Forged Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 2)

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Forged Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 2) Page 15

by Sidney Bristol

“Do you work tonight?”

  “No. Let these other freeloaders carry some weight.”

  One side of her mouth quirked up.

  He bent his head and kissed her brow. It just felt like the right thing to do. Felecia sighed and he felt her shoulders relax.

  That sound made him think of other noises she’d made.


  Can’t go there.

  Evan let go of her and stepped away before his body got ideas of its own. He toed his boots off and placed his gun on the dresser by the door. It took him a moment to remove the Kevlar vest and put his clothes back to rights, all while Felecia watched him.

  By morning the others would know where he’d slept. Maybe he wouldn’t have to tell Logan then, because it would be common knowledge?

  Felecia was sitting on the bed in the middle of a nest of pillows she’d made. The TV played a sitcom of some kind that she seemed to be half paying attention to.

  “What show is this?” He sat on the edge of the bed.

  “No idea. I understand a few words here and there, but that’s it. It’s just comforting.”

  Evan watched for a few moments. It seemed to be some sort of sitcom about roommates and a dinner party. Completely mundane things. The sort of stuff Felecia missed out on.

  He wished he could give that to her.

  “Didn’t you say you had brothers and sisters?” she asked after a while.

  “One brother. Two sisters. I don’t see them as often as I’d like.”

  “Your job must keep you very busy.”

  He chuckled, feeling the bitterness rise up in him. “It’s not even that. I’ve told them a hundred times that if they’d just let me know they’re doing things I’ll be there. But they never think to tell me.”

  Evan rolled to his back and stared at the ceiling. The only place he’d ever belonged was with his unit and his team.

  “I’m sorry,” Felecia murmured.

  “It’s not your fault.” He reached over and stroked her arm.

  “But I brought it up.”

  “Still not your fault.” He turned his head and mustered a smile for her. “I know we all care about each other. I’ve just always been the odd one out. Ever since I can remember.”

  Felecia curled up next to him and he pulled her arm across his waist. It felt nice laying here like this. Soothing.

  “My oldest sister says it’s because I’m quiet compared to the rest of them. Makes it easy to forget I’m not there.”

  Felecia scowled. “That’s a mean thing to say.”

  “It’s the truth. My sisters get together and they don’t stop talking. The older they’ve gotten the more Mom connects with them. My younger brother is an attention hog, so he tries to talk over them. That was always too much for me. I’d go out to the back yard or something.”

  “That sounds like a lot to deal with.”

  “It can be. They’re still a great family, I just don’t quite fit.”

  They lapsed into silence watching the dinner party drama unfold with hilarity that needed no translation.

  Despite everything going on around them, Evan felt content here with Felecia. It was all too easy to pretend the others weren’t there and it was just the two of them.

  Evan’s feelings for Felecia weren’t simple. He knew his motives in the beginning were more about his own ego. What man didn’t like playing the hero? But the more he got to know Felecia the more he realized she didn’t need a hero as much as a partner. Someone to give her a hand up. Someone to look out for her.

  He wanted to be that.

  Because of how he felt about her? Their connection? Or because he wanted someone in his corner like that?

  He turned his head and studied her profile. The way her nose turned up slightly. How her wispy hair framed her face and tickled his arm.

  So much strength packed into a little body.

  Felecia shifted, rolling to her side and looked at him.

  “What?” she whispered.

  “Nothing.” He pushed a bit of her hair back behind her ear.

  She frowned at him.

  “You’re beautiful. I like looking at you.” He should take his hand back, but her hair was so soft. He didn’t want to stop touching it.

  Her eyes widened slightly. “Oh.”

  It wasn’t just an outward beauty either. Her strength and character were just as attractive as her body. This was the person she’d chosen to be, not just who the world had made her to be.

  Felecia licked her lips, drawing his attention to her mouth.

  She had perfect lips. Not too big, not too small, just enough fullness. Everything about her was perfect.

  His nose bumped hers. He wasn’t sure when they’d gotten this close, he couldn’t think clearly. Not when his thoughts were all centered around her mouth.

  Evan brushed his lips over hers. Her body tensed and he felt a jolt of awareness from that simple touch. He wanted—needed—more.

  Felecia leaned into him, her wonderful mouth moving against his. He cradled her close to him and sighed, losing himself in the kiss, her skin on his, the way she fit him. It was far too good. She was too good…

  Evan pulled back and stared at her.

  Somewhere in the last few moments he’d forgotten himself. He’d bought into this fantasy that it really was just the two of them and he’d lost sight of the fact that she was still very much a prisoner.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled and sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

  His head swam, blood pounding through his body to his groin.

  “Sorry? What? Why?” Her hand stroked his back. “Evan?”

  “I shouldn’t have done that.” He fisted the sheets.


  He’d just assumed and done what he wanted, without thought for her.

  When she spoke again, it was in her more familiar Ukrainian. “I don’t understand. Evan?”

  “I’m sorry,” he replied in kind and twisted to look at her. She deserved that much. “I only meant to come in here and offer comfort. I… It wasn’t my intention to take advantage…”

  She blinked at him, her big, expressive brown eyes so open.

