Cocky: A Reverse Harem Romance

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Cocky: A Reverse Harem Romance Page 140

by Ashlee Price

  One of the times he snuck a peek, she was looking back. He wasn’t embarrassed to be caught looking, he just lifted his hat off of his head and tilted it her way. Her eyes started to sparkle and he knew they were on the same page.

  The night started to die down, groups of people heading for home. The pair of guys Todd and Rich had been playing left, and Rich said he was ready to go. Todd looked back at the woman once again and she met his eyes.

  “You go ahead without me, I’ll get home.” He looked at his brother and he was smirking at him.

  “Okay, whatever you say.” He was laughing as he walked away.

  The brunette left her group of friends as soon as Todd was alone and she joined him at the bar. “My apartment is just down the street.” She said to him under her breath.

  “That is the best news I've heard all day.” He smiled at her. He stood up and grabbed her hand, “Lead the way beautiful.”

  She giggled and walked out the door. They took a left and then another and walked a few blocks. They came to the little book store and she unlocked a side door. Her apartment must be above it. The door opened to a stairway and they ascended. He was correct; there was a small apartment at the top of the stairs with a small kitchen that they walked in to first.

  She led him down the hall and in to the bedroom. “I’m just going to get cleaned up.” She said and went through a door which must have been a bathroom.

  Todd just didn’t feel like waiting so he got up from the bed which he had sat on and joined her in the bathroom. She seemed a little surprised to see him at first, and then she saw that he had stripped off all of his clothes and was fully erect.

  Instantly her eyes softened and a naughty smile spread across her face. Todd walked over to her and lifted her t-shirt over her head. He then unbuttoned her shorts and pushed them down her legs. She wasn’t wearing any underwear; well wasn’t that a turn on. Todd covered her mouth with his and licked his way inside. While their tongues danced, he slowly moved them forward so that her ass hit the sink. It was the perfect height.

  He broke the kiss and bent down to lift her at the knees. He placed her so that she was leaning up against the mirror and her legs were spread wide open. He then got on his knees and tasted her. She was sweet and she smelled amazing. He flicked his tongue out and teased her a bit and she made some very satisfactory noises. Then he got serious and really went to town. He picked up a rhythm with his tongue, making circles and then flicking, sucking her in to his mouth.

  The brunette climaxed so hard he thought she was going to fall off of the sink. Before her tremors had stopped, he straightened up and, putting a condom on first of course, pushed himself inside of her, hard. The girl let out a shout of pleasure and he began to move; rocking his hips back and forth, starting out slow. He held the girl by the hips and kissed her.

  He began to pick up the pace, feeling his release build. The girl was going wild, breathing heavy and moaning loud. He kept going faster and faster until he was slamming his hips against her and he was moaning too. He knew his orgasm was coming, and fast, but he wanted the girl to get a release too; so he took his thumb and started to massage her while he pushed in and out. The girl burst in to another orgasm and mumbled some profanity as the pleasure ripped through her. Todd found his own release and pumped deep in to the brunette as he rode his own waves of bliss.


  Very early the next morning, Todd slipped out of the brunette’s bed and headed for home. He descended the stairs and was waiting on the curb for his cab when he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. It was a woman walking towards him. It looked like she just came out of the doors of a bar. Todd couldn’t help but stare at her, she was tall, her hair was as red as fire, and she was dressed completely in black leather. Her tight bodice framed her breasts perfectly, and stopped just before her belly button which was exposed. The skin tight pants fell on her hips just right and the early morning light made the silver on her belt sparkle. She was wearing knee high black boots with skinny bright red heel on the back. Her red hair wad down around her shoulders and so curly it was out of control, going this was and that. Attached to her hip she wore what looked to be a whip, and around her neck was a silver choker necklace.

  Todd could feel that his mouth was hanging open; he just couldn’t help it. As she got closer to him she saw that her eyes were so dark they looked black and she had high cheek bones and lips that were so perfect it hurt. All he could do was stand there and gape. She was beautiful, she was mesmerizing and she looked dangerous.

  She walked passed him, giving a little wink when she met his eyes and then kept going. He didn’t get to watch her leave as long as he wanted because just then his cab showed up and he had to shake his head to clear it. He opened the back door and with one last glance at the woman in leather, he got in the car and the driver took him home.

  He walked in the door of his house and immediately went for the shower. He felt the need to wash the brunette off of himself. He still couldn’t get the woman in leather out of his mind, her body and the wink she had given him. The more he thought about her, the harder his sex got. He tried to shake it off and jumped in the shower.

  The hot water felt good on his skin. He early morning air had been chilly and the cab driver had the window down the whole ride. He shampooed his hair and shaved and washed his body with his favourite body wash. Even after all of the distraction, he couldn’t get the woman out of his head.

  He looked down and saw that he was fully erect, and it seemed like it wasn’t going anywhere. He grabbed on to himself and started to stroke. The warmth of the shower and the tightness of his grip felt amazing. He closed his eyes and imagined that he was surrounded by all that leather, it had all fallen to the floor and she was standing naked in front of him and it was her hand on his skin and not his own. His orgasm hit him hard and he had to brace himself against the wall of the shower with his other hand to catch himself before he fell. He looked down and finally his sex was deflated. A woman had never had that kind of effect on him before; especially not one that he just passed on the street.

