Feel the Reaper: Bad Boy Mafia Romance Novella (Book 1) (Bad Boy Mafia Romance Novella (A Crime Family Novella))

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Feel the Reaper: Bad Boy Mafia Romance Novella (Book 1) (Bad Boy Mafia Romance Novella (A Crime Family Novella)) Page 5

by Asher Scott

  “Ahhhhhhh… ahhhh… ahh…Luuuccaaa…” He’s still going, but I’m unaware of time, space, of anything that is logical and real. I feel only intense pleasure, lost in my own world, oblivious to anything around me. My pleasure, waves of it, pulsing and shooting through me, filling every corner of my body and mind.

  As I come down from my impossible high, my breathing labored, sweat fills my hair, dripping down my face and onto the pillow, my pussy still shuddering from his movements, I feel him filling me with his hot sticky seed, his cock pulsating, spasming, his hazy silhouette arching back, and I still can’t focus my eyes.

  He falls down into me, protecting me from his weight with his massive upper body, rolling in next to me, his breathing hard, sweat glistening all over him… perfection.


  Eyes fluttering open now, taking a second to focus. It’s 11:46, and Luca and I are naked beside one another, right where our pleasure left us, hours ago it seems, yet I still feel a tingling soreness in my pussy. He stirs as I rise, and seemingly without opening his eyes, he grabs my wrist, pulling me down into him for a long, exciting kiss.

  I feel insanely happy and contented and could stay in bed with him all day if not for my lunch date with Mandy. We see each other all the time, but we’re always working and never get the chance to talk.

  “I have a lunch date with Mandy. You want to come?”

  “Who the fuck is Mandy?” His voice is hoarse, and it sounds sexy as hell.

  “You saved her from those goons last night. You know, the other waitress.”

  “The blonde?”

  “Yes. She’s my best friend and we planned this date weeks ago. Do you want to come?”

  He doesn’t answer right away, and then he says, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t really socialize.” He seems out of his element.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Annoyed now, he says, “What the fuck, Abby? I keep to myself mostly.”

  I scrunch my face. “Mandy’s my best friend. She’s really funny. You’ll like her.”

  Luca looks at me for a few seconds, blinks, then responds, “Alright, fuck it.”


  We meet Mandy at her mom’s house in Dobbs Ferry. She lives there with her, always has, but her mom is out with friends so we have the house to ourselves.

  We drive there in Luca’s car. He loves it, you can just tell. It rumbles and shakes due to the large motor and modified muffler, at least that’s what he told me. He also told me it’s the nicest thing he’s ever owned. When I asked him when he got it, he didn’t answer me, though. He withdrew into himself.

  “What are you hiding, Luca?”

  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Try me.”

  “I don’t fucking think so.”

  I direct Luca into her driveway; we pull to a stop and he turns off the ignition.

  “Listen, I don’t care. Tell me, don’t tell me. You’re hiding stuff from me though, Luca, and I don’t like it.”

  He looks me dead in the eye, an angry look blazing, and for a second I feel fear. “I did something bad to get this car, Abby. Real bad. If I tell you what I did, then I’m pulling you into my shit life, and trust me, you don’t want to go there.”

  “Sorry.” My eyes are down, my voice soft. “Are you coming?”

  “I don’t fucking know. This doesn’t feel right.”

  “What? Spending time with my friend? Getting to know me better?”

  Chapter 12


  Fuck. She’s right.

  “Alright, Abby. I do this for you.”

  We exit the car, walk up the front walk to the large white colonial with a wraparound front porch. Abby rings the doorbell, and five seconds later, a figure comes to the door, peers through the large window, then opens it.

  “Hi Abby.” She gives her friend a warm hug as Abby returns the greeting.

  “This is Luca. Do you remember him?”

  “Well, you look kinda’ familiar, although you were beating the crap out of a guy when I last saw you.”

  Very fucking funny, blondie. “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “Are you guys okay? I mean, that was pretty messed up.”

