Dirty Ride: Blue Collar Bad Boys (Down N' Dirty in Love Book 2)

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Dirty Ride: Blue Collar Bad Boys (Down N' Dirty in Love Book 2) Page 7

by Sadie May

  She gives me a shy grin. “Okay then. Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Ten


  Let’s go home.

  I like the sound of that way too much. I keep hearing it in my head as she snuggles up against my chest. Axle offered to drive back and I’d pulled her into my lap so I could hold her tight for the ride.

  Now, we’re almost there and I don’t want to let go. Ever. The intensity of that feeling is overwhelming, but I know better than to scare her off with talk of forever, or even talk of tomorrow. She needs us tonight, and maybe that’s all she’ll ever need.

  Still, the way she’d said home won’t stop playing on a loop in my brain. Home. Like it’s her home too. Home, like we’re her home. Maybe she feels it too, this connection. This feeling of belonging.

  Or maybe she just wants us to take her to our home and I’m reading way too much into this.

  Her hands start to roam over my chest as we make our way back to the loft, and I try to sit as still as I can, letting her explore. She’s tentative at first, but then her confidence grows.

  Soon I’m literally biting my tongue to keep from moaning. She’s slipped one hand under my shirt and is checking out the ridges of my muscles. I find myself flexing for her and my ego grows about twenty sizes as she sighs with delight.

  Fuck yeah, that sound gives me all the motivation I’ll ever need to keep going to the gym for the rest of my life.

  The silence between us is nice. That sounds weird coming from me, because I’m usually quiet, but that silence tends to freak people out. Especially women. But not this woman. She seems just as comfortable being together in silence as I am.

  Oddly enough—and quite possibly for the first time in my life with anyone other than Axle, I break that silence first. “I’m so glad you’re with us. We’ll be here for you whenever you need us for as long as you need us.”

  The words just come out of me, they come out of the silence and I don’t know why. If I were a more woo-woo sort, I’d say that we’d been silently communicating somehow up until this point.

  But I’m not a woo-woo sort so I’ll just say, it felt right. The words felt natural coming out and I just hope they don’t scare her away.

  They don’t. I can tell right away that I said the right thing by the way she smiles against my chest and the way her muscles relax even more.

  “What if I never want to leave?”

  The words are so soft for a second I think I’m making it up. That my brain is hearing what it wants to hear. But then she tenses up against me and I know that it really happened.

  “I’m sorry,” she says against my chest, her voice muffled by my T-shirt. “I don’t know why I said that. I don’t mean to be needy or anything and—”

  I cut her off by tilting her chin up gently and kissing the hell out of her. Quite frankly, I kiss her because I can’t not kiss her right now. She’s so sweet and vulnerable. She is absolute perfection and my chest hurts too much for words, so only a kiss will suffice.

  I hope it tells her everything I can’t say.

  I don’t know how long we’re back there making out but it’s long enough for us to reach our home. The car door swings open and I hear Axle’s laughter. “You two starting without me?”

  Charlotte pulls away from me and ducks her head. She’s still embarrassed.

  Shit. Apparently my kiss wasn’t as eloquent as I’d hoped.

  Axle helps her out of the backseat and I follow, wondering how I can get Axle to the side and tell him what she said. He’d know what to say, how to make this right.

  He’d know if she really meant it. He’s better with people like that. I’m terrible at reading people or knowing how to read between the lines. But maybe if I can get a private word—

  “What’s going on with you two?” Axle asks as we escort her into our loft. “You’re both acting weird. What did I miss back there?”

  Or Axle could just ask bluntly and make this situation even more awkward. Yeah, that’s pretty much Axle’s style right there. He doesn’t so much read between the lines as he tears the lines apart and forces them to tell him what they mean.

  But hey, he’s far more effective at communicating than I am, so I can’t really judge.

  Charlotte turns eighteen different shades of pink, so I try to step in and save her from any further embarrassment. “It’s nothing, Ax. We’ll talk later.”

