Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four)

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Brothers- Clan Special- Ben (Book Four) Page 7

by M. L. Briers

  Ben almost tripped over his own tongue at the thought of seeing her naked, seeing her naked in his tub, seeing her naked in his arms, his bed… Hell yes, six days a week and twice on Sundays…

  “No, I was…”

  “Protecting your mate from the water monster?” She purred, teasing his length, teasing his mind, his libido…

  Ben’s beast clawed and growled within him, and he had to bite down hard on his desire to set that beast free, allow his fangs down, and put her up against the wall, thrusting into her until she screamed out with an orgasm around his length, and then sink his fangs right into her flesh, claiming her as his…

  Ben pushed backwards away from her. It was the hardest thing that he’d ever had to do in his entire life, but he did it…

  “I’ll just go… make some… coffee…” He tossed back over his shoulder, keeping his eyes front and centre and balling his fists at his sides so as not to turn the hell around and take her as his…

  Andi shrunk in size and stature. Her mouth fell open a little as she watched him go off like a scared jack rabbit…

  Damn it! Too slutty… I scared him off…

  She rushed into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Turning, she pressed her back against the hard wood and tried her best not to groan in her shame…

  Idiot… and you are… and now he knows it too…

  You couldn’t just wait…

  You had to try and play the role of something you’re not…

  No wonder he ran for the hills…

  Everybody did… everybody always runs the hell away from you…

  He’s probably out the door and halfway up the bloody mountain by now…

  She heard the hard thud from the other side of the door and frowned. It was followed by several deep, dark curses, and what sounded like he was hopping around the room…

  I guess in his haste to get away from you he fell over some damn furniture…

  Oh, get in the damn bath and stop trying to be something you’re not… sexy… surprised you didn’t drop the damn shoes on his feet…

  Stupid… really… really… r-e-a-l-l-y stupid.




  Ben was losing his mind. He’d told himself to give her time – told himself that he had to woo her properly and not just go at her like a bull in a china shop, taking what he needed and claiming her for his own… But she wasn’t making that easy.

  She was beautiful, as sexy as hell, and when she’d stopped right in front of him, placed her hand against his chest and started to strip off her shoes…. Well hell, he’d wanted to scoop her up and take her there and then – up against the wall, down on the floor, across the bed, spreading her body out and licking her from head to toe…

  He rumbled a groan and kicked out in frustration… his foot connected with the base of the sofa and he let out another, longer groan followed by several curses as he grabbed for his foot and hopped on the other one clutching his poor, possibly broken toes…

  They’d heal, but the ache at his groin wasn’t about to go anywhere fast. Not until he was buried balls deep inside of her giving them both pleasure.

  He grumbled a growl and turned his eyes back to the bathroom door on a deep scowl… He could imagine her in his tub… her curvy body submerged in the water, those brown eyes looking up at him… He shook that image away…

  He had it bad, and that was too damn bad because he was going to woo her properly. He was determined not to screw this up. His one chance at happiness – his one chance to have someone permanent in his life, in his arms – have a few cubs, make a family, be happy ever after…

  That was what people lived for. The brass ring, to be happy. Happiness came in a lot of shapes and forms, but his happy would be to love, to be loved right back, and he wasn’t about to risk not having that because he wanted to rush to the finish line.

  One bone in his little toe clicked back into place and he groaned at the feel of the pain that ran through him. Healed, job done. Now he needed to figure out how to keep his damn stupid big hands to himself so that he didn’t lose the one good thing in his life that had come his way…

  That was when he started to pace again… Stopping every few seconds at the sound of the water splashing, and he groaned inwardly at that sound – his mind flashing up images of where that water was lucky enough to touch her body…

  He had a feeling that keeping his hands off of her wasn’t going to be damned easy… and yet, he thanked his blessings that he was still inside the cabin and she hadn’t kicked him out yet… yet.



  Ok, new plan… stop acting as if I’m the great seductress and… let the mating pull take its course on him – after all, he’s a shifter, ergo, the mating pull should be clawing inside of him soon enough…

  Great plan, wait him out.

  Hmm, I can do better…

  Get out of the tub, pull the door open stark naked and wiggle my goodies at him…

  That’s just pathetic… it’s got to be something subtle… the mating pull is subtle… but sloooow…

  I’m still throbbing from having his length against me… how long do I have to wait to ease this buzz? This stupid hum?

  Maybe I should ease it myself and then I don’t have to worry?

