Forged Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 2)

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Forged Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 2) Page 23

by Sidney Bristol

She turned to face him, mirroring his pose with her head propped on one hand and her arm across his waist. “No. I think I’m still afraid to do that. What if something happens? What if this doesn’t work out?”

  “It will.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because I think you deserve it—”

  “People don’t always get what they deserve,” she said with rising frustration.

  “I think you deserve it and you have people in your corner. That can make all the difference. I’m not going to let Zora bully you.”

  Felecia’s eyes widened a bit and her frustration disappeared.

  He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Don’t be afraid to dream, okay?”

  “I haven’t done anything to deserve you in my corner,” she mumbled.

  “Maybe not, but after all this time you deserve to have someone.” He was glad it was him.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure what to do or hope for. If Zora lets me go, what do I do with all that freedom? How do I…?” She shrugged.

  “You do what makes you happy. Spend time with people you like.”

  Her smile grew. “I don’t know many people.”

  “You know me. I like spending time with you.” He wanted to do a whole lot more of it. But it had to be her choice. Whatever the future held, she should get to pick what she did and who she did it with, regardless of what he wanted.

  Felecia stared at him for several seconds. “I like spending time with you, too. I had a feeling about you from the very beginning. Grandma said the women in our family have a gut feeling about things. She called it the knowing.”

  He chuckled. It sounded like something out of a story. “Yeah? What’s that like?”

  “I don’t know. Just… My gut tightens and I just know things.”

  “What did you know about me?” He leaned in, bumping her nose with his. “Did you know I’m completely awesome?”

  She tucked her chin in a bit before saying, “Yes. Yes, that’s exactly it.”

  Something about the way she wouldn’t quite look at him piqued his interest. What other gut feelings did she have?

  “It’s silly. Forget I mentioned it.”

  “It’s not silly. Women have always had better intuition.”

  She shook her head. “This is different. Just forget it.”

  “Hey?” He squeezed her a little tighter. “I’m not questioning what your instincts are. So far they sound pretty good to me. But you don’t have to tell me about it if you don’t want to. Just say so.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said staring at his chest.

  “Okay.” He still had questions, but he had no right to the answers. Maybe in time she’d trust him with more?

  His gut told him this attraction they had wasn’t just physical or convenient. It was something more. Something that would have to be tended. He was willing to put in the work if she’d let him.

  Evan cupped her face and stroked her cheek. Her eyes darted up to look at him then down then up again. He smiled and leaned in, kissing her gently.

  Little steps of trust brought them closer together.

  “You aren’t mad?” she asked.

  He swallowed, suppressing his desire to curse her father’s name. “No, I’m not. You should be able to say no and have that be respected. Your father wasn’t a good example of what a man should be like.”

  She blew out a breath and leaned into him. Her eyes closed and she snuggled closer still.

  “A truth?” she murmured. “You put my mind at ease. I don’t worry when you’re around.”

  He smiled against her hair. That was a good start.

  She continued, her voice a touch frustrated. “I don’t know. I just feel better about things when you’re with me. But I also like you for you, not just how you make me feel and what you’re trying to do for me.”

  “I like you, too,” he said.

  What he felt for her was beyond like, but it was too soon for that. He just prayed there was a time in the future when he could tell her. When she was ready to hear it.

  Felecia wished she knew how to say how she felt. That there was some way to tell Evan she’d begun to care deeply about him. But she didn’t know the words and she was afraid of that kind of honesty. Staring into his eyes, she wanted to be better for him and herself.

  Evan leaned in. She held her breath, every bit of herself focused on his lips. He kissed her in that soft way of his. It felt as though they were melting into each other. Her insides warmed with desire. She tugged him closer.

  While she couldn’t make herself speak her feelings, she could show him. Maybe he’d understand her without the words?

  It was worth hoping.

  She slid her leg up over his hip, wrapping herself around him.

  There was something special about this moment. While she might not have been completely honest with him, she knew they were both on the same page. They were sharing this feeling. They were in it together.

  Evan pushed up, rolling her to her back. His eyes blazed looking down at her. The intensity stole her breath away.

  “I want to do something.” His voice was low and rough.

  “Okay.” Her heart wavered saying that one word.

  One side of his mouth hitched up, as if she’d just given him prize. What exactly had she agreed to?

  Before she could voice the question he ducked his head, kissing down her neck. He hooked his finger in the neckline of her T-shirt, stretching the fabric so he could pepper her skin with more kisses down between the swells of her breasts.

  Was it natural to want sex as much as she did? Because she was fast developing a taste for sex with Evan. Before him, it was a commodity, something she did to get what she needed. But with him it was about what she got in the moment.

  He pushed her shirt up under her breasts, kissing across her stomach to the sensitive skin at her side. She sucked in a breath and unconsciously shifted away from him. He just chuckled and gently bit her.

  That was another thing that was different with him. Sex was fun. It was intense and wonderful.

  She closed her eyes and let herself enjoy his touch. Maybe it was selfish? Maybe this was the way it was supposed to be?