  But at the same time, she says, “Maybe this is a mistake. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  That shocks the hell out of us both. Axle turns a stunned look from her to me and then back to her again. “What the hell did I miss here? I thought we were having a good time.”

  She nods quickly, too quickly, as glances around the loft. She has this panicked look about her and I get the feeling she’s not really seeing our sparse furnishings but is lost in her mind.

  I’m trying to catch up, but I’m confused. Is she feeling pressure? Did I make her this panicked? Or is she still embarrassed by what she’d said? Or is she regretting it?

  Damn, I wish I had time to figure this out, but she’s turning around, already heading back to the door. Instinct takes over and I stop trying to think of the perfect words, and just say what I feel. It’s a first for me. It’s a gamble, but I don’t know what else to do. “Don’t leave,” I say.

  She pauses in front of the door and Axle gives me a questioning look.

  I swallow down the panic that comes from years of difficulty talking to anyone, most especially women. “Never leave,” I say.

  I’m not eloquent, but I say the words I need to say and she’s stopped trying to leave. I can’t see her face, though, and Axle looks so confused, I’d laugh if I could. But I can’t do anything until I see her face.

  She turns slowly and her expression is scared and hesitant. “Are you just saying that because—”

  “No,” I say.

  Axle cuts into the echoing silence. “Okay, seriously. What am I missing here?”

  She’s not going to say anything, so it’s up to me. I recount what was said in the car and Axle curses under his breath. Then he curses again, but this time loudly and to me. “Fuck, man. I thought we agreed we wouldn’t pressure her.”

  I nod. “I know. I’m sorry.” And I am. If I made her nervous, if I’d scared her off…I’d never forgive myself.

  He turns to her but she looks lost in thought as she looks between the two of us.

  “We don’t mean to pressure you,” he says. It’s the first time in my life I hear Axle sound off his game. He’s always so cool and relaxed but right now he sounds almost scared. I can’t blame him, I’m terrified too.

  She’s here. In our place, almost in our bed, and I might have fucked everything up because for the first time ever, I just had to open my mouth.

  “You’re not pressuring me,” she says. “I didn’t mean to be so needy. I know you guys aren’t looking for a commitment, but—” She visibly swallows as she looks between the two of us.

  Axle and I are waiting in tense silence.

  “How do you know that?” Axle asks. He sounds offended, which is kind of funny considering we haven’t been looking for commitment. Not until she came along.

  She continues as if he hadn’t interrupted. “The thing is, I thought I could do this.” She flails her hands and I can see her anxiety written all over her face. “I mean, I want to do this. I want this so much, you have no idea.”

  Axle gives me a confused look before he turns to her. “Then what’s the problem, sweetheart?” He uses a voice so gentle, I’ve never heard anything like it coming from him.

  She shakes her head quickly. Fuck, she looks tortured. I hate to see her like this. “I want this but I don’t know if I can do it.”

  I hold my hands up, palms out so I don’t scare her more as I move toward her slowly. “Are we moving too fast? We can slow down.”

  “We’re not asking you to make any commitments,” Axle adds.

  It’s the wron
g thing to say. Her face creases with sadness, her eyes fill with tears. I’m about ready to punch Axle and then give myself a kick in the ass for making her look this way.

  “That’s the problem,” she says, her lower lip wobbling. “I know you guys don’t do commitments, but I don’t know if I can sleep with someone without one.”

  I stop and I can practically feel Axle struggling with this beside me. I look to him and see how helpless he looks. I know the feeling. It’s kind of like we’ve been thrown into the middle of the ocean in a dingy and without a paddle.

  What I’m about to ask is so crazy, I feel insane even thinking it, but piecing together what she said earlier with what she’s saying now, I figure it’s worth a shot even if it was a hail mary. “Would you, uh…would you want a commitment with us?”

  I glance over at Axle and see him glaring at me. “Of course she doesn’t, Dyce. Look at her. Look at us. She can have any guy she wants, why would she—”

  “Of course I do,” she interrupts. She looks just as confused as we do. She also looks a little offended.

