Seductive Surrender [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Seductive Surrender [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 16

by Paige Cameron

  “No. I’m well over him. But it made me happy to see you handle him. He wanted to stick the knife in me about his wife being pregnant. You didn’t let him.”

  “How soon can we get married?”

  “If I shop tomorrow, while you get the movers in and supervise them, then probably as soon as we arrive in South Dakota, get the marriage license, and my parents arrive.”

  “You think I can motivate movers to come in a moment’s notice?”

  “After what I saw tonight, definitely.”

  “Hmm, my money is their motivation, and yes, you can shop. We’ll fly home tomorrow night.”

  “I’m ready.”

  He turned and looked at her with a surprised expression on his face. “I expected you to demand another day or two.”

  “I have to keep you on your toes.”

  He took her drink and his and put them on the table beside him. “Have you ever made love out in the open?”


  “You are a deprived lady.” He rolled on her and held his weight off with his elbows. “I suggest we christen this lounge chair.”

  Britt glanced at the sky. Ward laughed. “There’s no way anyone will see. There are no buildings in front or to the side of this part of the veranda. It overlooks the park, remember. Live daringly, sweetheart.”

  Ward rose on his knees and began to unbutton her blouse. “I like this color on you. It makes your eyes really shine.” He pulled the sides apart and flicked her bra open. The cool air made her nipples pucker. When he put his warm mouth over her nipple, the contrast from cool to warm spiked her desire. She ran her hands through his thick, black hair. In response, he slid his body close against her while he continued to lick and suck on the beaded tip of her breast.

  He raised his head. “I’m going to carry you to bed where I’ll have more room to make love to your luscious body.” Ward stood and took her into his arms. He veered around the furniture in the living room and took long, quick steps down the hall. Then he gently set her on the side of the bed. “I can get to you better to get your clothes off.”

  In a minute, she was naked. She scooted up on the bed while he threw his shirt on a chair and took off his slacks and underwear. Ward grabbed a condom from his pocket and threw it on the pillow.

  Britt loved seeing his hard-muscled body. She reached out to touch him as soon as he got close enough. His tanned skin was warm. She ran her fingers down his six-pack and took his large, hard dick in her hand.

  “Found something you like?”

  “Come closer. Let me taste you.”

  Ward straddled her body and moved upward. Her tongue licked across the satin-smooth crown.

  “Lie on your back,” she ordered.

  He chuckled and did as she said. Her head dipped and she took him in her mouth. She heard his gasp and then a moan as she began to move up and down the length of his shaft.

  “Damn, that feels good, honey.” His voice came out husky and had her passion spiking higher.

  Her tongue licked around the sides of his cock, and when she got to the top, she sucked. He had brushed part of her hair to the side, and his hands clenched her head briefly, then released his tight grip. She glanced at him. His face was drawn. The planes of his cheeks were etched with desire, his jaw held tight. His light-blue eyes had turned the darkness of midnight.

  Moisture flowed from her body as her hunger increased. She took him back in her mouth and moved faster up and down. Her hand grasped his sac and moved his balls around.

  Suddenly, hard hands clamped her upper arms. When she looked at him, he rolled her underneath and thrust inside her wet pussy.

  His wide cock went deep and her pussy trembled around him. He took her breast in his mouth and sucked. She rose against him as exhilaration shot up her spine.

  * * * *

  The joy sweeping through Ward’s body almost frightened him. He’d never been this happy or loved someone so much.

  His cock pulsed inside her hot pussy. He had a ravenous yearning for his body and hers to meld into each other. At the back of his mind, a threatening cloud of fear closed in on him. He pulled back and jumped off the bed. Striding across the room, he pulled the curtains back and looked out at the lights from the city. His breath came in gasps.

  Her arms wrapped around him from behind, and her warm body leaned into him. He nudged her arms away and turned to face her. “I can’t do this. I’m afraid of this kind of love. What if you left us, or worse, you died?”