  His lips coasted along the edge of her pants. Warmth pooled in her belly and she sighed as his palms pressed to her sides, inching lower.

  She wasn’t going to mind the narrow bed one bit if it meant they’d be snuggled up together all night. Not that Evan had stayed all that far from her the last time they shared a bed.

  Evan grasped the waistband of her pants and slid them lower, kissing along her hip bone. Her core throbbed with desire and while she wanted to hurry him along, she also liked savoring these moments. She didn’t know how many they’d get, which meant every one of them needed to be enjoyed.

  He kissed her mound and she bit her lip, nerves fluttering in her throat now.

  What exactly was it he wanted to do?

  Evan pulled her pants down past her knees. She didn’t have the chance to be embarrassed or reconsider what she’d agreed to. He leaned in, forcing her legs open and kissed her stomach again.

  She opened her eyes, peering down at him and watched as he once more paid homage to her with little kisses and touches. And then his fingers were stroking her, giving her a whole new reason to tense up. He eased into her, causing her spine to arch. She gasped for breath and fisted the sheets, staring at the ceiling now.

  This her body knew. Not well, but Evan’s touch always brought pleasure.

  She tried to find her footing, but her ankles were trapped by her clothes. She was at his mercy, not that it was a bad place to be.

  Desire for more pooled in her belly. She shifted her hips, wanting more.

  A warm touch pressed to the place where her thigh and pelvis met. She sucked down more air. His lips trailed over her mound then lower, pressing lingering kisses to the area just over her clit.

  He pumped into her, stroking her channel, distracting
her with pleasure. She eased her grip on the sheets and moaned as he touched places inside of her no other man had ever paid attention to. And then the most intimate of all touches. His tongue stroked her clit, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves.

  She squeaked, almost yelping as a tremor ran through her.

  Felecia’s stomach muscles tightened at the intensity of the sensation. She gaped down at Evan and found him looking back up at her, blue eyes blazing as his lips moved. She couldn’t hold that gaze, her arms wouldn’t support her and her brain was totally off line.

  Part of her brain said this was wrong, and yet that sounded like a lie. How could something that felt this good be bad? How could anything she and Evan did be wrong?

  Mentally she slammed the door shut on that voice and breathed deep, surrendering herself to what Evan was doing to her.

  His lips tightened around her clit, sucking. Her spine came up off the mattress and it was all she could do to not scream. All at once her muscles tensed. His fingers curled inside of her and her whole world broke apart. It was unlike any other orgasm, intense, soul-shattering and yet tender.

  She babbled words, telling him to keep going, then stop. It was a blur of pleasure, and in the center of it was Evan and her.

  He was going to devastate her. Her future was somehow wrapped up around him. And she would never leave him. She loved him.

  Evan scooped a limp, almost lifeless Felecia up and laid her on the bed proper like. She’d gone totally boneless on him, not even bothering to crack an eye. He couldn’t help but grin at her and briefly considered holding her. If it weren’t for the painfully erect situation in his pants, he’d have done it.

  He laid her down on the bed, relishing that contented smile on her face as he straightened.

  How had she become so important to him in such a short time?

  After he removed his boots and belt he sat on the edge of the bed, just watching her. Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago he’d watched Jamie with Tabby and wanted something like that for himself? Could that be what this relationship was becoming?

  He had to hope that the universe might work in his favor this one time. Felecia deserved a little good, and if he could be part of that he wanted to.

  She blindly reached for him, her little hand flailing around. He grasped it and chuckled as she pulled him halfway over her. One eye cracked open and she peered up at him braced above and smiled.

  “Yes?” His voice was far rougher than he’d like it to be.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” she mumbled.

  “I wasn’t going to.” He bent, brushing her cheek with a kiss.

  She turned her face, meeting his lips with hers. “You aren’t done are you?”

  He grit his teeth for a moment before replying. “You should get some rest.”

  Lord knew he was tired, but he also wanted her. But she should have this moment, revel in pleasure that was just about her. It was what he’d wanted for her after all.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” She half rolled onto her back under him, her hands sliding down his chest.


  His words failed him as she stroked his cock through the denim.

  She grinned, her eyes sparkling.

  That was what did him in. This wasn’t just about lust, but also enjoying each other.

  He groaned and dropped his head, kissing her again, but only for a moment.

  Evan stood, unfastening his jeans and tossing his shirt off in hurried motions while Felecia lay there watching him. He could barely meet her gaze. His emotions were there, just on the surface.

  She wasn’t ready for that yet. He wasn’t sure he was either.

  Within moments he had the condom on and was crawling back on the bed. He straddled her legs, her round ass taunting him. She really did have a great body. Muscular and curvy. He palmed both cheeks only to have her lift her hips a bit, pressing into his hold giving him other ideas.

  He leaned over her and kissed her shoulder. He slid one hand up between her legs, to where they pressed together, barring his passage. She shifted and bit by bit his hand coasted up to touch her pussy.

