Touchdown Desires

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Touchdown Desires Page 85

by Jenna Payne

  “Here we are.” She unlocked the door and handed me the key. I remained calm but I really wanted to flip my shit once I entered the office. It wasn’t as big as Cade’s but it would suffice. The desk was an L-shaped, deep brown fixture that covered almost half the room. On the left side was an empty shelf matching the desk and a brown leather couch.

  “The last guy in the office was kind of boring, you can make any changes you want. Is there anything else I can get you?” She asked me nicely.

  “No, thank you.” I smiled at her and she left, shutting the door behind her. I was mesmerized by the view I had, it was amazing. This is the moment all my professors told me about, when you realize you’ve made it. When all the hard work and late nights have paid off. I have made it. I didn’t have much time to admire the office, I had to get to the conference room in fifteen minutes for the first meeting.

  I took the files that I had created from the documentation I had been sent to bring me up-to-date on the clients, clutched my notebook slash calendar under my arm and set off to find the boardroom. Just in time, I found the room on the thirtieth floor. There were already two men and one woman in there.

  “Hi, you must be Ms. Martell.” The woman stood up and shook my hand.

  “Yes, you can call me Salena. I’m not that formal.” I laughed nervously. She looked like someone who would be the only other woman on the board. She wore a plain pant suit but I could tell it was expensive. Her hair was pinned back in a bun and she had a Louis Vuitton Neverfull at her seat.

  She introduced herself. “I’m Nora, COO.” I nodded and took a seat next to her. One of the men reached across the table and shook my hand.

  “Chris Roberts, CFO.” He smiled nicely. He was a bit older looking, his suit was obviously the best and he had a hard, business-type look on his face.

  “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “Corey Wright, CNO.” The other man told me. He looked like the average African man my father always talked about from back home, the kind he wished I was already married to.

  “Salena Martell, CMO.” I couldn’t help but notice that was the first time I said that out loud. It sounded pretty damn good. Two other people entered the room. Both were older men, I assumed one was the CCO and the other was the President. They didn’t bother greeting me like the others did, I suppose that’s how it goes.

  “Good morning everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and are doing well. Let’s get to business.” I fought to keep my cool as he entered the room, I didn’t want anyone to see I was the least bit of affected by him. I looked at Nora, who shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The look on her face was all too familiar, I saw it all through high school whenever the football captain walked by. I think she has a crush on him too.

  The formality was just as I was used to. I took an internship at a holdings company near my college, I sat in on a lot of meetings like this. Thank God for that.

  “Nora, what do you have for me?” He asked her. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him but even out of the corner of my eye I could see his broad jaw line and perfectly slicked back, dirty blonde hair. She cleared her throat before flipping a page and looking through her papers.

  “Our numbers seem to have gone down sir, we just aren’t getting any new contracts and some of our clients have dropped their accounts.” She said to him. He hid the concern from his face but it was evident in his change.

  “I see.”

  “Well, that seems like a job for the CMO, doesn’t it?” One of the men that didn’t introduce themselves looked at me directly. Shot taken, I guess.

  “As you can see she just joined us, I don’t expect every single contract has been reviewed yet.” Except it has, it was all I could do yesterday to keep my mind at bay.

  “If I may sir, I think I know what the problem is.” I finally turned to look at Cade, his green eyes met me with surprise in them, as did everyone else.

  “The two clients that pulled their contracts in the last period were family-owned companies. It is my understanding that they aren’t interested in investing in the product.” He furrowed his brow in confusion.

  “What is it then?” I couldn’t help but smile, this is the most basic thing you learn when you get a degree in marketing.

  “When you buy something, you think you are buying the product but you aren’t, you are buying the person. The inventor, the CEO, you have to brand yourself before you can sell a product and get people to buy it.” I spoke strongly. I accepted the looks of surprise and shock, and Cade’s smile spread across his face.

  “Well, then I guess we have some work to do.”

  “Yes, with the help of the CNO, of course.” I smiled daftly at him and he looked away. I think we can consider my reputation made.

  I spent the rest of the day in my office going over past files to see how I could spin this. The only accounts he has are big trucking companies, shipping, and exports. He needs something substantial, he needs to get back the two clients he lost and more like them.

  “May I come in?” I gasped when I heard his voice. I looked up, smiled and nodded. “Of course.” He entered my office. He had taken off his suit jacket and loosened his tie, he looked very sexy.

  “So, how do you like the office? I know it’s a bit dreary.” He sat in the arm chair across from my desk.

  “It’s alright. I’m sure I’ll do something with it eventually.”

  “I’m sure you will. I am not letting you go anytime soon. I was very impressed with you today- well, I had a feeling you were bright.” He looked right into my eyes, I felt like if he looked at me any harder I would explode.

  “Thank you. May I ask? What happened to your former CMO?” I asked him out of curiosity. He laughed easily.

  “He was a very demanding person, he tried to overthrow me as CEO.” My mouth dropping open, expressed my surprise before I could contain it.

  “How could he even do that? You’re the founder.” He turned his gaze to me, so calm. How can he be so calm when I am so bothered by his presence?

