Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

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Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future Page 27

by Seraphim Rose

  Second Coming of, 179, 181n[4], 238

  “Jesus Movement,” 155, 175–76

  Joachim of Floris, xxxiii

  Joel, Prophet, 166

  John Cassian, St., 146

  John Climacus, St.

  —The Ladder of Divine Ascent, 149, 189

  John of Kronstadt, St., 166

  —My Life in Christ, 189

  Johnston, William

  —Christian Zen, 42, 44

  John the Apostle and Theologian, St., 3, 5, 11, 111, 146, 154, 156, 166, 182, 189, 237

  Jones, Jim, 195–96, 198

  Jonestown, Guyana, xiv, 195–200

  Journal of Shasta Abbey, The, 64, 65n[3]

  Judaism, xxviii, 2–3

  Jung, Carl G., 71, 210–11

  —Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, 71

  Kabbalah, 204

  Kali, goddess, 15, 20, 20n[2]

  Keel, John A., 101, 112

  —UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, 97n[20], 99, 102, 110n[33], 113

  Kempis, Thomas à

  —Imitation of Christ, 145

  Kennett, Jiyu

  —How to Grow a Lotus Blossom, 68n[4]

  Kilduff, Marshall

  —The Suicide Cult, 198

  King, Pat, 115n[1]

  Kireyevsky, Ivan, xiii

  Klass, Philip J., 84–85

  —UFOs Explained, 84n[16]

  Knox, Ronald A.

  —Enthusiasm: A Chapter in the History of Religion, 137n[10]

  Koch, Dr. Kurt, 126, 128, 130, 137–40

  —Between Christ and Satan, 131n[7]

  —Day X, 181n[4]

  —Occult Bondage and Deliverance, 130n[6], 131n[7], 133n[9], 156

  —The Revival in Indonesia, 185n[7]

  —The Strife of Tongues, 128, 168

  Kontzevitch, I. M., 145

  Koran, 2

  “Krishna consciousness” movement, 54–58, 68

  Kuhlman, Kathryn, 214n[24]

  La Croix, 1

  La Foi Transmise, 6

  La Suisse, xxvi

  Laughter, “holy.” See “Holy laughter” movement; Holy Spirit, “laughter of”; Toronto Blessing

  Lausiac History (Palladius), 189

  Laying on of hands, 117, 123, 126, 134, 139

  “charismatic” definition of, 136

  LeMasters, Carol, 207

  levitation, xxi, 50, 90

  Lewis, I. H.

  —Ecstatic Religion, An Anthropological Study of Spirit Possession and Shamanism, 148n[14], 153

  Lilli, D. G.

  —Tongues under Fire, 168

  Lindsay, Gordon

  —Israel’s Destiny and the Coming Deliverer, 177

  Liturgical experimentation, 120, 210–12

  Lives of Saints, 37, 131n[7], 144, 148–49, 181, 220

  Logos, xx, xxxiii, 13, 115n[1], 116, 121, 123–24, 149, 152, 159, 164, 166, 170, 173, 181

  “herald of this new age,” xxxiv

  Logos Journal, 115n[1], 135, 161, 172, 177–78

  Look, 95

  Lucifer, 14, 18, 210, 224–25. See also Devil; Satan

  “Luciferian Initiation,” 210, 225

  Lundy, Mary Ann, 212

  Lunn, Harry, 172

  Lutheranism, 121, 128, 211

  Macarius, St., Elder of Optina, 156, 158

  Macarius the Great, St.

  —Homilies, 189

  Mackintosh, C. H.

  —The Lord’s Coming, 181n[4]

  Magic, 16

  demarcations between science and, 76

  Druidical, 204

  manifestation of, 131n[7]