  “Stay right there,” he said.

  “Here?” She lifted her ass, pressing against him.

  He plunged his fingers inside her still slick channel. She gasped and gripped the sheets.

  “There,” he whispered.

  She shivered but didn’t move.

  Christ he wanted her. Badly.

  Maybe it was good she wouldn’t be able to see him clearly. It felt as though everything inside of him had to be painted on the outside.

  He pulled his fingers out, grasped his cock and thrust. She moaned into the pillow as her wet heat enveloped him. He muttered curses as her internal muscles squeezed him ever so tight.

  This felt so damn right. Was it the same for her? He hoped so.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her hips up just a bit more, tilting them just right as he rocked into her.

  “Oh—yes,” she hissed.

  Evan closed his eyes pulled back and thrust again. She met him this time, their bodies joining in a sensual slide. He knew he should say something, tell her how beautiful she was, how amazing this felt, but he didn’t trust his tongue.

  Instead he pushed up, gripped her hips and watched her. The way her fingers clenched. How the muscles in her back tensed and relaxed. Her hips moving in time with his.

  So damn perfect.

  He pulled her back, harder, and saw stars flecking his vision. She squeezed his cock, making the moment beautiful torture.

  “Evan.” She gasped. “Again. Like that?”

  It was his turn to shudder.

  Was she close? Would she come again?

  He withdrew and this time when he thrust he slid one hand between them, caressing her clit. All at once her body went tight. She hugged the pillow to her face, muting the keening cry as her pussy spasmed around him.

  “Fuck,” he croaked, moving in and out of her as his own orgasm took over.

  He was a goner. She was it, and he had no idea how this was going to work.


  Thursday. Obran’s Stash House. Austin, Texas.

  Caleb slowed his jog to a walk. His sinuses were acting up after jumping three continents in a week. He walked the rest of the block, never once glancing behind him.

  The house was being watched.

  There were two surveillance vans and who knew how many cameras.

  He didn’t like this. But he’d always been more cautious than Kurt.

  A truck eased down the street. The dome light flashed on then off, the all-clear signal.

  Caleb stepped off the curb and met the truck. It barely slowed as he opened the door and got in. Before he’d shut the door they were off, putting distance between them and the house.

  “Did you get in?” he asked Bodhi.

  “No,” the other man clothed all in black replied. “Cameras everywhere. They’re hoping to catch someone trying to get inside.”

  “Damn it,” Caleb muttered.

  Why couldn’t they wrap this up already? He didn’t like being here.

  It was time to call the big boss. The others might not want to acknowledge it, but they hadn’t really gotten free of anything. They’d merely changed one overload for another. At least when they worked for the government they knew the rules. Caleb felt like they never fully knew what they were doing here until it was too late.

  He jabbed the call button and fastened his seatbelt.


  Caleb grimaced. How was it Skilton always sounded as if he were simply waiting around for them to call?

  He wasn’t. He couldn’t be. But the man never sounded bothered, surprised or anything.

  “House was a bust. They’ve been there and gone. We can’t get close without eyes on us,” Caleb said.

  “I was afraid of that.” Skilton sighed. “Hold a moment.”

  The line went silent.

  “What’d he
say?” Ramon asked as he turned the wheel, aiming them toward the highway.

  The rest of their people were trickling in on various flights, no questions asked. Soon they’d have a sizeable team on the ground ready to make the next move.

  “He expected this,” Caleb said.

  “And he didn’t say a damn word?” Ramon grumbled.

  The line clicked and Caleb held up his hand.

  The silence continued for a moment.

  “How many people do you have with you?” Skilton asked.

  “By noon? Probably four dozen.”

  “Good. You’re going to need them.”

  Caleb’s stomach sank. What had they gotten themselves into?

  Thursday. FBI Holding Facility. Austin, Texas.

  Obran lay on the narrow bed in his cell. Despite its comfortable accommodations he knew what it really was. He just hadn’t figured out where the cameras were.

  He’d never actually been caught before. Not like this.

  Oh, he’d been hauled in and questioned a time or two while still living in St. Petersburg when he was younger, but he’d learned how to be careful. Which meant he was woefully unprepared for what was happening. Control had slipped from his grasp the moment Jacob was in danger.

  Things were in motion. Things that would likely endanger the lives of his children and his wife.

  Life would have been easier had he not fallen for Olga. One look and she was his heart, his world, his everything. He hadn’t been able to walk away from her, no matter that it would have been better for her.

  So here they were.

  How did he save the people he cared about? Did he do as the note said? Or did he make his own decisions?

  He gripped the note in his fist. It had been under the napkin when his breakfast was delivered.

  Say nothing. Wait.

  Obran had known the moment he interfered with the Horsemen’s pursuit of his daughter that he’d chosen a new side. Skilton might not have realized it yet. The man always did think he knew best, that he had the most power.

  The Horsemen were coming.

  It was only a matter of time.

  Who did Obran want to serve? What leash did he want to wear?


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