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Purple Panties

Page 23

by Zane

  As her mother ran down his dossier, Serena had turned away, tuning her out, and refrained from telling her to mind her own business for once and allow her to live her life, to choose her own mate, without her mother constantly trying to arrange her life.

  Yes, Reggie had it all. No doubt about it. Fine as hell, intelligent, U.S. Naval Captain with a bright future ahead of him, chiseled, sculpted body—and a dick the size of Mt. Everest.

  And the man knew how to wield that beautiful thick cock like the soldier he was, Serena thought, remembering their previous night’s marathon sex session before she left for her convention.

  Yes, the man definitely knew what to do to get a woman wet, willing, and ready. But for all of that, there was an ache, an unfulfilled need in her that Reggie hadn’t been able to fulfill. One that no man ever had.

  No. It wasn’t Reggie. Damn. If only it were that easy, Serena thought glumly.

  It was her. All her. She’d shrugged off the disturbing thoughts and had raised her face to the stinging water raining down on her from the shower head.

  Once the water began to cool, with reluctance, she’d turned the shower off and stepped out of the tub, wrapping her body in one of the thick, monogrammed hotel towels. Padding over to the small mirror mounted above the sink, she’d allowed the towel to slip from her body and stood naked in front of the mirror, examining herself.

  She’d stared at her reflection, scrunching her nose at the image that stared back. She ran her fingers over her face, run along the tired lines that softly bracketed her wide mouth and noticed that—despite her deep chocolate-brown complexion—dark shadows underscored her eyes.

  She needed to make some decisions about her life, and the longer she waited, the harder it would be.

  Slowly her hands dropped away from her face and she lowered them to her breasts. Her breath quickened as she lightly cupped the small mounds, running her thumb over her nipples. She gazed at her breasts in the mirror, watching the twin, plumb-colored nipples tighten as she manipulated them.

  She eased one hand away from one of her breasts, sliding over her moist skin, down to the V of her legs, her fingers delving between her moist folds. As she rubbed her clit, she continued to stare at her reflection, her lids dropping low, her tongue coming out to moisten her lower rim. Her skin grew uncomfortably tight, her breathing increased as she worked her clit, dipping two fingers inside and pumping them in and out until she felt the unmistakable sensation of an orgasm swamp her body.

  With a small gasp, Serena came, her body jerking as she released, removing her hand from her pussy and planting both on the edge of the counter, gripping the basin tightly as her self-induced pleasure washed over her. Once her body relaxed, her breathing back to normal, she’d turned on the faucet and washed her trembling hands.

  Blowing out a breath of air, she’d unclipped her hair, allowing the freed strands to tumble to her shoulders. She picked up the brush lying on the ceramic counter, and ran it haphazardly through her hair before securing it with a coated band.

  She quickly left the bathroom and slipped into a short black skirt and silk blouse, and with key and purse in hand, headed to the bar downstairs in the hotel lobby. She needed a drink. Badly.

  “Miss…can I get you something for that?”

  Serena’s eyes snapped open when a soft, yet husky voice asked the question.

  She followed the sound of the voice and instantly felt her heart slam against her chest. Serena’s breath caught in her throat as she stared for what seemed like an eternity into the face of one of the most beautiful people she’d ever laid eyes on, standing behind the bar counter with a smile on her bow-shaped, pink lips.

  Serena’s gaze traveled over the bartender. Over her close-cropped, inky black straight hair, multi-pierced small ears, to her whiskey-colored, almond-shaped eyes, which were fringed by lashes so thick and dark, so long, they appeared unreal.

  Her nose was aquiline, small, with just a hint of a tilt at the end that added to her overall beauty instead of distracting from it. Her skin, which was the color of warm honey, was flawless, without a hint of makeup to mask her natural beauty. A small mole graced the corner of her mouth, and as she smiled at Serena, her small white, even teeth flashed.

  Three of the top buttons on the white, starched uniform blouse she wore were undone, the crests of her plush, creamy breasts exposed, and Serena saw the outline of her small nipples pressed against the blouse, and realized she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  When Serena didn’t answer, but continued to gaze at the bartender, a look of concern appeared in the bartender’s beautiful eyes and she pulled the corner of her lower lip into her mouth by her top teeth.

