Cocky: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Cocky: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 67

by Ashlee Price

  But I’d made my bed, so to speak, and now it was time to lie in it.

  I tried, my absolute damnedest, to switch off my emotions, to not let it get to me. But it was like trying to lobotomize myself, cutting out a now essential aspect of my being, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stop thinking about him, lusting after the damn fiancé of my best friend.

  And then, I’d discovered I was pregnant…

  It had taken me completely off guard, horrified me. I’d been on birth control during sex, and thought that would be enough given the sudden circumstances. There really should have been a condom involved, but of course it had all been so damn spur of the moment, unplanned…

  I’d had my suspicions for a few weeks before finally going through with the pregnancy test. I kept trying to rationalize my missed period to myself, like maybe it was just a welcome side effect of my birth control, although it would have been one I’d never known before, previously. But the more and more I tried to avoid thinking about it, the more and more it worried me, until at last I realized I was just making matters worse with the uncertainty, and no amount of trying to run away from the problem was going to bring me an inch closer to solving enough.

  And so, I peed on the stick, hoping for the best, expecting the worst – and getting just that.

  I was preggers, alright… A bun in the oven… Whatever the hell you wanted to call it.

  And now, I was stuck with an unbearable dilemma, struggling with my options, not sure what the hell I wanted to do.

  I’ve always been pro-choice, politically, anyway, but when it came around to making that sort of decision myself, well – suffice it to say, it wasn’t quite as easy for me to consider. I just couldn’t seem to make myself comfortable with the notion, for whatever reason, and it seemed certain to me, almost from day one, that I was going to be keeping the child, one way or another.

  This left me, of course, with yet another daunting choice to make, a necessary one, I was sure, but one as unpleasant as having my teeth pulled out.

  I needed to tell Jeff…

  He needed to know that his child was forming inside me, that I was going to be the mother of his baby – and I was not at all looking forward to the moment of that conversation’s happening.

  It was bad enough that I had to face that prospect to begin with… But I knew that, what was more, I was under a deadline here. I couldn’t wait around, let some time pass, and get around to it whenever I just so happened to feel like it. The wedding was in a week, and my baby daddy was going to be married to another woman – my best friend, no less.

  As much as it was like sheer agony to me, I needed to tell him, and fast. He needed to know, to be able to make the right decision, whatever that happened to be on his part. Obviously, that decision, from my perspective, was to leave Clarissa and to love me instead, but it was, of course, not my place to say either way. He simply needed to be aware of the situation, allowed to make his judgment accordingly, and I was just going to have to live with his verdict at the end of the day.

  God, the thought of it made me burn inside… Made me want to cry, to break down, and lock myself in the house for an indefinite period of time.

  But it was too late now… A decision had to be made, and Jeff had to be told.

  One way or another, the truth had to be revealed – there was, simply, no stopping it.

  Chapter 3

  Wednesday… The wedding was three days away now, and I knew damn well I was pushing it. But I’d needed to figure out what the hell I was going to say, to word it just properly, and I couldn’t damn well show up at the soon-to-be married couple’s house and announce it in front of Clarissa.

  I was parked outside his office, watching the LED lights on my dash as they flicked from 4:59 to 5:00, and that moment something seemed to drop inside my chest like a lead weight.

  It was a few minutes, still, before Jeff emerged from inside the building, along with several of his co-workers. He was looking at his phone, perhaps at a text from Clarissa, I thought, and laughing at something one of his business casual buddies had just gotten through saying. God, it was almost sad seeing him like this, I thought… He’d made something of his life, but he’d completely discarded his air of mystery for a boring ass desk job, devoid of thrill or excitement.

  But, that was what time did to a person, I guessed. And at any rate, that was of far lesser importance at just that point in time. I lifted my hand to my stomach once more, feeling it well up for reasons entirely separate from the baby’s presence there, and then I stepped out of the car, hurrying before Jeff climbed onto his motorcycle and made his way home for the day.

