Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 46

by Jenna Payne

  “I heard a thump and when I turned around he was in the water,” said Mr. Langston.

  Eve made sure the line was coiled right and threw the life preserver out to the man floundering in the water. It landed right next to him and he reached for it and appeared to have it, but lost his grip. The man sank below the surface for a moment and then struggled back up. Eve felt a coldness in her stomach and she had to push back her fear. Then she saw a blood stain on the rail of the boat where he went over.

  “He is injured!” Eve turned back to her mate on the pilot’s deck.

  “Let the Coast Guard know the man in the water is injured!” she shouted. Katy had the radio to her mouth and waved in answer. Eve was wearing a bikini top and cut off shorts so she just climbed up on the railing and dove into the water. She swam quickly to the man as he sank below the surface again. She came up behind him, remembering her training. She lifted his head above water and he sputtered and gasped. She got a secure grip with one arm around his muscled chest. She could see blood in his blond hair along the temple. He began struggling in panic, as most people did in that position.

  “Easy Harden! I got you. Relax and let me get you to the boat!” Eve began back stroking with her free arm as Mr. Harden seemed to relax and she nodded to herself. He had good control. The man coughed and spat out the water he had swallowed, and soon they were at the side of her boat, Eve’s Pleasure. Eve hooked her free arm around a rung on the ladder that had been dropped over.

  “Above ya Captain. Can you get him up higher? The Coast Guard is nearby and on the way,” Katy called down to her

  Eve brought her legs up to her chest so she could put her feet on the bottom rung of the ladder that was in the water. Once she was secure she straightened her legs, affectively picking Mr. Harden up and out of the water. Katy and Mr. Langston were reaching over and managed to get a grip on Harden. Eve had to re-position herself to get out of the way as they hauled the injured man back up to the deck. Eve scrambled up after him. Harden was laid out on the deck and Katy was bending over him. Pushing her long wet hair out of her eyes Eve moved toward them when she heard the blast of a ships horn. She turned and saw the Coast Guard coming near. She waved them in.

  Soon, the Coast Guard had a medic on board and Eve was standing back with Katy, Mr. Langston and the Captain of the Coast Guard cutter, Captain Gerald Manson.

  “Nice work Captain. The man owes you his life. How did he go over?” he asked.

  “I just heard a yell and he was in the water. There is blood on the railing and he has a gash on his head. I am not sure how he managed to hit his head with the railings as high as they are,” Eve told him. As if in answer to his question they heard Mr. Harden talking to the medic.

  “I made the mistake of trying to climb that thing while the boat was moving,” he said pointing to the Flag pole. There were steps on the side of it, but it was not supposed to be climbed when the boat was moving. Eve groaned and closed her eyes rubbing her temple.

  “Not your fault Captain, it seems like user error and he is copping to it,” Captain Manson told her. She smiled slightly and looked at him.

  “I know. He was warned but that is the hazard of doing tours. At least he is ok,” she said. They watched the man arguing about going to the hospital.

  “The hell he is not going to the hospital,” Mr. Langston said and walked over to where his friend was being treated.

  “You have to go Brock. If for no other reason than the stockholders need to know you have been checked out. You know they will find out about this,” he told his friend. “Excuse me sir, could we have a minute,” Langston asked the medic. The medic agreed and got up. The two Captains and Katy backed further off as well.

  “Stockholders?” Katy said bemused.

  “You didn’t know?” Captain Manson asked with a humorous glint in his eyes.

  “Know what?” Eve asked.

  “That is billionaire Brock Harden. It was in the news that he was moving his main offices from New York down here. It is something of a big deal, so is he. And you just saved his life Captain. Congratulations,” he told her. Eve was stunned.

  “Jeez, now I am really glad it wasn’t my negligence,” Eve couldn’t help saying. The Captain laughed and she traded a glance with Katy.

