Honey, Honey: The Cairn Series

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Honey, Honey: The Cairn Series Page 23

by Rebel Carter

  “What do you mean nothing important? You left him staring after us like--like,” I threw out my hands, “like he was terrified. That can’t be from something not important.”

  He crossed the room to the fireplace and considered it for a moment before reaching out and taking the tinderbox in hand. “It’s not important because that prick isn’t important. We are not speaking of him again tonight.”

  I bit my lip and then nodded, because the last thing I wanted to do was bring up Christian. “Fine,” I conceded, “but later?”

  Law glanced at me over his shoulder. He was crouched in front of the fire, his hands busy with the tinderbox, “Later, we can if you still want to.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Of course, princess.”

  The familiar glow of pleasure I got when he called me that bloomed into being and I shifted nervously from foot to foot. “I like it when you call me that,” I said, stating the obvious.

  “I know. Now get in bed.”

  I rolled my eyes at him because he was back to domineering, but I did want to get in bed so I did what I was told. “Don’t take too long.”

  Law hummed, but he didn’t say anything as he worked at the fire. I settled back against the plush pillows and comforter of the bed, pulling the blankets high, up to my chin, and enjoyed the sight of Law doing something domestic. It was doing wonders for my libido, and I knew if I saw the damn man wash a single dish I was going to want to rip his clothes off. When he stood and turned towards me, I was turned on. He stalked across the room towards me, hands already undoing the buttons of his shirt. He tossed it over the back of the velvet settee in the center of the room and then continued towards me.

  “I normally stay in this room,” he told me, taking off his shoes when he was at the foot of the bed.


  “Yes, Connie told me there was a VIP in it this weekend though. I see she was right.”

  I giggled. “She was up to something from the beginning. She knew you’d end up here.”

  “Whether she did or she didn’t isn’t important really, but I am glad that you have this suite. It’s comfortable.”

  “There’s cake already in the fridge too,” I said pointing at the door that led to the kitchen. “I forgot earlier when you said I couldn’t have sweets.”

  “I said not just sweets,” he reminded me and braced a hand on the bed as he looked me over. “Now, do you remember the three things I told you I would do once I had you back here?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “What were they?”

  “You said,” I licked my lips and paused before I told him, “you said, you would fuck me, feed me and put me to bed.”

  “You’re already in bed, so this order isn’t quite what I wanted, but it’ll do. There are two more on that list now to be done, princess. I think you know what’s on my mind, but what do you want?”

  That was too easy to answer.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  Law’s eyes darkened and the smile he aimed at me was soft and sweet as anything I’d seen in my life. I think it was easily the softest thing I’d ever seen in the city. New York was a place not prone to soft or kind, but it did have its beauty. And when it offered that beauty it was rare and precious.

  Law was the most precious thing I had ever been offered by New York.

  “I want you to fuck me, Daddy.”

  He came forward then, moving close until he was beside me and I breathed in deep, taking in his scent with a barely restrained moan of happiness. He smelled like sage and sandalwood, warm, clean and woodsy. “Remember your safe word, princess,” he said, reaching out and tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

  “Yes, sir.”

  He cupped my face for a second before he moved in and kissed me. The kiss was slow and gentle, the mirror of the smile I’d been so transfixed by, and when I opened my mouth to him he deepened it, taking my mouth with a groan. I reached for him, hands burying in his hair, fingers twisting in the strands as I pulled him closer to me. Law’s tongue moved along my bottom lip, tasting me before it met mine. His arms wrapped tight around me and he pulled me up and into his lap, the sides of my robe falling open and baring my breasts to him. Law broke our kiss, leaning back to look at me, his blue eyes moving slowly over my face.

  The hand at my face moved, fingers lightly skimming my cheek before gently cupping it. My eyes closed and I leaned into his hand, turning my head when Law bent forward to whisper in my ear. “This is how I’m going to do it, princess.”

  I licked my bottom lip, eyes still closed, my body sinking further into Law’s hold with each and every second he described what he was going to do to me. Each and every word setting my body on fire. The lust Law inspired in me growing and taking root, until all I could think of was touching him.