  He worked with his new buckskin more that day, trying to saddle him up. Every time he tried, the horse would just move away or rear up. He was getting nowhere. Finally he gave up for the day and decided to go for a ride on one of the other horses. He saddled up his favourite mare and headed for the trails.

  He owned a decent amount of land and it provided the perfect landscape for trail riding. He went down one trail and turned right on to a different one. Eventually he came out to a ridge and stopped the mare. They sat there quietly for a while, enjoying the fresh air.

  In the back of his mind Todd could still see that woman. It was like his new obsession. He had to forget about it.

  It was starting to get dark so he turned the mare around and went home. He brushed her down before he went in the house for the night and closed up the barn. He lay in his bed shortly after and fell asleep.

  Todd dreamt about the woman in leather that night. He could see her hips, her legs and those amazing lips. This sexual dream was different compared to his normal ones. He realized in his dream that he was laying on a large bed; the sheets under him were black. His arms were held above his head and his legs were spread apart. He couldn’t move any of his limbs. Then he saw her. She was coming out of another room and she was wearing the same outfit he had seen her in. she was holding her whip and when she was standing next to him, she ran it lightly across the skin of his bare stomach, tickling and teasing him. He wanted to reach out for her but he couldn’t move his arms.

  “No, no, I'm in control.” She said in a deep gravelly voice. She lifted her arm and flicked her wrist and the end came right towards him.

  Todd woke up with a start. He had thrown the blankets off in the night; he was covered in sweat and fully erect.

  For the next three days, all Todd could think about was the woman. Everything he did seemed to end in her on his mind. Finally he broke down and drove in to
town where he had seen her. He pulled his truck to the side of the road and parked it. It was the middle of the day and the streets were quiet, everyone at work. The first thing he wanted to do was see what the bar was like she was coming out of.

  He found the door and read the sign on the roof, ‘The Tiger’s Den’. He didn’t spend a lot of time in town and he had never known this place was here. He tried to open the door but it was locked. He peered inside and all the lights were off and there was no one to be found. He saw there were the hours and some other papers posted in the window on his right so he went to read it. The bar didn’t open until 8:00 pm and closed at 3:00 am. The other papers were schedules of when the performers were on. Names like ‘Candy’, ‘Sparkle’ and ‘Sugar’ were listed as the dancers. He knew right then that this must be some kind of strip club.

  All of a sudden Todd was very excited; if this list told him what the woman’s name was and when she was going to perform next, he could be here to see her. He looked at the schedule to see who had performed the night he was in town. The night in question was dubbed as ‘Dominatrix Night’. The names listed were Cassy, Jessica and the main act; Ember. He knew that was her. It had to be. It was a perfect name for the woman with the fire red hair. He looked through the list and saw that she was scheduled for that night.

  Todd went home and paced around the house for the rest of the day, not getting a single thing done on the farm. That’s what he had hired hands for he supposed. Todd didn’t know what he was going to do when he saw Ember again, but he knew he had to. Maybe he would try to talk to her privately, see if maybe she’d be interested in meeting with him. It was totally out of the ordinary for him but he wanted to live that dream he had the other night. He wanted to know what it was like for Ember to be in charge.

  Finally it was time to go back in to town, and he sped the whole way there. He found a parking lot close to the bar and walked down the street in the cool night air. The place was much more alive and pumping at this time of night. The sign was lit up and there was other neon colours coming from the windows. He could hear the music coming from inside and every time someone opened the door it got louder. There were a few people standing on the side walk smoking and talking loudly to each other. He walked passed them and pulled on the door handle.

  Inside it was still dark, but there were small lights all over the place; as if they had white Christmas lights strung up. There were small round tables cluttered around the bar was off to the right. The music was loud and there were people everywhere. Todd made his way towards the bar ad bought himself a beer. He could see that passed the bar and the tables there was a huge stage with three different poles on it. It was lit up with spot lights and at the moment the light was tinted blue. A voice came on the microphone and announced that a dancer named Cinnamon was going to be coming out.

  Todd maneuvered himself around some tables and found a seat that was a good distance away from any people. He did want to be near anyone else. The dancer came out shortly after and he watched the performance. She was very good, and the other men hooted and hollered at her. Todd did not. He was waiting for Ember.

  When Cinnamon was done, the lights went out on the stage and everyone went back to talking loud and several people went up to get another drink. Todd was nursing the one beer he had and he was alright with that.

  About fifteen minutes later, everyone was back in their seats and the lights were turned back up on the stage. Todd was suddenly nervous; he was finally about to see Ember again. The music started and smoke crept on to the stage from some hidden smoke machines. And there she was, walking on to the stage through the smoke. It took Todd’s eyes a minute to adjust and then she was clear as day. Her hair was down again tonight, this time it was straight and falling over her shoulders. The outfit was black leather, skin tight and shiny. It was a body suit, it had long sleeves that covered her arms, and it pulled down in a deep V at her chest and was pulled tight across her hips. Then it cut off at her upper thigh like shorts. She was wearing thigh high black boots, and covering the skin between the bottom of the body suit and the boots was black fish net stockings.