  It was only partially a joke. Eve had inherited the luxury cruiser from her father and had been trying to pay it off. She had come close to having it repossessed twice and if it was not for this job she might have lost it. A major scandal would have ruined her. Katy knew the problems she had getting her business going. A female Captain was not always desirable with tourists or other ships’ captains. Mr. Langston got up and came over.

  “He has agreed to go to the hospital Captain Manson. May I go with you?” he asked.

  “Of course sir,” the Captain told him.

  “Great, thank you. Let me grab our stuff from down below and I will be back before you can get him on board your vessel,” he said with a handsome smile and disappeared below deck. His long black hair had come out of a pony tail and was a mess. It made him look more than cute to Eve.

  Eve went over the incident paperwork and promised to have it in that evening. She discussed everything she had done, one more time, with Captain Manson and he assured her she would be fine, with no problems coming from the incident. It was a relief to Eve. Thankfully the Captain knew her and knew she ran a tight ship. As she finished up and the patient was loaded safely onto the Coast Guard cutter, Mr. Langston came back up with their bags. He waved to Eve and Katy.

  “I will give you a call tonight Captain Sage. I do believe we will be wanting another tour,” he said and went across to join his boss. Katy and Eve looked at each other in surprise.


  Eve came out of her room into the lounge located in the center of Eve’s Pleasure. Around the walls were the doors to the two guest quarters, the Captains quarters and one she let Katy use when they were doing overnight bookings. Not that there had been many of those yet. Katy was sitting in a comfortable chair, relaxing, before they called it a day. She had changed into a light flowery blouse and shorts. Eve hadn’t bothered yet so was still in her bikini top and shorts.

  “Well this has been a weird day. I can’t believe a well-known billionaire almost died on my watch,” Eve said with a soft, self-depreciating laugh.

  She smiled at Katy and went to the bar and got them both a beer. It was an end of the day ritual that they had both come to cherish. She handed her friend her drink. Katy laughed and took a sip.

  “Typical Eve. You could have said it was a day you saved a man’s life you know,” she said rhetorically. Eve laughed and shrugged.

  “I guess I do have a tendency to look on the gloomier side of things. Ok how is this, I will try and put a positive spin on everything. Why not. This job actually paid enough I can go and make my third to last payment on this old girl and forestall a repossession. How is that for optimistic?” she asked her friend, sitting in a chair across the round room from Katy.

  “That’s better. I will get you to be optimistic….” Katy began but was interrupted when Eve’s smart phone buzzed. Eve sighed.

  “Great, a happy hour interruption,” as she reached for it Katy waggled a finger grinning.

  “Ok, alright! A new client!” She said and Katy nodded at her fake optimism as she answered it.

  “Eve’s Pleasure Cruise, Captain Sage speaking,” she said.

  “Hello Captain, this is Sonny Langston calling. I hope your day is ending well,” he said cordially. She mouthed who it as to Katy.

  “It is going fine here. How is Mr. Harden, is he going to be ok?” she asked, truly concerned. The man snorted humorously.

  “He will be fine. The hospital is running a barrage of tests, although they have admitted he will be fine. He just needs to rest for a few days. Mr. Harden of course is not happy about staying in the hospital overnight and part of tomorrow, thank you for asking. Actually there was something we wanted to discuss with yo
u, if you have the time,” he said.

  “Sure, what’s up?” Eve asked. Katy was watching her with eyebrows raised.

  “Well Captain, first off, I wanted to thank you and Miss Norton for your hospitality and for being so quick when Brock went in the water. Due to his head wound stunning him the doctors say he very likely would have drowned if you had not acted so fast diving in after him, and Katy for getting the Coast Guard so quick,” Eve felt herself blush slightly.

  “Katy is sitting right here with me. I can put you on speaker if you would like,” she said.

  “That would be great,” he answered.

  “Ok, you’re on. It is just the two of us,” Eve told him.

  “Hello First Mate Norton. I was just telling the captain that your fast response today was instrumental in saving and assuring Brock’s life. I wanted to thank you both for your actions today,” he said humbly. Katy blushed and looked uncomfortable, but she smiled.