  “How can you take advantage of me when I kissed you back?” Her lips curved in a shy smile.

  He opened and closed his mouth. How did he make her understand it still wasn’t okay for him to do this?

  “Evan?” She slid her hand down his arm to his wrist and tugged, but he remained where he was. “I’m not doing anything I don’t want to do. I like you being here. I want you here. You…make the bad stuff go away. You make me think about now. Not then.”

  “You deserve a lot more,” he muttered.

  She scooted across the bed until she almost sat in his lap. Her arms went around his shoulders and her face was so close to his own. “No one gets what they deserve. That’s what I’ve learned. But you’re what I want.”

  Why was it this woman made his resolve crumble like it was nothing?

  Her words made him crumble.

  She leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to her mouth only to have her wrap his short hair around her fingers and pull him closer. She had none of his hesitation. Her hold on him tightened, but they were at awkward angles to each other.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and eased her back on the bed. She never let go of him, giving him no choice but to follow her. Not that he was about to do anything except kiss her.

  Felecia wrapped her leg around him, settling him in the cradle of her body. They fit together so perfect, so right. Like this was where he was meant to be. It was a silly idea, but in the moment it rang with truth.

  She undulated against him, grinding her pelvis to his. He groaned into her mouth and squeezed his eyes shut while his dick throbbed. After last night he wanted her more, and he couldn’t have her. Not tonight.

  Evan lifted his head from hers and muffled a groan against her shoulder.

  “We have to stop.” His breathing was ragged, as if he’d just
done a fifteen mile run with full gear.

  “Why?” She drew the word out, frustration clear in her voice.

  He felt it, too.

  The world was damn cruel sometimes.

  Evan picked his head up and looked down at her. “Because I only had the one condom.”

  Felecia snorted a laugh and smoothed her hands down his chest. “That’s what you’re worried about?”


  “Don’t worry. Kelsey thought she would be funny. She bought condoms and put it in the things she got for me.”

  Evan stared. “She knew?”

  “She guessed.”

  He didn’t know if he should thank Kelsey or curse her. In the moment he was much more thankful.

  “If you get up, I can get one.” Felecia’s lips curved in a teasing smile.

  He bent his head, bumping her nose with his. “But that would mean getting up.”

  “It does,” she whispered back.

  Someday Evan would replay Kelsey’s favor. For now, he’d just be grateful.

  He pushed up and tugged Felecia after him. She laughed as they scrambled off the bed. He fumbled with his belt then whisked off his shirt. By the time he was sitting on the bed to get his jeans and everything else off Felecia was naked and strolling toward him with a box of condoms in hand. He scrambled to get the last of his clothes off as she reached him.

  The twinkling in her eyes captivated him. She was so damn beautiful and it had nothing to do with her body and everything to do with who she was inside.

  Felecia planted her hand against his shoulder then pushed. Surprised, he fell back on the mattress. She straddled his thighs and crawled up on the bed after him. He grasped her hips, steadying her as she pulled a condom packet from the box.

  She narrowed her gaze and one side of her mouth quirked up. “I think I like you this way.”

  He grinned back and cupped her breasts. “Yeah. I’m seeing the advantages.”

  Her mouth formed a little ‘o’ and her eyelids lowered.

  Advantages indeed.

  He snagged the condom from her fingers, ripped it open and rolled it on before Felecia had regained her senses. When she looked down at him again her cheeks were flushed and her lower lip swollen from biting it.

  She bent forward, hands braced on either side of his head. Her hair created a curtain, blocking out the rest of the world so all he could see was her perfect smile. She kissed him and he thought he could taste happiness on her tongue.

  He reached between them and cupped her mound, sliding his fingers through her folds. She nipped his lower lip and groaned. He eased his fingers into her channel. Her arousal coated him, showing him that this wasn’t just for him. She wanted it, too. She shifted her hips, taking him deeper.

  God damn she tasted and felt amazing.

  Felecia sat up, wild eyed, hair everywhere. He grasped his cock with his other hand and pulled his fingers out of her. She didn’t need any urging. She scooted forward and rose up, peering down at where their bodies touched.

  It was the hottest damn thing he’d seen since, well, her.

  He slid the head of his cock through her folds to her entrance. Her hips shifted and then the head of his cock slipped inside of her. He sucked in a breath as her tightness enveloped him. She eased down, taking more of him in.

  Words stuck in his throat. It was hard to breathe.

  Felecia rose a little then sank, this time taking most of him inside her.

  He groaned. “God, fuck…”

  She just hummed and rocked against him until it was hard to know where he ended and she began.

  He let his head fall back and his eyes mostly shut. His hands traveled up and down her body, stroking her as she moved over him. He lifted his hips, meeting her as best he could, but she was the one in the driver’s seat now.

  It was hard to think past how tight her pussy squeezed him and the erotic sight of her over him, breasts swaying, eyes nearly black with lust. He could do this with her for the rest of his damn life and never get tired of it. Never.

  The base of his spine prickled and his balls felt tight.

