Finding Love

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Finding Love Page 3

by Callie Stone

  At this time, I also found an apartment to move into. I love my mom, but I didn’t want to live with her forever. It was only fifteen minutes from her house, close enough I can stop by any time I wanted. It was on the bottom floor, thank goodness. Walking inside there was a small foyer, moving in further the kitchen was to the left with a bar to eat at. Past that, was an open floor plan with a small dining room and the living room connected. It was very spacious. Across from the kitchen was the hallway with bedrooms and bathroom. The master bedroom had its own bathroom and was fairly large in size. I fell in love with the place as soon as I entered the room.

  Chapter Four

  Ihad a few one-night stands after Tom. I figured maybe I wasn’t ready for a relationship and a one-night stand couldn’t hurt, right? Oh, how wrong I always seemed to be. A one-night stand is how I met my next boyfriend. No, I didn’t date the one-nighter because then, well, he wouldn’t be a one-night stand. My next boyfriend Adam, pulled me over for speeding on my way home from a one-nighter. I was trying to get away from that mistake as quickly as I could, literally. I was right down the road from my apartment building when the blue lights lit up my rearview mirror. I instantly got nervous, heartbeat spiked, and my eyes filled with tears. I have this unnatural fear of talking to police. I really don’t know why, but every time I see the blue lights my heart starts racing and I get scared. This is certainly not my first ticket and though I’ve never been in any real trouble with the police, I can’t seem to get my body to stop reacting like this.

  I pull over and kill the engine as I take deep breaths in and out trying to prevent the tears from falling. The last thing I wanted was this cop to see me crying. I grab my driver’s license and registration while rolling down my window just as the cop gets to it.

  “Good evening ma’am. License, registration, and proof of insurance,” he says to me nicely.

  I’m still taking my deep breaths and my voice quivers as I respond, “Hello.” It’s about nine at night and pitch black so I can’t see him that well at all, but his voice is nice, almost soothing. I hand him my information.

  “Do you know why I pulled you over?” He shines his flashlight in my eyes and I try not to flinch too much. Oh god, is that a sign I’m drunk if I show the light hurts my eyes. I sure hope not because I haven’t had a single drink tonight. Though I wish I had after that mess I just left.

  Another deep breath. “I was speeding?” I don’t know why it comes out as a question.

  “Yes, ma’am. You were doing fifty-five in a forty-five. Is there a reason you’re going so fast?”

  “No sir, just ready to be home.” I’m surely getting a ticket. No way I’m telling him the truth.

  “Okay. Sit tight, I’ll be back in a minute.” He turns and walks back to his car.

  I release a long breath and try laying my head back against the headrest as I watch the cars pass by. Heart still racing, I try to count the cars to calm my nerves. Unfortunately, I make a fool of myself when the cop clears his throat scaring the shit out of me and causing me to jump and shriek. As I grab my chest and try to catch my breath I hear him chuckle. Ass hole.

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “No problem,” I lie. Another chuckle. Ugh.

  “So, Mrs. Hill, here’s the deal. I was going to write you a ticket, but I couldn’t get the cute deer in headlights look you had out of my head, so I’m going to let you off with a warning. No more speeding. Okay?”

  “Oh god, thank you so much,” I say shocked as he hands over a slip of paper with my information.

  “Alright. You have a good night,” he says taking a step back and turning to his car.

  “You too. Thank you.” I don’t pay any attention to the paper he gave me as I roll up my window and start my car. I’ll check it when I get home. I need a shower first. I pulled out into traffic and within minutes I walked in my front door.

  Getting in the shower, I washed twice trying to scrub away the memories, before putting on comfortable clothes. I grab the warning ticket to read over it and plop on the couch tucking my feet under me before looking at the paper. My mouth falls open as I realize there is no warning ticket. He wrote his name, Adam, along with his number on it instead.

