The Nutcracker Reimagined: A Collection of Christmas Tales

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The Nutcracker Reimagined: A Collection of Christmas Tales Page 68

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  Even Mr. Sedgewick was walking about, but with his wife and daughter always nearby. One day he’d have a family this large and more than Alec running around.

  He’d caught Clara glancing over at him occasionally, smiling and quickly averting her gaze. He’d also spied her trying to approach when she thought the room would clear out, but bailed on her efforts, realizing they wouldn’t be alone. Could it be she was trying to give him an answer to his offer? Andrew desperately hoped that she was.

  He had barely slept a wink after she left him last night, and the moment he brought his son into bed with him, the child was as rambunctious as he was because he wanted to play. Exhausted, he didn’t think it possible that he’d make it to the last course at dinner.

  A man servant then came to the doorway and announced that refreshments before dinner were being served in the dining hall and for everyone to join Mr. and Mrs. Sedgewick there, but before he could pick up his son, Clara had closed the door to the parlor.

  They were alone, finally.

  She came to his side and kneeled down to play with Alec as he gripped the little toy soldier her brother had given him yesterday.

  Andrew had no idea if it was his nerves or excitement that kept him on the edge, but the moment she came into the room and headed toward him, he found himself overwhelmed.

  “Gracious!” she exclaimed, looking up at him. “I didn’t think we’d ever get a chance to talk privately before dinner.”

  He chuckled. “So, was it you who plotted this refreshment scheme?”

  “Sadly, no. It was my father. I spoke with him earlier, and he insisted I tell you first before he announced our betrothal during dinner.”

  Andrew could barely summon the words that were lost in his throat. “Do you mean to accept my proposal, Clara?”

  “I do.”

  She inched closer to him and then reached out to gather his hands into hers.

  “I would be honored to become your wife and Alec’s mama.”

  His heart swelled with pride, and the joy their union would bring back to his home excited him immensely. He could envision Alec chasing her around the fields, and him holding her in his arms nightly. Visions of their future would plague him until the day they married. He turned to face her. After withdrawing his hands from hers, Andrew cupped her cheeks and leaned forward. His lips found hers and once again, he was lost in the moment.

  Clara followed his lead with the kiss, and slowly, she mimicked him in the delightful art. He couldn’t have wanted her more than in this moment, right now, but propriety demanded he pull away. Yet, he couldn’t, at least not yet. They lingered a moment, and then heard the sound of the parlor door opening.

  Her face was flushed, and there was a haziness about her gaze. One filled with joy. His son climbed into her lap, and Andrew glanced up to find Frederick standing there, appearing pleased with the compromising situation.

  “Well, now… this is certainly an interesting way to commence the festivities.”

  Clara jumped to her feet and faced her brother. “Freddy! You should have knocked first.”

  He grinned then, as did Frederick.

  “And that would have done what? Given you more time to compose yourself?” her brother added with an evil smirk. “My, dear little sister, you were already doomed the moment you were in here unaccompanied with the opposite sex. So, in theory, you were scandalized the moment you closed the doors behind you, knowing you were alone with him.”

  Clara mumbled something under her breath, and her brother waved her off.

  “I wouldn’t worry about a thing. I came to warn you Mama was looking for you, and given that Papa was giving her false leads, I suspected something was up. Will there be an announcement at dinner?”

  Andrew rose to his feet with his son in tow. “Yes, there will be.”

  “Excellent. I will be making my own announcement too, so perhaps yours can come after to soften any blows.”

  Andrew observed his fiancée’s face change from a smile to concern.

  “Freddy, is there something more than you wanting to go to America for a new life you were planning on announcing?”

  He watched his soon to be brother-in-law frown. “You needn’t be concerned, Clara. All is under control.”

  Andrew worried her brother was hiding something more, and perhaps not of the best sort of news either. Perhaps he could help him out and discuss the matter with him after all had gone to bed.

  They were all to be family soon, so if there was any way he could help, he would.

  A few minutes later he caught the shadow of her mother’s skirts turning the corner toward them.

  “There you are, Clara. I’ve been looking all over the place for you.”

  Her mama nodded at him and then smiled.

  “Laird Cameron, I can take your son if you’d like to get ready for refreshments and dinner.”

  Andrew smiled in return. “That would be just fine, Mrs. Sedgewick. Thank you!”

  “It’s my pleasure, sir.” Her mama then turned to her. “Clara, do keep an eye on your father while I’m occupied. I would hate for him to get overly excited, especially after yesterday’s turn of events.”

  “Yes, Mama, I will see to him now.”

  Her mother then departed the room with his son, and both Freddy and Clara left him there.

  Counting the days until they were wed would be the death of him, but as long as he had her in the end, this would be the most memorable Christmas of his life.

  Dinner was sure to be exciting enough, so he had to plan things very quickly and ensure the Sedgewick’s were set and cared for after Clara’s departure for Scotland.