  Todd could not look away.

  Ember started to move across the stage, grinding her hips and dancing seductively. She grabbed on to the middle pole and threw her legs up it, letting go with her hands and sliding down until she was on the floor. She began to crawl in his direction and then their eyes met.

  A spark ran through Todd’s entire body, he felt it from his forehead to the tip of his toes. His skin was tingling. He stared in to the dark eyes and he saw a brief flicker of what looked like shock, as if she had felt it too. She recovered quickly and continued her dance. Every time she came towards the part of the stage that he was closest to, she would meet his eyes; he would stare back every time. It became almost a game. She started to smile a little when she would look at him, the sides of her mouth turning up in a way that turned him on more than her dance.

  At the end of her number, as she was walking away, she threw her hair over her shoulder to look at him again and she winked. Todd stayed at the bar the entire night, buying a beer every hour or so to keep the bartender happy. When the place closed down, he moved outside and waited there. He stood near the door but not too close so that anyone would notice he was there. He paced back and forth, waiting for Ember to come out.

  The door opened but it was just the bartender. He went in the other direction and didn’t even see Todd standing there. A few minutes after that the door opened again and a couple of the other dancer came out. Neither of them paid any attention to him. It was getting to be the early hours of the day now and Todd had been waiting for a good two hours. Finally the door opened one last time and she emerged.

  She was still wearing her work outfit, but she had thrown a red cardigan over top. It added to the sexiness and he was happy that she was warm. She noticed him right away and stopped walking. She walked a little closer to him and stood there but didn’t say anything. Todd was staring at her mouth, wanting so bad to know what it felt like on his own. She bit her lip, and damn wasn’t that sexy.

  Todd could feel the sexual tension in the air, and it wasn’t only coming from him. She was attracted to him and he knew it.

  “What’s your name?” She said finally. Her voice wasn’t as deep as it was in his dream, but it was just as sexy; smooth and silky.

  “Todd.” He replied.

  “Hello Todd, I’m –”

  “You're Ember, I know.” He said before she could finish.

  “Actually, it’s Amber. Ember is just my stage name. Listen, do you want to come to my place for a drink? I don’t know what it is about you, but I can’t seem to walk away.”

  “Absolutely.” Was all he said.

  She began to walk and he caught up with her and matched her speed. They went a short distance and then turned on to another street. About half way down, she walked up a driveway and unlocked the front door of a little brick bungalow. She opened the door wide and walked in ahead of him. He followed her as she flicked lights on. It was a nice home; the decor was modern and tasteful. She led the way in to the kitchen and sat down on a stool on one side of the little breakfast nook. He took a stool on the opposite side.

  “What would you like to drink?” she asked him.

  “Whatever you're having is fine with me.”

  Amber got up and pulled her coffee maker away from the wall. He watched her put the filter in and measure the grinds; then she poured in the water and turned it on. Seconds later the sweet aroma of coffee filled the room. She poured them both a cup and they added the cream and sugar to their liking.

  They sat and talked for a while; about all kinds of things. He told her about his farm and the rodeo and the horse he couldn’t break. She told him about moving to the town from the other side of the country and her sister that lived down the street. The one thing they didn’t talk about was her work, and that was what Todd was most curious about.

  “So,” he said
, “is the whole dominatrix thing just for work?”

  She looked kind of embarrassed at his question and he kind of regretted asking. Then she said “I might have a little experience.”

  “More than I've got.” He half said to himself.

  When Todd looked back at Amber, she no longer looked embarrassed. Instead, her face was wearing a hot and sultry expression. She lowered her lids and leaned in towards him on her elbows so that he had a great view of her cleavage. “Are you looking to gain some more experience?”

  Todd was instantly hard in his jeans. It took him a minute to compose himself before he could answer her.

  “I could be in to that.” Was what he said.

  Amber got up from her stool and came around the counter towards him. She leaned down a little and grabbed his hand, pulling him up. She walked out of the kitchen and led him down a hallway. He looked in to the rooms as they passed and saw one that must be her bedroom, the blankets were still messy from the night before, then there was a bathroom with a huge shower in it and then there was what she must use as a spare room. It was very clean and the bed was made up nicely.

  They came to the end of the hallway, to a door on the left. She opened it slowly and he took in the whole room. It was painted a deep red, with the same wood floor as throughout the rest of the house. There was a huge black bed in the middle of the room with the same sheets on it that he had dreamt about, and no blankets. Over to the right was a couple of dressers, all kinds of toys lined the tops and he guessed that was what was in the drawers as well. He saw some whips, crops, clamps and rope. To the left, the wall was covered in even more instruments that would be used on someone. There was a spot with two four blocks of wood sticking out as if two were to stand on and two were to hold on to with your hands. There were a couple of different chains hanging there, along with some things he had no idea what they were used for.

  He walked around the room, and instead of being shocked or disgusted or even scared, he was so turned on he was being pinched by his zipper. He finished his tour and then stood in the middle of the room. Amber was watching him, and he looked at her.


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