  Felecia leaned her head back and moaned, a sexy, throaty sound he wanted more of.

  He reached between them, caressing her mound as she moved.


  She hissed as he found her slick clit. She thrust hard, her spine bowed.

  Was she close?

  Pretty damn perfect.

  He watched her as he toyed with her clit. The sense of rightness knotted in his stomach as she fucked him, driving her own pace. He thrust up to meet her and felt his control snap.

  Evan gripped her hip, holding on as he came, her body pulsing around him in beautiful unity. She tossed her head back and moaned.

  This was perfect. So damn perfect.

  Felecia lay under the sheet, her body still too warm for the blanket and her mind mostly empty.


  There’d been a moment when Evan was inside of her, looking up, his blue eyes so bright they almost hurt that she’d known.

  He was her future. Everything she wanted was him.

  The bedroom door shut as Evan let himself back in. He was freshly showered and wore a pair of shorts. Water glistened off his chest.

  She curled up on her side and just looked at him.

  How was this supposed to work? Could it? Was the knowing real? Or was it just something her grandmother had made up?

  Felecia didn’t know the answers and she didn’t want to. She was too scared of the truth to know it, because if Evan was her future that meant there was only one path.


  Wednesday. Graveyard. St. Petersburg, Russia.

  Obran stared at the headstone marking his wife’s grave. The stone was simple. The grave unremarkable next to all the others. Once they’d talked about what they wanted. She’d insisted that she’d come from modest roots and that was what she wanted to return to no matter what he could afford.

  “Our girl is running into a world of hurt,” he muttered to the bit of earth.

  His phone rang, as if acknowledging the events meant they were back on this path. At least it was his man calling and not one of the others. There was still a slim chance he could save this. Save his daughter.

  He blew out a breath and tapped the screen, all the while staring at the name of the woman he’d loved. “What?”

  “She’s just boarded a flight to Amsterdam,” the man said.

  “And from there?” Obran turned. He couldn’t live in the past, not when the present might blow up in his face.

  “We don’t know yet. They only purchased the one-way ticket.”

  Obran grunted.

  “We did get someone on the plane with them. They’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “Good. Keep me informed.”

  He hung up the phone and tipped his chin up to stare into the dreary sky, mirroring his own feelings.

  His daughter was doing one of two things.

  Either she was trying to simply get away from him.

  Or, she was going to try to end him by going to Texas.

  She didn’t know what waited for her there. He hoped she never learned.

  Obran drew in a deep breath and began the walk back through the cemetery toward his car. He’d never intended for his daughter to become his prisoner. She was just so much like her mother. She wouldn’t listen to reason. She wanted to have her own way. Do her own thing. She just didn’t realize how dangerous that was.

  All he ever wanted to do was protect her.

  Maybe he needed to make her disappear. Erase her completely.

  He wasn’t sure it would work, but he knew they couldn’t keep going as they were. She was a young woman and she hated him. He wished he didn’t understand that hate, but he did.

  As he reached his car and the waiting driver, his phone rang again.

  He peered at the number.

  It wasn’t one he knew.

  Obran tapped the screen and held it
to his ear.

  “She’s in the air,” a rough voice said.


  The Horseman.

  “I know,” Obran replied. “I want your team to pull back. Leave this to me. I know how to handle my daughter.”

  Kurt sputtered. “We lost men trying to get your girl back.”

  “I’m sorry for your losses, but this is something I can handle. It’s something I should have handled. Go back to your sandbox. Thank you for your trouble.”

  “There’s no way I’m just leaving this—”

  Obran ended the call.

  The last thing he needed were the remaining Horsemen getting mixed up in this.

  Wednesday. Horsemen Headquarters.

  Kurt pulled his arm back with a snarl. Before he could hurl the phone across the room Bodhi grabbed him by the wrist and took the phone from him.

  “Rein it in,” Bodhi said.

  “He wants us to just go away,” Kurt said, his blood boiling.

  Bodhi handed the phone back to Kurt. “Call The Man. Let him know. He’s who we work for.”

  Kurt ground his teeth together and stared at the phone.

  Why had it been Caleb? Why did he have to be the one who died?

  Kurt was shit at keeping them together. Why was it falling to him to take over?

  He drew in a breath and punched in the number he knew he had to call. Caleb had always been clear about the need to communicate with the man who called himself Skilton. At times Kurt found the status reports obnoxious and unnecessary. That had been when he was merely taking the orders. Now that it fell to him to give them he was glad for someone else to call, to tell him what the hell he was supposed to do out here.

  Kurt stalked to the far side of the room while the phone line rang.

  “Yes?” a man answered. Skilton.

  “It’s Kurt.”

  A sigh rustled through the line. “I almost hoped it was a dream. Nothing to be done about it. Where are things?”

  “We tracked the girl to Helsinki. She just got on a plane leaving for Amsterdam.”

  “Why aren’t you headed after her?”

  “The forger doesn’t want our help anymore.” Kurt fisted his left hand and closed his eyes.

  Why now? Why was it Caleb died today of all times?


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