by T L Swan
She rubs her eyes. “Oh, okay.” She gets up and drags herself to the bathroom, and I follow and take her into my arms.
“Where’s my good morning kiss from my wife, anyway?” I kiss her softly.
She sleepily smiles up at me and I feel my heart constrict. “Your wife is a snarky bitch when she’s tired, Ben. You should stay away from her for your own protection.”
“Don’t insult my wife, she’s perfect.” I smile as I kiss her again.
She frowns. “You’re saying wife a lot today.”
“I’m liking the sound of the word wife.”
She bites her bottom lip as she slides her hands down to my behind. “Would you like to have honeymoon-shower sex now?” she purrs.
I chuckle. She kills me. “No, I would not. We’ve got to go.”
She frowns as she pulls from my arms and turns the shower on. “You’re annoying when you be all logical and shit, Ben.”
My eyes dance with delight as I watch her undress.
She curls her lip. “What’s that look?”
“There she is.”
“There who is? Speak English,” she snaps.
“My tired, snarky wench.”
She glares at me. “Don’t push your luck, Ben. It’s fucking 3:00 a.m.”
I smirk and point to the shower with my thumb. “In.”
Bridget stands in our room, dressed and ready, and yet she only wants to hold me. “I feel weird,” she whispers against my chest as I hold her.
“Why? These are my friends,” I murmur into her hair.
“Ben, isn’t this a bit over the top? Honestly? I think this is a big mix-up. I just want to go to the police.”
“Bridget,” I say sternly. “The police can’t help us, and I need you to trust me.”
I cut her off. “These guys are here to protect both of us, not just you,” I reply, knowing that it will mollify her. “And they are getting a trip to Kamala. They’re here to help us…just in case.” I comfort her.
Her eyes search mine. “I just—”
“You just what?” I whisper.
“I don’t even know them, and now I’m going away with three of them. It feels weird.”
I smile, and kiss her beautiful lips. “Get to know them. These men are the best part of me.”
She smiles softly.
“Actually, I take that back. You are the best part of me.” I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. “Now, let’s get to Thailand and get you safe.”
She smiles and nods with renewed determination, and I open the room door out into the corridor and there the three boys stand as they wait.
“Hi, Bridget.” Ethan smiles, and kisses her cheek politely.
She nods shyly. “Hello.”
Matt steps forward. “Hello, Bridget, it’s nice to see you again,” he says softly.
“Hello.” She smiles, and her nervous eyes flicker to mine. I am overcome with love for this girl.
Fuck, she’s gorgeous.
“And you remember Jed?” I ask.
She smiles and nods. “Thank you for coming,” she whispers.
He dips his head, smiling a lopsided smile.
We walk down the corridor in silence, and then into the lift and down to the basement parking lot.
“The basement?” she asks.
“The cab is picking us up from there.”
A frown crosses her face. I put my arm around her and pull her in.
I don’t have the heart to tell her that we don’t want anyone to have a clear shot at us from the surrounding buildings. We climb into the cab and drive out of the parking lot as Ethan stares behind, at the direction we are coming from, just to make sure we are not being followed.
The cab ride is made in complete silence as we all concentrate on the task at hand.
Staying alive.
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Ethan says dryly.
“Yeah, well, you fell for it.” Matt laughs as he throws his cards onto the table.
I sit with the two boys and watch on.
We are on the plane, on the way to Kamala. Ben lies back in his seat, fast asleep. It was as if as soon as we took off from the ground, and he knew his friends were here to watch over me, he could finally relax. The trip to the airport went smoothly and I really am beginning to wonder if this isn’t a whole lot of fuss over nothing.
Jed is in his seat, reading. He’s different to the other two. Quieter, steely, and a lot like Ben.
Funnily enough, he is the one who has been with Ben in the army since a young age, along with Rick. His home life was apparently similar. Did he come from tragic family circumstances, too? I find my eyes are constantly drawn back to him to try and seek out more information.