  “Jeff!” I called, and instantly his face flew to me, freezing him in space, as his co-workers continued onward. Clearly, I hadn’t been what he’d wanted or expected to see just then, and I could see him about to blow a gasket at me, keeping in his rage for the sake of the other office workers. “I’ll see you tomorrow, guys,” he muttered to his colleagues, and after a few halfhearted, “g’nights,” he came up to me, visibly pissed off.

  “Jesus, Maggie… What the hell? You know damn well you can’t just come to my office and stalk me after work… I thought we understood each other about that…”

  “I’m pregnant,” I blurted out, and that shut him up in his righteous indignation in short enough order. He froze, eyes widening, and I gripped my stomach, as though protecting the child growing there.

  “What… What, I – Jesus…” he said, peering into me, looking for any signs that I might just be pulling his leg. When I gave no such indication, he turned away from me, stunned, then turned back, suddenly hopeful – “Are… Are you sure it’s-”

  “Yes,” I said, a bit pissed at him. “Yes… God… I wouldn’t be telling you if I wasn’t sure… I haven’t been with anyone else since… Since that night…”

  “Fuck… Oh, fuck…” he said, gripping his head in his hands, walking in a slight circle back and forth, trying to think. “Fuck…” he repeated.

  I let him continue in this way for a while, feeling increasingly hopeless as his interest in me seemed to wane and wane progressively lesser.

  “What do you want to do about this?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him, now more annoyed at his reaction than optimistic that he might still have feelings for me.

  “Jesus… God, Maggie, it was a mistake… I just – Fuck… I can’t deal with this now, okay? Just… Not now…” As though I had any choice in the matter. “Just… Don’t say anything… To anyone, about this… God… I can’t deal with this right now, I’m sorry…”

  I was stunned, my opinion of him suddenly plummeting after all those years of idolizing him.

  He wasn’t this suave, collected bad boy… He was just another dead-beat dad, like any other, a man who liked to screw around and pretend as though there were no possible consequences to his actions.

  I was irate, as I watched him storm in the direction of his car, and more hurt than anything in my loneliness, feeling like I’d just been abandoned by the one person in the world I’d somehow believed could truly love me.

  “What the hell do you see in her anyway? She’s nothing but a spoiled brat… She always has been and she always will be, and your life with her is going to be shit if you end up marrying her!”

  I shouted it across the parking lot, without thinking, and he froze for a minute. Then he stormed across the parking lot like a bull about to charge, goring me with his index finger as he stabbed it threateningly through the air, emphasizing his every syllable.

  “No… No if… Clarissa and I are still getting married… This doesn’t change anything… In fact, I think it would be best if you didn’t show up on Saturday… Stay the hell away from our wedding, and if Clarissa asks, just tell her you got the goddamn flu and couldn’t make it…”

  “Go to hell,” I snarled, scowling, and he looked mean at me, but didn’t say anything. With a last glare to ensure that I understood his seriousness thoroughly, he then turn
ed, and stomped over to his bike. He climbed on, and rumbled with excessive loudness from the parking lot, leaving a black mark beneath his tire as he squealed out, and it was all I could do from breaking down crying right there on the spot.

  Chapter 4

  Saturday… The day of the wedding.

  My former best friend, and the father of my baby, getting ready to spend the entire rest of their lives together, united in holy matrimony, so long as they both shall live.

  The very thought of it made me feel like dying, but I’d cried so much since Wednesday that no tears came any longer. I simply lay there on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling, my mind drifting into more and more miserable territory.

  How wrong I’d been… Seeing so much in Jeff that hadn’t really been there… Letting myself idealize him as I’d done. I should have known better… He’d been dating Clarissa all this time, after all. What reason did I have to expect his character to be outstanding or remarkable, when he let himself be tied down to a vicious, vindictive creature like that?

