Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 79

by Jenna Payne

  “No. I think this is more of a millionaire’s type restaurant.”

  He smiled at her joke, choosing not to take offense to her tone.

  “I just thought, a pretty woman like you,” he shrugged. “Their loss. I don’t know how any man could be with you and not want to treat you to the finer things.”

  “If I go on another date in the next few years I’ll try to remember to ask.”

  Blake arched his eyebrow, but he didn’t take the bait. Samantha admitted to herself that she might be exaggerating, but her nerves were shot. He’d looked amazing in the parking lot, but the stress of her attack and the attacker writhing on the ground in his own blood had distracted her from the full force of Blake’s magnetism.

  If she’d realized how striking he was up close, she probably would have stood him up. Already, her body was reacting to his presence, making it hard for Samantha to focus on his words.

  “Did you like the flowers?”

  “I did, and so did the entire office.”

  “Don’t you have a cubicle?”

  “We have the short one. I can look over my cubicle at my neighbor simply by sitting up a little taller.”

  “That’s awful. Sounds like one of those obnoxious call centers.”

  “It is one of those obnoxious call centers.”

  “Oh. Sorry. I didn’t mean-”

  “It’s alright. I hate my job. We all do. Jen and I want to start our own business, but no bank wants to fund a bakery.”

  “Are y’all any good?”

  “We think so, and we have quite a few online customers that keep coming back for more. But we can only meet so much demand out of my house. Plus, we’re baking in our spare time, which we don’t have a lot of with full time jobs.”

  “That’s tough. I could loan you the money.”

  “What? No. That would be too weird.”

  “Why? I like cake, and I have money. It sounds like a great idea.”

  “You don’t even know me.”


  “So? That’s important. You can’t just go around throwing your money at people.”

  Samantha opened the menu, trying to distract herself from the conversation. Blake was obviously looking for something Samantha wasn’t willing to provide.

  There was no way that kind of money would come with no strings attached.

  “Have you had the mushroom risotto?”

  “I have. It’s delicious.”

  “I’ll have that then, and a Caesar salad.”

  The waiter showed up as if on cue, taking their order from Blake and gathering their menus from the table before he walked away. Another man appeared out of nowhere, filling their wine glasses and pouring water into tumblers beside the wine glasses.

  Somewhere on the other side of the room, a string quartet began to play.

  “Do you dance?” Blake asked.

  “Do you?”

  “Of course I do.” He held out his hand, “Join me?”

  Samantha stared at his hand as if it might suddenly turn into a snake. She grabbed her wine glass, throwing back her head and downing it all in one gulp. Her head swam and she felt a little giddy for a moment before the room righted itself again.

  “A little liquid courage?” he whispered into her ear as he led her across the floor and pulled her into his arms.

  “Yep. It’s not every day I get dressed up in a dress that cost me one week’s pay and go dancing with a linebacker from my favorite football team.”

  “It should be.”

  His hands locked around her waist and he pulled her even closer. Samantha laid her head on his chest, surprised to hear his heart pounding rapidly.

  “I see I’m not the only one that’s out of shape.”

  “My heart’s been pounding like that since I first saw you step off the elevator. It has nothing to do with dancing.”

  He spun her around, drawing a giggle out of her before he dipped her and stole a kiss. The touch was so brief, Samantha almost convinced herself that she’d imagined it.


  He waltzed her around the dance floor, completely oblivious of the world around them. Samantha lost herself in his blue eyes, imagining for just a moment that this was her life, her real life.

  She made a decision then and there to embrace the night, and to allow herself to forget her reality for just one night. Tomorrow, life would come pounding on her door in the form of a blaring alarm and probably a slight hangover.

  But for now, there was nothing outside these walls and beyond this man. For just this night, she was Samantha Banks, on a fairytale date with Blake Stemmons.


  Blake walked Samantha up to her door, even though she insisted she didn’t need a ride home.

  “I rode public transportation to the restaurant, I can ride the bus home.”

  He insisted, and in the end, he’d won. Samantha had reluctantly gotten into his white Lexus, marveling at how the wood trim gleamed in the moonlight.

  Blake had been a perfect gentleman on the way to her house, only reaching out to hold her hand. She’d tensed up, worried that he was going to run a hand up her thigh and try to get fresh, but he never even offered to do more than hold her hand. Samantha found the sweet gesture quite endearing.

  Standing on her narrow porch, she longed to invite him in, to drag this night out into morning so that the fairytale would never end. As soon as he drove away, that was it. She would be back to reality, stuck in her boring little life, answering endless calls for hours on end each day.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Samantha blinked at him, yanked out of her fantasies and back to the moment.

  “I was just thinking about tonight, and how wonderful it was. I really appreciate you. Not just for saving my life, but for the flowers and for dinner. I had a wonderful time.” “I’m glad. I wanted to see you smile.”

  His hand reached out, cupping her cheek and rubbing her cheek bone with a gentleness that almost undid her. Was this guy for real? Why hadn’t he invited himself in yet?