It’s funny how the quiet men are the ones who interest me.
“So, Ben didn’t tell us you were this hot.” Ethan smiles cheekily.
Matt laughs as he shuffles the cards. “You’re going to get yourself fucking murdered,” he mutters as he deals. “You playing, Didge?” he asks.
“No, still watching.” I smile. I was Bridget for all of half an hour, and now I’m already Didge to them, as if they’ve known me a long time. The three of us are sitting at a triple seat with a table in front of us. I was keeping Ben awake with all my fidgeting, and I thought it would be a good chance to get to know these guys. It felt really awkward this morning when we first met, but now six hours later I’m warming up to them. Ethan is cheeky; he reminds me a lot of Cameron. Jed is pensive and quiet, and Matt…well, he’s just a ratbag who happens to be very entertaining.
“So, do you guys have girlfriends?” I ask.
Ethan smiles as he arranges his cards into a perfect fan. “I have a lot of friends.” He smirks as his eyes stay on the cards.
I smile, knowing that’s code for ‘friends with benefits’. “And what about you, Matt?” I ask as I turn my attention to them.
“Yeah.” He throws his first card down. “I don’t like to be friends with the girls I fuck. I’m into one-night stands.”
There’s something about his honesty that’s endearing. “So you just like to meet a girl and go home with her?”
He shrugs. “Yeah, pretty much. I don’t want to hang out with them.”
I roll my lips because this is how Ben was. “Why not?” I ask.
“Because I’m either in love with someone or I’m not.” He shrugs.
Ethan holds his fingers up in a duck quacking symbol. “You lie.”
“Fuck off,” Matt snaps.
Ethan rolls his eyes. “He’s still in love with the girl he lost his virginity to when he was sixteen.” He rubs his hand over Matt’s hair. “Aren’t you, lover boy?” he teases.
My mouth drops open as my eyes flicker between them. “Really?” I smile.
“Will you shut the fuck up?” Matt snaps as he elbows Ethan sharply in the ribs.
“Tell me,” I urge.
“Nothing to tell.” He throws a card onto the table. “I met a girl when I was sixteen. Her father was in the army and he caught us in naked in bed.” He shrugs.
I wince. “What happened then?”
“Nothing. He took a posting in another country and I never saw her again.”
“How old are you now?”
“Twenty-seven.” He throws another card down.
“You’ve been in love with her all along?”
“No.” He’s clearly lying.
“You have so. We’ve searched the fucking globe for this chick. Ben’s even looked for her father through army records, but we think we have his name wrong or something,” Ethan interrupts. “We couldn’t find him. He’s told us if he can’t have her, he doesn’t want anyone.”
My mouth falls open. “Oh, that’s so romantic.” I put my hand over my heart. “So you stalked her?” I ask.
“No,” Ethan replies. “We stalked you, though.” He winks cheekily.
I laugh. “What?”
; “Totally. Since Ben came back five years ago, we’ve all been watching you.”
I frown. “Like, how?”
“Like, Ben would lose it when you got a new boyfriend and we would all see him on your Facebook.”
“You’re friends with me on Facebook?” I shriek.
“No, through one of Ben’s mate’s account.” He frowns as he thinks for a moment. “Is it Cameron or someone?”
“Ben has the log-in for Cameron’s Facebook account?” I shriek.
“Yeah. It’s an old account that he doesn’t use, though.”
Oh, my God. What the hell have I posted over the last five years? And to think he saw it all. Oh, the horror. I look over at Ben, who is sleeping like a baby, and I just want to smother him with a pillow. My attention turns back to his friends. “So, what do you know about me, then, if you’re such great private investigators?”
“You have some smoking-hot friends.” Ethan winks.
I smirk. “Of course, you would notice that.”
They look at each other. “Buzz is crazy jealous of any guy in any of your photos. He’s raging and shit.”
“Why do you call him Buzz?” I frown.
“You know? Buzz Lightyear.”
I laugh. “Yes, but why?”
