Fitzwilliam Darcy, Fugitive

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Fitzwilliam Darcy, Fugitive Page 12

by Melanie Schertz

  “Catherine, how dare you storm in here and make demands of anyone? You were not invited here, nor have you been properly introduced.” Lord Matlock spoke loudly, to be heard over his sister and Mr Collins, as the parson was indicating towards Elizabeth.

  When Lady Catherine looked in the direction her clergyman pointed, she was shocked to see not one, but two of her nephews. “What are you doing here, Fitzwilliam? How can you show your face amongst anyone of proper society?”

  Everyone turned to William. “Lady Catherine. I believe you were told that you were not invited. You would be best to return to the inn, as neither you or the sycophantic imbecile are welcome here.”

  Mr Collins was confused, as were several of the Bennet ladies. “Forgive me, Lady Catherine, but you must be mistaken. That man is my cousin’s steward, Mr Denhem.” The parson groveled, hating to correct his patroness.

  “That is my nephew, Fitzwilliam Darcy, and he is a murderer. He killed the maid that he got with child. Call for the constable immediately.”

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 16

  “You must be mistaken, your Ladyship. Mr Denhem is the steward, he could not possibly be your nephew.” Mr Collins feared for the grand lady’s mind. “Perhaps you require rest, as you have suffered a long day in journey.”

  “Mr Collins, be quiet. I ought to know my sister’s first born child. That man is Fitzwilliam Darcy. The constable should be sent for immediately, as he is wanted for the murder of his mistress.”

  “Lady Catherine, you need to desist.” Mr Bennet declared. “I insist you leave my home immediately.”

  “I will not. Not until someone takes that scoundrel into custody. He is wanted for murder.”

  Shortly after the arrival of Lady Catherine, Andrews had been welcomed into Longbourn’s manor house. Hearing the raised voices, Andrews was not surprised to find who was causing the commotion. When Lady Catherine spoke of her nephew being wanted for murder, Andrews stepped forward. “Actually, your ladyship, I have just spoken with the constable. He, along with the colonel of the local militia, have reviewed the evidence and agree that Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy was not the murderer. We have evidence to prove he did not yield the murder weapon. The local magistrate is also aware of the matter, and an express has been sent to Derbyshire, to clear your nephew’s name.”

  Not being one to accept being told she was wrong, Lady Catherine refused to accept what Andrews had stated. “And just who are you to contradict my statements? What sort of evidence do you have? I insist on seeing the evidence myself.”

  “Forgive me, Lady Catherine, but the evidence is now locked in the vault in my home.” Bingley stated. “I insisted Andrews lock the evidence securely so nothing could be tampered with.”

  “Just who are you, to dare speak to me without even an introduction? Keep your opinions to yourself, you have nothing to do with this matter.” Lady Catherine swatted her hand about as if shooing flies that were pestering her.

  William had had enough. Standing his full height, he lowered his voice in a menacing growl. “That will be enough, Lady Catherine. You have no right to be here, making accusations that you have no proof. I am not a murderer, nor have I ever had a mistress. How dare you make such declarations, and in front of gentlewomen?” His attention turned to Elizabeth, though he spoke to her mother. “Mrs Bennet, please forgive the rudeness that has befallen your lovely dinner. The only part of my aunt’s statement which is correct is that I am Fitzwilliam Darcy. I was falsely accused of murder, but have, just this day, been cleared of the charges. Your husband and Miss Elizabeth are aware of my situation, and have protected me, allowing me safety as I worked to clear my name. Fate must have been watching over me, as my close friend leased Netherfield Park, not knowing I was here. Fortunately, my cousin learned of my location and Bingley invited him along to stay at the estate.”

  Mrs Bennet was shocked at the revelation. For several moments, she sat, dumbfounded at the news. “And you are the son of this gentleman? The nephew of an earl?” Mrs Bennet was trying to determine what was happening. “And you are friends with Mr Bingley?”

  William gave the lady a smile. “I beg your forgiveness, Mrs Bennet. It was not something I would have wished to do, as deception of any sort is repugnant to me. But I had no alternative, as I cleared my name of the heinous charges.”

  “Mr Denhem, oh, Mr Darcy, I forgive your little lie. You have been nothing but kindness and goodness. How anyone, especially someone related to you,” she turned to glare at Lady Catherine, “could ever condemn you of such is horrible offenses, is beyond me to understand. Why, you are no more a murderer than I am the Queen of Portugal.”

  “I am grateful for your generosity, Mrs Bennet.” William turned his attention back to the young lady beside him.

  His action brought displeasure from his aunt and her parson. Lady Catherine de Bourgh was furious. To her way of thinking, she had been duped by false reports. “Then you need to come with me to Town immediately. We must make haste on announcing your innocence and your engagement to my daughter. There is still enough time for us to leave for London.”

  Mr Collins did not approve of the looks passing between Elizabeth and his patroness’ nephew. He was determined to have Elizabeth Bennet for his wife, as he had imagined the fine figure of the handsome young lady in many of his dreams since he had met her. Jane Bennet was a classic beauty, but her sister’s figure was far greater temptation to the clergyman. “Mr Darcy, you are engaged to Miss de Bourgh, I insist you step away from my cousin. Miss Elizabeth, come away from him this very moment.”