  Serena’s tongue snaked out to lick suddenly dry lips.

  With a start, she realized she was staring with her mouth slightly open and quickly snapped her lips shut and cleared her throat.

  “Oh no, I’m fine,” she croaked out the response and released a nervous sounding, dry laugh.

  “Hard day?” the bartender asked, smiling at Serena as she reached out and took her empty glass.

  Without asking, she refilled Serena’s glass, her small hands wrapped around the neck of the bottle of wine, and images flashed in Serena’s mind like a slideshow of the woman’s small hands wrapping around Serena’s breasts, her short nails scraping over her nipples as the two of them writhed together, bodies entwined, on the bed in her room upstairs in the hotel.

  The image came out of nowhere, as startling in its intensity as it was appealing. Serena shook her head to clear the ridiculous images away, surprised and somewhat uncomfortable with the responding wetness she felt between her thighs because of her wayward thoughts.

  What in the hell was wrong with her, she thought, shaking her head, forcing the hot visual out of her head.

  She wasn’t into women.

  Once, in college, curious, she’d experimented with one of the other girls in her dormitory after a frat party, high and feeling reckless. Neither she nor her partner had known what the hell they were doing as they’d fumbled their way to orgasm, and in the morning they’d woken up, embarrassed and vowed to never talk about what they’d done the previous night.

  But that had been the sum total of her experimentation and one she’d never repeated. She’d forced to the back of her mind the way it had felt to have a woman’s soft body and sweet curves beneath hers, the way it had felt to taste another woman’s essence.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Serena. And yours?” Serena asked and laughed sheepishly when the bartender pointed a small, neatly manicured finger to her name tag. Cree.

  The name fit her. Unique, somehow exotic. Just like her.

  Not knowing what else to say, she glanced around at the empty bar. “Is it normally this quiet around here?” Serena asked, reluctantly turning away from the bartender’s—Cree’s—mesmerizing eyes.

  “Actually, it can be pretty lively around here; especially during conventions. But the Hilton booked the last two conventions, so we’re a bit slow. Plus, it’s closing time.”

  Serena whipped her head around, her eyes going to the mirrored Heineken clock mounted above the wine rack over the bar. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry! You probably want to get out of here. Didn’t know it was so late,” she said and hastily moved to stand from the barstool, a sting of disappointment flooding her.

  “No, you don’t have to go. I just need to lock up, so no one else comes in,” Cree quipped with a small laugh and a wink, and Serena felt a curious happiness, despite the butterflies that settled in her stomach. For some reason, the thought of being alone with Cree sent shivers of fear—and anticipation—racing down along her spine.

  When the main lights in the bar flickered off, leaving the only luminosity from the lit bar, Serena turned around and took a fortifying drink of her wine.

  Moments later, she felt fingertips feather down her neck and turned in her stool, her mouth open, and stared into Cree’s smiling face.

You’re tense. Why don’t you let me help you get rid of that headache,” she murmured. Serena’s heart pounded a little harder against her chest and her mouth went dry, yet she turned back around and allowed the woman to run her fingers over her neck and shoulders, her small hands surprisingly strong as she kneaded Serena’s tense muscles.

  “Hmmm,” Serena murmured, closing her eyes.

  “Feel good?”

  “Yeah, really good,” she answered, feeling her body melt under the woman’s talented fingers like hot butter.

  “Here, why don’t you take off your blouse? It’ll feel better,” she said and Serena glanced over her shoulder at the woman.

  “Uh, I don’t think that’s necessary,” she laughed nervously. “Besides, anyone could walk by and see,” she finished, swallowing the melon-sized ball of fearful anticipation of what could happen.

  “No worries. The door’s locked, windows tinted. Just relax. And enjoy,” Cree replied easily, moving in front of Serena.

  With their eyes locked, with the clarity in Cree’s eyes easy to discern, her hand grazed the top of Serena’s breasts, fingering her through the silk of her blouse before slipping the buttons free. Her gaze remained steady on Serena’s as she slowly unclipped the front closure on Serena’s bra, allowing her breasts to tumble free. Serena felt ready to explode from the sheer eroticism of what she was allowing—freely participating in—to naturally unfold.