  Magnetic field, 132

  proper “flow” of the yogic, 60

  spiritistic, 134

  Maharaj-ji, Guru, 56–58

  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 46–51, 56

  “Maitreya,” 226

  Mantras, 19, 39, 48–49, 54, 60

  Pujabi, 59

  Sanskrit, 17, 19, 61

  Manuel, David, Jr., 177

  Martin of Tours, St. 104–5

  Masonry. See Freemasonry

  Maugham, Somerset, 21

  McIntire, Carl, 177

  Meditation, xxxv, 39, 42–44, 50–51, 59, 187, 191

  agnostic character of, 44

  “Christian,” 39, 52, 187–88

  convention on, 44

  Eastern, 35, 42, 45, 208

  experiences, 187

  music, 208

  on Scriptural passages, 149

  Roman Catholic, 41

  silent, 43

  various kinds of, 68

  workshops, 209

  Zen, xxi, 45

  Mediumism, 102, 104, 128–30, 131n[7], 132, 134–36, 157, 162, 209, 223

  applying tests for, 133

  central characteristic of, 35

  “Christian,” xx, 130

  and discarnate entities, 198, 225

  modern spiritistic, 137

  passivity or submissiveness of, 131

  séance as a crude form of, 132


  possession, 157

  techniques, xiv, 110, 136

  Merton, Thomas, xxvi, 21, 37

  Methodism, 117, 132, 210–11, 215

  “Millennium,” 179–80

  Orthodox interpretation of, 178–79

  “Millennium ’73,” 57–58, 177, 179

  Miracles, 35, 58, 109, 111, 116, 144, 169, 184

  of antichrist, 111

  of God, 114

  prepare the world for the false messiah, 183

  “Miraculous healings,” 97, 129

  Mohammed, 2

  Monasticism, 63, 65, 149

  ascetic spirit of, xxxii

  Orthodox instructors in, 182

  Roman Catholic, 21, 73, 210

  Monism, 22, 27, 202

  Monotheism, 1, 3–4

  ecumenists unite on the basis of, xxxiv

  Motovilov, N. A., conversation of St. Seraphim with, 183

  Muktananda, Swami, 217

  Muller, Robert, 229

  munbaki, 16

  mutki (salvation), doctrine of, 15

  “Mystery of Iniquity,” 192

  Near-death visions, 68n[4]

  Nectarios of Pentapolis, St., 166

  Neo-paganism, xi, xii, xiv, 7, 203–4, 207, 210, 219, 233. See also Paganism

  New Age, 56–58, 221

  “Luciferian Initation” required to enter, 209

  Messiah, 217, 225–26

  movement, xiv, 15, 201–3, 207–11, 213, 217–27, 230, 232–33

  “of the Holy Spirit,” xxxii–xxxiv, 143, 166, 192

  “Plan” for, 223–27

  “New religious consciousness,” xiv, xxii, 58, 68, 70, 77, 166, 188, 192, 202, 209, 223, 231–35, 238

  of Berdyaev, 143

  of the “charismatic revival,” 143

  seductive power of, 69

  significance and goal of, xxxv

  symptoms of, xi

  New Religious Consciousness, The, 61

  New World Order, xiv, 224, 227–28

  New York Times, 198

  Nicetas, Bishop of Novgorod, St., 144

  Nicholas (Drobyazgin), Archimandrite, 30

  Nilus of Sora, St., Life of, 106

  Nilus, Sergei

  —The Power of God and Man’s Weakness (in Russian), 107n[30]

  —Svyatynya pod Spudom, 113n[34]

  Niphon of Constantia, St., 169

  Occult, xii, 51, 64–75, 77, 109n[32], 147, 204, 238

  initiation rituals, 101

  interest in, 51

  “mystical” overtones of, 73

  phenomena, 97–98

  realm, 99, 102–3, 110, 130, 219

  Occultism, 72, 131, 150, 204–7, 217, 223, 238

  connection between “science” and, 76

  contemporary, 141, 149

  influence on events in Russia of, 30

  “Omega Point,” 29, 192, 232

  Ordo Anno Mundi, 205

  Ordo Temp
li Orientalis, 206–7

  Original sin, 9, 28, 237

  Ortega, Ruben, 142, 155, 168

  —The Jesus People Speak Out, 168

  Orthodox Church, xxiii, 25, 36, 121, 124, 133, 145, 178, 184, 186, 216, 233. See also Jesus Christ, Church of

  Orthodox Life, xxxii(n)[3], 31

  Orthodox Word, The, xx, xxii–xxiii, 7, 68, 104n[27], 140, 145n[11]

  Orthodoxy, xxiv, 7, 38, 182–84, 233, 239. See also Christianity, Orthodox

  ascetical teaching of, 143–44

  contemplative tradition of, 45

  conversion from Hinduism to, xxxiv

  Fathers of, 146, 149, 154, 170

  historical, xxxii

  “new posture of,” xxxiv

  self-liquidation of, xxiv–xxv

  tradition of, xxiv, 153, 174, 181–82

  true spirituality of, 42

  Ostrander, Sheila

  —Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, 74n[1], 83n[14]

  Ouija-boards, 162–63

  Paganism, xxix, 56, 206–7, 210, 217, 233. See also Neo-paganism; Initiation, pagan experience of

  experience of, 152, 171

  gods of, 7, 105, 152, 217

  interest in Western forms of, 204

  religious experiences of, 156

  shamanistic, 173

  Pagan Federation, 206

  Pagels, Elaine, 234

  Paisius the Great, St., 189–91

  Pan-Christianism, 27

  Pantheism, panentheism, 202, 207, 211, 232

  Papacy, xix

  Parapsychology, 76, 102

  Parham, Charles, 117

  Parliament of Religions, 21, 24, 229, 230n[65]