  “Why would you think I wouldn’t be interested in you?” she asks Axle, and I realize with a start that she’s offended on our behalf. “You guys are hot and successful and interesting and—”

  “So you’re saying you might be interested in us?” Axle asks as he rubs at the back of his neck.

  I’ve known the guy forever and I swear to God I’ve never seen him so nervous.

  And Charlotte looks just as uncomfortable.

  I’ve been standing there silent, as usual, watching and listening. It all starts to click into place and I find myself laughing at how ridiculous this is. I turn to a still-perplexed looking Axle. “I think we all want the same thing here.”

  Charlotte shifts from foot to foot and I stop being afraid that I’m going to scare her off. I cross to her and sure enough, she doesn’t bolt. Not only that, she looks relieved that I’m at her side, wrapping my arms around her.

  “Sweetheart,” I say quietly, “Would you do us the honor of being our girl?”

  Her blush is instant and adorable, just like the sheepish excitement written all over her face as she nods. “Yeah, I’d like that. But only if you—”

  I cut her off with a kiss. Fuck. After all that I am so relieved I can’t stop kissing her. When I come up for air, Axle takes over. His hands are in her hair and holding her close as he revels in this new reality.

  That’s what it feels like—a whole new world. We’ve just gone from a world of black-and-white to Technicolor. We’ve gone from boring and mundane to a life with possibilities. We’ve gone from living in the past to a life with a future.

  Charlotte is our future.

  Axle has taken on the role of reassuring her in between kisses. “Sweetheart, there is nothing we want more… You are everything we’ve ever wanted…We just didn’t think you’d be willing…”

  I let Axle take over with the talking. That’s never been my strong suit. Besides, I’m ready to make this threesome official, and I sure as hell can’t wait any longer to feel her tight pussy on my cock now that I know she’s ours for keeps. “Let’s take this celebration to the bedroom.”

  Chapter Eleven


  We don’t make it to the bedroom. Not at first, at least. I’m so freakin’ happy I can’t stand it. Seriously. My head can’t seem to wrap itself around the fact that these hotties are mine. Mine. It feels so right. I know we have a lot of talking ahead of us, but for tonight, we’re all on the same page.

  This feels like it’s been years in the making. All of those glances, those fantasies, those secret feelings… they’re all coming out in the open.

  I realize now that they’ve been holding back with me. They’ve been so terrified that they’d scare me off that they’ve been treating me with kid gloves. And now?

  Well fuck, now they’ve been let loose and they’re like kids in the candy store. I don’t know whose hands are where for a second. They are everywhere at once as they strip me naked right there in front of the door.

  They caress me everywhere as they go, their lips and hands moving over my belly, my hips, my thighs, my breasts. I’m trying to keep up. I want to touch them, too, but they keep assuring me they’ll be plenty of time for that.

  Fuck that. I’m tired of waiting. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever. They stop arguing with me when I fall to my knees. I’ve seriously been thinking about doing this for so long and they stopped me before just when it was getting good.

  I’d never given blowjobs before but those thick cocks just looked too good to resist, and they tasted even better. I loved the way they filled my mouth and the way they held my head and my hair like they just couldn’t control themselves. And their groans of desire? Yeah, those were my new favorite sounds.

  I take Axle’s cock into my mouth before he can protest, and as soon as I do, I know there’s no way he’s stopping me. “Baby girl, you feel so good,” he groans, his hands already tangling in my hair in the way that makes my pussy ache. I moan as his cock moves in and out, my pussy growing unbearably needy as I get us both turned on.

  Thank goodness Dyce knows exactly what I need. He’s behind me, cupping my tits in his hands, his fingers pinching my nipples so my moans are getting high-pitched with need. The sounds make Axle even harder in my mouth, something I hadn’t known was possible since he was already huge to begin with. I shove my hips back, searching for relief, but Dyce is already on it.