  “My fists hurt a little, but other than that, I’m fucking great.”

  “That’s funny, Luca.” She has a sneer on her face and I definitely don’t need this shit.

  I can tell she hates my guts and thinks I’m a piece of shit, but I don’t care. Even though I was looking out for Abby, I saved her ass, too, and she would do good to remember that. Not even a thank you. Fuck you.

  We walk into the living room and take a seat on a large, overstuffed couch. This is a nice place. Better than my one-bedroom, two piece of furniture shithole of a depressing apartment. There’s more windows in this room than in my entire place, which is not saying much considering it’s three hundred square feet.

  “So, you know what happened after you guys left? The cops were there and asking a lot of questions. They took two of those guys away in an ambulance, but thankfully Robert was alright. Just a busted nose, I think.”

  Abby snuggled up to me and grabbed hold of my arm, a sure signal she was giving to Mandy that we’re together. “Luca took me back to my place and stayed over with me last night to make sure I was okay.” I could see she was trying to paint me in a good light.

  She forgot the part about me hiding a million dollars in her closet, then going to kill that fucker Cerone, although she didn’t know about that last part.

  “That was nice of you, Luca. Are you going to be sticking around for a while, or what’s your plan?”

  None of your fucking business. “I don’t know. Abby and I are enjoying each other, so I’ll guess I’ll stick around as long as she wants me to.” Besides, Abby’s mine now, and the ways I’ve fucked her since yesterday have pretty much sealed the deal for me.

  I look at Abby and she looks back at me with those big green eyes. God damn, you are so fucking beautiful.

  “Can I speak with you alone for a moment, Abby?” Here we go.

  Abby nods, releases my arm, and they’re off to another room around the corner I can’t see, but I can hear raised voices. I hear Mandy call me a psycho and I can fill in the rest of the blanks.

  What the fuck, Luca? You can never fit into Abby’s life. This is some wholesome shit going on here, where your world is like an everyday bad nightmare other people only have to deal with maybe once in their lives, if ever. You belong in the gutters, the alleys, the basements, roughing people up, and dodging bullets for as long as you can survive. What makes you think you can get out, or even deserve a life better than the hand you were dealt?

  No, fuck that, Luca. You big pussy. Time to man up.

  They both enter the room, and Abby is quick to sit down next to me, Mandy on the other side of her. No one is speaking, so I clear my throat, open my mouth, and what comes out next surprises even me.

  “I care about Abby more than you even know. Who are you to judge me with your big house and your privileged upbringing? You wouldn’t survive five seconds in my world, honey. I’m here because of shit like what you saw last night. My ability to survive in my world means being able to do shit like that to other people before they do it to me. I’m fucking good at it. It’s all I’m good at.”

  “Luca…” Abby tries to stop me, but I cut her right off.

  “I’m here because Abby asked me to come, not because I wanted to be here. I’d do anything she asked me to do because I fucking care about her. I’d die to protect her, and considering what I’m involved with right now, that ending is a definite possibility. So you can judge me from your fucking moral high horse, or we can sit down and have some fucking lunch and try to accept each other at face value. We both care for Abby. We have that in common, so let’s build from there.”

  The clock tick
ing on the wall was the only sound that could be heard above the uneasy silence that permeated the cavernous room. Abby looked from me, back to her friend, then down at the ground, not exactly sure what to say.

  Mandy spoke next, maybe because she was scared, or maybe because she knew I was right. “Why don’t we sit down at the table? Luca, can I get you anything to drink?

  Chapter 13


  Holy cow. That was not anything I expected. I thought that when I invited Luca here, I was making a statement that Mandy would respect. I knew she thought he was a brute. Some animal who came storming into Gino’s just to make trouble and bust some heads open. She had told me so last night. I wasn’t truthful to her about Luca staying over, so she had a right to be mad about that. But still, this was my life.