  And Lord, what was I going to do now? With his child developing quickly, its future uncertain as I found myself cast out lonely into the world, with no recourse, no one to aid me in raising it…

  I just didn’t know if I could do it, and I felt like my brain was caught, frozen up, choking off thoughts as a shiver ran over me.

  And then there was a knocking at the front door…

  It caught me completely off guard, and I sat bolt upright, frozen, frightened almost. I let myself get my hopes up, and I knew that was a mistake. It was absurd really, expecting a miracle, expecting that Jeff’s character could have made such a drastic change that he would skip his own wedding to be here with me.

  But then I saw a motorcycle in the driveway…

  My belly did somersaults…

  I’d waited so long that there was another knock at the door, trying again to get my attention, and I hurried to open in this time, afraid he might leave.

  And there was Jeff…

  Not Clarissa’s Jeff, but my Jeff. The Jeff I’d once fallen in love with, looking dark and handsome, clad in a leather jacket instead of corporate attire, his hair mussed from the ride, but perfect in his way, made even better by the passionate expression now beaming across his face.

  “Maggie, I’m… I’m so, so sorry… For the other day. You just caught me so off guard, out of nowhere… I panicked… I acted… Well, pretty horribly to you, honestly… But God, I didn’t mean it… I didn’t mean a word of it…” I stared at him, astonished, breathless, and not sure what to say. But that was quite alright, it seemed, as he continued, “But you were right… You were right about everything… I’ve been miserable with Clarissa for years, and it took loving you for that spell to be broken… I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to see it – but I think, somewhere, I’ve always seen the connection between the two of us… I didn’t let it go anywhere because of Clarissa, but… But, well, I honestly haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that night… I need you, Maggie…”

  And it was like every word I’d ever wanted to hear from him had been squeezed into a single speech.

  I stood there, mouth agape, trying to think of a response, but of course none was necessary.

  Before either of us knew it, we were flinging ourselves into one another’s arms. This time, it was no accident… No flash in the pan or split second decision that we would come to regret later. This was us, giving into what we’d known was there for ages now, and doing it wholeheartedly this time around. Our lips, melting into one another like an alloy, sweet and delectable, our heads going light as we groped and touched and burned for one another. Our tongues pushing into one another’s mouths, circling around our cheeks as we tasted one another, the flavors delectable, and neither of us capable of possibly getting enough. And God, his hands all over me, pulling me into himself, his thick, now familiar cock hardening up against me through denim, making me wet as hell as I burned beneath my yoga pants, his hand sinking down the back squeezing handfuls of my tush, making my knees shake as he ravished me.

  And at last, the two of us pulled apart, coming up for breath, our eyes wide and our nostrils flaring as, once more, we struggled to process the fact that this was indeed a reality.

  “Don’t you have a wedding you’re supposed to be at?” I asked, wanting to make absolutely certain I understood the situation before things progressed any further.

  “Nope,” he said, with a grin, “I left her standing at the altar…”

  “Oh God,” I said, suddenly happier than I should be. “She’ll love that…” And I thought of her going on one of her rampages, storming through the church hall and sending a thousand profane curses down upon Jeff’s head in his absence.

  My thoughts, however, were quickly taken from Clarissa for good as he pulled me back into himself, and drowned me in his flesh.

  We made out wildly, stumbling our way through the house in one another’s arms. I loved the delight of his touch once again, making my body burn for him, my nipples hardening at the memory of his touch, my pussy getting wet, and my head spinning as I guided the two of us to the bathroom.

  We slammed the door shut behind us, and I reached in to turn on the tap. The thick white steam rose up in plumes from the porcelain, and we began to peel one another greedily out of our clothes. I savored the view of his naked torso yet again, his bulging pecs and the agonizing rungs of his six pack abdominals, not to mention the intense, deeply cut V-lines of his Adonis muscles…

  He hurried to get me naked for him, and I tried to accommodate him as speedily as I could. I slipped out of my t-shirt, wearing no bra underneath, so that my breasts bounced freely with the removal of the fabric, much to his delight. Then I lowered myself downward, downward, downward, peeling out of my yoga pants, revealing him to the tight black g-string of the black thong panties I’d been wearing underneath, not expecting them to be seen by anyone this evening.

