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Blade's Awakening (Wild Kings MC Book 5)

Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  “Just something different. Why?”

  “I liked it when you had the blue in your hair,” he says, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Well, we’ll see what happens when Darcy gets out here then.”

  Things between Slim and Shy get more and more interesting the more I watch them together. You can tell they’re interested in one another, but neither one wants to make the first move. I’m sure they both have their reasons, and I’m not about to try to play matchmaker. Not this time. They’ll figure it out or they won’t.

  Finally, Darcy makes an appearance and she’s lugging a bag that I didn’t notice before behind her. I guess she brought everything she thought she’d need so no one would have to go anywhere else to get her something.

  “Alright ladies, what are we doing today?” she asks, plopping down and ignoring Slim.

  “I just want a trim and Shy wants a little more done,” I answer.

  “Okay. Well, let me get a drink and we’ll get started on things.”

  As Darcy has her drink, the three of us sit and talk about things that don’t really matter. I can tell that she has questions for me that I don’t want to answer right now. Thankfully she doesn’t ask, just lets us be and steers the conversation in other directions. That is until Wood and Boy Scout make their way out from the hallway. Looks like things are about to get interesting.

  “Darcy, why you turnin’ red on us?” Wood asks, plopping down in the chair next to her.

  “Um….no reason really,” She says, looking back and forth between him and Boy Scout.

  “Did you like what you saw of the show?” Boy Scout asks, sitting between Shy and me.

  “Well, um, it was different,” she answers as Crash and Trojan come up behind her.

  “You ever let her see that shit again, Wood and we’ll be havin’ problems. More than what we’ve already had,” Crash says, closing in on Darcy and staking his territory. I’m surprised he just doesn’t piss on her to mark her.

  “Why does it always have to involve me though?” Wood asks.

  “You tell us why you seem to always be around firecracker and we’ll tell you the answer. Every time somethin’ happens with her, it always seems to involve you,” Trojan speaks up, placing his hand on Darcy’s shoulder. “And if I ever see her face by your fuckin’ cock again, you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

  “That wasn’t my fault!” Wood exclaims.

  “You didn’t move her though, did you?” Crash questions him.

  “No. You tellin’ me if you had a girl’s face near your cock that looks like Darcy, you’d be movin’ her?”

  From the looks of Crash and Trojan, Wood just said the wrong thing. Especially when I see Crash lunge for him and land a hit to his face before anyone around the table can even blink. Darcy screams and goes to rush over to him before Trojan picks her up and places her on his lap, circling his arm around her waist. He’s holding her in place and she’s fighting like hell to get away from him. Shy goes over to him and grabs a rag to hold over his nose. I’m just sitting in my chair, watching the show unfold so I don’t get in anyone’s way.

  “You two are un-fucking-believable!” Darcy screams. “I’m not yours and the sooner you realize that, the better off everyone around you will be. Leave me the fuck alone!”

  Finally, Darcy can get up and she takes off down the hallway. I’m guessing she’s running into the bathroom to hide. Sensing that they’re going to go after her, I hold my hand up and waddle after her. That’s about the only thing I can do these days it seems. And I want to make sure she’s okay and doesn’t need any help. I know something is going on between them, you can sense it whenever they’re in the room together.

  “Darcy, it’s Keira,” I call out, knocking on the bathroom door.

  “Give me a minute,” she says, as I hear the water turn on.

  After a few minutes, I hear the door unlock and it opens just barely enough for me to get through. Darcy’s face is red and her eyes are puffy. She’s definitely been crying. The water she splashed on her face isn’t doing a thing to conceal that fact.

  “Are you okay hun?” I ask.

  “I just don’t get them. I’m such a clutz and every time something embarrassing happens, it just so happens that Wood is the one there. It’s not like I do these things on purpose or anything,” she cries.

  “I know. But, they seem to have claimed you, so you’re going to have to accept the way they act. Or stay away from them. What do you want to do?”