  Passivity, 131–32, 189

  foreign to Orthodox spirituality, 133

  of mind, 157, 162

  pronounced in “charismatic” communities, 134

  of the spiritistic séance, 133

  Paul VI, Pope, 1, 36, 118, 126, 137, 156, 186. See also Roman Catholicism

  Pentecostal, 44, 119, 125–27, 134–35, 161

  “channels,” 135

  experience, 44

  “laying on of hands,” 134

  Movement, 116–17, 120, 136–37

  revival, 120

  sects, 116, 119, 124, 132

  Pentecostalism, 120, 134, 142, 171, 212–15. See also “Charismatic revival”

  ecumenistic theories and practices of, 124

  “People’s Temple,” 198

  Philokalia, 38, 42, 45, 66, 112, 154

  “Planetary initiations,” 225. See also Initiation

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 72

  Possession. See Demonic possession

  “Post-Christian” age, 62, 66, 70, 73, 77, 110, 118, 203, 222

  Prabuddha Bharata, 24

  Pranayama, 19

  Prelest, 11, 41, 143–44, 149, 162

  Presbyterianism, 135, 138, 211–12

  Pride, 9, 11, 66, 159

  basic sin of, 14

  may take the form of “humility,” 149

  spiritual, 149

  “Project Blue Book,” 81–82, 89, 101

  Prophecy, xxxv, 144, 159–60, 166, 192

  “accompanied by a vision,” 161

  concerning the last days, 178

  of the future of mankind, 195

  of Nicholas Berdyaev, 173

  of St. Niphon of Constantia, 169

  satanic, 192

  “Prophesying,” 141

  “Prophets,” false, 175, 192

  Protestantism, xx, 38, 52, 102, 181, 210–11, 215. See also Revivalism, Protestant

  fundamentalist, xix, 120–21, 171, 177, 180, 181n[4]

  pagans converted to, 184

  Psychedelic (hallucinogenic) drugs, 52, 202

  Psychic, 43, 68–69, 81, 103, 187–88, 219

  component in UFO sightings, 97

  devices, UFOs as, 99

  disciplines, 69

  disorders, 133, 157

  energy, 59

  experience, 11, 68

  experiments, 68

  games, dangerous, 127

  healing, 100

  hypotheses, 71

  and occult activities, 64

  parlor tricks, 18

  phenomena, 98–100, 102, 169

  power, 45

  reality, the boundaries of, 71

  realm, 68, 219

  researchers, 107

  sensitivity, 129

  states, 129, 136, 188

  technique, 49

  Psychotechnologies, 202

  Puja (Hindu ceremony of worship), 84

  Purgatory, xix

  Radix, 198n

  Rainbow Gatherings, 208

  Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shree, 217

  Ramakrishna, xxvii

  Ranaghan, Kevin & Dorothy, 125, 135, 151–52, 155, 158–60, 163–64, 178

  —Catholic Pentecostals, 168

  “Rapture,” the, 180

  Raudive, Konstantin

  —Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead, 110n[33]

  “Rave masses,” 210

  Rebus, 30

  Redemption, dogma of, 211

  “Re-imagining” movement, 210–12, 232

  Reincarnation, 198, 202

  Religion, 13, 23, 67, 101, 114, 195, 199, 202, 207, 208, 221, 225–26, 229–37

  “American,” 61

  of antichrist, 114, 188

  comparative study of all, 13

  “convergence” of, 223, 225, 228–30

  “create a world community of,” xxvii

  Eastern, xiv, xvi, xxxiv, 9, 20n[2], 35, 38, 52–53, 55, 58, 61, 67, 69, 171, 188, 203–4

  false, 113

  of the future, xxii, xxxv, 67, 188, 195, 203–4, 225, 228, 234, 236, 238

  new world, 172

  non-Christian, 20n[2]

  primitive, 15, 128, 137

  universal, 203, 225, 228, 231


  cults, Eastern, 52

  “experiments,” 188

  “feelings,” 163

  foundation of world peace, xxv

  ignorance of our times, xxxii

  instructions, 10

  “liberals,” xxx

  mentality of modern man, 237

  “new experiences,” 189

  phenomena, contemporary, xi

  “revival,” 192

  spectrum, American, 196

  syncretism, xxviii

  thought, contemporary, xxxiii

  Religious News Service, xxvii–xxviii

  Revivalism, Protestant, xx, 116, 180, 182

  Robbins, Jhan

  —Tranquility without Pills (All about Transcendental Meditation), 46n[3]