  They always did, invariably ruining a perfectly good night by implying that Samantha owed them something more for the money they’d spent on her. Blake had spent at least ten times that much. Any moment now, he’d suggest that they not “let the night end” and go inside.

  He was opening his mouth to speak, and Samantha steeled herself for what was about to come. She was right, Blake was just like every other man she’d ever dated. What a shame.

  “When can I see you again?”

  The question took her by surprise

  “Aren’t you going to ask if you can come in?” Her tone was a little more disappointment than sarcasm, which wasn’t what she’d intended at all.

  “Of course not. It’s the first date. I am going to ask for a kiss.”

  A kiss? That’s all he wanted?

  “That’s all you want, a kiss?”

  “Well, no. I want to take you out again. If tomorrow is too soon, maybe Thursday night?”

  “Look, Blake. Tonight was great. But I have a life, and a reality I have to get back to. I’d love to live in a fairytale world, but I can’t set myself up like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t want to get my heart broken. I had a wonderful time with you tonight, I really did. But you’ve more than made up for the other night, and I really can’t thank you enough-”

  “Did you think this was a pity date?”


  “Samantha, I like you. And I mean, really like you.”

  “But you hardly know me.”

  He grabbed her hands, holding them in his giant hands and clasping them together. He looked into her eyes.

  “I know when someone knocks you down, you fight back. I know when you’re hurt, you use sarcasm and jokes to cover the pain. I know that you place your values and expectations above celebrity status.”

  He gave her hands a little squeeze, “I know that you are honest and respo
nsible. There’s so much more I want to learn about you, but what I know about you, is enough to know that you’re the kind of woman that’s worth getting to know on a deeper level.”

  Samantha wanted to say something witty, to stop the flow of his words and shut herself off from the possibilities. But for the first time in her life, she’d been rendered speechless.

  She shook her head.

  “That’s nice Blake. But you can’t build a relationship on that.”

  “Why not? What would you build a relationship on?”

  “Come on Blake. I’m no fool. Women are throwing themselves at you constantly. You can have your pick. You don’t want me.”

  “You’re exasperating.”

  “I aim to please.”

  Blake snorted, “I doubt that. Regardless, you’re not going to deter me. Go out with me. If not tomorrow or Wednesday, then Thursday.”


  Samantha turned away and shoved her key into the lock. Blake didn’t budge.

  “I’ll send flowers to your work every day with a mushier card until you agree.”

  Samantha froze. Wouldn’t Marta just love that? She couldn’t risk it. If Marta didn’t make her life a living hell, Frank would fire her for decreasing productivity. Blake had her over a barrel.

  “Fine. But this time, I pick.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “I’ve never ridden in a hot air balloon. I read somewhere that you owned and flew your own. I want to ride in it.”

  “Piece of cake. The weather should be perfect tomorrow for a sunset ride. Shall I pick you up from work?”

  “Dear God, no!” she shouted, then lowered her voice, “No, please. I’ll meet you.”

  “What if I pick you up from around the corner? Would that work?”

  Samantha sighed.

  “You’re so pushy.”

  “Not pushy. But I’m a man that knows what I want.”

  “Yes, fine. Around the corner. I get off at four.”

  “I’ll see you then.” He leaned in slightly, eyes crinkling when he smiled. “Now about that kiss.”

  Samantha rolled her eyes, but he captured her mouth with his before she could protest.

  She was not prepared for the electricity that shot through her, or the way her body responded with a heat that was almost unbearable. She wondered if he might change his mind about coming if he knew how aroused she already was.

  Blake broke away, planting one more gentle kiss on her lips before tenderly cupping her cheek in his hand again. He lingered for a moment before saying his goodbye. He looked over his shoulder once, smiling when he saw she was still standing there.

  Samantha turned the key violently in the lock and shoved the door open. Blake was going to be a hard habit to break if she let this go on any longer. But damned if the man would take “go away” for an answer.

  She had her hands full with this one.


  Samantha looked over her shoulder as she walked out of the building and hurried around the corner. She’d lit out of the office at exactly four o’clock, trying to get out of the bullpen and into the elevator before everyone else.

  She didn’t want Marta to see her and she hadn’t told Jen where she was going.

  Blake was right where he’d promised he’d be, standing beside the passenger door so he could open it for her.

  “I love that blue on you. It really brings out your adorable freckles.”

  He’d noticed her freckles? That was a first. No other man ever had, or at least if they had, they hadn’t said a word.


  “I’ve got everything prepped and we have plenty of time to get up in the air and have a leisurely meal before the sun sets.”

  Samantha couldn’t help it, she was genuinely delighted and giddy with excitement.

  “I hope you like cheese and fruit.”

  “I’m lactose intolerant.”

  “Oh man. We’ll stop and get something on the way-”

  “I’m just joking. I love cheese. Who doesn’t love cheese?”

  “People who are lactose intolerant.”

