Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four)

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Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four) Page 5

by M. L. Briers

  Six miffed off bears… now’s not a good time to get out of the truck.

  Seven! Seven bears… it’s a damn convention!

  Andi had absolutely no intention of leaving the confines of the truck. Two bears had been bad enough, but now there were claws flying and jaws snapping in all directions in some kind of bear free for all, and she knew that she could lay them all low with just one blast of her magic, and yet… she didn’t want them turning on her.

  Landon had more than enough for one day. His bear was miffed and he wanted to slam each and every one of their heads together.

  Something had happened to turn this this into a free for all, and he didn’t know what it was, but he didn’t like it. And there was the damn witch, hold up in the truck watching her mate and her new clan fighting like wild things… That had to be going down like a Nun walking into a brothel.

  ‘Enough!’ He roared. ‘Back off, back down, or so help me I will tear off each and every one of your damn heads and put them on a spike!’

  One by one the bears started to ease back until only two were left – Ethan and Ben, and it seemed that neither man wanted to listen to their alpha…

  ‘I said back the hell off!’ Landon roared, but he didn’t wait to see if they would comply, getting in the mix between the men; he hit Ethan’s bear with his shoulder, knocking the beast back and away, and lashed out with his paw at Ben, waking the man up inside the beast…

  ‘That’s my mate!’ Ben roared at Ethan’s bear…

  “Wait!” Andi popped open the back door, sensing a change of circumstance, and Ben grumbled a growl of warning for her to stay put.

  Landon shifter into his human form, and she had done a double take at the sight of the naked alpha before she shook her head, trying not to look at everything that the man had to offer a woman…

  “Are you alright?” Landon growled out – the sound of his bear was still deep within his voice.

  “I’m fine – scrambled egg fine, maybe a little seasick fine, but fine.” She assured him, trying not to look in his direction again.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” Landon demanded, and she snapped her eyes towards him, thinking that he was talking to her, and yet his attention was back on the bears.

  ‘Ash was getting all bad mood bear with Ben’s witch,” Ethan said in his own defence.

  ‘It wasn’t like I was going to eat her!’ Ash hit back, but Ben was already growling at the both of them.

  “Thinking…” Landon growled on a shake of his head. “Scratch that – it’s you two, and I know you don’t damn well think.”

  “I think they were both trying to protect me.” Andi offered, looking a little unsure, a little out of her depth. “From… each other.” She mulled that one over, it didn’t actually sound right to her ears, and she guessed you had to be there to appreciate the irony of the situation.

  “Yeah, well they did a piss poor job of it.” Landon growled back. “Everyone get the hell out of here… except for Ben.” He tossed up an arm and pointed his index finger, just in case they needed a little help with direction.

  ‘What the hell is going on?’ Cole growled out.

  ‘Yeah, what does Ethan mean – Ben’s witch?’ Kirt asked and Landon groaned.

  “She’s his m-a-t-e – damn it, and you guys – welcome to the clan – has gone down a treat, I’m betting.” He grumbled and growled.

  ‘Ben found his mate…’ Cole chuckled.

  ‘Back off, Cole…’ Ben growled.

  He was in no mood for the high jinx that was sure to follow. He knew how they were about mates, hell, he’d been the same when some of the others had found their mates… enjoying the show, eager to tease the hell out of them… but now really wasn’t a good time.



  ‘Mr Smooooth…are you gonna show us how this wooing thing is done?’ Marshall chuckled, but Ben turned his head towards the man and snapped his jaws in his direction.

  “Get the hell outta here, now.” Landon growled out.

  “Don’t leave on my account, this is… enlightening.” Andi folded her arms across her chest and eyed the bears. She knew that something was going on between them, even if she didn’t know quite what it was, not being able to speak bear and all, but one of the bears seemed particularly ruffled by the others.

  ‘Hey, Ben, I’m getting the feeling your mate doesn’t want to be left alone with you, man.’ Cole teased.

  ‘Can you blame her? She’s probably heard his singing.’ Marshall bit back with another deep chuckle at Ben’s expense.

  ‘Both mates have rejected each other,’ Landon growled out, not best pleased with his clans inability to follow orders. ‘So stop crowing and get the hell out of here.’

  There was a solemn silence that filled the air as each man thought that through. Ben growled, he didn’t need his business touted out like that in front of everyone, and yet Landon had good reason to do it.

  One by one the bears turned on their paws and started away from the impromptu gathering.

  ‘Don’t do it, Ben.’ Kirt offered back over his shoulder – Ben had been there for him with his mate, and he didn’t want to think of a clan without his friend.

  “What just happened?” Andi asked, sensing the immediate shift in mood before the bears had walked away.

  “You’re denying him?” Mari called out as she stood over by one of the cabins, her hands on her hips, and a look of disdain on her face.

  “Mari, don’t.” Tania muttered, pulling on her jacket and trying to get her to leave with the others, but she knew that Mari wouldn’t heed her warning.

  “And you are?” Andi demanded; taking in the attitude of the she-wolf and knowing the woman offered trouble.

  “Clan.” Mari sneered.

  “Mari, stay out of this.” Landon growled.

