NICK (Carsonbrothers Book 3)

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NICK (Carsonbrothers Book 3) Page 23

by S R Dyble

  "Hey! How was camping?"

  I smiled and thought about everything we had done whilst camping. How Nick had made it clear that he wanted me to be his.

  "Well… It was full of… adventure." I grinned whilst pouring my tea.

  "Tell me everything now."

  "Me and Nick—"

  "Oh, I can't, I already know everything. I've spoken to Nick already. I wanted to let you tell me everything but I can't contain it!"

  I bit my lips and tried not to laugh.

  "I'm sorry," she said, sounding guilty.

  "You should be. I was gonna spend time telling you all the minor details and now you already know them all…"

  "Oh, no I don't! He didn't tell me the minor details, you can still tell me all of those!"

  I laughed and began telling Eve everything I had to tell her. I loved how I could tell her absolutely anything and she'd still be listening intently.

  "I couldn't believe my ears when he told me you were officially together now. I was literally slapping him silly down the phone every time we spoke. I know I told you I'd leave you both be, but I couldn't help it. He has been such a twat with you."

  I smiled and twiddled with the tea towel on the counter.

  "Camping was amazing…" I said, exasperated, "but also infuriating at other times… I'm tryna forget about those times."

  "I'm sure those minor details were enough to forget the infuriating times…" she teased.

  "How dare you, I am not totally sex driven, you know?"

  Eve chuckled and so did I, then I bit my lip. "I've never had sex like I have with him, Eves. It is mind-blowing."

  "Not that I have much experience prior to being intimate with Kit, but I'm assuming that's what happens when you love someone. Sex is on a whole other level."

  "All the sex stories I told you prior to sex with Nick, even the ones that I thought would mark me for life, don't even compare anymore…"

  Eve laughed again. "I'm glad your sexual needs are being met."

  "You say that as if I'm the only one. You don't want sex yet, do you? I thought you had to retain from sex for something crazy like six weeks?" I asked.

  "Yeah, I do. Despite how much Kit drives me crazy in that department, I don't wanna rush into it. I wanna give my body time. Kit however is like a thirsty bloodhound…"

  I laughed. "Poor Kit. I bet the sucker is really struggling right now. Or should I be calling you the sucker?"

  Eve full on laughed and I loved hearing her so happy.

  "I feel bad if I don't at least do that for him… but even blowjobs have been few and far between since little Erin has me up every thirty minutes for a feed…"

  "You'll both find the time. Just give it some time."

  "I know, but I swear if he grabs my tits one more time and comments on how juicy they look, I'm claiming abstinence…"

  Now it was me full-on laughing and I took my phone with me outside to drink my tea on the chair. Nick would be home soon and I wanted to watch him running down the beach with the thin layer of sweat clear on his skin.

  "I should go, Erin would like feeding again."

  I nodded. "Give her a kiss from me. I'll see you soon, Eves."

  "Will do, love you, Lill'."

  "You too."

  Once I placed my phone into my pocket, I stared down the beach waiting for Nick to come back when I heard the wood on the patio creaking. I looked to my left to see Omar standing just beside me.

  "Omar, hey!" I stood up and watched as he weirdly walked away. I thought he'd gestured for me to follow after him. I frowned, wondering where the hell he had gone. I stared down the beach and still couldn't see Nick returning. Curiosity got the better of me and I followed after Omar and down the side of the house. He stopped there where no one could see us.

  "Omar?" I asked, feeling a little nervous.

  "I'm here to deliver a message."

  "A message? A message from whom?"

  He withdrew what I suspected to be a spliff from his lips and flicked it onto the sand before blowing out the smoke.

  "End it with Nick, and walk away."

  I scoffed trying to absorb what he had said.

  "You're high."

  "Lilly, this is serious. End things with Nick or he's going to kill you, please listen to me."

  My eyes widened at the mention of my death and I realised that either Omar was incredibly high or he was deadly serious.

  "Who told you to tell me this?"

  "I can't tell you anymore…" he began to turn away but I rushed after him, grabbing a hold of his arm. I realised shortly after how much of a foolish move that had been because Omar swung around, revealing a gun that he pushed into my throat.

  I gasped, letting go of his arm and backing away. The cold metal stayed still against my neck, cutting my air circulation with just the pure fear it was creating.

  "I don't wanna have to hurt you to see reason, Lilly. Do as I say and leave him tonight."

  I gulped as he removed the gun from within my neckline.

  "I'm sorry," he said, pitifully, looking so miserable with himself. It revealed something I hadn't seen before.

  "Omar, who is making you do this?"

  "Stop asking me questions or you're gonna get yourself hurt. These brothers, they're not worth this, Lilly. You're a sweet girl, get yourself away from them and save yourself while you can."

  I felt tears on my cheeks as Omar turned and walked away.

  "I can't do this."

  "Well, you'd better for both of your sakes," he said, walking away backwards. "And make it good so he believes you. There'll be a taxi here in thirty minutes to take you to the airport, make sure you're in it."

  I started crying and his face softened as he walked back towards me to wipe away a tear.