  Chapter Seven

  Clara took her seat at the table next to her brother and smiled when Andrew sat across from her. Nothing could be more perfect than this evening; although, she had a niggling feeling her brother’s announcement of him moving to America might not be for the reasons he’d tell everyone. She’d make him confess his rationale just as soon as the festivities wound down for the night.

  Their housekeeper had done an impeccable job with the table setting and the scents wafting from the kitchen made her tummy grumble. She should have never missed her noon meal, but she was far too overwrought with nerves over Andrew. Finally, their secret would be over.

  Her father then rose and tapped a spoon to his glass. “If I can have everyone’s attention, please.” He cleared his throat, and while he had some color back in his cheeks, the grayish tinge that once plagued his skin had now paled considerably. “I am pleased to announce the engagement of my daughter and Laird Cameron. Here’s to the happy couple and to many more grandchildren!”

  All their guests lifted their glasses and began to sing. Heat raced up her neck and flooded back to her cheeks once again as she noticed Andrew beaming with pride. Deep down, she knew he’d make a wonderful husband and help her through this transition, considering he’d already gone through it once before. Clara blushed over the thought and then looked at Freddy. She could tell from her brother’s slumped position that he was disappointed, or distressed… Something was bothering him, and she doubted it was the news of her impending nuptials.

  From underneath the table, she kicked her brother’s ankle and he looked at her. She leaned over to his direction and whispered, “Freddy, whatever is amiss? Please tell me. I hate seeing you so distracted.”

  He patted her knee and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. “Congratulations, baby sister. I am really happy for you, even if it doesn’t appear so. Pardon me…”

  Her brother then excused himself from the table and left the room. No one seemed to notice that Freddy left the room, not even her parents. They were all to engrossed in their conversations over the food being delivered to the table.

  She looked at Andrew, hoping he’d follow her brother, and he all but nodded and excused himself too. Everyone noticed him leaving.

  Why on Earth would no one care what was going on with Freddy? Didn’t anyone conside
r how peculiar it was for someone to leave the table without reason, especially at Christmas dinner?

  Alec squealed with joy from her mother’s lap, and her father and uncles discussed some trivial business talk.

  Her aunt then engaged her in polite conversation as the meat pie was being passed around.

  “My dear girl. How exciting! Perhaps I will have you return with us to London, and we can begin looking at getting your dress and trousseau put together.”

  “That would be very nice, aunty.”

  It was then she heard loud voices from outside their house. However, she didn’t recognize any of the voices.

  Clara immediately rose from her seat. “I will see to all the excitement. Please, everyone continue with dinner.”

  Her father attempted to rise, but she came to his side.

  “I promise, Papa, I won’t be long.” She kissed him on the cheek and headed toward the door in the main servant’s direction, who was already going for her cloak.

  “Thank you, Phillip.”

  She took her cloak and dashed out the door, but didn’t immediately see anyone except for Andrew chasing off some men.

  Clara ran to catch up to him, but the snow was dreadfully deep, so she stopped and waited for him to come to her.

  “What on Earth are you doing out here dressed like that? You’ll catch the death of you.”

  “I will most certainly not. Where is my brother, and who were those men?”

  He pulled her into his arms. Lord, how his strength kept her warm, but they’d both end up icicles if they didn’t head indoors soon.

  “I’ll take you to him and we can all chat in privacy, but we must return to the house at once.”

  She followed his lead as he took her by the hand toward the stables. Once the door was closed behind them, there was Freddy lying on top of some hay, so deep in thought she questioned if he’d heard them enter the enclosure.

  “Frederick James Sedgewick! Do you care to explain what is the matter with you and who those men were?”

  Her brother sat up, his face grim and his manner disheveled. It was obvious her brother had engaged in some sort of scuffle with the men Andrew had chased off.

  “I was stripped of my commission and denied my capital. Those men your fiancé chased off are some men I owe a substantial amount of money to. After I left my post, I ended up in London and gambled and did other things no lady should have to hear.”

  “Well, lucky for you, sir, I am no lady of society, and I’ve heard quite enough of foul language from the men father associates with, so there is nothing you could say that would offend me so.”

  He groaned and laid back on the hay.

  “You are still my sister and I won’t repeat the things I have done. I need to leave promptly to the Americas. If I don’t, those men will only come back.”

  “They’ll come anyways and harass Papa if you owe them that much. How much exactly do you owe?”

  Her brother cleared his throat. “Sixty pounds.”


  “Yes, you heard me say the correct amount.”

  Clara gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at her side. She attempted to keep her temper at bay, but Lord almighty, this was a terrible situation to be in.

  “You do realize that is the price of coal for one year… a servant’s annual income… Should I even ask?”

  Andrew’s arms came up behind her in an embrace and he pulled her against him. Her heart hammered away and her breath hitched. The warmth surrounding her was a strange new feeling, and she appreciated the care he was taking of her.

  “Leave it be, love. I will see that the debt is repaid in full and that his passage is paid for.” Andrew said to her before redirecting his attention to Frederick. “Where will you be living when you arrive in New York?”