  However, he was clearly aroused by the sight of them riding up between the cleavage of my buttocks, and I peeled them gingerly down off of myself, clearly making him want me. He reached out to me, dying to touch me at this point, but I playfully swatted him away, shaking a reprimanding finger at him. He looked at me, confused, and I walked past him with a smile, slipping behind the shower curtain, the streams of hot water pouring down across my naked body, feeling like a dream.

  I extended a hand beyond the cover of the curtain, and hooked my finger repeatedly at him in a “come hither motion,” making my intentions known…

  I waited, and a few moments later he was slipping behind the sanctity of the shower curtain, his naked body a welcome view, and his cock at full, veiny attention as it bobbed up and down through the air with his every step toward me. God, he looked even better when wet, I realized with arousal…

  I met him halfway across the tub, pushing my body into him, and I pinned him back up against the opposite wall in desperation, greedy for his touch. His hot, wet cock slid up against my inner thigh, feeling wonderful as the two of us kissed, making me tingle with sensation from head to toe. We kissed more passionately than ever, his tongue pushing hard into my mouth, licking me up from cheek to cheek, entwined in my own, making my head light with pleasure. He took one of my breasts in his hand, and squeezed it passionately, fingers sinking into flesh, and I squeaked with pleasure, then smiled, amused at myself.

  If I thought that was too much to handle, though, it was next to nothing compared to the moment when he reached down between my trembling thighs, hooking his fingers upward into my wet, delicate pussy. I moaned, as he began to squelch around through the folds, rubbing his palm along me, kneading up the lips of my twat. Then he began to put his fingers inside me, first two of them, then three, then four, stretching me out. I pumped his wrist, and I heard the glorious squelching sound as he pummeled me with his fingers, sensations blooming through my system, causing me to moan with delight as I squinted my eyes tightly shut. He began to rub my clitoris
, then, as well, and it was entirely too much for me.

  I put my mouth back onto his, and lowered him down, down, down to the floor of the tub as we kissed. Once we were there, I gave him a last, naughty grin, before turning my body around, my spine arched, my ass in his face. I wasn’t sure exactly how he would go for this as I crept cautiously back, but he seemed crazed for the idea, unable to get me into him quickly enough. He dug his claws into my butt cheeks, and yanked me back into him, smothering himself in my ass, much to my delight.

  I moaned, my toes curling as I felt his tongue beginning to penetrate me, twisting through the floral folds of my pussy like there was no tomorrow. He devoured me, seeming to genuinely love my flavor as he lapped me up, plunging his tongue in and out, in and out, in and out like there was no tomorrow. Never before had I been eaten this perfectly, this sensually, and I kept backing further, further into him, nearly crushing him, it seemed, as the sensations continued to grow.

  His head bobbed rhythmically as he lapped up my cunt, basking in my flavor, and one point he shocked the hell out of me, going so far as to eat my booty for me. His tongue slid across my anus, coming as a massive but welcome surprise, and his work in this department, as well, pleased me in every way.

  But before long, he was back to my pussy, finishing the job right. Eating me out, slicing me up with his tongue, kneading the cheeks of my ass in his hands while he worked, and going out of his way to massage my clitoris with his middle finger, much to my delight.

  I shrieked, and came like hell, shaking from head to toe, orgasm pulsing through my system, until at last I let out a great, powerful sigh, releasing his face from my ass.

  Good God… For a bad boy, he was really, really good at oral…

  Weary with pleasure, I twisted back onto him, and the two of us made out for a while beneath the streams of the shower, my taste still on his lips, until at last the water began to grow cold.


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