  Roberts, Oral, 132, 133n[9], 218

  Robertson, Pat, 215

  Roerich, Nicholas, 224

  “Rolfing,” 67

  Roman Catholicism, xix, 21, 23–25, 27, 37–38, 52, 209–11, 215–16. See also Paul VI, Pope; Vatican II

  Rowling, J. K., 205

  Ruppelt, Captain Edward

  first director of “Blue Book,” 82

  —Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, 82n[12]

  Russia, xi, xv–xvi, 30, 106, 113, 216

  Sabellius, 3

  “Sacred heart,” xix

  Safran, Grand Rabbi Dr., 2

  Saint Herman of Alaska Brotherhood and Monastery, xi–xii, xv, xviii

  Saint Peter’s Cathedral, xxvi, 2, 9, 36–37

  Saint Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, xxiv

  Sakkas, Fr. Basile, 1, 6

  Samadhi, 13, 43

  Samhain, pagan feast of, 207

  Sanskrit, 48, 54–55, 58

  Sarov Monastery, Russia, 30

  Satan, xxix, 12, 15, 36, 146, 199, 222, 224–26, 236, 238–39. See also Devil; Lucifer

  aerial realm as chief dominion of, 111

  evident and brazen activity of, xxii

  fantasies and illusions of, 12

  servants of, 169

  Satanic, 36, 188, 199

  prophecy, 192

  Satanism, 141, 149, 208, 236

  Scherbachev, Mikhail, xvi

  Schroeder, Lynn

  —Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, 74n[1], 83n[14]

  Schweitzer, Albert, xxvii

  Science fiction, 72, 74–75, 77, 91

  future “evolved” beings of, 74

  history of, 75–76

  myth behind, 74

  rooted in magic and mythology, 76

  totally secular universe of, 73

  “Science of Mind,” 67

  “Scientology,” 67

  Séances, 131–33, 161, 210

  Second Coming of Christ, 179, 181n[4]

  Seraphim (Rose), Hieromonk, xi–xvii, 201, 203–4, 209, 212–13, 216, 219, 223, 227, 235–39, 238

  —The Kingdom of Man and the Kingdom of God, xii

  —The Northern Thebaid, 106n[30]

  —The Soul After Death, xvi, 104n[26]

  Seraphim of Sarov, St., 30, 158, 182–83

  700 Club, 216

  Shamanism, 44, 137, 148, 153, 173

  as a “religious” expression, 128

  Native American, 152, 204

  powers, 148

  “speaking in tongues,” 127

  Shasta, Mount, xi–xii, 62

  Shasta Abbey, 62–63, 65–66, 68n[4]

  Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft

  —Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus, 72

  Sherill, John L., 124, 127, 134–35, 142, 151–52, 154, 160

  —They Speak with Other Tongues, 168

  Shri Guru Dev, 48

  Siddhis, 18, 50

  Sikh religion, 61

  “Silva Mind Control,” 67, 209

  Siva Cave, 16–17

  “Slain in the Spirit,” 214, 214n[24], 216

  Smena, 83, 83n[14]

  Sobornost, xxiv, xxx(n)[1]

  Sodom and Gomorrah, 73

  Sophia, goddess, 211–12, 233

  Sorcery, 75–76, 104, 131n[7]

  South America, 81, 195, 213

  Soviet Life, 83n[14]

  “Space Civilizations,” Soviet scientific conference on, 83

  Spangler, David, 209, 223, 225–26

  —Reflections on the Christ, 224n[51]

  Speaking in tongues, 117, 124, 126–29, 134–37, 139–41, 155, 159, 166, 170

  common “gift” of the possessed, 128

  not a gift but a technique, 136

  shamanistic, 128

  “supernatural” phenomenon of, 142

  Spielberg, Stephen, 219

  Spiritism, 102, 129, 131–34, 137, 142, 161, 202

  19th-century, 98

  automatic writing of, 107

  comparison of “charismatic revival” with, 171

  crude techniques of, 132

  “magnetic circles” in, 134

  mediumistic, 102

  Spirits, 129, 147, 153, 174

  “of devils,” 183

  evil, 112, 148, 199

  fallen, xiv, 129, 162, 185

  “guardian,” 209

  openness to the activity of, 133, 162

  at séances, 161

  Spiritual Counterfeits Project, 48, 51n[4]

  Spiritual Counterfeits Project Journal, 102, 231n[66]

  Spiritual Counterfeits Project Newsletter, 205n[6], 209n[14]


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