  It was so much more than that and I had felt it all along. He’s feeling it, too. No matter how much of a mismatch we seemed, we belong together, Luca and I. It’s like we were always destined to be together, but only just connected on that life journey yesterday. He was a product of his environment, but that doesn’t make him an evil human being. He curses like a drunken sailor, he drinks a lot, he definitely has a violent past that continues today, but beneath it all, he is a fierce protector. He protected me. He protected Mandy, too.

  Things could have gone badly last night. Sure it was a public place, but those guys were going to have their way with Mandy and me until someone intervened. Does she not see how badly that could have gone? On the surface, a guy like Luca would always be judged. They’d see the tattoos, hear the Bronx accent, and smell the whiskey on his breath, and automatically think he was a bad seed, a rotten apple, a scoundrel.

  I feel what he is even if others can’t see it. He is all those things on the surface, but when you peel back the layers, there’s so much more to him. I won’t blame Mandy. She’s my best friend, and she’s been there for me through some tough times in my life. Mandy will just have to accept that Luca is a part of my life now.

  He had gone outside for a smoke, and just when I thought he wouldn’t come back, he came walking through the front door and sat down next to me, his hand went to my lap, and he massaged my inner thigh. Was it bad to want sex with him 24/7?

  Lunch was civil, but you could still slice the tension with a butcher’s knife. Either she respected him now based on what she said, or she feared him. It’s tough to tell which.

  When we get ready to leave, Mandy pulled Luca to the side, and I could just overhear what she said. “I don’t think you’re good for Abby. She’s been my friend for a long time, and whatever I say to you now is out of love for her. It’s obvious she sees something in you. And she cares for you, too. Don’t you hurt her. She’s had enough hurt in her life, so don’t you dare add to it.”

  She handed me my keys and purse that I had left behind at the bar last night, gave me a quick hug, and then we were off.

  Luca was silent for most of the ride back before he finally said, “What was Mandy talking about with the hurt in your life?”

  “Probably my parents. My mom was killed in a car crash when I was young, and my dad was murdered a few years ago.”

  “Oh shit, Abby, I’m sorry.”

  “It seems like a long time ago.”

  “Is there anything you want to talk about? I mean, if you want to talk about it, I could listen.”

  “Oh, that’s sweet, Luca. I don’t know what to say. When I lost my mom, I was in a dark place for a long time. I was never really the same after that.”

  Luca pulls over to the side of the road to park in a Dairy Queen parking lot. He turns off the motor, giving me his full attention.

  I continued. “Then my dad and I moved out of our house as my mom was the big breadwinner. She was a doctor, and look at me, a waitress.”

  “It’s not what you do, Abby, it’s who you are. You’re fucking incredible.”

  I smile, squeeze his hand and continue. “We gave it up because we couldn’t afford it, moved from the suburbs to the city where my dad inherited a tobacco shop from his grandfather, and he decided to run it himself. I was a latchkey kid, pretty much stayed to myself, and one day when I was eighteen, an officer showed up at my door and told me my dad had been murdered.”

  “Oh fuck, Abby… it’s okay, baby.” I sniffled into his chest, wetting his shirt a bit.

  “Where was his tobacco shop?”

  “Gun Hill Road.”

  Luca’s eyes widened. “What was it called?”


  Luca looked like he had seen a ghost, but then the color came back to his face.

  “What is it, Luca?”

  “Oh nothing, it just reminded me of something.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”


  On the way home, Luca took me to the waterfront in Tarrytown right under the Tappan Zee Bridge. We walked and talked about random stuff, rarely going back into our pasts, mine sad and his cloudy. He wasn’t ready to talk about his life and I wasn’t going to force him.

  We sat for a while, next to the harbor, watching small sailing boats and yachts of all shapes and sizes. We could see the shimmer of the growing lights in the city about twenty miles down the Hudson River, as it turned to twilight, then darkness.

  Luca kept looking that way as if he had some unfinished business.