  What the hell was I supposed to do with his number? I have never been the type to message a guy first. Call me old- fashioned. Hell, I couldn’t even tell what he looked like. It was so dark I could barely see my hand in front of my face. Ugh. I stick the paper on my end table and decide I’ll figure it out later. The last thing I want to think about is a man, after my horrible night.

  What was his name? Joe, Jonny? Fuck I can’t even remember the guy’s name. If I didn’t know better, I would say I was drunk. I met him at work which I really need to stop doing. We chatted a little and after I got off he invited me over and I figured why not. I could think of a lot of why nots right now. I followed him home, went inside and it went downhill from there. The kissing – horrible. The sex – terrible. The size – tiny. It was so small it reminded me of a baby carrot. If I had some ranch dressing I probably would have been tempted to take a bite out of it. But the worst part … the worst part was when he bit the side of my neck. Not some little lovey, sexy, turn you on bite. No, that little shit bit me so hard I screamed. The whole night was a disaster.

  This should have been a lesson causing me to stop doing that shit but, sadly, it wasn’t. I never said I was an angel. Actually, I was far from an angel but not a devil either. Is there an in between?

  I never had plans to call Adam. I didn’t give him a second thought for weeks, forgetting all about him. Until one day, as I was cleaning house, I moved my lamp on my end table and the paper with Adam’s number fell to the floor. Picking it up I almost threw it away before realizing what it was. I paused and stared at it for a few minutes before deciding what was the worst that could happen? Hell, he might not even want to talk to me anymore since it’s been so long. I grabbed my phone and paused. Considering it had been weeks since receiving the number I wasn’t even sure if he would remember who I was. I decided to text instead.

  Hey, it’s Addison. You gave me your number a couple weeks ago when you pulled me over. How are you?

  God that sounded lame, but I really had no idea what to say. Good thing I didn’t call, I would have looked like a fool. I set my phone down on the table and went back to cleaning quickly forgetting about the text message. I’d become a little OCD since I started living by myself. Every room had to be absolutely clean before I could even think about relaxing.

  Washing the last of the dishes I grabbed my soda and went to sit on the couch. Picking up the TV remote I glance at my phone and notice the blue light flashing indicating a message. Was I that consumed in my cleaning I didn’t even hear my phone go off? Hesitating for a second, I set the remote on my lap and grabbed my phone. Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the screen.

  One new text message. I stared at it unsure if I wanted to see what it said. Slowly with my heart starting to beat faster, I open the message.

  Hey beautiful. I’m doing great now that you messaged me. How are you doing?

  Releasing the breath I didn’t realize I was holding, I let out a little laugh. What did I expect it to say? Shaking my head, I send back a quick response.

  I’m doing good. Working today?

  And that was the start of our relationship. It started slowly with the text messages. It took me at least a month before I finally agreed to go out with him. Not knowing what he looked like held me back, but I finally decided what was the worst that could happen. Nothing said I had to sleep with him. We could be friends if I didn’t find him attractive.

  So, after a long month of talking, I finally met him for dinner. We sat across from each other and thankfully there were no awkward moments. My fear of how he looked quickly went out the window. Adam was tall and slender with muscles in all the right places. He had really short black hair and dark brown eyes with lips that women would die for or d
ie just to be able to kiss. They were so full and plump even I had a hard time keeping my mind off them during dinner. I watched his lips often as he talked and ate. Seriously perfect lips. All this on a tan complexion made for a perfect wet dream.

  We sat talking long after we were done eating. I’m sure the wait staff was ready for us to leave, but I had no urge to go anywhere. After a few dirty looks, Adam finally suggested we head out. I felt a pang of disappointment that I would have to say goodbye to him. He walked me to my car and though I would have preferred a kiss from those damn lips I couldn’t stop thinking about, he instead wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a tight hug. My breath stopped when his body touched mine. I wanted to take him home with me, but I had the feeling that wasn’t what he wanted. When he pulled away I took a deep breath, since I was seriously deprived after the hug, gave him a smile and climbed into my car. Heading home I could only think about him. Every little detail. I already wanted more.

