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Seductive Surrender [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 5

by Paige Cameron

  “They may try to get us when we park in the garage.”

  “No, I’ll zip in fast. The gate goes down quickly. They’ll be too far behind to get through.”

  Sure enough, Britt saw the van pull out a little way behind them. But when Ward speeded up to try to lose them, so did they. He barely got through one yellow light. They ran the red light and just missed a car.

  “I’m going the long way to my place. I have to get further ahead or they’ll catch us in the garage.” He hit the gas pedal and the Ferrari flew down a side street. When he turned a corner, the car fishtailed down the road. “They’re determined.”

  Britt bit her lip and watched the van try to keep up. When they took the corner too fast, they almost tipped over and had to slow down. After the next turn, she couldn’t see them. “I think you’ve lost the van.”

  “Don’t count on it. If I’d been on a wide open road, I’d have left them in my dust, but city streets are not made for that type of speed. As soon as we’re parked, get out and head for my elevator. There they are again, but much further back this time. I think I can make it.”

  Ward hit the button to raise the gate as far out as he could. It had just gone up enough for his car to slide under. He punched the button and it headed back down. Then he was in the garage and parked. “They may try climbing the fence. Get out.”

  In spite of her heart pounding and her weak knees, Britt was out of the door in seconds after the car stopped. Ward hurriedly got the luggage from the trunk, handed the smaller one to her, and opened his private elevator door. He urged Britt in ahead of him.

  The two men ran toward them and shot just as the door shut. Britt heard the bullets hit the elevator door as they began to move upward.

  “We’re safe now. They’ll try to follow us tonight when we leave. I’d love to see their expressions when Chad and his partner come out of my car with guns in their hands, not to mention the other FBI men who won’t be far behind.”

  Chapter Five

  Ward led Britt into the kitchen and put on the kettle for tea. “You’re shaking. We’ll be safe here in my condo. But they or others will wait outside or nearby. My guess is they’ll report back, and a different car will come to wait for us to leave. At this point, the black van would be too obvious. Neighbors may have heard gunshots and called the police. Chad will divert whoever’s waiting when we do head for the airport.”

  “I’m sorry to be such a coward, but between the wild ride and the men after us, I’m a mess.” Britt tried to smile.

  “Mom used to say a cup of tea helped her to relax. She’d go outside and sit in the garden and drink her tea.”

  “You loved her a lot.”

  “She and Dad were my heroes.” He strode across to a pantry and got out the tea bags. Britt saw him swallow and blink his eyes. It was the most emotion she’d seen him show.

  The kettle whistled and Ward poured hot water over the tea bag in the cup he’d gotten down. He brought the cup to where she sat at the kitchen table.

  Her hands shook when he went to hand it to her. “I’ll place it on the table. Take some deep breaths and remember you’re safe.” He went back to the pantry and brought out cookies and instant coffee. “I won’t bother to perk a whole carafe full. This will do for now.” Once he’d joined her at the table, he leaned back and smiled. “When you feel calmer, I’ll get one of my throwaway phones. You can call your parents. I keep a few here at the apartment.”

  “What do you do for the FBI? You seem to be well-known by them and you keep throwaway phones available.”

  He grinned. “Chad and I have been friends since elementary school. He’s one of the first people I truly trusted and that took time.

  “A while back, I had a problem with some guys trying to push themselves into my business. It’s a long story. Chad and I worked together to get enough evidence to get the men arrested. Since then I’ve had a few more opportunities to help the FBI. I keep my eyes and ears open. No one connects me with the bureau.”

  “Still there must be more to it than the explanation you just gave me. Where did you get the training?”

  “You’re a smart girl. I’ll tell you, but I don’t want others to know. It’s better that way. I trained with the FBI. I thought I’d make a career of it, but then Dad had a stroke and died, and Mom was overcome with grief.” He stopped and took a sip of his coffee.

  “Had your dad been sick before?”