  Brittany took his face in her hands. “I’m not going anywhere. Don’t you think I feel as deeply as you? It’s scary for me, too. I’ve already made one mistake. He threw me aside for another woman. You might find someone else on your trips to New York.”

  “Never.” He shook his head.

  “If I’m to trust you, then you have to trust me. That’s how it works. It’s scary as hell. But I do believe you and Jared will love me, protect me, and be good husbands. You know how to trust. You did it with your adopted parents and Jared.”

  He stared into her eyes and realized he hadn’t let his walls completely down even after telling her his story. He’d become too comfortable behind them. Her beautiful green eyes glowed with warmth and love, and her smile was gentle and beckoning him to let go.

  She put her arms around his neck. “I need your love. I love Jared, too, but without you our family won’t be complete.”

  Ward swallowed around the lump in his throat. He remembered his adopted mother’s words from years ago when he had broken off a relationship because of his fear.

  “Don’t close yourself off, Ward. Love is a fragile, beautiful gift. You must be open and willing to accept it when it comes to you. Deep in your heart you’ll know you can trust that person. Don’t shove her away.”

  His hands gripped her legs and wrapped them around him. He turned and put her back against the wall beside the windows. Her small hand grasped his cock and she moved where he could slide gently into her heat.

  “You are so hot.” He started to move slowly in and out of her. She leaned forward and kissed him.

  “I’ll never leave you of my own accord, and I’ll try not to die for a long, long time.”

  He grinned at her. “I’m going to keep you to that promise.” His desire and love for her overwhelmed him. He thrust harder and faster.

  Brittany kissed his neck and bit his shoulder. She brushed her breasts across his wide chest. “My love,” she whispered in his ear.

  With her words, he let himself go and join with her fully. Joy and passion sent pleasure rushing through his veins to every cell in his body, and they yelled out simultaneously as an orgasmic wave shook both of them.

  Her pussy rippled with delight around his cock, sending another rush of joy through his body.

  Ward kissed her lips. “You are mine now, forever. And I forgot all about the condom.”

  “Yes, I’m yours and Jared’s. Don’t worry about the condom. Maybe missing it will bring us good luck, and I’ll get pregnant. We’ll plan a very small wedding when we get back. I don’t want to wait. Do you?”

  “Hell no. If Jared was here we’d go to the courthouse in the morning.”

  “I want to be married on the ranch with our friends and my family. Mom and Dad will fly in. I’m not sure where my brother has gone off to explore.”

  “Will your parents be shocked that both their daughters have chosen two husbands?”

  “Sondra took the biggest plunge. I think Mom already suspected how I felt about you two before I did.”

  “In the morning we’ll finish our job here and get going by the afternoon or evening.” He pulled her into the curve of his body. “Get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Britt turned this way and that to get a good look at herself in her wedding dress. She’d found the perfect one in New York, the day they left. It was turquoise, strapless, fit her body snugly to just above her knees and then flared out the rest of the way to
the floor.

  “You are a beautiful bride,” Sondra said. She’d brushed Britt’s hair until it shone and then placed a thin veil over the long strands. It covered her small bald spot. “You look radiant with happiness.”

  “I am ecstatic. Mom and Dad seem to be taking my wedding in stride.”

  “Yes, I did all the hard work of getting them to accept the idea of two husbands.”

  “That you did. You were very brave.”

  Sondra grinned. “I was very in love and still am.”

  Britt rubbed her sister’s small bump. “Soon you’ll have another person to love. I can’t wait to be an aunt.”

  There was a knock on the door. “If you aren’t Jared or Ward, you can come in,” Sondra called out.

  Myles strode into the bedroom. “Wow. Your husbands are going to be taken aback by how beautiful you look.”

  “Myles, where did you come from?” Britt ran and hugged his neck.

  “I got back late last night and heard the news. Luckily I still had my suit in the closet from Sondra’s wedding. My best surprise was opening the door and finding Mom and Dad in the cabin. Mom gave me a lecture about not keeping in touch. She was right.”