  I could just… like… really, really quickly… he would… he’d stroke one off… choke the chicken… his bear would certainly choke a chicken… no, more likely bite it’s head off…

  Andi ran her hands down over the gentle swell of her stomach and between her legs… her fingers found the nub of flesh that was still sensitive from the way that he’d rubbed against her and she sighed at her own touch…

  She closed her eyes and didn’t need to think of the sight of him naked – he was already there behind her eyelids, muscles on show – that hard length jutting away from the flat, hard stomach…

  She moaned at the thought of what she’d like to do to him naked… touching, her fingertips running over his coffee coloured skin – those brown eyes of his looking down at her as she dropped to her knees in front of him, and she circled her fingers against her flesh and moaned again, a little louder, a little more needy in her desire…

  When he fisted his length in one of his big hands, she gasped at the sight of him stroking himself… his eyes ablaze with hunger for her… need, and she leaned in on her knees and opened her mouth as an invite… he angled his thick length towards her, and fed her his…

  The door slammed back against the wood and Andi’s eyes snapped open to the sight of his standing there. She gasped in a startled breath as his eyes travelled from her face down her body to where her fingers were against her sex… her cheeks flooded with heat that matched the rest of her body, and her mind took to shaming her…

  “That’s my job…” he growled out and she shrieked at the sight of him coming at her, eyes ablaze with hunger… she held up her hands as if she was surrendering, but in truth it was the first time that her brain had kicked into gear since he’d interrupted her, and she’d realised that she was still touching herself…

  “I was… washing!” She rushed out on the biggest lie of her life to date…

  Ben’s eyes snapped to hers. He stopped at the side of the big tub and a grin took his lips wide…

  Predator… big one… and you’re trapped…

  “I call bullshit on that one.” He said, reaching down, and the sight of those big hands coming at her made her squeal, but she wasn’t sure if that sound was panic, or delight…

  He lifted her then – scooped her right up out of the water as if she weighed nothing at all. It was the first time that she’d never had to worry if she was carry just too many extra pounds…

  “I swear I was just…” She tried to deny it… but his lips came down on hers and she didn’t give a monkey’s butt anymore…

  They were moving, she knew it, and yet she didn’t care. She was naked and dripping wet, in more places than one, in
his arms, and he… her big shifter bear mate was carrying her off to have his wicked way with her… at least she hoped that was what was happening…

  His mouth was hungry against hers. His kisses were demanding, and she was more than willing to give him what he wanted back…

  There wasn’t just a buzz between her legs anymore, her whole body had fired to life with that need, that desire for him… and when she felt the press of the mattress behind her back, and his body coming down over hers, hot and heavy, caging her in…

  She just couldn’t keep her hands to herself a moment longer… running them down the length of his back from those broad shoulders to just above his low riding jeans… she wanted to go lower, reach right in and grabbed both cheeks of his taut backside, but he reached for her wrists, wrapped them in those bag hands of his and thrust them back against the bed on either side of her head…

  Then he dragged his lips from hers and she gasped in a breath while she still could, but a heartbeat later and she felt his hot breath against her ear…

  “Tell me you were at least thinking about me when you were touching yourself…” He growled… that sound sending a thrill right through her body to her womb…

  “I was washing…” she lied again, sounding breathless to her own ears and knowing that his sensitive ones would pick up her lie in a heartbeat.

  “No, you weren’t…” he growled again, nuzzling into her neck and sucking hard against the skin there until her hips came off the mattress to meet his…

  “I… was… okay, not washing…” she gasped at the feel of his blunt teeth against her skin… then he soothed that spot with his tongue…

  “You were touching…” his breath was back at her ear. He pushed her hands up over her head on the bed and captured them with just one of his… the other hand took a slow roll over her arm and she shivered, feeling that touch to her very toes… “Touching yourself where I wanted to touch you.”

  His fingertips didn’t stop, down over her breast where her hard nipples ached for his touch, but they didn’t stop, brushing over the hard nub so that she became even more needy for them to come back again… down over the gentle swell of her stomach, where the muscles convulsed beneath her skin, down over her mound, and she tried to lift her hips to meet his touch, take it lower, but he held her in place with one hip…

  “I… was…” she never got to finish that sentence, because his fingers delved into the wet heat of her sex and she practically rolled her eyes within her head before closing them as jolts of pure white hot lightning shot through her…

  “Mine…” His growl rattled her nerves, snapped her eyes open, and she found him there, staring down at her, his eyes on fire with desire.

  “I think it’s mine…” she offered back before she gasped in a breath at the feel of his fingers entering her…

  “If you need touching, I’ll touch you…. If you need loving, I’ll love you, I’ll love you deep and long…”

  Holy hell he’s going to make me come with words alone…

  “Just tell me what you need, baby…” Ben’s deep, gravelly tone washed over her body as his fingers pushed in knuckle deep to open her, stretch her inner walls around those thick digits… and she couldn’t help the guttural sound that caught in her throat as her inner muscles clenched around him…

  “You… I need you…” she was more than breathless, she was practically oxygen starved. It had been so long since she’d been with a man, and never one like him. He promised so much just be the way that he was looking at her, devouring her within those soulful, sin filled eyes of his…

  “Yes, you do. You need me inside you, don’t you?” he growled and she moaned at his words, at the feel of his fingers curling upwards, brushing against the inner walls until he found what he was looking for, until her body jolted with the shock of his discovery of something no one had ever touched before… that place she’d considered a myth…

  “Y-es…” she pushed out on the last breath that she thought she would ever possess, especially when he stroked those clever fingers back and forth against that bunch of nerves and her head got all muzzy.

