Honey, Honey: The Cairn Series

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Honey, Honey: The Cairn Series Page 14

by Rebel Carter

  A forest green bedding that made me think of relaxation and indulgence. I reached out a hand, smoothing it over the impossibly soft bedding that would, if I had my way, see a fair share of action.

  “This is fucking awesome.”

  To the left of the bed was a heavy desk that looked as antique as the rest of the room. But even from where I stood I could see the glint of an electronics hub peaking out at the side. It was meant for work. Not work that I did, but the kind of work someone who stayed in a golden room might do. I dropped my bag onto the seat in front of the desk and kept walking, through an archway and into a chef quality kitchen and dining room.

  I clapped my hands excitedly at the sight of it. I opened the fridge and was hit with another wave of surprise when I saw it was fully stocked with food and drink. I reached in and pulled out a bottle of sparkling water and took a deep drink, enjoying the quiet of the rooms. I turned, seeing that glass lined this room treating me to a stellar view. It was beautiful now with the sun setting and coloring the room in hues of pink and gold. This was exactly what I needed. I reached back into the fridge and grabbed what looked like a fruit platter. I spied strawberries, blueberries, pomegranate seeds and kiwi slices all artfully arranged on a golden plate.

  Who the fuck kept a whole fruit platter on hand just in case someone stayed in a room? Who kept a whole stocked fridge for that matter, on the off chance a guest might stay?

  Zeus. That’s who.

  The contents of the fridge were easily more than I ate in a week. I was frugal with my purchases, buying in bulk, shopping in season and locally as much as I could in the weekend markets, and I cooked at home the majority of the time. I licked my lips, mouth watering at the sight of the fresh fruits arranged on the plate I held. It was beautiful, the dull golden gleam of the platter shone in the light of the sunset. I looked up from the plate and my mouth fell open when I saw that the windows lining the room were not just windows, but doors. I walked forward seeing handles on each windowed door and saw that they could be folded open to create a roomy balcony.

  “Holy shit, yes,” I murmured, making a beeline for the doors, sparkling water in one hand, my fruit platter in the other. There was a chaise lounge out on the balcony centered in a space that looked made to relax. It would be chilly with the rain from the day before but it could be freezing and I would have still spent my afternoon on the balcony. I toed off my shoes on the way and made myself at home. Whatever I was going to pay for this night of luxury, it was probably going to be a lot, so I might as well make myself at home. Zeus always collected, and I wasn’t naive enough to believe my little slice of paradise would come at no cost. I would pay for this luxury down to the pomegranate seed, but I couldn’t think of any better way to rack up a debt to Zeus than on a balcony in Tribeca treating myself at sunset.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in…”

  “That’s a terrible saying, Connie.”

  She lifted one delicate shoulder in a shrug with a sunny smile. “A lot of things are terrible sayings, but that doesn’t make them any less true.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her but said nothing, walking across the anteroom to her desk. “I’m glad you’re in a good mood,” I said. Connie was...lighter somehow. She was a calm and collected woman, but I knew she was prone to severity. I’d seen her joke and smile, been on the receiving end of both from time to time, but Connie was usually business. If she was making use of bad sayings and smiling at me there was a reason.

  “What can I say? I woke up on the right side of the bed today.”

  “There’s a reason. What is it?” I asked without disguising my curiosity. There was no need to hide anything from an old friend like Connie, and even if I tried she would figure me out if she had the motivation to do so. And besides, I had fuck all to hide here. The Cairn was one of the few places I let my guard down, and Connie was chief among those that I chose to be myself with.

  If I was curious about her good mood there was no point in hiding it.

  Connie leaned back in her chair, a huge monstrosity of angles and iron that I knew she would claim was avant-garde but just looked...uncomfortable. She somehow sat as unbothered and serene as any one had the right to. She shifted, one hand going to the iron armrest and drummed a red painted nail against the metal with a light tap.

  “Oh, maybe because a person of interest has checked in. You know how I have my favorites.”

  “Is that so?”

  She nodded. “Well, she’s a favorite of mine but she’s caught Zeus’ eye. So you know how that goes.”

  My eyebrows went up. “Zeus?” I asked, unable to hide the surprise in my voice. “I thought he was just a front to keep the masses in line.”

  “A front? Like he isn’t real?” She asked, and I knew it was time to hide a little something from Connie. When Zeus came into play, there was always something to hide even when it came to a man like me. I was no fool.

  “Never really crossed my mind that he was real,” I lied.

  She smirked. “Now why would you think he isn’t real?”

  “No one has ever seen him, that’s why.”

  “Oh, plenty of people have seen him. But they’re all smart and follow directions like good boys and girls.” She rose from her seat and motioned for me to follow her. “This way, Law. I’ve got your rooms ready.” She was clearly done with our conversation.


  Who the fuck had ever seen Zeus? The club had been around since the 80’s and I’d heard Zeus had never been spotted, even though this was his domain. It was a classic mob move. Keep the King hidden while the pawns kill themselves to gain clout, lose their real momentum to small wins and petty ploys that wouldn’t get them a damn place while they convinced themselves they were real players. The King would watch it all unfold from a safe distance while his people took care of the day-to-day.