  “No, he was strong, but he didn’t like to go to the doctor, and he hated taking medicine. He’d forgotten or just didn’t want to take his blood pressure pill that morning. Mom usually reminded him, but she’d gone grocery shopping early. Later, I think she blamed herself. Although we told her it wasn’t her fault.”

  “Oh, how sad. I’d like to have met them.”

  “I left the bureau to help Jared with the ranch and to be there for Mom. Jared and I had our hands full with the ranch and our investments. This has worked out for us, and sometimes I get to help Chad out.”

  “You live an interesting life. I’ve finished my tea. Do you mind if I sit out on the veranda?”

  “No. I’ll put our cups in the dishwasher. I’m going to change into my jeans, then I’ll join you. We’ll relax until it gets dark.”

  He joined Britt and lay on the lounge chair beside her. The fresh air and birds chirping in nearby trees must have relaxed her. Soon, her eyes closed and she slept. He walked back to his bedroom, called Jared, and packed his bag. He put a throwaway phone in his pocket. Britt had been so upset she’d forgotten to call her parents. When they were in the air, she’d have plenty of time to call and explain. He went back out and sat where he could see her face. She was beautiful and hard to forget. But could he trust her enough to love her? Did he want that complication in his life? He didn’t know the answer.

  As soon as it got dark, Chad called him. “We’re on our way in your fancy car,” Chad said. “A gray car pulled out from the curb two cars behind us.”

  “Then we’ll go out the back way. I’ve already talked to the doorman. He’ll have a cab waiting for us when I call him back.”

  “Be safe. Call me at home when you two get to the ranch.”

  “Will do.”

  “I’m going to see what this car of yours can do.”

  “Don’t wreck it.” Ward chuckled as he disconnected the call. He turned and saw Britt standing in the doorway. “Chad’s been dying to race in my car. Now he has his chance. I was just going to wake you. Go freshen up, but hurry.” He went to the intercom and called the doorman. “We’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

  “Yes, sir, I’ll get a cab for you right now.”

  When Britt came back to the living room, Ward said, “Come on.” He took her bags and his small one in hand and led her down the hallway toward the kitchen and then out a back door.

  The cab pulled into the wide alley just as they came out. Ward put the suitcases in the trunk and got in the back by Brittany. He named a private airport on the outskirts of the city. “Do you know where it is?” he asked the driver.

  “I’ll have you there in no time.” The cab took off out the other end.

  “You use a private airport?” Britt asked.

  “It’s much less hassle because it’s less congested.” Ward glanced behind them. “I don’t see any suspicious cars. You can sit back and relax. Chad will have it all under control at his end.”

  Britt leaned back in her seat, but her tension had returned and she looked as if she was ready to spring forward if needed. Ward studied her profile. She had classic features and, combined with her long brown hair with gold strands shining through and her emerald eyes, she was beautiful in a classy way. His hand itched to reach out and run his fingers through her soft hair.

  Brittany wore her gold shirt opened at the collar. Her creamy skin beckoned to be touched and this close, her scent of vanilla, jasmine, and some other floral scent made him ache to have her in his arms. She’d played it cool at his apartment, keeping her dista
nce, and most of the time relaxing on the veranda.

  He hadn’t pushed her. He knew he’d disappointed her twice with his noncommittal reaction after their lovemaking.

  Brittany was scared of the bad guys, and he was scared of the way she made him feel. Although his parents and brother had loved him, and the townspeople accepted him, he had a small spot inside that made him doubt others. It took him a long time to trust. He and Chad had known each other for years before Ward let his guard down.

  But Brittany wouldn’t wait for years. He’d better decide if he wanted her for a wife, and if so, he’d have to let her know how he felt. He’d never told a woman, except his adopted mother, that he loved her. If he managed to tell Brittany, it would be the bravest thing he’d ever done.

  She stirred beside him. He took her hand. “We’re almost there.” One last time, he looked behind them. There were a few cars, but none looked like they were following their cab. He’d relax once they were in the air.

