaking her head vigorously, she renewed the struggle in his arms. “No, Caleb.”

  “Yes, Sommer. Have you any idea what it does to a man to be told he’s boring in bed? Well, if you want to end things between us, let me at least give you a little something more to remember me by.” He scooped her up in his arms as if she weighed nothing more than a feather. Despite her kicking and wiggling, Caleb held her steady.

  Sommer knew from the angry determined look in his eyes that she’d said the wrong thing. It had been her intent to be casual about the entire matter, not to inflict pain. She was sure the only person who would be hurt by the end of this would be her and that she would only have herself to blame.

  Chapter Nine

  Instead of carrying her to the bedroom as she anticipated, he stopped at the dining room table and deposited her back on her feet. Sommer had seen Caleb angry before, but it had never been directed at her. “Please, Caleb, let’s be reasonable about this,” she pleaded.

  “I am being reasonable. In fact, I think for the first time in the past few months, things are finally clear.”


  He ground his teeth together, making the muscle along his jaw twitch in his fury. “Not another word.” His hands were on her blouse, pulling it apart, unmindful of the buttons flying everywhere.

  She clasped his hands to stop him, but the quelling look he shot her had them falling back to her sides again. Even when he was like this, her body responded to his nearness. Her nipples pressed against the confines of her bra, straining to be free. Something primitive within her welcomed his savagery.

  Large, ham-sized hands turned her around to face the table before he unclipped her bra, spilling her breasts forward as he tugged the garment from her body. Instead of turning her back around, he bent her over the table and placed her hands on either side of her, fingers splayed against the wood.

  Fear and excitement rushed through her. What was he doing to her? Did she dare ask, or just let him have his way with her. This one last time couldn’t hurt.

  Caleb reached around to cup her breasts, squeezing and kneading them in his palms none too gently. He pinched her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.


  Sommer gasped as pleasure mixed with pain raced down her spine. She had the sudden urge to keep his hands clasped against her body, but something told her to hold her position.

  “You’re so fucking hot, Sommer. I’ve thought of nothing all day but sampling your tight little body. You want this too, don’t you?”

  She closed her eyes tight and nodded. “Yes.”

  “I know you do, baby. Your body is trembling for me.” He released her breasts as suddenly as he grabbed them, before pushing her further against the table until her sensitive mounds were pressed against the polished wood. Sommer didn’t know how much more of this sexual torture she could take before she collapsed into a pile of quivering nerves. Seeing this side of Caleb was frightening, but dammit, what he was doing to her felt good.

  “I’m glad you’re wearing a skirt so I can do this,” he growled, lifting it to rest on her waist and then ripping off her bikini briefs in one clean tear. His voice was guttural and deep with arousal. He grasped her hips and pulled her rear against the length of his erection. Even with his pants on, she could tell how impossibly hard he was as he ground into her, making her dizzy with passion.

  Her breath came out in short huffy gasps. “Caleb, I—I,”


  The sting of his hand on her bottom didn’t register at first because she was too shocked to react.

  He lowered his head until his lips were less than an inch away from her ear. “I said not a word, Sommer. You will do as I say or I will paddle this delectable rump of yours until you can’t sit for a week.”

  Her mouth fell open. Since they’d become lovers, there had been nights when Caleb got a little rough, but he’d never displayed such forcefulness and the tenderness had never been absent from their lovemaking before.

  “Caleb, you’ve proved your point. It doesn’t have to be—”


  His palm smacked her other cheek.

  “Oww,” she cried out, wondering what kind of woman she was to be turned on by this despite the pain.

  “Would you like to test me again?”

  She shook her head, not trusting herself to speak.

  “Good girl.” He smoothed the heated flesh he’d struck with his palm. “There’s no point in pretending you don’t want this as well, Sommer. Your pussy is so fucking wet, you’re dripping juice down your thighs, aren’t you? You’re hungry for my cock, and I intend to give it to you.” Caleb pressed the heel of his hand against the curve of her ass and pushed two thick fingers inside her pussy.

  “Oh!” she cried, before biting her bottom lip to hold off any more words.

  “Is this exciting enough for you, Sommer? Is this what you wanted? Does this turn you on?”

  She nodded.

  He shoved yet another finger into her damp passage, stretching her pussy walls to its limits, making the hurt feel so good. “Your cunt is so tight and so ready to be fucked. Do you want my cock?”

  Again she nodded her head in the affirmative.

  “You have my permission to speak. Tell me you want my cock. Say, Caleb, my cunt wants your cock.”

  He was punishing her for what she’d said earlier. She was by no means a prude, but he knew she wasn’t comfortable with these words Caleb was getting his pound of flesh by making her speak the graphic terms that would have normally made her blush.


  “I’m waiting, Sommer.”

  “Don’t make me say it, Caleb.”


  His hand came down harder than before. Tears stung the back of her eyes, the result of pain, but the way her body still reacted to him despite the humiliation he was inflicting upon her tore at her heart. This wasn’t the Caleb she loved. This was a cold stranger, but damn if he didn’t make her body still burst into flames.

  “My cunt wants your cock,” she whispered.

  He rammed his fingers deeper into her wet sex. “Louder, goddamn you! I don’t want either one of us to be in any doubt about you being bored.”

  “I’m sorry,” she croaked
, the tears streaming down her face, yet her pussy clenched greedily around his fingers pulsing in and out of her.

  “I don’t want your fucking apology, Sommer. I want you to come for me, over and over again. Now say the goddamn words again! Scream them!” He slapped her ass yet again.

  “My cunt wants your cock!” She cried out, her shame complete.

  Caleb chuckled as he eased his fingers out of her. He pressed his bulbous cock head against her slit, running it along her entrance, teasing her. “And you’re going to get it, baby. Every inch of it.”

  Sommer wiggled her hips, silently begging for its invasion, needing desperately to be taken by him. How could she still feel this way when Caleb was intentionally treating her like a whore? The answer suddenly came to her. No matter how he handled her, Sommer’s body was so in tune with his, she couldn’t help but go into flames at his mere touch.

  He plunged into her damp heat, sliding balls deep and inhaling deeply. “So tight. So wet,” Caleb groaned.

  “Oh, my God,” she cried out with delirium at the exquisite sensation of her vaginal walls being stretched to their limits. Sommer pushed her rear against his pelvis, wanting to feel him move inside of her.

  “He can’t help you now, Sommer.” Caleb grasped her hips, his fingers digging into her already tender flesh. He then began to pump in and out of her, slowly at first, and then gradually he picked up the pace.

  Fire licked along her nerve endings and spread through her entire body. The heat generated by her body was threatening to consume them both. Caleb thrust into her with wild abandon, pulling his cock out to its head and then slamming back into her.

  “Scream my name, Sommer. I want there to be no doubt in your mind who’s doing this to you.”

  “Caleb! Oh, Caleb!” She braced her upper body against the table, her nails clawing into the varnish. Her knees felt like they’d give out any second, but he continued to ram into her like a man possessed. And she loved every second of it.


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