  Adam and I saw each other as much as our schedules would allow us. It took him three dates before he kissed me. I was so thankful when he finally did, I started to worry I was getting the wrong idea from our relationship. I mean, what man waited so long to even kiss someone. All the men I knew were trying to jump into your bed after the first date. That’s why I thought Adam was different. That first kiss was amazing. Hell, that doesn’t even explain how good that kiss was. I had dreamed about his lips on me and when they finally touched mine I was sure my knees would give out. He was gentle yet firm and even a little demanding. I was seriously in heaven when he kissed me. I could have kissed him all day long.

  He kept me happy with the kisses for two freaking weeks. He turned me on with those lips just to leave me wanting. I felt ready to explode. I needed a release. After two weeks of feeling like I was dying, I decided it was time for things to change. I invited him over for dinner, put on lingerie -a lacey black nighty- and laid out on the couch waiting for him to walk in. The look on his face was priceless. First shock then quickly changed to wanting. Finally, I thought. I was going to feel him inside of me.

  After his initial shock wore off Adam walked over to the couch, bent down and scooped me into his arms. Walking quickly, we were in the bedroom in no time. He practically tossed me on the bed as he kicked off his sneakers. Keeping his eyes on me he stripped off in record time. I followed his every movement, scared I’d miss something, ready to drool. Then he dropped his pants and my eyes couldn’t leave the bulge in his black boxer briefs. I stared as he slowly dropped his underwear to the floor and I swear my eyes about popped out of my head.

  I knew he was well hung from our make-out sessions. I’m not ashamed to admit to dry humping him a little. Like I said … I needed a release. But my dry humping didn’t prepare me for what I saw when those pants hit the floor. I get the chills just thinking about it.

  No freaking way that is going inside of me.

  Can it even fit?

  I started to feel kind of nervous, regretting my plan a little. Adam, with a smirk on his face, slowly crawled up the bed. His hand skimmed up my leg at a snail's pace. I was so turned on I was starting to get impatient. Why was he taking so long? I tried grabbing his face and bringing him up to me faster, but he held his ground. Grabbing my nighty he slowly slid it up my hips and past my stomach, leaving it just below my breast. Leaning down he blew between my legs before placing a soft kiss there. Yes, there. I couldn’t help myself, I moaned, loudly which earned me a chuckle from him. He seemed to be enjoying the slow pace, because he continued with it, as if I wasn’t desperate, possibly dying if I didn’t get a release soon.

  He skimmed his lips over my hip and kissed his way across my stomach and up to where my nighty rested. I wanted to squeeze my thighs together, but I couldn’t since he was between my legs. My hips were starting to move on their own accord and I was basically humping air. It would be a little humiliating if my brain wasn’t consumed with sex.

  “Please, Adam,” I said breathlessly.

  “Please what?” he asked. “Try to relax. Enjoy the sensations, Addy. Lay back and just feel.” His voice was husky and turning me on even more.

  “We can feel everything later. You’ve had me turned on for two weeks. Let’s stop the teasing.”

  Adam pauses, still hovering over my stomach and looks at me with his head tilted a little as if in deep thought. Suddenly his gorgeous smile covers his face. “Okay. I’ll let you have it your way this time, but the next time we’ll do it my way. Understand?”

  I sigh with relief and nod my head yes, vigorously. Thank fuck! The only thing that could make this turn bad is if he’s horrible in bed. Or a minute man. Gah. Please don’t let my high hopes be shattered.

  Leaning back Adam tugged my panties down my legs before producing a condom that I can only assume he brought into the bed with him. Sheathing himself he crawled over me and position his head at my opening. Slowly he slipped it in.

  It felt perfect.

  Life altering.