  “I know they only want a bit of fun. And, I’m not sure that I’m cut out for that. At the end of the day, it’s all about getting their dicks wet and nothing more. I want, no I need, more than that.”

  “Why do you think they only want a bit of fun and nothing more?” I ask, confused.

  “Look at them and then look at me. They’re men that love the chase once in a while and once they get me, they’ll get bored. I’m not dumb and I know how these things work. They’ve got all the easy pussy they can handle at the clubhouse.”

  “You didn’t see the look on their faces though, hun. I did. They aren’t looking for a bit of fun and nothing more. Are you willing to give them a chance to find out though?”

  “What look?” Darcy asks.

  “The look of men that wanted to murder someone they thought was trying to move in on their woman. Hell, all they need to do to finish claiming you and marking their territory is piss on your leg.”

  “That’s so disgusting!” Darcy says, finally laughing. “But, I don’t know if I can risk it with everything going on right now. There’s things that I can’t tell anyone and I’m not putting them on the spot to get hurt when it’s my mess to handle.”

  “If they’re anything like the guys I see in the other charter, then they’re going to stick their noses in it whether you want them to or not. I’m guessing they already know something is going on and it’s just a matter of time before they find out what it is. Why don’t you just give them a chance if that’s what you want to do?”

  “Like I said, I don’t know if I can risk it.”

  “I think you already know what you want to do. You’re just afraid to take the leap and a chance. What’s the worst that’s gonna happen?” I ask, realizing that I’m living the same way when it comes to Blade right now.

  “I get my heart trampled into a million pieces because they want some fun while I fall for them. Hell, if I’m honest, I’m probably already there.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “They’ve been coming around more and more since I first saw them. I don’t get a chance to guard myself from the sweet they show me when they’re not being cavemen. And now, it’d just be so easy to let them take care of things going on with me, but I’m not gonna drag them through that,” Darcy says, thinking about what else she wants to tell me from the look on her face. “Maybe if I make it through this shit in one piece I’ll give them the chance they’ve been pushing for.”

  “What do you mean by that last part?” I ask, wanting to help this woman any way I can if she’s in trouble.

  “It’s nothing. I’ll be fine,” she quickly says, letting me know she’s definitely hiding something. I don’t want to be a rat, but I think in this case, someone definitely needs to know something is wrong.

  “Well, let’s get back out there and get this pampering started. I’m ready to get off my feet already and I’ve hardly been on them today.”

  “Alright mama to be, let’s get you taken care of,” Darcy says, wiping her face down one more time and fluffing her hair up a little.

  We walk back into the main room and the guys have disappeared. Shy is sitting there nursing a beer and waiting patiently for us to return. I don’t know what I’d be doing without her keeping me company these days. When I do go live with Blade and our children, she’s going to be the one I miss from here. Hopefully I can convince her to come visit me every now and then. If Slim will let her out of his sight, that is.

  “Okay la
dies, mini break down over. Let’s get this day started,” Darcy says, downing a shot and trying not to make it noticeable that she’s looking for her men.


  We’ve been sitting in the main room being pampered and talking to the guys when they venture in to check on us. I’m honestly ready to call it a day, but Darcy just finished my nails so I need to give them time to dry. She was adamant that I have my nails done because I won’t have time to do it once the twins are born. And she didn’t want me to look like a hot mess when I went into labor. Her words, not mine.

  Shy has been making sure that I have plenty of fluids and things to eat when she hasn’t been getting work done on herself. The guys have also been making sure that we’ve got whatever we need. Especially Slim, Crash, and Trojan. They seem to be the three that come in the most. Slim even put his phone on speaker a little while ago so I could talk to Blade. He was happy I was being treated good by Darcy, but concerned because he could hear how exhausted I am. I can’t lie to him, but I left out the dizzy spells when we were talking. There’s nothing he can do for me and he’s already going crazy. This will just push him over the edge and make him drive here now instead of letting this play out. I’ll talk to my doctor when I go in a few days. And there’s only a little over a month left to go before I’m due anyway. Basically, I can go into labor any day now and the babies would be delivered.