  “I know he was a tough guy.” He averted his gaze and his face tightened. I was mesmerized by the way his jaw clenched perfectly.

  “You seem sad about it?” I asked as if it were a question.

  “Were you a psychology major too?” He laughed and I joined. “I just knew him for a long time is all.” I nodded.

  “Was there something else you came in here for?” I wondered aloud. Part of me wanted him to leave so I could relax, and another wanted him here merely so I could stare at him.

  “Yes. I mean no. I mean Salena…” he paused, as if deciding whether or not to continue. “I tried to be as professional about this as I could but I just can’t hide the fact that I am attracted to you. I understand telling you this could make things worse but I just can’t hide it. I understand that it is the first day but it’s better to do it now than have you get comfortable here and bear the embarrassment of leaving because of me.” For the second time since he had been in my office, my jaw dropped open before I could hide my surprise. I guess Laney was right.

  “I can’t say I don’t feel the same way.” I said quietly. I didn’t meet his gaze, those emeralds were too distracting. He is a smart man, and knows his way around women all too well. He is right. I would rather pack up and leave today than be months in when people already know who I am.

  “Good. I also wanted to ask you if you would be my date to the annual Christmas gala this year.”

  “Um, won’t people suspect something?” I didn’t want to be labeled as someone who slept her way to the top, even though I didn’t, I got the job on my own. At least I hope I did.

  “What will they say? That they are jealous of the both of us?” He chuckled.

  “I just don’t want… people will talk, both of us might lose respect and I just got here.” He smirked at me like he had a secret.

  “I never suspected you for someone who cared what people thought.” He smiled at me coolly. I felt like I was in a busin
ess meeting, negotiating whether or not to move ports.

  “I’m not.” Perhaps he is right. I was afraid but I never let fear stop me before. I have to see if there is a chance with him, I deserve a good chance, right?

  “Yes, I’ll be your date.” It sounded weird coming out of my mouth but good at the same time.

  “Great. How about I walk you to your car?” I nodded and gathered my things. We got sideways glances all the way to the elevator. I guess he’s never left with anyone before.

  “This is quite the empire you have amassed.” I said to him, once we reached my car.

  “Thank you. After what I saw today, with you, it can only get bigger.” I blushed and looked away from his smoldering green eyes. He tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear and I met his eyes again. He flatters me too much. At times I feel like I deserve the credit but it is completely different coming from him.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled and walked away, leaving my cheek tingling where he touched it. I kept telling myself this isn’t good, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t feel good.


  I had time to change my mind but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I had to act indifferent around the other board members. He often came into my office just to- talk. It was like I was his ‘go-to’ person, his rock. He talked to me about things he didn’t tell the other board members in the meetings. My feelings grew stronger and before I knew it, I was slipping on a gold evening gown and dressing up like a princess for the ball.

  Laney was all excited to do my hair and make up for me and then I patiently waited for his arrival. I was a nervous wreck the whole day. Surely the people in the store noticed, I was excited and afraid all at the same time.

  “That’s him!” Laney exclaimed, when the doorbell rang. She got up to answer it before I could beat her. This is it, just be cool, Salena.

  “Hi, you must be Laney.” I could feel her excitement when I heard him say that. I had told him about her, when he’d told me about his best friend, Derek.

  “Yes. Yes I am.” She said confidently. I walked to the door and almost stopped in my tracks. He looked absolutely dashing in a sleek, black suit with his hair pushed back perfectly over his head.

  “Wow, you look amazing. I bought you flowers.” He said breathlessly. He handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers which Laney took to put in a vase.

  “Thank you.” I smiled up at him nervously, he looked down at me and gave me that look again. I had to crane my head up to look at him, he was so much taller than me. He towered over me, even in heels, like my protector.

  “Are you moving?” He asked, as he eyed all the boxes. We finally signed the papers to the town home. After Laney got her bonus and I got my quarter pay, we had enough for the down payment and new furniture.

  “Uh yeah, we just signed on a new town home we’ve had our eye on.” He nodded.

  “Well, shall we go?” He held my hand in his and led us out the door. I didn’t hide my shock when he led me to a sleek, black Jaguar sitting out front. He opened my door politely for me and we were off.

  Once we arrived, I couldn’t hide from all the gazes. I know what it looks like, the new employee arriving with the CEO. I had to ignore them though.

  “I have to uh, work the room a little bit.” He said to me apologetically.

  “That’s okay, I’ll be here.” I sat at the open bar and he kissed my cheek before he left me there. I got a scotch on the rocks, suddenly I needed a drink. I understood why I couldn’t exactly go with him, what would he introduce me as? His new employee? His date? His… girlfriend? I don’t even know yet. Having conversations with him tucked away in my office isn’t a relationship, this was the first time we’d been out together and-. My inner thoughts were broken by the arrival of Nora.

  “I noticed you come in with Mr. Bryson.” I recognized Nora’s voice. She sat next to me at the bar and got a vodka and cran.

  “Oh, um yes. I’m his date.” I said quietly.

  “Don’t worry, no one is talking about it.” I let out a sigh of relief.

  “I still feel like everyone is staring at me.” I said nervously.