  “I’m going to tie you down,” he told me, rough fingers tensing on my jaw. He turned his head and his lips brushed against the shell of my ear. I shivered, breath starting to come quicker with the thrill of excitement moving through me. “Your sweet body open and ready for me to do what I want with it.”

  I leaned forward and rested my forehead against him, just at the curve where his neck and shoulder met. “Where?” I whispered, breath catching. “Where are you going to tie me down?” I asked, pressing my palms flat against his broad shoulders.

  “The bed, to the corners. I want tie you down and touch every fucking part of you before I fuck you.” The arm around my waist tightened with his words, the crook of it pressed to the small of my back, arching my back and forcing me closer to him. “I want to worship you. Are you going to let me do that?”

  I sucked in a breath at the tantalizing image. I could see it now, my hands tied down, above my head, Law’s big body moving over mine, mouth, tongue and hands covering me from head to toe. “I want that.”

  “I know,” he said, voice all sugared confidence that made my clit ache. “And I have a surprise for you.”

  I opened my eyes and sat up straighter, lifting my head from his shoulder. “A surprise?”

  “The flogger, princess.”

  My fingers tensed on his shoulders, breath leaving my body in a whoosh and the ache in my clit turned into an all out sweet throbbing. “I want that too,” I told him.

  “I know, princess.” His lips turned up in a grin. “It was all over your face in the Great Room. I know you want me to use it on you. You crave the bite of the leather on your skin, don’t you?”

  I nodded. “Yes, but…” My voice trailed off and I raised my eyes to meet Law’s gaze. He was watching me closely, and when I bit my lip instead of answering him he gave my thigh a squeeze. The dig of his fingers into my skin had my attention, so did the underlying growl I heard in his voice when he asked, “But what?”

  “I want it from you. It wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t you holding the flogger,” I told him. Law’s hand on my thigh tightened, fingers pressing harder and I bit my lip. I shifted, pushing my hips closer to him, and dropped a hand to lay over the hand at my thigh. “I want your marks on my skin. Your cock in my pussy.”

  “Princess,” Law growled. He leaned in, claiming my mouth with a kiss, and when he pulled back I knew it was time. His back was drawn up, spine tall and muscles coiled and ready like a notched arrow in a bow ready to be let loose. Hi blue eyes showed no hint of the man that laughed for me. Instead, there was an intense focus that told me he was ready to go forward, but he wouldn’t. Not before I told him I was ready.

  I took in a deep inhalation and let it out, shoulders rising and falling, my breath warm and fanning against his tattooed skin. “I’m ready, Daddy.”

  The change was instantaneous. Law’s hands on my body began to move and he lifted me up again, drawing himself up onto his knees, our bodies pressing together for a moment before he was forcing me back onto the bed.

  “I want you on your back. Arms above your head, feet pointed towards the corners of the bed. Now.”

  I went b
ack but I took my sweet time, the slow exaggerated movements eating up precious seconds while Law moved off the bed. He came to stand beside the bed and cross his arms, watching me slowly shift into place.

  “You’re taking too long, princess.”

  I smirked at him, enjoying being at the center of Law’s world. When we were like this nothing and no one else existed. Not for either of us. This was our world. The room, the bed, the limit and span of our bodies and the space between us.

  This was it.

  It was all that we needed.

  Law tilted his head to the side, watching me with a slightly pinched look on his face. A look that only got me going, the excitement I was feeling spreading through my body until I felt dizzy from it.

  “Only good girls get surprises, and you do want your surprise don’t you?” he asked. “Don’t make me take it away.”

  I went onto my back when he threatened that. I did want my surprise, and I did absolutely want to be Law’s good girl. Even if I liked pretending that I didn’t. “Fine,” I muttered with a toss of my head. Law came around the bed then, hands deftly pulling out padded leather cuffs I hadn’t known were there. The cuffs were attached to soft leather straps at each corner of the bed and he secured my wrist, buckling them into the cuffs, testing the tension, tightness and pull of the cuffs at each corner as he went.

  “Are you comfortable?”

  I gave the cuffs a pull and nodded, settling into the bed. “Yes.”

