A Lycan's Mate

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A Lycan's Mate Page 2

by Chandler Dee

  Jurisa noticed that her son was not present among her pack tonight. She couldn't pick up his familiar scent, nor that of the newcomer Cami. They both had their reasons to be scarce, but it was an added concern. Jurisa decided to set those twin worries aside.

  She barked and instantly, the pack pulled back.

  The night wind blew across her fur, goose-pimpling her skin underneath. Soon, she wouldn't even feel the chill evening air. Jurisa meandered over to the alphas, surveying the half dozen members of other lycan communities. Dragos stood out with his pale golden fur, lean muscles and short muzzle, but pitch black Feodor hulked over the group on two legs. His erection already full and weeping. He didn't look as if the sedative kicked in yet. Some of the other alphas were subdued, definitely feeling the effects of the drought. She let the wind carry her scent over their noses, which they stuck into the air to inhale greedily. Renewed interest sparked in their eyes at the smell of her wet arousal.

  Jurisa tensed and bolted into the woods with eager howls following her back.

  Fresh pine filled air rushed past her muzzle and into her eyes. She let her jaw drop open and bit at the air, snatching at it as it gusted into her mouth. Feeling refreshed after her few hours break from the last practice run, Jurisa kept well ahead of her pursuers. She dared not risk a look back to see them. Otherwise, she might falter and loose precious ground so early on. To either side, the woods were filled with the darkened forms of her community, as they worked to keep pace with the runners and observe.

  It was easy to follow the twists and turns of the forest at night. She'd run through it so many times with Beryx. Truth be told, Jurisa didn't need to memorize the run. This was her home. She felt her way through it the same way she could feel her way through her own cottage at night. It was hard for the alphas though. Jurisa sensed them slowing down to get through brambles and brush that she slipped through easily. A dull thunk and shaking of the trees behind her indicated that at least one alpha male had run smack into a tree trunk. Around her the forest came alive with the laughter of her pack.

  She yipped her laughter with them, pushing forward in a renewed burst of speed. They were coming up on the traps laid by Jurisa's pack weeks ago. The males would have to work their way through them if they wanted to follow her down the mountain.

  The hot breath of a male against Jurisa's flank jolted her into moving faster. It was nearly her undoing. The small second's worth of distraction from the trail nearly had her toppling into a pit. Not a good place to get caught by a bunch of horny males. She leapt the pit, making her body stretch as long as possible, holding her breath until she landed on solid ground on the other side. The male who crowded her flank didn't have enough time to make the leap and slid head first into the hole. Another one down. She had four or five more to worry about.

  Jurisa kept moving, weaving in and out of the pits on a well-traveled path. The males behind her howled in frustration, falling further behind as they had to navigate the narrow spaces between the close dug pits. Several snarling spats broke out between those trying to get in front on the single file path. Jurisa emerged from the traps and took off for the wire, leaving the alphas in the dust.

  Now she was starting to feel the strain of running in her lungs and legs exactly as before. Jurisa ignored the burning in her chest, kept moving forward even as the cries of her pack echoed in the woods around her. She entered the path leading to the wire, a straight run of a few hundred yards. All too soon, the males broke through the brush and onto the track. Without obstacles before them, they quickly regained ground and started crowding her flank. Just what Jurisa was expecting.

  One male got close, pressing his muzzle against her hindquarters and licking her there. Jurisa kicked out blindly, nailing him in the eye with a clawed foot. He released a satisfying cry and fell back amid the growls and biting of the others.

  The wire came and went as Jurisa jumped over it with perfect timing. The males behind her weren't so lucky, tripping and tumbling over each other in a flurry of fighting. As she gained ground, Jurisa risked looking behind her. The alphas were suddenly more interested in fighting each other than chasing Jurisa down the path, except for Feodor. He must have been lagging behind the males, because he leapt over the those caught up in battle with more ease than his large stature belied. Roaring, he hit the ground on sure-fit paws and barreled after her.

  Oh no, no, no. Jurisa darted into the woods. Feodor was supposed to be half-asleep by now. That sleeping drought didn't even seem to be affecting him. She couldn't let him catch her.

  Mimicking the mountain deer, Jurisa zigzagged through underbrush, letting limbs and leaves smack Feodor in the face as she ran past. She couldn't head down to the clearing now. Not with Feodor right behind her. Without any other males left in the race to beat him, Feodor would go unchallenged for mating rights. Jurisa's only hope was to circle back around to the other males and try to get them interested in chasing her again.