  Her brother shook his head and put his hands up. “I appreciate the offer, Andrew, but…”

  “Please, Frederick, I insist. Besides, your parents could do without one last thing to concern themselves with.”

  “I will stay with my eldest brother and his wife until I can find other accommodations.”

  “Excellent, now let us return and finish our dinner before they send out a search party.”

  How could she ever repay her future husband for this kindness? She’d have to have words with her papa and discuss this in detail. If she knew her papa, he’d certainly be writing a letter to her brother advising him to keep a close eye on Freddy until he was on his feet again. That and putting some restraint on funds.

  All she could do was hope this matter would be settled before the ruffians took it upon themselves to return.

  After dinner, everyone returned to the parlor for cards, refreshments and good conversation. Clara hadn’t been the same after learning of her brother’s debt, and Andrew suspected that she worried for her parents a great deal. His son had fallen asleep in his arms, then, after he found the nurse and passed him to her, he went off to find his future bride, which wasn’t all that difficult considering her mother and aunt had swarmed her the moment they had a chance. No doubt to commence on planning the wedding.

  “Excuse me, ladies, I was wondering if I could borrow Clara for a moment.”

  Her mother grinned with amusement. “You may borrow her for a bit, sir.”

  “Come, Clara, let us find somewhere quiet to converse in.”

  He held her hand, and they found a secluded corner that no one seemed to care to sit in as it tended to be a wee bit on the drafty side.

  “What is the matter, my dear?” He hated seeing her so pensive and worried. He would always take care of family first, and her family was now his to help shoulder the burden.

  “I am so sorry about earlier. Freddy was never so impulsive! He should have come home after he lost his commission and income.” She wrung her hands and pursed her lips.

  He took her hand into his and patted it. There was a sadness looming, and he hated that she was close to tears.

  “Clara, you have my word of honor that I will help your brother and protect your parents from any unwelcomed visits from ruffians of any sort. All I want right now is to kiss those fears and worries away.”

  That made her smile. “How is it all a girl could want for Christmas finally happened? Freddy came home, but will soon be gone again. I was a spinster in the making, and I’m now marrying the handsomest laird of Scotland. I am quite blessed and eternally grateful.”

  Andrew brought her hand to his lips and kissed the delicate and soft skin. Some day very soon she would make him the happiest of men, and he was quite possibly the happiest man of England this very day.

  “Andrew, perhaps I can discuss Freddy’s situation with my father and we can pay the debt ourselves. I would hate to impose on your generosity.”

  “It’s nothing, truly. I would do anything for you and your family, and on that note, I think I shall retire for the evening. I barely slept a wink last night and could use an extra hour of rest, considering there’s much to plan.”

  He lifted her hand and kissed it again.

  “Good night, my dear.”

  Andrew disliked being the first to retire for the night, but he had two letters he needed to write, and with any luck they could be dispatched the very next day.

  He left the parlor and ascended the stairs, yet the moment he reached his room, he was overcome with relief. He hadn’t realized until now, with how much work he had been doing, that he missed being around family. Taking care of people was not only a commitment but a passion some men tried to avoid.

  Andrew enjoyed being a father, a husband, a landlord, and in general, helping where he could. With his own parents deceased, it fell upon him to ensure Mr. and Mrs. Sedgewick were cared and provided for.

  He’d have a marriage contract promptly put together outlining all that would be provided for his new bride, an account set up for his in-laws should they require anything and he’d even have a vacant cottage readied for them if they desired to come and visi
t Scotland for a time. He was sure they could use the time away.

  Andrew would also have his solicitor sort out this business for Frederick. He looked sorry enough for having brought trouble to their doors on Christmas, and it was just as well that he was there to help. Men in a weakened state of mind deserved a second chance, and if he was willing to run far away from his troubles, it was because he didn’t think he’d have help.

  The young man could use a new start, but he’d quickly learn that life abroad would be vastly different compared to the sort of privileges he had here. He’d have to work hard to prove his worth, and from what he had heard about the culture, it was far more exciting there than it was in England. Even the food was different, but their tea and lace would never compare to the exquisite quality the English prided themselves on. He hoped Frederick learned his lesson and would consider practicing a little restraint—keep to a good group and contribute to American society. Not as a man running away from a problem, but one who appreciated the value of decency.

  He scrambled around the desk in his room for a few sheets of paper and for an inkwell. Life would be decidedly different in a few weeks, and he was glad to give Clara all that she wanted for Christmas. He could give her so much more, but the truth was, she blessed him and his son with her unconditional acceptance. In fact, she gave him much more than he ever expected.

  She was giving him a new chance to love again, and for that, he’d be forever in her debt. This Christmas had turned out to be a miracle.


  Inverness, Scotland

  Monday, April 14, 1817

  Clara and her husband sat across from each other at the breakfast table reading their letters. While her husband had many business dealings via the post, her letters were from family.

  Their wedding had been a small affair in her parent’s parish, but the moment they had returned to his family home, they were pleasantly surprised to discover the village had thrown them a grand party. It was a warm welcome, and much needed considering she was new to these parts.


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