  Law left the bed then and went to a chest a few feet away. It was against the wall leading into the bathroom and when he bent over it, opening it, I raised my eyes to the ceiling. My heart was pounding from the anticipation of what was to come. Adrenaline flooded my system so forcefully it was nearly painful, and I worked to keep my breath even and steady. By the time Law returned to the bed, I was squirming, eyes trained on the ceiling and doing my best to be patient.

  “Hurry up,” I begged. “Hurry up.”

  I was failing at patience.

  Law tutted but made no move to speed up his movements. Something that brought me no end of frustration and I communicated this to him with a kick of my restrained foot. I opened my mouth to throw sass but a well timed smack of the leather flogger against the bottom of my foot had me gasping, the sass forgotten.

  “Watch your tone. And where are your manners? What did I say about good girls?” He asked, punctuating his question with another smack of the flogger.

  My toes curled at the contact. “Hurry up,” I said, unable to resist another chance to poke at him. Indulging my bratty side, finding his boundaries and learning where those edges fit with my own was all indulgence. It was, well it was fucking fun. “Please,” I added hastily when I saw the flogger in his hand rise again but it was too late, and this time he brought it down on the side of my foot. The sting of it had me blurting out another quick, “Please, please, hurry up, Daddy.”

  “You’re a little too late with the manners, princess. Now you have to pay.”

  “But I-”

  “Now,” he swung the flogger, the bite of it hitting above my ankle, “You,” again another strike, this one on my calf, “Pay,” he said, each word punctuated by another flick of leather against my skin.

  I sucked in a breath, lungs seizing at the contact of leather to flushed skin. “Daddy!” His hand sliced forward, this time the flogger hit right above my pussy, the edges of it flirting with my inner thigh and I moaned. “Daddy.”

  “You look like you’re going to be a good girl for me now. Is that right, princess?” He struck again, my sides this time, and I knew I would have welts there. He was bringing the flogger down with more force now. I knew why. No one would see these marks, not with a shirt covering them. These were just for us.

  “Yes,” I moaned, when the leather tickled the underside of my breast. “Yes!” I cried, leather kissing my nipple, first on one breast and then the other.

  “That’s my sweet girl.” He dragged the flogger slowly between my breasts, the soft leather tip of it trailing over my skin before it gently rounded the side of my breast. “You are my sweet girl, aren’t you?” He asked, pausing, the flogger pressed to my skin but not moving.

  I took in a shaky breath, my chest rising and falling quickly. “Yes, Daddy. I’m your good girl.” Law hummed and quick as lighting the flogger moved again, the stinging strike of it coloring my sensitive skin pink. I gasped, back arching and hands pulling at the cuffs.

  “Next time I’m going to blindfold you,” he said, conversationally, as if he weren’t taking me in hand with the flogger. As if I wasn’t bound to the bed and shaking with desire and need for his cock, the welts on my skin already flashing an angry red and making my flesh feel both overstimulated and starved at the same time. I wanted his hands on me. I needed his touch. His weight bearing down and grounding me in this moment. If I didn’t get that I would fly apart and into a thousand breakable pieces.

  “I need you, I need-”

  Law cut me off, the leather of the flogger moving to press against my jaw. He angled my head back to look up at him and I almost came from the sight of him. He was shirtless, just like in my daydream. A slight sheen of sweat glistened on his muscles, the flogger in his hand looking as lethal as any sword. The flowing lines of his tattoos made him beautiful like a fallen angel.

  “What did I say about manners?” He asked, forcing my head back further with a flick of his wrist. His flogger dug into my flesh. “Use your words, princess.”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I whispered and tugged on the cuffs. “I’m sorry but, I need you.”

  “Then ask for me.”

  I swallowed hard, my throat moving against the hard leather still pressed against me. “I need you, Daddy, please,” I began. “I want you inside of me. I need your big daddy cock filling me up. Please fuck me.” My words were needy, my voice shaking and breathy and I pulled at my restraints as I spoke, my limbs unable to stay still with Law’s gaze on me. The man’s eyes were too much, those blues the color of a roiling sea storm about to break land. I hoped Law broke me. I needed him to.