  * * * *

  Britt climbed the stairs to the jet. Several men worked around the plane and Ward stopped to talk with them. Then he climbed on board and stopped on the way to the cockpit.

  “Have a seat anywhere.” He motioned to the big, soft lounge chairs arranged around the main area of the plane. “I have a friend who copilots for me. He’s from Triple Dare County. It gives him a chance to visit with his parents. He’ll be here in a few minutes.” He walked her down the hallway. “This is a small kitchenette.” He opened a refrigerator. “I keep it stocked with water and sodas. Also there are sandwiches and salads, if you get hungry. You haven’t eaten much today.”

  “My stomach’s been too jittery.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her softly. “Relax. No one can get to us without having the right passes. And as soon as Dane gets here, we’ll take off. I’ve got to go and run through the checks before we put this baby in the air.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll be fine.” She sat in one of the chairs where she could look out the window facing the airport building. In a few minutes, she saw a tall man dressed in a flight uniform headed toward the jet.

  Ward came out of the cockpit to welcome him. “I’m glad you were free.” He directed Dane over to where Britt sat. “This is Brittany Hook. Brittany, Dane Tegwen.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m sorry I kept the two of you waiting.” He smiled at Britt. “We’ll have you in the air in a few minutes. Knowing this guy”—he nodded toward Ward—“he’ll have already done all our checks.”

  The two men walked into the cockpit. Britt took one more look outside. Then as they began to roll, she relaxed in her seat. Flying wasn’t her favorite thing, but it was preferable to dealing with the men who wanted to kill her. She had no doubt she and Ralph were in danger. He’d realized it when she told him someone was watching her. She didn’t like Ralph, but she hoped he’d be all right. Maybe Chad would get the group before they hurt him.

  The jet soared into the sky. The lights below sparkled against the dark curtain of night. Once they’d leveled off, she relaxed a little more.

  Ward came out and sat beside her. “Dane’s flying. He needs the hours. Why don’t we get something out of the fridge to eat?”

  “I’ll eat whatever you bring me.”

  “Fine.” He strode down the narrow hallway.

  In a few minutes, he came back with two sandwiches and sodas. Then he returned to the kitchen and brought her a cup with ice and two plates with napkins. “I’ve noticed you like lots of ice in your drinks.”

  “You’re very observant.”

  “Yep.” He bit into his sandwich. “These are good. I order them from a deli I like. I eat there frequently when I’m in town. The owner and I have become friends.”

  “I suspect you have a limited number of people you truly regard as friends. Although I’ve met several lately.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “You observe, test, observe some more before you even start to think about trusting.”

  “You’re observant, too.”

  “When I want to be.”

  He handed her a cell phone. “You can call your parents while we’re flying home. You’ll have plenty of time to make your explanations.”

  She’d hoped he’d say more about himself, but he changed the subject, ate his sandwich and took his soda back to the cockpit.

  Lesson one, don’t try to second-guess him. I annoyed him. Tough. I’m going to get past his wall whether he likes it or not. He’s very different when he lets his softer side show, which isn’t often. But bringing the phone for me to call my parents was considerate and sweet. She smiled at the thought of how he’d react to that last word describing him.

  Ward stuck his head out once during the rest of the flight to check on her. She pretended to be reading one of the many magazines on a table by her chair.

  She had called her parents right after he’d gone into the cockpit. Britt had had to calm them down, and explain about the FBI watching over them. They weren’t happy about her life being in danger, but were glad she had people taking care of her and looking for the men after her.

  Dane announced they were landing through the intercom. She buckled her seat belt and watched the lights getting closer as the jet moved downward. The wheels touched down on the tarmac and the jet’s brakes went on. Britt let out a sigh of relief. Soon she’d see Sondra and her brother, Myles, she hoped. She hadn’t been able to reach Myles by phone. Maybe she could stay with him. She’d see, but she doubted Ward or Jared would agree. They’d be right. She didn’t want to put her siblings in danger, in case the men found where she’d gone to hide.