  She’d kept herself to herself lately. Sure, Mari and Tania were as thick as thieves, but they tended to keep away from the witches in the clan, and he liked that just fine… no confrontations, no troubles… and yet now the little wolf had taken it upon herself to get involved… that didn’t bode so well.

  “You can’t just let her get away with it – Ben’s life is-”

  “Not up for discussion right now. Go on, get.” Landon growled at her and saw her top lip twitch with anger.

  “Let’s go, Mari.” Tania urged and Mari took her time in eyeing the witch. “We’ve all had our share of cold feet when it comes to mates.” Tania reminded her.

  “Not the damn point.” Mari growled.

  “I’m guessing you just assumed the damn position on all fours.” Andi muttered back, knowing full well that her ears would pick up her words, even at that distance.

  “You little…” Mari started forward, but Ben moved fast, getting in between the she-wolf and his mate. He growled a warning at Mari and she stopped in place.

  “Not a good idea.” Landon pointed out and Mari stopped in mid stride.

  “You’re defending her when she’s rejecting you?” Mari growled at Ben, and a heartbeat later his bear had disappeared and Ben stood there facing the woman.

  “Leave, Mari.” He growled, big chest heaving, and his hands fisted at his sides, and Tania wrapped her hand around Mari’s arm and started to yank her away, this time she wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  “If anything happens to him I’m holding her personally responsible.” Mari growled back over her shoulder.

  Ben turned his eyes towards Andi. His mate was eyeing the she-wolf as she walked away.

  Then her eyes flicked towards him, as if she could feel him looking at her, and he noted the way that her gaze ran down and then back up his naked body again.

  Andi felt the heat rise in her cheeks and a jolt of excitement shoot straight to her womb. The man was an Adonis. Tall and stacked with broad shoulders, muscles upon muscles packed tightly into his hard body, and his dark skin stretched around them…

  She only wished that the light was better, t
he moon cast its eerie glow from the sky and reflected in places off of his torso, and yet, some on him was still in shadow…

  It was the sight of his hard length as it jutted up and outwards, gravity trying its best to pull the heavy weigh down, that caught her attention the most, and her front teeth took to worrying her bottom lip as she stared long and hard at him. A deep rumble echoed through his chest and made her snap her eyes up to his face – their eyes clashing and holding…

  “Like what you see?” Ben’s beast underlined his words. The deep gravelly tone seemed to rattle her nerves a little more than she would have liked.

  “It’s…” She squeaked a little, and cleared her throat. “Not without its merits.” She snatched a look at Landon who had a stupid grin upon his face and a silent chuckled that lifted and dropped his shoulders.

  Andi felt exposed in more ways than the men that were standing around her were. They might have been naked, standing there for her viewing pleasure, and yet she felt as if she was the one on display.

  Ben felt a shift within himself. He liked the way that she was looking at him – liked her eyes on his body, and he wanted her touch to follow.

  He’d given up – walked away at the first hurdle when he knew that what he should have been doing was wooing her, fighting to have her in his life the way he’d fought his clan when they’d threatened her safety. He took a long step towards her and saw her eyes flare, saw the way that she snapped to attention…

  “I don’t want you to leave.” Ben took another step, and then another. He saw her muscles tense, her eyes narrow, and her hands twitch at her sides, as if she was ready to lift them and unleash her magic.

  “Apparently, I’m not allowed.” She flicked a look at Landon and the alpha raised just one eyebrow back at her.

  “You should sleep in my cabin.” Ben offered and watched as she shuffled from one foot to the other, shifting her weight, and frowning harder. “I’ll sleep outside.” He tried to put her worries to rest.

  “Damn right you will.” She muttered, trying hard not to look at him as he closed the distance between them. “And you should get some clothes on.” She muttered a little lower, but he still caught it.

  “I thought you liked what you saw.” His lips twitched as her eyes snapped up to his, but not before they had travelled back up his body…

  “Are you going to hold that against me?” She hissed out, feeling rattled by his naked presence, and his grin widened. His lips pulled back and exposed his straight white teeth, and she’d never seen anyone looking more predatory than him at that moment.

  “I think I might.” He gave a deep chuckle, and she realised that they were speaking about two different things then – he’d twisted her words, and she felt her cheeks burn at his suggestive remark.

  “Wait til you’re asked.” She scowled, but he’d certain sent her mind tumbling into all sorts of X-rated thoughts about being up close and personal with his naked body – hers wrapped around him…

  There was another flash of excitement within her and she wanted to moan at the injustice of it all. Maybe even curl up under the nearest rock and stay there until he managed to find some damn clothes…

  “I look forward to it.” Ben offered – that grin not shifting from his lips one iota. She noted how different he looked now, less tension in his body, the same kind of smile that had been on his lips when they’d first met – he was almost playful…

  Andi’s lips moved without a sound coming out. She flicked her eyes back to the alpha, the man openly laughing now, and then back to Ben, and he had the light of amusement in those dark eyes – she had to look anywhere but at him…

  She could see the funny side of things, but she didn’t want to admit it. If anything; she wanted to grumble and give a growl all of her own – it pained her that she couldn’t.