  “Thank you, sir. I just followed my training. Also you don’t have to call me first mate. I am the only mate so it is a title by default,” she said. It was one of her favorite lines. Mr. Langston laughed heartily and Eve joined him. It was an infectious laugh.

  “Fair enough. Then with your permission I will call you Katy and you can call me Sonny. Hearing my last name all the time makes me feel like my father,” he said. They agreed.

  “Actually I also wanted to make you a proposition Captain. We have spent the last few weeks going on tours with different boats to find someone we could be comfortable with on an extended tour of Key West and other places. We had decided, before Brock’s curiosity got the better of him, that Eve’s Pleasure was the boat we wanted to travel on. Would you be open to a two-week trip?” he asked.

  Eve’s eyes widened as did Katy’s and they stared at each other. Eve was certain the same thing was going through Katy’s mind - that it would be a lucrative trip and they both could really use the income. Eve pretended to think about it without needing to check her schedule.

  “I think we could do that Sonny. When would you like to begin? I am guessing that Mr. Hardon will be laid up for a while?” Eve said casually. She stood up as did Katy and both of them were practically dancing with excitement.

  “I had thought of that and it looks like at least three days before he will be ready for it. I had been prepared to ask you about this before we left your boat, but the situation did not allow for it. So I put a deposit envelope in the little end table next to the very comfortable blue chair in the lounge while getting our things,” he answered. Eve turned to the table he was referring to and Katy was there opening the drawer and pulling out an envelope. She opened it and dumped a large amount of cash out on the table. It was mostly hundreds.

  “Going by the booking quotes we received from other providers, I realize this is a bit low, but it was the only emergency money we had on us. I can of course get you more when we see you next, or I can add it on the two week total if you like,” he said.

  Eve counted up the money with Katy watching. Eve, for a brief instant felt lightheaded. There was enough on the table to take care of several problems. She had no idea who he had got a quote from, previous to going out with her, but whoever it was charged way more than Eve did. Nevermind his idea of “emergency funds.” Eve and Katy looked at each other in silent shock for a moment.

  “Hello, Captain?” Sonny said into their silence.

  “Sorry Sonny, just thinking. Um, this should be plenty to hold a spot for three days. You don’t have to worry about anything further for that,” she told him. Part of her wanted to refuse half of it, but they needed the money too badly to turn it down.

  “So you are thinking three days from now to start your two-week tour. Are there any special provisions in the way of food or drink that you or Mr. Harden will need?” she asked, amazed she was keeping her voice calm. Katy was punching the air and quietly jumping up and down. Eve had to turn away from her to keep from laughing, or joining her.

  “Neither of us are allergic to anything that I know of. Um… beer or wine is good to drink in the evenings. Otherwise water or tea is good. Coffee is a must in the mornings, as I am sure you understand. That is all that comes to mind. I will check with Brock and let you know if he has any ideas. Oh, I am being signaled by the nurse, I have to go. How about I call you tomorrow?” he said.

  “Sure thing Sonny. Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you both in a few days,” Eve said and Katy agreed.

  “Goodbye until then,” and he hung up.

  “Yeah!” Eve shouted, fist in the air, and laughed with Katy as she added up the money again. It was with great pride that Eve was able to pay Katy what she was worth.

  “Here you go sweetheart. Per the going percentage rate for First Mates, this is your cut,” she told her and handed her a large wad of cash. Katy was stunned.

  “But…but…Eve, really you do not have to…” Eve interrupted her grinning.

  “The hell I don’t girlfriend. You have stuck by me in the lean times so you get to share in the cake times. You can’t tell me you couldn’t use it. That right there will take care of your mom’s utilities and keep her going while we are gone for two weeks…Is that going to be a problem, by the way?” Eve suddenly thought to ask.