  “Fuck me, Daddy,” I husked out. “Please.”

  Law stepped closer, the flogger sliding out from under my chin as he did. He dropped it beside the bed, the clatter of it hitting the hardwood deafening and he touched my chest, a light touch that soothed my sensitive skin.

  “Since you asked so nicely, princess, Daddy will give you what you want.” He pressed his palm flat to my chest, fingers possessively splayed out against my skin. He leaned down and kissed me, his mouth hard against mine and he was gone before I could return it. I mewled in annoyance, but he tsk’d and tweaked my nipple in response. “Patience,” he said, undoing his pants and letting them slide down his thighs. My mouth went dry when I saw he hadn’t bothered with his briefs. I liked him bare and ready, his fat cock heavy against his thigh, the head of it dripping with pre-cum I wanted to taste.

  I licked my lips, eyes on his cock and Law made a sound that was a mix of amusement and arousal. “You’re a greedy little slut.”

  I nodded. “Only for you.”

  He kissed me again, a hand moving to slide up and down his hardening dick. I moaned into our kiss, tongue sliding hungrily against his while I kept my eyes fixed on where his hand was, still working his dick. Up and down, up and down, his hand slid and my clit throbbed in time with the movements. I nipped his bottom lip when he made no move to get onto the bed.

  Law pulled back, breaking our kiss. “Naughty girl.”

  “I want you. You said I could-”

  “I should make you wait now,” he grumbled, but he was moving away and towards the bed table as he spoke, “I should make my dirty princess watch her Daddy’s dick,” he slid his hand up and circled the head of his cock with his fingers, making me groan, “make you watch him get off and cum all over your beautiful body.”

  “No, please,” I begged, though there was no real steel to the plea. If Law wanted to make me watch him please himself, wante
d to cover me in cum from my tits to my toes, I’d let him. I would want and love every fucking second of it and beg him for more still.

  He pulled a condom on and my heart sang. He wouldn't make me wait.

  “I ought to cover your tits in my cum, mark you up after,” he went on, rolling the condom on as he spoke, “Daddy shouldn’t give you a fucking fat inch until you are crying for it.”

  “Daddy,” I whined, “please don’t.”

  I was breathing faster now, my breasts rising and falling in little hikes that had Law’s eyes on them. My nipples beaded and hardened under his attention and I squirmed, my feet pulling at where they were restrained. I needed him so badly I could barely fucking breathe. My cunt was wet and slick, my arousal making the sheets damp beneath me and I knew this bed was going to be fucking ruined after we were done.

  Whatever. Zeus could fucking clean it up.

  He came back to the bed and stood there, his dick hard, fully erect and proud. I pushed my hips up as best I could, eager for him, but I didn’t get very far before he put a hand over my pussy and pushed me down onto the bed.

  “Patience, princess,” he said, hand warm and heavy against my flesh. He slid a finger through my folds, getting it wet in my slick and I closed my eyes, a sigh of relief escaping my lips.


  “That’s it. That’s my good girl.” Law slipped his finger inside of me and then another, before he started to pump them in and out. I lifted my hips eagerly, adding a little extra punch to his fingers and he hummed in approval. “That’s it. Fuck yourself on my fingers.” He pressed his palm to my clit, grinding it down as I sped up my movements and I moaned at the friction, but it wasn't enough. I wanted more.

  “Daddy, more, I need more.” I arched my back, fingers curling around the leather strap of the cuffs. “Please, please, please,” I chanted in time with his fingers fucking into me. If he didn’t give me his dick soon I didn’t know what I was going to do. I ground my hips onto his hand and moaned again. I opened my eyes when I felt him get onto the bed.

  “Yes,” I whispered, watching him as he moved his body. He was above me now, hips between mine, one hand supporting himself while he continued to finger fuck me with his other. I looked down, watching him position himself behind his hand and I held my breath, my hips never stopping taking Law’s fingers. It was so close but not, god why was he making me wait? But then he was moving, sliding his fingers out of me, which caused me to groan in frustration at the loss of him. But then...then he was giving me his beautiful dick.


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