  “And I have a need to taste you on my tongue…” he growled out. His beast clawing and growling within him for so much more…

  He backed off down her body and she watched him go… his eyes were locked and loaded on her, and when he dipped his head, ran his tongue down the valley between her breasts, she gasped a breath in and held it when he pounced on one hard nipple and sucked it into his mouth…

  Oh… crap… who knew my nipple was connected to my clit…?

  Ben wanted to leave his claim on every part of her body. He wanted to start at her toes and work his way up and over every inch of her skin, and he would too… just not now.

  Now he could scent her arousal, thick in the air. He could feel her need around those fingers inside of her – she was clutching at him, tightening around him, and he’d like to go slow… but his beast was demanding more…

  Andi watched as he pulled his head back. That nipple still between his lips, and he was pulling, tugging, as his tongue flicked against the nerves, and she clamped her inner muscles harder around his fingers… the growl that rumbled in his throat went straight through her flesh and she moaned before she even had a chance to silence it…

  The instant that nipple pinged back into place so he was on the other one… not even giving her a chance to catch her breath… sucking hard, and this time she felt his teeth grinding against the nerves… she cursed long and hard… his fingers pulled back and thrust deep inside of her and she dropped her head back and her eyes closed as that pleasure swept through her.

  Ben knew that she needed more the moment that she drew her legs upwards on the bed, opening herself wide for him, and he wasn’t the kind of a man to reject that kind of an invitation from his mate… He withdrew down her body, settle his big frame between her open thighs, and dipped his head, eager to taste her on his tongue.

  One swipe of his tongue over that sensitive nub and she melted beneath his touch, his tongue went from sensitive to ferocious against her… his fingers went from stroking inside of her to eating her up, devouring her channel, and bringing her right to the pinnacle of the release that her body had hummed, begged for.

  She gathered a breath in her lungs, waited… but he pulled back, and she felt the heady rush of frustration claw within her. She plied her lids open and looked down the length of her body to where he lay. His eyes were fixed and loaded on her, and he looked so damn sexy that a jolt of lightning shot straight to her clit…

  “W-hy…?” She never got to finish… his head went down, buried against her, and his tongue thrust up into her channel, sweeping widely against the nerves and making her inner thighs try to fold up around his head, but those big shoulders of his kept her wide open, and as the pad of his thumb stroked over her clit – he devoured her like a wild thing…

  Curse after unspoken curse went through her mind… there wasn’t a damn thing that she could do save grip the sheets beside her into her fisted hands and let him have his way… and then the orgasm exploded within her, claiming her body and sending her on the kind of throbbing rollercoaster ride that she’d never experienced before…

  More hot and heavy curses went through her brain, and this time they left her lips as he stroked and licked her towards oblivion, keeping that pleasure alive as it travelled outwards in waves right to her curled toes…

  It wasn’t enough – her channel still needed him, still needed to be filled by his thick length… but he wasn’t coming for her… he was sending her insane with his fingers back inside of her, his tongue now against her clit as she tried to wiggle, pitch her hips, and send him away…

  “I… no… you… I need you…” She bit out, feeling that knot tightening once more inside of her.

  “I need you good and wet for me, baby… there’s a lot of me to get inside a little tight you…” he growled against her clit, those vibration from his voice taking he
r higher, faster, as his fingers started to piston against those inner nerves, causing the kind of friction that took her breath away once more, and his lips clamped around that little bit of flesh, sucking, teeth rubbing, tongue flicking… and she was lost again…

  She moaned, she panted, and she gasped her way through another orgasm that swept her up within its glorious wings and devoured her whole…

  Andi came back to the sight of him standing at the end of the bed, his big hands thrusting his jeans down his solid, muscled legs as he kicked them off… His long, thick cock signalled its intention to have her as the weight of it made it jut out from his body and point right at her like a claim of its own.

  There was a deep, hungry growl rumbling in his chest, catching in his throat. His black eyes were hot and hungry on her, and when he bent forward, she expected him to climb onto the bed, up and over her body like a predator on the prowl, but instead, his big hands fisted around her knees and he dragged her down towards him…

  Hunted, captured, and about to be devoured by her big bear shifter, her heart jumped into her throat at the sight of him closing in… She felt a rush of adrenaline dump into her system – felt the excitement shoot right to her womb, and she was almost certain that he was just going to spear her with his cock as he yanked her sex towards it…

  “Mine…” Ben growled at the sight of her coming to him… he reached up and tossed her knees over his big shoulders, opening her wide for his length. His eyes feasting on the pink, glistening folds of her sex… her channel clenching under his gaze…

  He had her right where he wanted her, needed her. He wanted nothing more than to thrust into her, balls deep, take her like a wild man, and his beast clawed and growled, trying to push forward… urge him to do it…

  “Ben…” her voice was a low, soft plea… she wanted that too…

  He leaned in, braced his legs wide, and angled his lower body down until it matched hers. He rocked his hips and rubbed the bulbous head of his cock through her juices, growling and grunting with his need to fill her, to take her, claim her as his…


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