  “True. I shouldn’t joke about that. I would die without cheese.”

  “Good to know.”

  He chuckled beneath his breath, guiding the car onto the highway and heading out of the city.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My ranch. It’s where I keep my balloon.”


  “Oh? Don’t you want to go to my ranch?”

  “I guess, but that’s kind of serious, don’t you think?”


  He didn’t elaborate, and he and Samantha fell into an easy silence while he drove.

  She watched the houses get further and further apart, wishing she could live in a place where the nearest neighbor was miles away.

  When Blake pulled down a narrow paved road with a sign that said “Linebacker Way” he didn’t have to tell her that they were almost to his home.

  “Why didn’t you use the team name for your sign?”

  “Do you have any idea how often linebackers get traded? One year, I had to fly to San Diego every week for practice and every weekend during football season. I’ll always be a linebacker, but I won’t always play for Atlanta.”

  “Well that stinks.”

  “Not really. I’ve made enough money over nearly ten years to buy myself and my mother nice houses, and once I retire in a year or two, I’ll never have to work again. It seems like a good trade-off.”

  “Was that your mom on the phone the other night?”


  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

  “It’s alright. My little brother gives her some trouble and he was off with friends again. She worries when he doesn’t come home.”

  “How old is he?”

  “Seventeen. He’s got a few months before he goes to college. I’ve already paid for that, but if he wants to do more than study and live in the dorms, he’ll have to make his own way. He’ll straighten up. We all lose our way now and then.”

  “I’m sorry I got so cross with you the other night about the phone.”

  Blake squeezed her hand as he pulled onto a long, tree lined driveway.

  “I’m not worried about it.”

  Samantha was about to say something more on the subject when Blake’s mansion came into view. Her eyes widened and her jaw went slack. The two-story building was overwhelming and cozy all at once, and Samantha was awestruck by it.

  “Your house is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I hope one day to fill it with a family. Right now, it’s just a little lonelier than I’d anticipated.”

  “I can see that.”

  “I’ll give you the grand tour after our ride. I don’t want to run out of daylight.”

  Samantha waited for Blake to open the door, taking his hand to get out, even though she didn’t need help. He was a gentleman through and through, and Samantha was starting to wonder if maybe the joy of dating him, even if only for a few months, was worth the heartache.

  It would be nice to be treated like a princess for a while.

  He led her around the back of the house and she looked in awe at the hot air balloon, tied up and ready to go.


  “Isn’t it amazing? People made fun of me when I bought it, but there’s really nothing like it. This area is perfect for flying too. With so many ranches, there’s a lot of beautiful scenery.”

  Samantha watched him as he expertly prepared the balloon for takeoff then held out his hand to her.

  “I don’t know if I can do this.”

  Why was she scared?

  “You can. You’re going to love it, I promise.”

  Samantha let him pull her into the basket. An old-fashioned picnic basket was on the spacious floor.

  “The first jolt off the ground is a bit rough, but after that it’s smooth sailing.”

  Samantha held onto side, bracing herself as
Blake untied the balloon from the stake anchoring it to the ground. As promised, there was a slight jolt and then the balloon floated gently into the air. Samantha watched in wonder at the beauty that surrounded them as the balloon climbed higher and higher.

  “This is amazing.”

  “So are you.”

  Samantha blushed fiercely at the compliment as Blake left the controls, pulling her into his arms for a quick kiss before he pulled out the picnic basket. He hung it on a hook that clung to the edge of the basket so they could stand and enjoy the scenery while they ate. He stood behind her, his hands on either side of her, his body pressed against hers and holding her steady as the basket swayed gently on the breeze and they floated into the air.

  Samantha was too excited to eat. This was the most amazing thing she’d ever seen in her twenty-two years.

  The cheese could wait.


  As promised, the scenery was breath-taking. Samantha stood for a long while, just taking it all in. More than once, she caught Blake watching her, which immediately set her heart aflame.

  Did he have any idea how handsome he was?

  He stood behind her and she leaned into him, letting him hold her steady when he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the back of her neck. The basket was tall, stopping just above her rib cage. Even though she wasn’t strapped in, she didn’t feel the least bit afraid, which surprised her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, inhaling the scent of her and trailing kisses along her neck and shoulders.

  She tilted her head back, exposing her throat to him. He continued kissing her, his lips warm and tender as he covered every inch of her that wasn’t covered in clothing.

  “Is that why you brought me up here, to tell me how beautiful I am?”

  She could feel his lips spread into a smile on her neck, but he didn’t answer her. His hands tightened around her waist and her nipples hardened beneath her shirt. Her body responded to him in a way that she couldn’t quite control and he was testing her self-control.

  “You’re playing with fire,” she warned him.

  “Good. I was hoping there was a little fire in you.”

  His voice was low, raspy with need. Apparently Samantha wasn’t the only one who was feeling the effects of being this close to him.

  She turned to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. Her tongue explored the heat of his mouth as his hands slid down her back and cupped her ass.


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