  “Why don’t we head home?” I suggested, as we made our way back to the car. Within five minutes, we were home, and Luca was drinking some Jack Daniels almost as soon as we got through the door. Somewhere along the way he’d secured a bottle, and I marveled how he drank it like water. He downed two glasses before I barely finished half a beer.

  “Can we get out of here, darling? I need some air.”

  Five minutes later, I’m changed into some tight jeans, a simple V-neck tee, and a light sweater open in the front, as it’s just a bit chilly. Luca’s boots click along the pavement as we walk up the street, toward the dead end in the road and the beginning of a foot path.

  We have a small flashlight, but don’t turn it on as the almost full moon cascades through the tree cover, lighting our way. I reach for Luca’s hand and he takes it, mine getting swallowed up in his bear paw. What they say about guys must be true then. The size of their hand is a good indication of the size of their manhood.

  “What is this place, Abby?”

  “You scared?”

  “Fuck no. I’m not scared of anything.”

  “Just below us is the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. If you look closely, you can see the headstones.”

  We stop and Luca takes a harder look. “Oh yeah, I see them now.”

  “What kind of crazy shit are you into, Abby?” He laughs for I think the first time since I’ve known him.

  “You think you know me, huh, Luca?” I speak in my best Bronx accent and rather than get pissed off like I thought he might, he laughs again. I like this side of him.

  We continue on for about ten minutes until the trail opens up to a field on the right with some old ruins just along the edge. There are cellars still there, handcrafted out of stones by the Dutch settlers who arrived in these parts hundreds of years before. A few chimneys still survive, a testament to their handiwork.

  I explain the history of this place to Luca and he’s fascinated by it. “I’ve never been out of the city before. All this nature and history shit is all new to me.”

  “Maybe you could get used to it. Being out of the city, that is. Closer to me.” I snuggle my head against his massive chest, my crown falling under his chin. My body could probably fit inside of his, such is the difference in our size.

  “I could get used to this, darling.” He kisses the top of my head tenderly, then he lifts my chin with his finger, looks deep into my wanting eyes, giving me just what I’m looking for. He knows what I want next and his hand sliding down my side and to my hip confirms it.

  His mouth crashes into mine and we are quickly enveloped in
each other’s furious dancing tongues, reaching for something deep inside the other. Something that can be felt, but not seen. Deep into each other’s souls, to places not touched by other people.

  I want him right now. No, I need him. I need him inside me more than any other need I’ve ever had. He responds to my desires, my shirt comes off, I’m wearing no bra, his calloused hands ripping at my hot pointed nipples. He kisses furiously down my chest, tickling my neck, passes by my breasts, his tongue circling my lower belly. His hands come to my pants and snap them open, and he pulls them down in one swift motion.

  I’m also not wearing underwear. Surprise, surprise. This sends Luca over the edge as he pulls me down to the ground, groaning his man sounds, spreading me open wide in the wet dew of the grass. It feels good on my overheating body.

  His tongue pierces my red hot opening, feeling a sizzle as his saliva cools my heated core. He reads my mind with every flick of his tongue, knowing just where I want him, when, and how. Luca’s sexual instincts and my desires are in perfect sync as he inserts one finger, than two, into my deep, sticky hotness.

  I arch my back, receiving him fully, letting the man, the master, do his lusty work. His tongue comes back, knocking at the door then entering as this three-pronged attack has me building, writhing, in concert with his movements, expert, and experienced. I don’t care who he’s been with before, everything that he is, was, every woman he’s been with has brought us here, to this moment, my crafty lover and his skillful ways.

  The moon and the stars above, the universe, us, such a small part but everything centers here. Luca and me, we are the center, there is nothing else.

  “I want to fuck you now, Abby. Hard. Fast. Deep. Say you want me to fuck you like that, Abby. Say it.”

  “I want… I wan… I want you to fuck me hard, Luca.” My voice is urgent, almost panicky, shaking, yet I’m ready. I need him.

  Chapter 14


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