  Feodor was crowding her, making it hard to double back. Every time she turned, he was there blocking her path. Slowly but surely, he pushed her higher further down the mountain. Panic nipped at the back of her mind. She might have to turn and fight him. His size and strength put her at a great disadvantage.

  Following at a discreet distance, Jurisa could still hear her pack hustling through the brush. If she called, they would come to her aid. It would cause so many complications later on. She didn't want to risk her pack over a violation of the mating law. Jurisa needed to face Feodor.

  She twisted round, dug in her feet and leapt at her pursuer. The sudden change caught Feodor off guard. For a few brief moments Jurisa had the upper hand, landing on top of him as they hit the ground. Jurisa slashed at his chest and bit at his face. She leapt past him, starting toward the other alphas they'd left behind on the path.

  Feodor grabbed her leg, yanking her back. Jurisa turned and snapped but was met with a slap across her muzzle. Tears welled up in response to the sharp cutting pain of claws digging into her flesh. She hit the ground with a thump. Looking up in time to see another alpha charging towards them, Dragos' golden fur danced in the dappled moonlight, Jurisa realized she was about to be mauled by two males seeking to mate her first.

  Dragos jumped just as he reached her, landing on Feodor and knocking his grip on her legs loose. The two locked onto each other in a mash of teeth and claws. She had her chance to get away.

  Jurisa shot off towards the path but stopped as the sounds of their fighting grew worse. This was no battle for dominance. It was a fight to the death. Dragos let out a high arching call. Strong as he was, the golden male was no match for Feodor's massive size. Making a quick decision, she turned and ran back into the fray. Dragos might turn and attack her, but she couldn't let him be mortally wounded.

  Not stopping for breath, Jurisa pounced on Feodor's back, digging her claws in and going for the neck. Feodor roared. He reached back with his long arms to slash at her shoulders, but couldn't get purchase to pull her off. Dragos came at Feodor from the front, aiming for the belly and neck. The large male was torn between attacking one or the other of them, but couldn't get the upper hand over either.

  Feodor launched himself backwards towards the ground. Jurisa was forced to scramble off of him before he crushed her. She came round to stand beside Dragos, who still stood with fire in his eyes despite the beating he took. Jurisa had to admire that. They acknowledged each other with a glance. Instinctively, she knew she would be safe with him at her back.

  They worked together, feinting and dodging as Feodor rushed first one and then the other. When Feodor made straight for Dragos, Jurisa was at his neck. When he turned to defend, Dragos darted forward to bite and slash the unprotected side. Soon, they made short work of the male. His reflexes slowed, and his eyelids grew heavy. Finally, it seemed the sleeping drought was also kicking in. He hit the ground with a thud. The mighty Feodor was dead to the world for at least twelve hours.

  Panting, she turned to share in t
he victory with Dragos, only to find he had returned to human form. He leaned against a tree trunk, bloodied, wounded and in poor shape. Distantly, Jurisa heard the howling of another alpha male. They would soon find her scent and chase her down if she didn't move now.

  Dragos didn't look like he was going anywhere.

  Jurisa risked changing into her human form. She walked to his side, taking in the man's sorry state.

  He shook his head. "I think I'm out of this run," he said.

  No, she didn't want this to happen. Dragos protected her. Watched her back. Fought beside her. He was the one she wanted. Jurisa turned as the howling wolves got closer. Not long before they exploded into the scene.

  "Do you want me?" She asked him.

  He looked her naked body up and down, still interested despite his wounds. "More than ever," he said, then laughed harshly. "You should go."

  "Come with me," Jurisa said.

  "I can't keep up," he replied, "I'm done."

  "You will keep up."

  He only shook his head, drawing a slow breath. The woods around them whispered with the noises of her pack to get a move on. Jurisa stood her ground, refusing to move despite the ever closer cries. They stared at one another. She would make him move.

  "I'll make sure you keep up."

  He laughed, lighter this time, then straightened from the tree trunk. Jurisa smiled. He licked his lips and gestured towards the forest. "Lead the way," Dragos said.

  Jurisa changed back into her wolfen form. She waited just long enough for Dragos to shift into the agile, lean werewolf again and took off. She loped through the woods, staying within sight as Dragos struggled to follow her through the woods. She thought about heading back to the path, but dared not with other alphas lurking. She forged a new path down the mountain, avoiding the traps and listening always for Dragos as he crashed through the brush behind her. The sacrificial clearing came into sight. The lit torches around it burning her nostrils with herbal smoke. Just a little further and she could relax.