  It was a game of strategy. One that was only successful with the right people working for him and I knew Zeus had that in spades. He had Connie, for one. The woman was formidable, smart and capable. She was more than enough to keep the idea of Zeus alive and looming over the club members. She was the perfect person to serve as a reminder of the absentee king none of us had ever seen or heard from.

  “You know, come to think of it...you might like our VIP as well. She’s a sweet thing.” Connie was still walking ahead of me, not bothering to see if I was following, so I let my face show my surprise at her words.

  “Who are you talking about?”

  “Now, if I told you that would ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it?”

  I shrugged. “Depends. You know how I feel about surprises.”

  She laughed and pushed open a set of doors leading me down a hall I knew well enough. It was the wing I normally stayed in. All the doors here were a dull gold color, these were the rooms reserved for only the most connected of members. The utter lap of luxury available with full service and the power of the Cairn’s own concierge to make your every whim possible. I saw the room I normally stayed in come into view and began to automatically slow but Connie did not. She kept right on walking as if she hadn’t noticed a thing, but I knew she had clocked my slowed steps when she spoke.

  “We have a very important guest in that room this weekend.”

  “Oh, is that so?”

  “Yes,” she said, glancing at me over her shoulder then, “but don’t you worry, we have a beautiful room waiting for you.”

  “Even though I’m not as important as the ‘very important guest’?” I asked, giving her a wry smile.

  “Zeus does have his favorites, but you will always be one of mine,” she told me.

  I chuckled and nodded at her. “Then that’s all that really matters. I don’t know Zeus.”

  “There are others who would give anything to have his favor.”

  I shrugged, making a show of looking nonchalant. “I play by his rules and respect his world,” I gesture
d out at the hallway and the golden doors we were still walking past, “I know my place here. Respect the order and him. I think that’s enough for a man like Zeus.”

  She hummed. “It is. He’s very fond of order.”

  “I understand that.” It was true. I did. Order ruled supreme in my world because order bought you peace. Peace I valued above all things.

  “This is your room,” she said, stopping at a door and holding out a key to me. “We have no planned events for tonight, but there may be an exhibition once I hear from the couple that was set to debut. I’ll have dinner sent for you within the hour.”

  I took the key from her, nodding my thanks. “Thank you, Connie.”

  “Always a pleasure, Law.” She made to move away but stopped and gave me a considering look.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’ll introduce you to the person in your room tonight. I have a feeling you’ll both be...suited.” The way she said suited made my stomach tighten. She had an eye for the types of subs that I favored. If Connie thought we would be a good match, chances were that she was right. “Would you like that?” she asked.

  “I think we both know the answer to that,” I said, opting to let her make her own inferences from my answer. The truth was I was suspicious. Why would she want me to meet this guest? Why would she be thanking me? That screamed set up. I’d worked for the mob for years. I knew a set up when one was shoved down my throat.

  Connie’s eyes glittered, but she didn’t call me on my answer. Instead, she grinned. “Right then. Enjoy yourself and I’ll make introductions after I’ve made sure she’s settled in.”

  “Thank you,” I said again and Connie waved me off.

  “Don’t thank me. You’re the perfect little treat for our guest of honor tonight. It’ll be me who’s thanking you by the end of the night.” She wiggled her fingers in farewell and turned on her spike heel. “Catch you later, Law.”

  I smiled but said nothing, just turned and entered my room. She had my curiosity working overtime. “A gift, huh?” I mused, entering the suite and shutting the door behind me. I glanced around, barely registering the details of this suite. Exposed brick and dark wood floors were the bones of this one. A large bed with white comforters and pillows took up the center of the room which was a far departure from the suite I normally stayed in. That suite was built for the comfort of a stay. It was meant to be lingered in and enjoyed, but this one seemed to be about functionality. There were no frills to it even if everything in it was luxe and tasteful. The walls that weren’t brick were wallpapered dark grey with a raised brocade pattern. There was art on the walls, all of it oversized and bold. Studies in the Chiaroscuro style of art that heightened the dramatic focus of the room.

  The focus on the big, fluffy white bed that looked like a damn cloud sitting in the middle of all of this darkness.

  I turned my head, walking further into the room to see a room to the left, and glimpsed a shower head through the open doorway. So that was the bathroom which meant the other doorway that was currently shut would be the kitchen or dining room. I dropped my bag on the floor and started for the bed, pulling out my phone when a work email pinged through. The email would be a good distraction from the inkling of apprehension that was settling into my belly like acid.

  The details of the room weren't important to me, but what the room said was. And it wasn’t just speaking, it was practically screaming bloody murder at me.

  If the focus was the bed, which from where I was now standing beside, it was one hell of a bed. I dragged a finger over the top of the comforter and then tested out a pillow. The comforters and sheets were all made of the finest material. Plush and buttery soft to the touch. It would be a dream for anyone that spent the night in it.

  You’re the perfect little treat for our guest of honor tonight.

  Very fucking interesting, Connie.

  What the hell was she up to? This room was little more than a space to play, to explore the limits and boundaries of a new play partner Connie clearly thought a lot of. Not just Connie, but Zeus. Why the hell were the two of them offering me up to someone?