  Chapter Five

  Ihave no words for that first night. It’s a night I think back on fondly and often. It was one of the best nights of sex I’d ever had. And it only got better each time. Adam never disappointed. He definitely knew what he was doing and he was far from a minute man. More like an hour man. I was always worn out, trying to catch my breath and regain my equilibrium after sex with him. I wanted it every chance we got. Which wasn’t as often as I had hoped. We both worked and he worked odd hours being a cop. Lots of late nights, too. Things were as perfect as they could be.

  We got into a routine and he had practically moved in with me. He stayed at my house every chance he got which I didn’t mind. That just meant more time together and of course more sex. Before bed sex, sleepy middle of the night sex, morning sex, shower sex … well, I guess you get the point. We had sex in every spot we could in my apartment. It would always hold some good memories of him.

  And … some not so good memories.

  I had always noticed that Adam was secretive about his phone. He never checked it when I was close enough to see nor did he answer it unless it was work. He always had it on him, never out of his sight. I would always hear it ring or vibrate but he would only look at the screen then put it down. I had asked him who was calling or why he wasn’t answering, and it was always the same answer. One of his friends, and he would call them back later. I took it as being sweet, not wanting them to interrupt our time.

  As our relationship progressed and we hit the ten-month mark, we were spending more and more time together. It really started to annoy me that he would never answer the calls around me. I had been around him enough when he talked to some friends on the phone so why was this one different? I couldn’t figure it out and it irked the crap out of me.

  Maybe it was left over trust issues on my part. I don’t know, but this feeling in my gut was telling me something was wrong. I tried asking questions about the caller and got very vague answers. I didn’t want to seem like I was nagging or not trusting him, so I tried to put it out of my mind, thinking it had to be because of Troy. He has to be the reason I can’t trust Adam. Things are going so well, it’s like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like it’s too good to be true.

  And it was.

  I started to wonder if I was cursed. Was this how every relationship would be. I would find someone I really liked and enjoyed spending time with just to have them fuck me over? What the hell did I have to do to stop this from happening again?

  I was successful at pushing that gut feeling away for another two months. We had finally hit our one-year anniversary. Adam made plans for dinner and I made plans for the bedroom. I bought new lingerie, candles and massage oil. I had planned on telling him I loved him sometime that night. Wasn’t exactly sure when, but I knew I did and I was ready to tell him.

  Dinner started out great. He took me to a nice Italian restaurant and as we waited for our food we held hands and talked. But I swear every fi
ve minutes his phone was going off. He would look at the screen then put it back in his pocket. I was starting to get pissed off.

  “Who is calling? Do you need to answer it?”

  “It’s Doug. I’ll call him tomorrow.” Adam shrugged his shoulders.

  “Well, it must be important if he won't stop calling. Just answer the damn phone already so he’ll stop and we can enjoy our night,” I say, with a little attitude. Damn, can I have one night without his phone going crazy?

  “I’ll just put it on silent and you won’t have to worry about it.”

  “Fine.” It’s not what I wanted but at least I won't have to hear that damn thing ringing or beeping all night. We get back to our dinner and Adam doesn’t look at the phone again until we are in the car. I let out a sigh but decide to just let it go for now. I didn’t want to ruin our evening.

  Once we were inside my apartment I told Adam I would be right back and left him in the living room. I wanted to set up the room before he came in. I slipped on my lingerie and lit the candles all around the room. Placing the massage oil and a hand towel on the nightstand I step back and survey everything. Perfection.

  Tiptoeing out of the bedroom I peek into the living room and see Adam deep in concentration on his phone with his fingers moving swiftly over the screen. What the hell? I clear my throat and watch as his head whips up. I stand there as his eyes roam my body before he sets his phone down on the coffee table and stands. I watch as he slowly stalks towards me, loving the way he’s looking at me. Once in front of me, Adam bends down, wraps his arms around my thighs and throws me over his shoulder causing me to shriek. Wow, very caveman and such a turn on.


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