  “Okay Keira, let’s get you back to the room,” Shy says, just as the guys all walk back in.

  “Sounds good to me. Can one of you please help me up? I’m ready to fall asleep where I am and I know I’m gonna have a hard time after sitting for so long.”

  Darcy and Shy each get on a side of me and help me stand. Just my luck that a dizzy spell chooses this moment to hit and I sway on my feet before landing back in the chair I was sitting in. Thankfully the girls were right there because with the impact of my fall and not landing right on the chair, I almost tipped over backwards. Before I can even blink, I’m surrounded by the guys and the women are pushed back so they can get to me. This just makes my head swim even more with all of the sudden movement around me. Knowing I have to find something to focus on, I choose Slim since he’s the closest one to my head.

  “Are you okay sweetheart?” he asks.

  “D-don’t t-tell Blade,” I manage to get out around the nausea.

  “I have to. He’s gonna wanna know. Or he’ll have all our heads. Wood, I want you to call for an ambulance while I call her man,” Slim orders before crouching down in front of me.

  Killer is bringing me a cold bottle of water while the rest of the guys are moving furniture and getting everyone out of the main room that doesn’t have to be here. They want it as easy as possible for the EMTs to get to me when they get here. I know they must be worried if they’re calling people in considering that more than likely cops are going to be accompanying the ambulance here.

  “Sweetheart, Blade wants to talk to you. Can you talk now?” Slim asks, holding the phone against him to muffle our conversation.

  “Yeah, I think so,” I say, the tears building up in my eyes.

  “Kitten, what’s goin’ on?” Blade asks, panic lacing his voice.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been having a few dizzy spells but thought I’d be fine until my next appointment in a few days. I didn’t want to worry you when I know you’re already going crazy,” I manage to get out.

  “I don’t care what’s goin’ on, you need to tell me this shit. What if somethin’ is really wrong? You should’ve immediately called the doctor.”

  “I know. I just didn’t want to bother anyone.”

  “You wouldn’t be botherin’ anyone sweetheart,” Slim breaks in.

  “Exactly! I don’t give a fuck what’s goin’ on with Jason or anyone else right now. I’m headin’ out and I’m gonna be there in a little while. We’ll make it so no one knows I’m in town, kitten. I love you and I’ll see you soon.”

  Slim takes his phone back and I’m glad because I don’t know what to say right now. This is the first time that Blade has told me he loves me and I don’t even know what to do about it. I know that I love him, but I never thought I’d hear the words from him. Not yet. I just hope it’s not because something might be wrong with Kenyon and Cory.

  Slim is guiding someone closer to me, but I can’t even concentrate on anything but trying not to puke all over the place. It’s never been this bad before and I don’t know what is going on. There’s two people surrounding me that I’m guessing are EMTs. They’re trying to get my vitals since my arm is being squeezed by something. And a light is being shined in my eyes.

  “Ma’am how far along are you?” one asks.

  “I’m almost eight months.”

  “Can you tell me what’s going on?” the same one asks me.

  “I’ve been having dizzy spells the last few days. I don’t know why. I haven’t had a chance to tell the doctor about it yet. I was waiting until my appointment.”

  “You’re blood pressure is up a little bit right now. I’m not sure if it’s because of what’s going on or something else. Let’s get you loaded up and to the hospital. One person can ride with you.”

  Slim points to Killer and he follows us out. I’m happy that he chose one of the guys and not Shy honestly. I don’t want her to flip out if something happens to me. She seems like she would be screaming and hollering if something happened and she didn’t think the EMTs or doctors were doing their job correctly. Not that Killer won’t be doing the same thing. I know he will just because of Blade.