  The corners of Cree’s lips lifted in a smile of appreciation as she thumbed one of Serena’s turgid nipples, teasing them to tighten to the point of near pain. She leaned down and captured one of the erect, stiff buds, swabbing it with her tongue, before carefully taking it in her mouth and suckling the nipple, deeply.

  Serena grasped her by the back of her short cropped head and pulled her closer as jolts of electricity wildly arced from her nipples to her pussy, while the woman milked, pulled and tugged, alternating her attention from one breast to the other.

  Releasing her suctioning hold on her breasts, Cree stepped in closer between Serena’s legs, bumping them further apart, her hands coming to rest on the top of her thighs as she continued to minister to her breasts.

  With her breath caught in her throat, nostrils flaring as she inhaled the woman’s unique scent deeply into her lungs, Serena released appreciative moans of delight. In heated anticipation she felt Cree’s small hands, caress up the length of her thighs before shoving her skirt to her waist. Cree leaned close, her upper body pressed against hers, and whispered hotly in her ear, “What do you want from me, Serena? Say it,” she demanded, softly. “Say what you want. What you need. Just once. Say it…Just once,” she encouraged.

  “I need to feel you,” Serena bit out, harshly, her body trembling, so desperate was her need.

  “Then show me,” Cree replied and grasped her earlobe between her teeth, sucking the flesh. Serena cried out in passionate disbelief at the flood of cream from her pussy as it ran down her thighs, from the simple act.

  Serena reached between their bodies and clumsily unbuttoned Cree’s starched white blouse. Cree laughed a tinkling laugh when Serena mumbled an apology as several of the buttons got torn away in her haste to rid her of her blouse.

  The minute Serena felt her large perfectly round breasts spill from beneath the blouse, she groaned and pushed away from the barstool, allowing it to tumble back with a clang to the floor as she moved as close as she could to the other woman, their breasts pressed tightly against each other.

  Cree placed her hands beneath the globes of Serena’s buttocks, squeezing and kneading the twin spheres. Mouths met in a desperate clash of need and lust and the women tumbled to the carpeted floor of the bar, Cree landing with a laugh on top of Serena. She leaned away and reached behind her body, unbuttoning her skirt and shoving it from her body before returning to straddle Serena.

  With a sexy smile on her pretty lips, she bunched Serena’s skirt up higher, exposing her further, and one of her fingers pulled at the elastic band of Serena’s panties. She kept her eyes locked on Serena’s as her hand slipped further inside her panties, tunneling through the trimmed hair surrounding Serena’s mound.

  When her index finger found the pulse of her pussy and swirled around the slick, stiff, blood-filled clit, Serena released a small mewling cry from behind clenched teeth, her body humming with desire.

  Cree kept her gaze locked with Serena’s and slipped her fingers between her drenched folds.

  “Oh, God. This feels so good,” Serena whispered, barely able to speak past the lump in her throat as Cree’s fingers dipped in and out of her slick core, stroking her clit, rubbing her juices over and around the plump bud.

  While Cree’s hand continued to toy and play with her pussy, the other hand wrapped around the back of Serena’s head, and she lay down on top of her. Serena had been expecting a rough, hard kiss, but when their lips met in a kiss so soft, so sweet, Serena felt tears sting the back of her eyes, forcing her to close them in near sensual agony. She felt one lone tear escape and travel down her face.

  Cree released her lips and whispered against the corner of her mouth, “Sssh, it’s okay.” And her tongue snaked out to kiss the tear away, before she licked the corner of Serena’s lips, easing between the seam of her mouth, stroking her lower lip in soft scissoring movements, silently asking for admittance into her mouth.

  This close to her, Cree’s scent, both feminine and sweet, while at the same time earthy and raw, wrapped around Serena, sealing them in a heady cocoon of lust, want and desperate need.

  “I’m going to make you come. Do you want to come, Serena?”

  Mindless, Serena tossed her head back and forth, mewling and crying as the woman continued to finger-fuck her, the look in her whiskey-colored eyes intense, passionate…primal.