  His massive cock is poised between my thighs. He starts to ease into me gently but I’m too far gone, I need this too badly to take it slow. I lean back, taking his cock into my pussy in one hard thrust that makes Dyce shudder, his one hand moving down to grip my hip as his other keeps working my nipple.

  Oh fuck, it feels so good. Two hard cocks inside of me and fucking me hard. I stop trying to keep any control as they move inside me, thrusting in and out. We’re all out of control, I can hear it in their grunts and moans and feel it in the way their movements grow jerky and intense.

  Their thrusts become brutal and I love it. They fuck me so hard I’m limp between them, taking and giving until that’s all that matters in the world. Everything is else is forgotten, especially Clint and the disastrous night and work on Monday.

  For the first time in my life I am mindless. Completely and utterly gone as I give myself up to these glorious sensations. And then I’m truly lost, tumbling over the edge as Dyce’s last thrust makes me come harder than I ever knew possible.

  Axle is next and as his cum hits the back of my throat, Dyce follows, coming inside of me so I’m filled up with their juices.

  We lay there for a while, naked and spent and happy as can be on their living room floor. Then I start to come to my senses and that just makes everything better because I remember their words. I remember what we decided.

  I grin as I snuggle even closer against them. I’m their girl. They’re my guys.

  Holy shit, how did I ever get so lucky?

  My head is resting against Axle’s chest and I listen with contentment to the sound of his heart rate returning to normal as Dyce’s hand strokes my hip with slow, sleepy movements. But I can feel their cocks stirring and I’m already feeling that needy ache again.

  “So,” I say slowly. “How long until we can do that again?”

  There’s a brief silence followed by Dyce’s soft laughter and Axle’s groan, “What did I tell you, Dyce? She’s the girl of our dreams.”


  Two months later

  Life is good. Life is very good. I glance at the clock on the wall for the fifteenth time since arriving at work. The only way life has started to suck recently? I now hate having to work on Saturdays. Overtime and weekends are no longer so easy to swallow now that I have not one boyfriend, but two—both of whom spoil me rotten and love to send me texts when I’m at work letting me know just how much I have to look forward to when I get home.

  To their home, obviously. />
  But soon enough it will be my home too. We’ve all agreed that since I spend all my time there anyways, I might as well move in, so when my lease is up, I’m out of there. It’s the right decision, and I honestly can’t wait.

  Even though I’m there all the time, it still doesn’t feel like enough. With that thought I look at the clock again and start to fidget with my pen. God, this day will never end. At least I don’t have to work with Clint anymore.

  I’d been true to my word in making sure Clint paid for his bad behavior. It might have been my word against his, but once I spoke up, it wasn’t just my word—turned out Clint the Creep had a history of making female coworkers and employees uncomfortable after hours. Even though he was the son of the owner, he was let go and his father offered me a lovely apology on the company’s behalf.

  My firm was nice about it too, they’d had my back, for sure. But that still didn’t get me out of working Saturdays every now and again.

  Maybe Axle and Dyce were right about me starting up a business of my own. I’d been learning a lot about small-business legal affairs since I’d been helping them out with the legal end of making the limo business a legit, incorporated business.

  Business was booming for them between the garage and the new limo company, which they were thinking about expanding. They wanted me to join them as a co-owner and legal expert but I wasn’t quite ready to make that decision.

  Going from single to committed, living alone and living with two men? That seemed like enough changes for the moment, thank you very much. Besides, as I liked to remind my pushy, impatient boyfriends—we had the rest of our lives to sort out all that stuff.

  The clock strikes five and I bolt out of my seat, barely waving goodbye as I head out the door and down to the garage where I know they’ll be waiting.

  Sure enough they’re there and they’ve brought the limo. I arch one teasing eyebrow. When they bring the limo I know they’re too horny to wait. But as I get closer, I start to notice little things like the way they’re both gussied up in suits, which is just weird. Hot, but odd.


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