  “I’m so glad you’re back in time. My wedding will be complete with all my family and our friends.”

  “You’d better hurry and make your appearance. I saw two anxious grooms in the other room and the minister and Holt’s Nana are ready.”

  Sondra walked to the door. “Come on, Myles. We’ll go out and join the rest of the guests. I’m glad Kel and Boyd bought me a piano for my birthday. I’ll tell Mom to start playing the wedding march. Britt, you join us when the music starts.” She ran back and gave her sister a quick hug. “Don’t be nervous. Soon you’ll be Jared and Ward’s wife.”

  When the door closed behind them, Britt took one more look in the mirror. The minister would make her Jared’s official wife and Nana would join the three of them together as an unbreakable threesome. Joy and happiness filled her to the brim.

  She heard the wedding march and opened the door to step into her future.

  * * * *

  Finally all the family and guests had left. They’d had an outside barbecue for the reception. Everyone congratulated them. Then the food, wine, and beer was consumed, but being responsible folks, they all had a designated driver to get them home safely.

  Britt waved as her brother drove her parents off. They were the last to leave. She had to smile at the thought of her father telling Myles he couldn’t drink because he and their mother intended to have a very good time celebrating that they now had four sons-in-law. Then her father made everyone laugh when he said, “Thank goodness we don’t have any more daughters. It’ll keep us broke buying our sons-in-law all their birthday and Christmas presents.”

  Jared put his arms around her from the back and nuzzled her ear. “Happy?”

  “I’m surprised I haven’t exploded with happiness.”

  Ward stood to her side. He took hold of her hand. “Are you sure you don’t mind staying at the ranch for your honeymoon?”

  “It doesn’t matter where we are. The purpose of a honeymoon is to be close and be alone. I don’t think any of the cowboys will come within five miles of the house this week and no one else will visit.” She pulled out of Jared’s arms and took their hands. “Shall we start our honeymoon?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Ward carried her across the threshold. “This is officially your home.” He set her down.

  Britt stared into his loving eyes. “You’re sure you didn’t mind Jared being the one to be my official husband?”

  “Of course not. He’s the one who worked the hardest on you and me to make this all work out. He’s both your and my rock.” Ward glanced at his brother. “It made sense. And Nana’s ceremony tied us all three together good and tight. I am glad we both got a ring.”

  She glanced down at the large gold band with a center diamond on Ward’s hand. Jared’s ring matched her wedding band.

  “Enough talk.” Jared swept her into his arms and down the hall to his room. “We talked to the contractor about adding a large master bedroom suite on the back of the house like we’d discussed,” he told her as he set her feet on the floor.

  “Oh good,” Britt said. Jared turned her and unzipped her dress.

  “I loved your gown,” Ward said. “Your eyes glowed like emeralds.” He had quickly undressed. Now he walked to her, carrying a long, narrow white box and a smaller one. “A wedding gift from Jared and me.” He handed them to her.

  Standing in her white lace bra and panties, she glanced from one to the other. “You didn’t have to spend money on me. I have all I need in you two.”

  “We wanted you to have these gifts. Open them for gosh sakes.”

  She grinned at Ward. “I bet at Christmas you’re the first one to rip your packages apart.”

  Jared nodded. “He is.”

  Britt opened the long box first. Lying on a satin bed was a gorgeous emerald and diamond necklace. “Oh my.”

  Ward fastened it around her neck. “Open the next box.”

  Her fingers fumbled with the wrapping. Ward helped her and handed the box back to her. “Don’t be nervous, be happy.”

  “This is too much,” she said. When she opened the lid, matching earrings winked in the light.

  She grabbed Ward and kissed him hard. Then she pulled Jared to her. “I love them. I’ve never had any good jewelry. I’m almost afraid to wear them out.”

  “For such an occasion one or both of us will be at your side,” Jared reassured her. “Leave the necklace on. Seeing those jewels against your creamy skin and lighting your green eyes is a real turn-on.” He lifted her onto the bed. He and Ward stood back and gazed at her.