  Ward came out and joined her. “Dane will finish here. I saw Jared standing by our car.” He took her arm and went to the door. Once he’d opened it, two men moved a ladder up for them to use to get down.

  Jared strode across the tarmac and waited at the bottom. When Britt reached the next to last step, he put his hands around her waist and swung her to the ground and into his arms. He held her close and kissed her.

  “I’ve missed you, darlin’.”

  She pushed against his hard chest. “Let me go. I’m not back because I’ve changed my mind about living in Triple Creeks Township and you know it. Don’t take advantage.”

  “You’re tired. We’ll talk more in the morning.” He smiled down at her.

  “There’s nothing to talk about, except how I can stay safe and how soon I can go back to the city.”

  Ward stood at her back. She felt his heat and Jared’s. Her heart pounded, and her pussy ached, denying every word she said to them.

  “She’s on edge,” Ward explained. “It’s been a long day for both of us. Drive us home.”

  Jared took her arm and walked her to his car. “In you go.” He opened the front door, and then went around to the driver’s side. Ward motioned for her to move over.

  “There’s a backseat.”

  “I don’t sit in backseats.” He raised his eyebrow at her in his annoying way.

  Britt scooted to the middle. She pretended she was angry, but actually she was scared.

  Their combined warmth made her want to cuddle against them, and their scents drove her crazy. Thoughts of throwing caution to the wind, sitting on Ward’s lap, and opening her blouse went through her mind. Whatever length of time she stayed here, it was going to be too long.

  * * * *

  Jared took Brittany’s cases right to the room where she’d be staying. He put the bags on a long, low table by the wall beside the door.

  “This is our guest room. Mom always said a person needed a place for their suitcases to sit until they got them unpacked. You look tired. Unless you want something to drink or eat, I imagine you’d like to go right to bed.”

  “I would like to unpack and sleep. I’ll see you two tomorrow.”

  He nodded and shut the door behind him. Then he walked into the large country kitchen where Ward was making a new pot of coffee. He turned to Jared. “Has she gone to bed?�

  “Yes. She said she wanted to sleep. What’s happened between you two, besides this mystery with gangsters and such?”

  “What do you mean? Nothing.”

  “I know you better than anyone. You aren’t happy and neither is she.”

  “She’s angry with me.”


  “Do we have to go into this tonight? I’m tired, too, and I have yet to call Chad and see what happened.”

  Jared poured himself a cup of the coffee and gave Ward a hard look. “I’ll let you go tonight, but tomorrow we’re going to talk.”

  “Says who?”


  Ward shrugged, took his coffee, and left the room. Jared sat at the kitchen table. He took a sip of the hot coffee. He thought he knew what was going on. He’d feared Ward would have this reaction if he ever found a woman he really cared about and had trouble walking away. Jared understood his brother. But if Ward didn’t get past blocking himself off, they’d both lose Brittany.

  He wasn’t about to let that happen, even if he had to beat some sense into his brother’s hard head. Jared emptied his coffee and strolled out to the barn. A ride on his horse, Diamond, would help him relax and sleep. Tomorrow, he’d begin to make his own move on Brittany.

  She’d tried to hide her feelings in the car, but he caught her scent of desire and knew she wasn’t fooling herself or them. Diamond shook her head, greeting Jared.

  “Time for one of our moonlight rides, lady.” He saddled his mare and swung into the saddle. At first, he rode fast across the prairie. He knew the land like the back of his hand. But as he got further out, he slowed and observed the moonlight hitting the mountains and spreading across their land. The look, the smell, and the quiet always eased his soul. Like his dad, he’d been born to stay right here and take care of their legacy. It had always felt right. It still did. At times like this, he felt his dad at his side.

  Dad would be worried about them falling for a city girl. He’d fear it might end in unhappiness for his sons. Jared knew the risk they took, but something about Brittany told him she was fighting her feelings for them more than the ranch. They needed to find out more about her divorce and what happened.


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