  "Leave him, Lilly, it's the only way…"

  I continued crying as Omar left for good, disappearing as if he had never been here.

  I cried all the way back up the side of the house and headed straight to my bedroom. Once inside, I sobbed more as I started pulling my things together. The thought of what I was about to do, broke my heart more than it ever had been in the past. As I scrambled to shove my things into my rucksack, the door slammed open. I squealed, turning and gripping my clothing to my chest. When I saw Nick filling the doorway I took a breath of relief before quickly drying my drenched face.

  "What are you doing?" he asked, marching into the room as I continued shoving stuff into my bag.

  "I have to go." I said simply, tryna hold it together.


  "I can't do this anymore. I can't do this again."

  I had to do better than that. I had to think of something good to say that actually made this believable.


  "You're just gonna hurt me again and I can't do it."

  "Lilly, what are you talking about? We've been over this. I love you."

  "It's not enough. I don't believe you."

  "What do you mean, you don't believe me?"

  This was it. I had to say something real— something deep that made this believable. Something that would stop him from coming back.

  "You're afraid of commitment, Nick. You envy your brother and his relationship, you're grand at the talk and making me feel wanted— telling me you love me but I know it won't be the same once we're home.You're just gonna push me away or use me like you did before until you find someone else to fuck. You're a coward."

  He scoffed. "Wow."

  He took a breath then looked at me. I felt the change in him now and I knew this was what was needed to end it as Omar had said.

  "You're one to talk about being a coward."

  "Excuse me?" I questioned.

  "You put this act on that you're so tough—not a care in the world. That you're not afraid of anything. Really, I know you're just lonely and terrified. You've felt neglected by your parents all your life—"

  "Don't you dare talk to me about my parents—"

  "Why? Be
cause it's true? Are you afraid it may spike feelings that you're too scared to show? You're running from me because for the first time in your life you took that chance without even knowing it and I broke your heart, now you're running because you're afraid it's gonna happen again. That I'm gonna get bored of you like your parents. If anyone's a coward, it's you. You're fucking terrified."

  A tear made its way down my cheek despite my best efforts not to cry. His words gutted me in the chest, bringing a wave of emotion over my body.

  Once he saw me crying and turning away, he was completely silent.


  "Forget it. Now I know what you really see."

  "Lill', that's not what I see, that was anger—"

  I made my move before he could finish, and rushed out of the house, praying the taxi I expected was waiting.

  "Lilly!" I wasn't expecting him to come after me.

  "There's already a taxi here, for fuck’s sake. You're not even going to talk to me about this?"

  "I told you, I'm leaving."


  "You can't stop me." I said, crying. "Whatever this poisonous thing we had going here, it's over!"

  "Poisonous?" he repeated the words in shock as I neared the car door. "Lilly, I love you."

  No matter what I said, he kept coming after me. He reached for the door handle once I was inside and I shouted as loud as I could to get him to back off. He stared at me, confused, and I had to look away. Finally, the driver started to move which meant I could weep the full extent of my grief.

  After what felt like hours of crying with my head in my hands, I realised I needed to see where we were going. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and thought it would be Nick, instead I saw Eves' name on the screen. I cried some more, wanting to speak with her so badly but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't explain anything to her right now. Instead, I was being driven to the airport where I'd catch the first flight back home. I thought about not taking a flight home. Maybe I'd travel somewhere else and totally forget about everything. I knew I couldn't. I had to get back home, and to Eves and Erin. I had to make sure they were okay.

  Up ahead I could see a sign for the airport and wondered why the taxi had pulled into a side road just before the airport and continued to drive into a secluded alley.

  "Where are you taking me?" I asked, tapping on the screen between me and the driver.

  He didn't answer and didn't even acknowledge me. That was when I realised something was seriously wrong.

  "Oh God," I sat back in my seat and looked around frantically trying to figure out how to get out of this alley. How to get out of this damn car. I tried to open the door but it was no use, it was locked. I smacked the door and begged to be let out when the car stopped and a person appeared to the side of the building. It started raining, making the visibility of the man even worse. I couldn't see a thing. They stalked towards the car and I edged further away, mentally begging for this not to be it. The door suddenly opened and I started to beg to be left alone when Omar's face came into the car. For a second, I felt relief, until he reached into the car and dragged me out.

  "Tell him I have her and I'll do it here," Omar said to the driver.

  Do what?

  Oh God, he hadn't meant…

  "Omar, please," I begged and pulled away from him.

  He gripped me harder, pulling me into the factory with him and dragging me across the floor. I began screaming and his hand clamped hard around my mouth as he pulled me in further. The large door behind us had shut and I clamped down hard onto his hand, making him roar in pain. He dropped me to the floor and I was expecting his next move to be the one he had been ordered to take. He was going to kill me.

  Instead, he lifted his hand and shouted at me.

  "Jesus, Lilly, your teeth are like fucking blades!" he hissed.

  "Stop being a fucking fanny. If you're going to kill me, get it over with!"

  He stared at me. "I'm not going to kill you."