  Hearing her parson’s words, Lady Catherine glared at the new threat she perceived. “Fitzwilliam Darcy, move over here at once. You are behaving inappropriately with the chit beside you. She is to marry her cousin, Mr Collins. He has declared his desire to wed her, and I approve his selection. I will pay for a special license for him to marry her immediately. Henry, you will do my bidding, and apply for the license as soon as we arrive in Town. We must hurry, as we do not wish to be on the road into the wee hours of the morn.”

  Turning, Lady Catherine made a movement towards the hallway. When she glanced over her shoulder, she was shocked to see her relations still standing where they had been moments before. “Henry, Fitzwilliam, what are you about? I said we need to leave immediately.”

  “Sister, you hold no sway over our choices. You are not the nearest relations, therefore, you are not justified in your demands that we obey your commands. Now, I insist that you take this foolish man with you and leave this house. You should return to the inn, rest for the night, and leave for your home in the morning. Do not continue your behavior and leave these people to live their lives. And that includes my nephew. William will not be your son-in-law. You have already posted in the papers that you disowned him, and that your daughter was not arranged to marry William. It is over, Catherine. Leave us to live our lives. Return to Rosings, and remain there.”

  “Sir, I am appalled at the treatment you are placing on your sister. She is of the finest caliber in all of England. For you to speak so abominably to her is beyond the pale. Why, Lady Catherine has told me from the first day I met her, of the understanding between her daughter, the jewel of Kent, to Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy of Derbyshire. I am more than willing to testify on her behalf in a court of law. If this man does not fulfill his obligations, I…I…I believe she has grounds to file a suit against him.” Mr Collins puffed out his chest as he spoke. “She is the injured party in this matter, and does not deserve the cruelty you are forcing upon her.”

  “Mr Collins, I have told you to leave my home, numerous times, and will give you one final chance to leave of your own volition. If you do not, I will have my servants remove you.” Mr Bennet stated, as he nodded his head to Mr Hill, who was standing near the door to the dining room.

  “Mr Bennet, I am your heir. As such, I demand to be treated with respect. And, as your future son-in-law, it is only proper for you to respect me and my posit
ion in life, as Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s parson.”

  Mrs Bennet had had her fill of the pompous toad. She was standing close enough, that she reached on the table, picking up a goblet of wine, tossing the entire contents into Mr Collins’ face. “I must thank Mrs Hill for recommending this red wine this evening. I had thought to serve the white wine, but it would not have had the same effect.” Her words hung in the air for a few moments, as her family and guests looked about at one another. Suddenly, Mr Bennet started to chuckle. As his laughter grew, so did the laughter of his guests. Soon, all except Lady Catherine and Mr Collins were sharing in the humor, laughing at the foolish pair who had disrupted their evening.

  Dripping wet and his clothes stained with wine, Mr Collins’ fury was near bursting steam. Only Lady Catherine taking hold of his arm and insisting they leave the house made an impact on the clergyman.

  “Mark my words, I will know how to act now. You will all rue the day you crossed me. Mr Collins, you are better off not having connections to this brood. They are far beneath your notice.” Lady Catherine continued to snub those who had spoken against her and the clergyman she had personally chosen for the position. In her mind, insulting him was tantamount to insulting her. Finally having her fill of being treated poorly, Lady Catherine turned tail and marched from the house, with her sniveling parson close behind her.

  So, the evening was concluded early, as all of the parties wished to rest from the events of the day. The guests made their way to Netherfield Park, minus William, who wished to remain at his cottage for the time being.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Mr Collins was pacing outside the stable, impatiently waiting his meeting. When Wickham stepped from the shadows, the blundering clergyman nearly tripped and fell. “You are late.” Collins gasped.

  “I have had a difficult time getting away from my duty.” Wickham looked about, ensuring that no one was nearby. “What happened when you went to Longbourn? Was Lady Catherine able to make her point?”

  “If only it had happened. For such a grand lady to be treated as she was, if only I could have defended her honor properly.” The parson shook his head. “They humiliated my poor patroness. And, to think, her nephew had been hiding at Longbourn, under an assumed name. My cousin knew who he was and allowed him to act as if he were a steward.”

  “Lady Catherine’s nephew, are you speaking of Colonel Fitzwilliam?”

  “No, no, the other one. The one who was accused of murdering his mistress. Only now, it appears that he was innocent of the charge. An investigator has evidence proving the man innocent of the charges.”

  Wickham became concerned. He could not imagine anything he had mistakenly left at the scene of the murder, nor could he imagine his father believing Fitzwilliam over him. “And the investigator, he has notified people of his evidence?”

  “Yes, he told us that he spoke with the local constable and magistrate. And he spoke with your colonel, though I do not understand why he would concern the militia of the matter. If I remember correctly, the man stated an express was sent to Derbyshire, to the constable and magistrate there.”