“Because he’s a stickler for policies and procedures. Everything has to be done right and by the book. He likes things done a certain way. The most straight-up man you’ll ever meet.”
I smile as I glance over at him. He does like things done a certain way.
Hmm, I don’t know why, but I kind of like the idea that he was watching me from afar. “I’m going to go and sleep with my goody-two-shoes Buzz Lightyear.” I smile, get up, and walk back up the aisle to sit down next to my man. I pick up the blanket and cover us both, and then I softly kiss his cheek.
“Sleep sweetly, my Buzz,” I whisper as I put my head on his shoulder and snuggle into him. “Sleep sweetly.”
The car pulls into the driveway of Kamala and the boys all frown when they see the house. The large lawn is at street level, but it drops off to a cliff at the back of the property. Cobblestones line the driveway, which winds its way through a tropical oasis. We drive past a waterfall, through the gardens, to the circular bay. The main house is in front of us, with driveways to the other two houses veering off to the side.
“You’re kidding me, right?” Ethan whispers, wide-eyed. “This is his fucking holiday house?”
I smile and nod. “Uh-huh. I remember when I first saw it; I was pretty awestruck, too.”
“So, this is your sister’s house?” Jed frowns.
“This is their holiday house.” I shrug. “Houses, actually. There are four houses on the property.”
“How often do they come here?”
“They spend a couple of months a year here. We all do, really. Very lucky.” I smile, embarrassed.
“When were you here last, Ben?” I ask.
“I was here with Cam and Adrian a couple of months ago,” he replies.
Huh? I frown. I didn’t know that. Hmm, I’ll have to ask about that one later. Why didn’t Adrian tell me about that?
What does he know that he hasn’t let on?
That reminds me, I need to call him later. I haven’t spoken to him in a week or two, and he would only have my old phone number.
The six Thai caretakers, all in traditional dress, line up to greet us in the front garden and simultaneously put their hands up as if to pray, and bow their heads. There are two female cleaners, two gardeners, and one amazing chef and his assistant. They look after the extensive property and cars full- time, and they cook for guests when they come.
“Sawas Dee Krab,” they all chant.
Ben and I follow suit with our hands and bow. “Sawas Dee Krab.” We both smile. The boys all exchange looks, as if not believing this place. I remember I was the same. They quickly nod, realising that they missed the greeting thing.
“Miss Bridget.” Anya smiles as she hugs me. She’s my absolute favourite thing in Thailand. We’ve formed a bond, and I send her things from home when I can. She and I hold hands as Ben goes through and introduces the boys, and then we make our way into the main entrance. High, carved- timber cathedral ceilings adorn the large room. The walls are a rendered cream colour, and there are dark timber floors throughout. A wall of glass looks out to sea over the massive infinity pool, and the backyards of the four properties are fenced individually for privacy. An island in the middle of the pool has a circular cabana, a thatched roof, and lounge chairs are surrounding a firepit. It’s been remodelled. Joshua added an extra three bedrooms onto the upstairs of each house. He wanted it big enough to accommodate everyone, even when we all have kids. It seems even grander now, if that’s even possible.
“You guys are staying in the end house.” Ben gestures up the stone path, and we all walk through the exotic gardens until we get there. The house is large and open. Everything is white and airy, with every modern convenience known to man. The back wall is all glass, looking out over the pool, with a view of the ocean.
“Holy shit, this is fucking amazing,” Ethan whispers in wonder as he looks up at the high ceilings. Matt does a low whistle as he looks around. “Nice.” He smiles broadly at the others.
Televisions are fixed to the walls of this house. The screens are divided into four squares, and security vision of the property is constantly flicking through on different takes. This is where the security staff stays when the family is here.
This is where Ben used to stay.
“There are three bedrooms downstairs and three upstairs, all with their own bathroom. The property is completely fenced off and secure, so just knock yourself out. There is a gym to the right as you go outside and the pool and bar. Do whatever you want.”