  The pool of water in my eyes dripped down my face as he moved closer, backing me into a wall.

  "Listen to me, you have to leave now. You have to get to Delta and don't leave there. Do you understand me?"

  I stared at him, realising he knew about Delta all along.

  "Omar, what is happening? Please tell me!"

  "He told me to kill you, he told me you had to die. I was supposed to kill you..."

  "Oh my God." I brought my hands to my head.

  "He wants to break them, Lilly. He wants to make them weak so he can take them back. He won't ever stop. Their father won't ever stop until he has them back and he's respected by his peers again."

  "Why are you working for him? You told me you weren't working for him anymore."

  "It doesn't matter, you have to leave now and don't come back—"

  "Omar, you've saved me. Let me help you, please—"

  "Lilly," Omar gripped at the sides of my face, "listen to me, you have to go. I won't let him hurt you, but you have to go."

  He did something I would never have expected. Omar kissed me. Like, full on passionately kissed me... It left me breathless as he moved away and stared at me.

  "Tell Nick that he knows more than they think he does. He has eyes everywhere."

  I watched completely in shock as he walked away.

  "Bye, Lilly." He stared at me for the longest second with deep regret in his eyes before leaving me there alone in the factory.

  Once he was gone, I looked around at what looked like a fish factory and I hadn't realised the disgusting smell until now. I rushed after Omar but once outside and in the rain, I couldn't see a thing even though it was mid-day. He was completely gone.

  I fumbled for my phone in my pocket and quickly rang a taxi. I had to get back to Nick. I had to warn him. I made my way to the end of the alley and looked for the street sign. I had to be quick, if they knew Omar had let me go, they'd probably be looking for me. I kept myself hidden like a swamp rat tryna keep myself dry. I was absolutely soaked. Rain in Australia was nothing like back at home. My phone rang and with my wet and trembling hands, I held it to my ear.

  "Lilly, baby please, don't hang up—" Nick sounded so desperate. Pained even. "Please tell me where you are, I'm at the airport, just tell me where you are."

  "I'm not at the airport."

  "What? Where are you?"

  I began crying again and hated myself for it. I had to be strong.

  "Nick, it was Omar—"


  "Omar made me leave."

  "What did he do? Did he hurt you? Lilly, tell me where you are." I could hear his words being forced by large breaths as if he was moving fast.

  "Nick, he saved me. Your dad ordered him to kill me, he let me go."

  "He.. he did what?" The phone went silent, and I knew it was because he had stopped in his tracks.

  "I'm down some alley waiting for a taxi. Your father probably thinks I'm dead right now."

  Nick went even more silent for a minute, which for him in a situation like this, was a lifetime.

  "I let this happen…"

  "No, Nick—"

  "You would be dead right now if not for Omar."

  "You had no idea—" My taxi pulled up on the main street and beeped. "My taxi is here."

  "What? No, Lilly, do not get into a taxi," he said, as I stared at the driver. I made sure it wasn't the same driver who had clearly been hired by Nick's father to pick me up earlier. Once I was sure it wasn't him, I got in.

  "To the airport, please."

  "Lilly, please tell me you did not just get into a car when I told you not to?"

  "Nick, I was nearly just murdered, if anyone is on high alert right now, it's me."

  “You still can’t trust anyone. You should have waited for me to get you.”

  “What? To be picked up by another one of your father’s men once they realise Omar hasn’t killed me?”

  "Lilly, I'm so sorry."

  "Stop now," I ordered as my hand
continued shaking.

  I had to swap hands because my right hand was trembling so much. The adrenaline was real and like nothing I’d ever felt before. I was in a state and needed to calm myself down before seeing Nick. "This is not your fault, do you understand me?"

  When he didn't answer, I stared ahead. I could see the sign saying the airport was up ahead.

  "All of my things, they're still in the back of the car that Omar sent for me."

  "They are the least of my worries right now, but don’t worry, we will replace everything."

  "No, Nick, my passport—everything is in that bag."

  "Lilly, we will sort it out. I have arranged transport for us this evening, we're going home. With or without your stuff."

  "What will we do until then?"

  "We stay hidden," he replied, as the taxi pulled up to the airport and pacing outside I could see Nick on his phone. He had it held to his ear but pocketed it once he saw me. I ran for him at full-pelt, wrapping my legs around him as he picked me up and cradled the back of my head.

  "God, Lilly," he breathed, kissing the side of my face. "I'm so sorry," he said with deepest anger and sorrow. I'd never seen anyone so angry and upset at the same time. I started crying as I gripped onto him tighter, not wanting him to let me go.

  "It's okay, baby, I've got you."

  "I'm so sorry for leaving." I said against his neck.

  The rain kept pouring down on the pair of us, and any smart person was currently inside and missing our interaction.

  "Don't," he said, looking me in the face. "Come on, we have to go," he said, placing me down. He picked up his rucksack and raked inside then handed me a large jumper that I pulled over my head.

  "We have to move quickly," he said once I had it on.

  He pulled me with him and to where he had his car parked. Once inside, he sped out of the carpark and kept up speed as we drove away from the airport.


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