  This news was devastating to Wickham. How could everything go so wrong? I planned everything out perfectly. Father could not believe Fitzwilliam, I have planted the vision of that worthless man’s lack of morals. What could have possibly happened? And they spoke with Colonel Forrester. It was good that I had the forethought to abandon my post and stay hidden from the militia. If I had remained, it is likely I would be in shackles at this moment.

  “Did you hear what I said?” Mr Collins looked frustrated at Wickham.

  “Forgive me, what did you say?”

  “I asked if you have any notion of how we can strike back against my cousin? What would be the best method of wounding him, as he has wounded the great Lady Catherine de Bourgh?”

  Wickham thought for a moment. A wicked grin began to spread across his face. “You had spoken of your desire to marry one of the Misses Bennets. Do you know which of the sisters you wished to have as your bride?”

  Mr Collins pulled at the lapels of his coat, in an attempt to appear more important. “Why yes, I wish to have Miss Elizabeth Bennet as my bride. I believe she will be a fetching mistress of my home.”

  “Ah, you will not complain, coming home to such a delightful figure warming your bed.”

  “Here now, that is my intended you are speaking of.” Mr Collins was ruffled, seeing the gleam in his friend’s eyes. It was one thing for Mr Collins to think of his cousin’s comely figure and the satisfaction she would bring to him, but for others to speak of such was not to be borne.

  “Forgive me, Mr Collins. I should be more respectful. What was Miss Elizabeth’s answer when you applied for her hand?”

  “Well, she refused. But it is the fashion currently, for the lady to refuse the man she plans to marry. I have been told it is to have the man declare the violence of his love for his intended. Surely, when I return and ask her again, she will accept. There is no guarantee she will ever have another offer, and she will be securing a home for her family, upon the unfortunate event of her father’s passing.”

  “What if I were to tell you I can assist you in your efforts to wed Miss Elizabeth Bennet?”

  Collins was eager to learn what his friend had to tell him.

  “Did you not say Miss Elizabeth enjoys taking walks every morning? She makes her way to Oakham Mount most days. It would be simple enough for us to speak with your intended, and, if necessary, we could collect her and have you on your way to Gretna Green before she is even missed.”

  The parson’s hands clasped in front of him, his joy obvious at the suggestion. “And what time should I make my way to Oakham Mount?”

  “Meet me here before sunrise. We can make our way to the park and prepare to secure your future.”

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 17

  Elizabeth thanked Cook for the fresh baked roll, still steaming from the oven, that the woman handed to her favorite of her master’s daughters. Cook had always preferred the two eldest of the sisters, and Elizabeth’s vivacity had always brought a smile to the woman’s face. She knew the young lady enjoyed the rolls that were served each morning, especially when they were fresh and warm. So, each morning, she made certain that the rolls were ready for when Elizabeth came downstairs to take her morning constitutional.

  As most mornings, being her favorite time of day to be in nature, Elizabeth strolled along the path to the base of Oakham Mount, a place she loved more than any other. She climbed the incline, and took a seat on an overturned tree trunk. From this location, she could gaze out over the neighborhood, and feel as if she were a princess overlooking her kingdom. Since her childhood, Elizabeth had felt a giddiness with such a notion, but it had always brought her comfort and joy. In her years, this had become her location when she chose to forget her pain from hearing her mother chastise her for her behavior or when her mother spoke of Jane’s beauty, while declaring the second born daughter not nearly as handsome. And it was where Elizabeth came when she wished peace in her soul.

  Of late, it was where the young lady came to think about the man who had entered her life. She knew it was not right, that nothing could come of her feelings for the man she knew as Denhem. After all, he had been in hiding from charges of murder. Even if his name was cleared, she had understood, from speaking with Colonel Fitzwilliam, that the Darcy family estate was nearly half of Derbyshire. And that did not include all of the other holdings the family held. There was no possible way that a man such as Fitzwilliam Darcy would ever offer for a young lady such as her. She was simply too low in status and wealth to garner his notice.

  She sighed as she thought of the gentleman the night before. Having his name cleared was wonderful in Elizabeth’s opinion. The only problem was he would soon be leaving Longbourn, to continue his life of wealth and importance. And all the while, Elizabeth Bennet would remain in her small neighborhood, where she could pass as higher society t
o those she had known all her life.

  While Elizabeth enjoyed her roll and she looked out, over her beloved home lands, she had no notion that there were two men nearby. Two men, who had a nefarious motive in mind. The pair had been hidden behind the foliage, waiting for Elizabeth’s appearance. They remained hidden while she made her way up the side of the mound, preparing to sneak up behind and capture her.

  When the men prepared to make their move, they were forced to return to their hiding place when a tenant was passing by. The tenant had seen Elizabeth, and called up a greeting to her. “Miss Elizabeth, how are you this morning?”

  “I am well, Mr Norton. How is your family?” She replied.

  “The lil’ un is on the mend. Thank your mother for sending the elixir for the boy. We are in your family’s debt for such kindness.”

  “Tell Charlie I expect to see him at the chicken coop as soon as he is able. He has been such a dear help in collecting the eggs.”

  “It was right nice of yur pa to allow my boy such a position. He is plum pleased with himself to have a job and help the family.”


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