“What are the plans for today?” Ethan asks.
“Nothing,” Ben replies. “We stay in here.”
“Ben, I need some cool clothes,” I tell him. “And so do you. We packed for New York winter. It’s forty degrees here.”
He frowns.
“I just need to get a few things from the shops this afternoon. Everyone can come. We can show the boys around a bit.” I try to plead my case.
Ben narrows his eyes as he thinks on it.
“We’ll be quick, Ben. We’re in another country. Nothing is going to happen.”
“No,” he says. “The boys can go for us; you stay in here.”
I roll my eyes. “Fine.”
“See you later, then,” he says to the guys, and we leave to go to our villa. I smile broadly because this is the villa I always stay in. I walk straight into the large bedroom.
Ben follows me tentatively, and I can sense his unease.
“What is it?” I frown as I turn to him.
“I haven’t…” He pauses. “I haven’t been in this room since…” His voice trails off.
Oh… that.
“Since the night you broke my heart and left me?” I ask coldly.
He swallows nervously and shakes his head.
I throw my bag onto the bed and put my hands on my hips. I can feel my anger rise just thinking back to that night. I hate having that memory of him. “What did you bring that up for?” I snap. It makes me mad that I forgave him so easily.
He shrugs. “I didn’t, you did.”
I roll my eyes and begin to unpack, walking into the large walk-in wardrobe in silence as he disappears out into the living area.
I fold my clothes as I think. This doesn’t seem real, you know? Six weeks ago, I was dating someone else, and here I am, jobless and married to another man on the other side of the world. I’m on the run from two crazy, deranged spies who want Ben dead. I feel the anxiety flutter in my stomach. You think you know how your life is going to turn out. It seems I knew nothing of the sort.
I hear Ben’s voice out in the kitchen and I go to the doorway to listen. Who is he is speaking to?
“Yeah, arrived safe. Any luck with the code?” he asks.
/> Joshua.
Ben’s been distant since all this went down. I mean, he’s trying not to be, but I can see he’s clicked into work mode. It’s like he’s with me, but he’s not really with me. His mind is on his job. This is how he used to be when he was Joshua’s bodyguard and I was around him while he was working. I would only really get him to myself when we were alone after everyone had gone to bed.
I get to the little gold bikini in my bag and I smile. I packed this, thinking I would be wearing it in the hotel’s heated pool in New York.
Now I actually have somewhere warm to wear it. I smile broadly. A swim, an ice-cold margarita, and a deckchair, and I’ll be as good as new. I change into it and sashay out past Ben as he speaks. He turns, distracted, and then he catches sight of me. His eyes drop hungrily down my body as he sees me, and I point to the pool.
“If you need me, I’m catching some rays,” I mouth.
He smiles sexily and winks as he continues his conversation.
I walk out to the pool and dip my toe in. “Ah, yes,” I whisper to myself. “Nice and cold.” I dive in and swim up to the other end, and then back. I love this pool. Some of my happiest days have been spent here.
I float around for a bit and then climb slowly up the steps.
“Bikini small enough?” a man’s voice barks from the deckchair.
I jump in fright, but when I look up I see it’s Brock, my brother. He’s lying on the deckchair under the umbrella.
“What the hell, Brock?” I cry. “You scared the shit out of me.” I put my hand over my heart.
He chuckles. He’s in a pair of board shorts only, completely bare-chested.
“H-how long have you been there?” I stammer.
“Like, two hours. How did you not see me when you came in?”
I grab my towel and my face falls. “Wait, what are you doing here?”
“Stan called me, told me what’s going on.” His face falls serious and he clenches his jaw. “Where’s Statham?”
Oh shit, Brock’s angry. “It… it isn’t his fault,” I stammer nervously.
He raises a sarcastic brow and his eyes drop to my hand. “What’s that ring on your finger?”
Fuck, I swallow the lump in my throat. “It’s just a ring that doesn’t fit on any other finger.” I twist it nervously.