  “Where’s this damn cabin?” She bit out, folding her arms across her chest in a defensive stand that made Ben stop in his tracks. He lifted a hand and pointed the way, and without another word; not one that he could understand at any rate, but from the sound of her mutterings he got the gist of – she set off away from him, muttering some more and stumbling over her own feet.




  Landon folded his arms and closed his eyes to the world. He’d judged Ben’s new mood and decided that it was safe to stay outside Ben’s cabin as the man went inside to fish out some clothes to wear.

  Ben’s attitude might have changed for what he considered the better where wooing his mate was concerned, but still he wasn’t going far tonight, none of them were. Ben would stay close to the cabin while she was inside in an effort to protect his mate.

  It was an irrational emotion. There wasn’t one member of the clan who would set foot inside Ben’s cabin with his unmated female inside – it was more than their life was worth, and yet, Ben’s beast would be on alert for signs of trouble.

  The truth of the matter was that every bear in the clan would fight to protect the little witch, they already had. Even if they’d been fighting each other and most hadn’t known what they were scrapping about.

  Landon still felt within his rights as the alpha to keep an ear out for the goings on inside of those four walls. Ready to intervene between the mates if he was needed.

  “There’s food in the fridge, coffee in the pot, and fresh towels and bedding in the cupboard.” Ben informed her as he thrust, first one leg, and then the other inside a clean pair of jeans.

  “I can’t believe you live like this.” She looked around, taking it all in.

  “I…” Ben scowled, letting his eyes run over the room, trying to see what she saw. He’d bet her house was nice, a lot nicer than his cabin… “It’s not much…” He grumbled, feeling ashamed of his humble home, and guessing that a woman as fine as her could never think to live somewhere like that.



  “No, I didn’t mean that. I meant how neat and tidy everything is.” Andi felt a little pang of guilt just from the look on his face. He looked somewhat ashamed, downcast, and she couldn’t understand why.

  The cabin wasn’t done up like a rich man’s palace, but it was… homely, clean, and tidy, and she’d kind of expected to walk into a real pit. He was a bear… and male. Very male.

  “Oh, I like cleaning…” Ben frowned as he tucked his hard length inside the fabric of his jeans and resisted the urge to groan at the feel of the restrictions around his aching cock… It wanted freedom for as long as it took him to thrust inside of her… then it wouldn’t mind being sheathed one little bit.

  He pulled up the zip and left the button open as the fabric hugged his hips. He brought his head up and caught her watching him… those front teeth worrying her lip again, and again, he couldn’t stop the growl that rumbled within his chest at the sight of her doing that… hell, he wanted to bite her lip for her, taste her tongue…

  When she snapped to attention, so did he…

  “I’m as messy as sin.” Andi rushed out, trying to cover and deflect the fact that she’d been looking a little too hard at his body… and for a little too long. She’d been busted and he had a hungry look about him, neither of which boded well for either of them.

  It wasn’t her fault – how could she not look?

  No woman in their right mind closed their eyes at the sight of those hunky male strippers on stage, did they? Well, he had a way better body than that, and his Full Monty was practically spellbinding.

  She realised in that moment that she was smiling to herself and he was watching her, and she snapped it off. Her eyes darted around the room, anywhere but at him, and she kept berating herself, demanding that she didn’t look at him…

  “Be as messy as you like – I’ll take care of you…” he saw her jaw slack and mentally slapped himself upside the head. “It. I’ll take care of it... the mess.” He tossed up a hand in the awkward silence that followed.

  “I’m gonna…” she pointed a finger over her
shoulder towards the room at the back of the cabin, she assumed it was a bathroom, at least she hoped it was because she’d look pretty damn stupid walking into a cupboard – and peeing outside was a definite no-no for her. He nodded in understanding so she guessed she was on the right track. “You should get what you need and….” She shrugged as she started to back off.

  Ben took a long step towards her, reluctant to let any more space get in between them. She stopped and tilted her head to one side regarding him with curiosity.

  “I think I can go alone,” she offered.

  “Oh!” He nodded and tossed another hand towards the door. He hadn’t even known he was keeping time with her steps. “Sure.”

  “Cool.” She turned and fled before he changed his mind, before she could witness him following her again.

  Ben waited for the door to close behind her and then bit down on a curse. He lifted his hands and made tight fists on either side of his head, and then he laced his hands, and rested them at the back of his head, berating himself the whole time for being an idiot and trying to follow her to the damn bathroom.

  Smooth, man.

  Geez, why didn’t you just pick her up and carry her into the damn room.

  You could have folded your arms and stood guard over her while she peed in case the toilet monster attacked…



  Get a damn grip.

  You either want to woo the woman or you don’t… which is it?

  Have we given up…?

  His bear growled within him.

  Then stop acting like a damn pup and be a man…

  You’re a man… You’ve been wooing women for years… but not your mate…

  Your mate is just a woman like any other… no, not like any other… she’s the one… the one.

  No damn pressure there then!

  He heard the sound of the toilet flush and it was like someone had fired a starter’s pistol right by his ear. He snapped out of it, and panicked… looking around wildly for something to grab, something that he could be doing when she came back out…


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