  “You two are making me feel self-conscious.”

  “Get used to it, darlin’. It’s hard for me to take my eyes off your body.” Jared climbed into the bed on her right side. Ward joined them on the left and rolled her to face Jared.

  Ward pulled her hair to the side, and beginning at her earlobe, he started arousing a fever in her blood. His teeth bit lightly on her lobe, then he licked and nibbled along her shoulders.

  Jared’s warm hands caressed her full breasts as his teeth bit lightly on her lower lip. “All ours to devour.” His tongue swept inside her mouth and licked all the crevices. His fingers tweaked her tight nipples. Fluid gushed out of her pussy.

  Ward’s hands massaged her back, and then clutched her ass and massaged the area. His fingers dipped in between her lower lips and the opening to her pussy.

  “You’re wet and ready for us.” He rubbed her tiny nub, and a keen sound escaped her lips. She gasped for breath.

  “I want one of you in me, now.”

  “Soon, darlin’.” Jared slid down and covered her breast with his mouth. His tongue licked and sucked her nipple. Her whole body tingled from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.

  She hadn’t realized Ward had moved away until Jared placed her on her back. Then he spread her legs and licked from her clit to her pussy opening.

  “Sweet ambrosia. My darlin’, I want to shout to the mountaintops how happy you make me.” He swept his tongue into her opening. She screamed out his name when a blaze of heat sizzled up her spine and her head exploded with pleasure.

  Jared pulled her legs wider and plunged into her pussy. He held himself tight inside her pussy walls. She raised her hips, urging him to move. When he did, he thrust in and out quickly and deeply. His mouth pleasured her breast as his cock raised her level of arousal to an all-consuming climax.

  Her heart pounded against his chest. She gasped for breath as she climbed a pinnacle and slid down the other side. Her body shook with the force of her orgasm.

  He thrust in a few more times. Then he held still as his cock exploded, spilling his hot sperm against her womb. His release stimulated her pussy to continue to ripple around his cock.

  Jared rolled to the side. He was breathin
g hard, and perspiration shone across his hard muscles. He leaned toward her and kissed her mouth and forehead. “Thanks, darlin’, for being my wife.”

  * * * *

  Ward’s cock had gotten harder and harder watching Brittany and Jared. His balls ached for his release. He waited until her breathing had slowed before picking her up and heading to the shower.

  “Do you have the energy for me to make love to you?”

  “Absolutely, but then I’ll have to be fed.”

  He wrinkled his forehead at her. “For someone so thin, you get hungry a lot.”

  “I use up my calories pleasing my men.” She winked.

  “In that case, I’ll see you have three big meals a day.”

  Ward put her down and adjusted the water. “You first, honey.”

  Britt stepped under the warm water. Ward took the soap and gave her a good rubdown. By the time he finished, his body sizzled with heat and his cock was hard as a rock.

  She turned and took the soap from him. Then she started rubbing his body with it. She ran her hands through the black hair on his chest, across his abs, and down to his long, hard cock. She lathered this area well, making Ward groan a number of times. Finally, he moved her hands and rinsed off.

  “This time I want to come inside you. Another sort of sealing of our commitment since our marriage.”

  He lifted her in his arms and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She kissed him deeply as he rubbed his cock along her pussy lips. When she came up for breath, he lowered his head and sucked on her nearest nipple. Then he positioned his dick at her opening and surged in.

  Her pussy walls grasped him tight, and her hands rubbed his back. His breath quickened and his balls tightened in their sac.

  “Slow and easy at first, sweetheart. I want this to last more than ten seconds. I’m ready to explode.” He slid out very slow and the same way back in. Her pussy walls trembled around him, and in her eyes he caught the flash of desire.

  Ward took them on a slow, steady ride. Brittany trembled in his arms and bit his shoulder. “I can’t take much more.” She begged him to go faster to bring her to the brink.


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