  Katy’s mother Julie was battling cancer. The prognosis had become very good, but even with insurance it was disgustingly expensive and it had been a big struggle. Eve had past experience with the problem in her own life. Katy was helping to support her family with whatever she could make on the docks as a ships hand. Eve had hired her a few years previously when she realized she could not run the business alone. Katy shook her head in answer to her question.

  “No, no problem. Her sister Sarah is staying with us now. Are you sure Eve? This is a lot of money and I know you are not sitting pretty yourself,” she said.

  “I am now. This will pay off next month’s boat payment and mooring space. It will also enable us to stock up the boat for the trip, I am positive. It looks like it is finally happening!” she told her friend and picked up her beer. They had a brief toast and finished their beers. They had errands to run.


  Eve had dropped Katy off at her house and was able to witness her joy in paying for her family’s bills. It was a happy occasion and Eve was glad to share it with them. Then she said her goodbyes and took off to pay her own bills. When she got to Marty’s Title Loans, she got out of her ancient convertible mustang and put a red blouse on over her bikini top. She buttoned it up and tied her hair back from her face. She was going to enjoy this.

  “Hi Marty, how are things?” she asked the older man at the desk as she walked into the establishment. He looked up from the little television he was always watching the news on and sighed.

  “Now honey, I told you we cannot extend you any more time. There is only so far we can go,” he said. It was what he usually said when she walked into his shop. He held the title on Eve’s Pleasure.

  “I am not here for that Marty. I am here to pay the next month. That should get me close to being paid off right?” she asked, already knowing the answer. She had stopped at the bank and had a money order for him.

  “I got a good client and the advance can handle this. By the end of the month we will be square,” she said with a grin. He accepted the money order with raised brows and went into the back room to print a receipt. His nephew Billy came out.

  “Congratulations Eve. I know it may not seem like it, but we have been pulling for you. Uncle Marty doesn’t like showing favorites is all. Um, that is a lot of money, you didn’t get an iffy client did you?” he asked concerned. When you were a ship’s Captain an iffy client meant smuggler. Many down on their luck Captains went that route out of desperation. If her father had not been a cop it might have occurred to her as well. Marty came out with a receipt.

  “Of course she didn’t Billy,” Marty told his nephew, pointing to the television. He turned the volume up. Eve was surprised, there was
a cleaned up Sonny Langston in front of a microphone on the little screen. She thought he looked good in a suit.

  “The event took place while we were taking a day tour on Eve’s Pleasure, a beautiful luxury cruiser out of Docking Bay South. If it was not for the quick acting Captain and First Mate, it could have been a tragedy. We want to publicly thank Captain Eve Sage and First Mate Katy Norton for their quick actions. Mr. Hardon is already considering another trip with them someday,” Marty turned the sound back down and smiled for the first time since Eve had known him.

  “It looks like your time has come Eve. A recommendation like that will keep you busy the rest of the season. I would expect some pretty high end clients too. Good for you, girl. It’s about time,” he said with a decisive nod and handed her the receipt. Eve was glad for her tan which hid her embarrassed blush. After thanking them she left to go back to the boat. She had planned on doing other errands, but she felt a sudden need to just go home and relax for the night. She needed to digest what was happening in her life.


  Eve flipped a switch and watched the dial as she heard the anchor drop. She smiled as the dial showed it hitting bottom at the same time the sound stopped. A good indication her equipment was working. After a moment of drifting the boat was secure with the anchor catching something solid on the bottom. She made sure the slack in the anchor chain was enough for standard swells and that everything was shut down. Only then did she invite the guys up to the Pilot deck. It was a personal safety precaution she had learned from her dad.

  “Come on up guys. The best view is up here,” she called down to Sonny and Brock.

  They climbed up the ladder and when they arrived they looked around in appreciative silence. It was a few hours before sunset, so the sun was in the west over a relatively calm Gulf of Mexico. Off the port side was the beautiful island they had come to see. They looked around with smiles on their faces. It always made Eve appreciate her life more, seeing it through the eyes of newcomers. She did travel through paradise.


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