  The howls of other alpha males were very close now. Jurisa's own pack hiding beyond sight in the woods let out little anxious whines, warning her of impending danger. She went to Dragos who had stopped to catch his breath. His coat was matted with blood.

  She lodged herself under one arm, urging him to lean his weight on her. He stumbled along beside her, panting and drooling and making so much noise. Jurisa knew the others would hear it soon.

  "You feel so good," he moaned as they bounced and bumbled along.

  Time for that later, she thought. Jurisa turned to see he had reverted to human form again. He seemed unable to support his own weight anymore and was leaning heavily into her. Jurisa probably could have dragged him into the clearing, but he had to make it on his own feet. The rules, the damned rules.

  Jurisa alternately pushed and pulled him towards the clearing, scraping her skin and pulling out fur on twigs and branches. The other alphas were in the woods around them now, searching, fighting, following dead ends she'd laid down long ago. Jurisa's lungs burned. Her body cried out at her. Dragos was half-passed out, but he stayed upright and kept moving.

  They burst into the clearing just as Jurisa felt the other alphas at her back. She collapsed to the dirt, slipping back into human form with Dragos gasping beside her. Three alpha males ran into the clearing behind and were blocked by her pack materializing out of the woods around them. With some snarling and posturing, they ceded to the pack.

  Jurisa allowed herself the luxury of reaching out to lay a hand on Dragos' heaving chest, pleased to feel the firm thrum of his heart beating underneath. Jurisa of the Cold Mountains had claimed her mate.


  Lycan’s Sacrifice

  By Chandler Dee

  Sanda trembled inside, her willful body refusing to remain stoic in the face of death. If only she were a braver woman, or perhaps a little more ignorant of what was coming for her.

  Presently, she knelt in the grass clearing of the sacrificial place where she had been sent by her people. She had been trembling forever it seemed, almost since the decision had been made. The decision for her to be the Lycan’s sacrifice this year. Sanda knew it was an honor to be chosen. Her death would stave off attack from the Lycans for another year. The circumstances, the result of cool bargain struck between humans and the Lycans hundreds of years ago. The Lycans have their high, cold mountains to the East and humans had the fertile valleys and temperate plains to the West. In exchange for annual sacrifices, the Lycan's blood thirsty temper remained in check.

  She knew it was an honor. She felt happy to do it. Her family would receive congratulations, respect for their sacrifices. Even before she left, Sanda had noticed the change in way people treated them. Sanda serving as the sacrificed this year raised her family's standing in the eyes of the community. It would make things easier for her younger siblings when they sought work and families of their own. At the moment, the thought didn’t make her feel much better though.

  She'd seen the same eyes extending unspoken sympathy along with congratulatory handshakes and gifts for her and them. The dark cloak she wore now was a gift from the town council. It served as a death shroud given to every sacrifice. Death at the hands of the Lycans was not pleasant. She'd heard stories ever since her earliest years around the hearth fires about how bloodthirsty Lycans ripped, shredded and disemboweled their victims. Sanda wished she had accepted the potion offered by the town leader that would make her senses dulled. At the time, she was filled with bravado and turned him down.

  Now it made her queasy to think of it, and the trembling increased tenfold. She could not stop shaking. She could not sit still in the misty rain while she waited for death. If only Sanda could get a hold of herself. It would make it easier to believe she was at peace and ready for this fate. Her body had other things in mind, betraying her fear with its incessant movement. If only they would hurry up and get here and end this torture.

  Sanda’s eyes flitted towards every sound in the darkness. She did not want to see it coming. She thought about pressing their hands to her ears to hide the sounds of growling and snarling she imagined the Lycans made on approach to their prey. The fear made her twitch at every sound, made her strain to hear it. She could not cut herself off completely from awareness by blocking her ears.

  She would sit there, and listen for it. That at least could be something brave she could do.

  "Are you going to sit there all night?" A voice asked next to her ear. Sanda screamed, toppling to her side and kicking out instinctively she encountered solid calves attached to long, muscular legs.

  He did not move as she scrambled away from him, only watched through golden brown eyes. His form was obscured by a dark cloak made of deer skin, but he was tall and long limbed. His face lean and angular. His lower jaw jutted forward and his lips pursed in observation. He paused to inhale slowly and forcefully through his nose, eyes widening as they looked down at her.

  Sanda licked her lips. This man must be from a neighboring village. He was an idiot to be out here during the sacrifice. “You should leave now,” she hissed at him, “The Lycans are coming.”

  His eyes crinkled and his pursed lips quirked up at the corners as if Sanda had just said something amusing.

  “Yes, I know.”

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