  I’ve been at the hospital for a few hours now. Every time I go to close my eyes and try to relax, another nurse or doctor is in here seeing what other tests they can run. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that they’re being so diligent trying to figure out what’s wrong, I just want to rest though. Right now, they’ve got me hooked up to the monitors so I am constantly hearing the babies heartbeats too. They’re nice and strong so there’s something that seems to be going right.

  “Kitten?” I hear asked.

  Opening my eyes, I see Blade walking in the room. His face is full of panic and worry. I’m sure he’s not the only one here from his club, seeing the look on his face right now. He pulls up a chair and sits down next to me, taking my hand without the IV in his. I lean up and kiss his lips, needing more of a connection to him. Now that he’s here, I can’t hide my worry over what’s going on with our children. Jason isn’t even a blip on my radar at this point.

  “You came,” is the only thing I can say.

  “I told you I was comin’ kitten. You mean more to me than anythin’ that’s goin’ on right now. Grim didn’t even try to stop me when I was gettin’ ready to leave, he just made sure a few guys were with me so I didn’t have to drive.”

  “I’m so scared.”

  “I know you are. I am too. But, we’ll find out what’s goin’ on and then we’ll know what we have to do so that all three of you come out strong and healthy.”

  Just then another nurse comes in to take some more blood. I feel like a damn pin-cushion right now. She tells us that they’re running more tests to make sure that I don’t have some sort of infection running through my body that’s not a cold or the flu. Something they would be able to tell based on my symptoms. Blade just sits back and stays out of the way so she can do her job. Before leaving, she tells us that two more people can come in for a few minutes. I say I want Shy to come in and Blade tells them he wants Joker to come in with her.


  We’ve been in the hospital for hours and hours now. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else other than by my girl’s side right now. She’s hooked up to monitors and I know all she wants to do is sleep. But she’s too worried to let herself relax enough to close her eyes. Even though she says that it’s everyone coming in and out of the room.

  Finally, I see the doctor making his way into the room to talk to us. Hopefully it’s good news and nothing that is going to put anyone i
n jeopardy. Grabbing her hand again, I brace to hear what the verdict is.

  “I think that we figured out what’s going on with you Keira,” he starts out. “I am keeping you in the hospital overnight for observation, but at this point it looks like your blood pressure is high and that’s what’s causing you to get these dizzy spells. When you get released tomorrow, as long as nothing happens tonight, you are to be on complete bedrest until I see you in the office in a few days. Is that understood?”

  “Do I really have to stay here tonight? I want to go home and sleep in my own bed. I won’t do anything that I’m not supposed to,” Keira asks, practically begging the doctor to let her go home.

  “I’d rather keep you here tonight.”

  “Why don’t you stay, kitten. I’ll stay with you and then we’ll go back to the clubhouse tomorrow and I’ll stay with you until we hear more,” I tell her, wanting her to do what the doctor wants.

  “I don’t want to stay here where there’s a better chance that he can get to me. At the clubhouse, there’s more protection and I’ll feel better. I won’t be as stressed out.”

  “What do you need protection from?” the doctor asks.

  “She’s just havin’ an issue with someone and we’ve got it under control,” I begin, not wanting cops or anyone else involved. “I do see where she’s comin’ from though. What if we promise to make sure she’s on bedrest and we bring her in to see you first thing in the mornin’? That way you can check her for yourself.”

  “I don’t really like the idea, but if it will help keep the stress levels down, then we’ll do it,” the doctor says. “I don’t want you getting out of bed other than going to the bathroom. No activity of any kind for you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes. I won’t do anything at all. I promise. I just want to go to sleep. We’ll be in the office first thing in the morning and go from there.”

  The doctor nods her head before leaving to fill out the discharge paperwork. I know he’s not happy, hell I’m not happy about taking her out of the hospital. But, I’m sure that Jason knows we’re here with her by the way he knew other things and is just waiting for the right time to make his move. He’s not going to put Keira, Kenyon, or Cory in jeopardy. There’s enough going on with them right now and it doesn’t need to be added to.


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