  I felt a wave of unease hit me. They were serving me up on a silver platter to a sub, and that didn’t sit well with me. There were reasons they might do this, the biggest among them that they owed the sub something. A debt to be paid, some score they wanted to settle, and Connie had decided I would work as payment. I sighed and took a seat on the bed, fingers tight on my phone. I had pulled up a work email to scan through. Work was a good way to relax, it made sense to me, there was order to be found in the figures and deadlines that waited on me.

  But this?

  There was no order here. Not anymore. I’d come to the club to unwind. My night with Honey had left me so keyed up that I was going to be nothing short of a monster in the office on Monday if I didn’t find a way to let some of the tension that settled into my bones out. I needed someone who understood my needs. A submissive that could hold my attention long enough for me to forget about Honey.

  If I didn’t I’d run the risk of ending up on her fucking doorstep by Saturday night. Worry, unfamiliar and powerful settled over me washing away the stress Connie and Zeus’ meddling had stirred up. What if Honey didn’t let me in? I had left her sitting with my goddamn spit and her own cream on her thighs without so much as offering to help clean her up.

  I didn’t leave women like that.

  Not ever.

  And now there was a woman I wanted, well and truly wanted, and I had walked out like a piece of shit.

  “God fucking dammit,” I growled out, tossing my phone to the side. There wasn’t going to be any work getting done tonight. If I stayed tonight I was going to have to suck it the fuck up, grit my teeth and see what Connie and Zeus had up their sleeve.

  We have a very important guest in that room this weekend.

  Don’t thank me. You’re the perfect little treat for our guest of honor tonight. It’ll be me who’s thanking you by the end of the night.

  My mind raced. I turned over Connie’s words and stood from the bed to pace around the room. Who the fuck was that important? Why would they want me? Not only that, but why would Zeus and Connie be thanking me for it? I wasn’t an idiot. I’d caught that little admission. An admission I knew was meant to butter me up.

  In this world, a favor from Connie and Zeus was like winning a golden ticket.

  I’d be a fool not to take it.

  That didn’t mean it didn’t come without risk. I had known Connie for years, considered her a friend and was comfortable enough to trust her with who I truly was, but that didn’t negate the fact that I understood the games she played, or that her loyalties were to Zeus first.

  Anyone else came second to Connie. It had always been that way. Always would be. If he’d taken a shine to someone and I had been brought into the game it was for a reason. I pulled off my suit jacket and walked to the closet beside the bathroom and hung it up. I was undoing my tie, thinking over the plausible reasons I’d been dragged into this mess when there was a rap at the door.

  A spike of adrenaline shot through my body at the sound. What the fuck was this? I stalked towards the door, not quite ready for games no matter who was playing them. If it was something from Zeus or Connie, or even had a whiff of having to do with their VIP sub, then I was checking out. I’d been here all of half an hour and I was already more tense than when I had arrived.

  Golden ticket or not, I was not going to be toyed with from the get go. At least let a man relax, shake the dust off himself. I reached the door and opened it with a jerk, fully ready to tell Connie I was done for the night, but there wasn’t a person in sight. Only a cart with a tray topped with a golden cover, a bottle of whiskey, ice bucket and a glass sat on top of the cart.

  Dinner. That’s right. Connie had said she would have it sent up. I’d forgotten that with how wrapped up in my head I’d been. I relaxed slightly and pulled the cart in with one hand while I shut the door with
the other. It was when I had the cart in the room that I saw a single sheet beside the bottle of whiskey. It was folded crisply in half, the ends of it held down by the bottle.

  LAW was written across the top in a slash of ink, as if there would be any mistake of who the letter was meant for seeing as how it was delivered right to my door.

  I let out a sigh and decided to pour myself a drink before I opened the letter. Leaving the club was still on the table for me, but the letter was feeding into one massive flaw that I had always suffered from.


  Connie knew exactly what she was doing. Knew that I was probably considering leaving the Cairn. I wasn’t one to be played with, preferring to set the terms. And while that was my world outside of the club—it was not my reality here. The well timed delivery of dinner accompanied by the note was Connie’s chess move to keep me exactly where she wanted me. I opened the bottle of whiskey and poured myself two fingers worth, adding ice to it before I picked up the letter. I stared down at the paper, it was heavy cardstock and I rubbed my thumb along the top of it for a second before I took a healthy swallow of my whiskey and opened the letter.

  Law, it began in Connie’s familiar handwriting.

  The submissive you will meet tonight is under Zeus’ protection.

  “Fucking hell.” I was right, there was a larger plan in motion tonight. This was not simply about a VIP’s visit. But still. Why me?

  You are truly the only Dominant in the club tonight to be trusted with her. You will be introduced in confidence by myself. Trust that I understand your tastes and she will be precisely your flavor. I have no doubt the pair of you will enjoy yourselves tonight.

  I felt a prickle of irritation wake up in me. Had the submissive picked me out? Was this Zeus fucking hand delivering me to a submissive because I’d caught her eye? I didn’t like the thought and took another deep drink from my whiskey, the ice tinkling in the glass when I set it down on the cart with a thud.


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