  At the same time she whispered the demand, she eased her fingers from Serena’s dripping pussy, despite Serena’s cry of denial, and snaked her body down until she reached the V of Serena’s legs.

  She ripped Serena’s panties from her body, and shoving her legs up, until her feet were planted on the floor, she placed her entire mouth over Serena’s pussy, shoved her tongue deep inside her cunt and licked, laved, and nibbled at her.

  “Yes!” Serena screamed, clamping her legs close together alongside Cree’s face, bracketing her, keeping her right where Serena wanted—needed—her to be.

  Cree separated Serena’s slick folds, spreading her pussy lips wide and pulled her closer. The heel of her other hand above her pelvic bone pressed lightly, while she paid homage to her pussy, lapping up the cream that now so freely streamed down the insides of her thighs.

  Dear, God, Serena thought, she was lapping it up like it was some type of nectar straight from heaven.

  She bucked against her talented tongue, squirming and rooting on her face, trying to get closer, urging, no, demanding her, to take it to the next level and give her the completion she needed.

  Cree ignored her.

  Instead, she continued her sensual teasing, paying no heed to her silent plea, taking her time with Serena, stroking her cunt in smooth easy glides. Serena wanted to cry, die, something. Her body was taut like the strings on some forgotten old guitar, the pleasure was so intense. She didn’t know how much more she could take. On and on she lapped in slow, leisurely caresses, her face buried deep between her legs.

  “Oh, please…” Serena begged and took in deep, desperate breaths of air.

  Cree finally pulled her hood deep into the hot cavern of her mouth. She used her tongue to swirl and ferret out her pulsing, throbbing clit with such delicate ferocity, Serena thought she’d lose her mind.

  As she licked and gobbled, laving her cunt, she removed the hand pressing down on her pelvis, and used both hands to separate the cheeks of Serena’s ass. She rotated them in counter-clockwise motions, delving her tongue deeper and deeper into her core at the same time.

  “Yes, that feels so good, please—please don’t stop,” Serena shamelessly begged.

sp; When she felt one, then two fingers press into her ass, pushing past the puckered resistance, she groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure so intertwined, she didn’t know where one left off and the other began.

  The laps of Cree’s smooth, velvet tongue and press of her fingers inside her ass, was an erotic feeling unlike anything Serena had ever experienced.

  Serena exploded.

  She reared her body up, grabbed the woman’s hair between her fists, but Cree continued to lick, eat and consume her pussy with greedy laps of her tongue while carefully moving her fingers in and out of the tight walls of her anus. Serena’s body broke out in a fine sheen of sweat, her body shook and hips bucked against her mouth, and fingers.

  Serena fell back down on the carpeted floor, her body writhing in violent trembles. Cree removed her fingers and shoved Serena’s legs up, spreading her as wide as possible and climbed on top of her.

  Grinding her body on hers, Cree rubbed and pumped her pussy against Serena’s until Serena screamed. Plunging her tongue inside her mouth, swallowing her screams of passion, Cree continued to work her body along Serena’s until the orgasm slammed into both of them, flames licking through Serena’s body like a brush fire, devastating and complete.

  Cree wrapped her arms around Serena and allowed them to ride the crest of orgasm together. When it was over, when her body was limp, completely boneless, and Cree lay quietly on top of her, she closed her eyes and smiled a tired yet satisfied smile, and gently reached a hand up to wipe away the soft tendrils of hair from Cree’s sweaty forehead.

  At last she’d found what was missing from her life.

  Kimberly Kaye Terry is a multi-published author who pens interracial, delicious tales that expertly blend eroticism and true romance for Kensington Publishing and Ellora’s Cave. She lives with her husband, a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army, and their beautiful child in a suburb in Texas. Kimberly has a bachelor’s degree in social work, a master’s degree in human relations and counseling, and is a proud member of the one and only Zeta Phi Beta Sorority. Kimberly invites you to relax while you curl up with one of her scintillating tales of vivacious women and the amazing men who love them as they make their journey to finding true love. For more about Kimberly Kaye Terry check out


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