  “That’s because you are the best looking one here. You look hot, no homo of course.” She smiled. She looked different without a plain pant suit. Granted, she was still wearing a plain black evening gown and wore her hair the same way she always does.

  “Thanks, I was worried about how it might look, you know?”

  “Yeah I know, I’ve had a crush on him since the first day I saw him. I’ve been in this company since the beginning.”

  “I could tell.” I smiled at her sadly.

  “I thought it might have been obvious. I would have approached him a long time ago but it just didn’t feel right, not just because he was my boss. Seeing you guys walk in together… you look good together. He’s been kind of sad since his wife died.”

  “He was married?” I had no idea.

  “Yeah, she died of cancer.” I opened my mouth to speak but Cade was back.

  “Hello Nora, you look radiant tonight.” She smiled shyly and left after thanking him.

  “Sorry about that, I couldn’t get one of them to shut up.”

  “It’s alright.” I smiled at him sadly. It was then I saw it, that look he gives me, I could see it in his eyes. The sadness, the hole that he was trying to fill. Could it be me that does that?

  “Would you like to dance?” He held out his hand. I was thankful now for the dance classes my parents made me take.

  He held me close to him as we swayed to the music. I lost everyone else and it was just him and I. I rested my head on his chest and found comfort in the beat of his heart. It was over too soon, we had to take our seats for the award ceremony.

  I didn’t expect to win anything, apparently some corporation decides it and I just got into the business world.

  “And now for the newest award on our roster, it came to our attention this year that we have to recognize those who have just stepped into this industry and are waiting to win the awards like employee of the year, or best in their field. The outstanding new employee award is one of groundbreaking standards. In just three weeks, this individual has raised the revenue of Bryson Enterprises by thirty-four percent and is now at the highest it has ever been. This year, the award goes to Salena Martell, and will now be known as the Martell award.” I pinched myself. No, really. I reached under the table and pinched my leg, I was awake and this was real. There was an award named after me? All the hours, the sleepless nights and taking my work home paid off, right now. I never thought I would garner an award for crying out loud!

  “Salena? You have to go pick up the award.” Cade whispered in my ear and smiled at me. I stood up and shakily made my way to the stage. I took the perfectly crafted, clear glass award from the MC and nervously stepped to the microphone.

  “I can honestly say that I was not expecting this. When I decided to go back to school and get my doctorate I was already working some crappy desk job for a marketing agency. I used what I learned to make it here. I guess it worked, and that is you are never selling a product, but yourself. Thank you, very much.” The applause thundered as I left the stage and joined Cade again.

  “You did this.” I said to Cade. I was expecting it was him out of fear I suppose. I felt like being with him could open doors I couldn’t otherwise open myself.

  “Nope. I had no idea. Congratulations.” He reached across the space between us and kissed me suddenly. It was so unexpected but so welcome. I imagined how his lips would feel against mine, and it was perfect. We broke it off too soon and I was left staring into his smoldering green eyes once again.

  “I would hate to make you win and dash but, I want to take you home.” I nodded silently and he whisked me away.

  He lived just outside of everything. A secluded mansion in the country was an understatement. It was no less than seven acres at least, the drive way was a long circle and led to a sealed off garage.

>   “This place is beautiful.” He looked sad when I said it.

  “You haven’t seen the half of it.” He smiled.

  He didn’t wait a second before he kissed me inside. It wasn’t like at the party when we had company, now we were alone and I had never been kissed like this in my life. His hands roamed all over my body as I fisted my fingers in his hair. He lifted me easily and carried me a distance before I fell against a bed.

  “You are so beautiful Salena.” He whispered, as he hovered above me. I bit my lip nervously and pulled him back to me. I kissed him softly as he reached behind me and unzipped my dress. He moved to kiss the skin at my neck and down to my shoulders.

  It was a struggle getting him out of that suit but soon we were flesh on flesh. He unhooked my bra and kissed both my breasts softly. I moaned when he took my nipple in his mouth and sucked slightly. He moved his lips down my body and rid me of my panties, I was a wet pool beneath him. He kissed me there softly and I bucked my hips toward him. I moved to remove his briefs and felt his hardened member press against me. He reached behind me and fumbled in the drawer before grabbing a foil packet. He looked at me as he opened it with his teeth and rolled it on easily. I’m on the pill but I couldn’t manage any words right now. I was a puddle of desire for him.

  “Oh Salena.” He breathed as he entered me. He filled me so completely, from wall to wall. I had to adjust to him before I could relax, he sensed it and didn’t move until I bucked my hips toward him, beckoning him to move.

  “Oh Cade… yes.” I breathed. He quickened his pace, moving against me perfectly. He encased me in his arms, his muscles surrounded me as our bodies molded together perfectly. If I thought it was just a crush before I was wrong, I have never felt like this before with anyone. It was taking me to places I never were there. My muscles coiled and tightened as I felt my climax coming closer, I could tell he was close too by his deep groans.

  “Ah!” I cried out as I came beneath him. He rolled his hips into me one last time and hit my g-spot right on, it was like I came twice in seconds and he followed soon after me.


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